Talk to the parents and threaten to report
Talk to the parents.
Simple. Take it down when you’re done. And kiddie pools aren’t expensive. We used to put our in the garage. Put either a few packing blankets or foam pads under it. Keeps kids out, bugs and critters. If it’s only been up for one day how do you know other kids are getting in it ?? And you’re the adult. If you know who it is go to the parents and tell them to make their kids not go in it. Not a hard situation to deal with.
Go full Home Alone on em.
Tell those little cunts to fuck off. Be an asshole its ok. That’s your property, your pool and your kids. Don’t let some other guys jizz stain push you around on your lot.
Brittany Ferreyra and this is why I put my pool on the patio lol, fuck those neighbor kids
Go bust their parents asses
How are they getting access? Maybe put it away?
Call the cops to speak to their parents/guardians or speak to the kids while they are out there. Communication is needed
Go house knocking and talk to the parents and warn them that their children are tresspassing and bullying. If it happens after that go to your local police station.
Call their parents. Tell them you don’t want them there for their own saftey. I would be nice the first time, not so nice the second time. Tell the parents that their kids need to be invited to swim.
Buy a tarp and secure it around the pull with stakes in the ground! But make sure it’s tightly over the pool.
When the neighborhood kids climb in with yours… Tell them they have to bring their parents over first. Review the rules with the parents… their kids have to have a parent present to swim
an alligator would be a good choice.
Unfortunately, your going to end up being the " bad guy" here. Inform the parents that their kids aren’t welcome, ( no need to sugar coat, and no explanation). Should they be discovered again the cops will be called, and they can explain it to the parents.
Be an adult and go talk to their parents? Explain the safety issue and if the point isn’t made then tell them their kids are assholes to your kids and the next time they come over without permission and unsupervised you’ll start considering how to legally make their lives more difficult.
I’d put a pool cover, no trespassing signs and also have a ring camera facing the pool to catch any kids doing wrong. Also actually yelling at them works great too my yard is pretty much the neighborhoods bus stop but kids kept cutting through my yard, littering, working my dogs up etc…I put up signs, didn’t work. I talked to parents at the stop, didn’t work. So finally I yelled at two kids and their parents came up to my house angry af and I told them straight up Actually made friends with those particular parents and everybody started watching their kids better
Do you have a gate? Lock it. I’d also tell the parents to keep them out. If they drown you’re not liable. I’m in a building full of mostly disabled and single working mothers. Lower income people and the kids are better behaved than that.
I understand your frustration not about the pool but the liability factor…if someone drowns or gets hurt on your property you are liable. I would make a printed and signed letter/statement and send it to the area families letting them know its not a neighborhood pool, its private property they need permission and an adult present to be there this covers your butt and can also be a Avenue to stop the bullying sometimes parents miss the signs that their kids are being little shits til they see it first hand and that way if anything happens to the pool then they can help you pay for it the problem is a lot of parents dont hold themselves or their children accountable because God forbid they be told no or get their little feelings hurt sorry cupcake that’s life (ie directed to the other parents not you)
If you know their parents contact them.
Erm do you not have a private back yard to put the pool in? If not the safest best way to go about it dump the pool when your kiddos aren’t using it. I would try the “my kids pee” method too, just for kicks. Seriously though if you know their parents or see thier parents then try talking to them. Sorry that must be a really frustrating situation
It’s been up for ONE DAY and you have NINE KIDS trying to sneak in already? I feel like that is going to be more effort, worry and strife than it’s worth, especially if someone were ever to get hurt or worse.
When that happened I called the police and told they was getting in my pool when the family was gone asked parents not to let them get in or on trampoline. Police talk to them fixed problems
Nahhh. You’re nicer than me. If they bullied my kids, they wouldnt be allowed to play with my kids or their things, especially if they can’t respect your rules about the pool as well. And I’d have no problem telling them that. It’s also a liability. Puts up signs and then cover it as well. Your kids still deserve to have fun activities outside of the home.
Can you not lock your gate so they can’t get in? Tell their parents.
You need a camera you can talk through, and tell them to scram (and they’re on camera) like Blink or Ring to put on the pool. If there’s 9 kids having free reign on your property it doesn’t sound like it will go unused even after the pool is down. We never realized how much was going on at our house until we set up 2 rings.
Big liability! Find out who their parents are and knock on their doors & let them know what’s up!
Your pool should be behind a locked fence. I see so many pools in the front yard all that is doing is asking for trouble. Have you said anything to their parents?
Put a sign up in your yard or get a tarp and cover it.
Tell there parents, if that don’t work then get a catapult
As a water safety advocate, and mom of a child that has drowned, please empty the pool after every use. While I understand your frustration with other kids wanting in your pool, if they have access with no adult supervision, it is an accident waiting to happen. In the event an accident does occur, you will be held liable. For the safety of your children and the neighborhood children, please please empty the pool when not in use.
For more information about why and what I do, please visit, like Cass’ Crusade, and please message me with any questions I may be able to help with.
So when I was growing up my friend across the street had a huge trampoline, every kid wanted to play on it and we didn’t understand why we couldn’t. My friends mom decided to make up waivers our parents signed and she had them notarized and all was good. Maybe you should do the same, include in the papers that the child’s parents who damage the pool pay for a new one? I imagine that no parents would want to sign it anyways and just tell their kid to stay away
Call the cops… its trespassing and even underage they can be charged
If its not a big pool I would empty it after your kids use it…They can’t play in an empty pool
No way! I would not put up with it. It is your kids and they are not friends if they are bullying
Huge liability! I would talk to the parents ASAP, call the cops and let them know what’s going on and then put a pool cover or fence around it. Understand you’re responsible for what happens on your property. Good, bad or tragic! AND… you don’t have to let them over in general just because they are kids. Start telling them no when you’re home and maybe they will quit sneaking over.
Contact the other kids parents and tell them to stay out of your pool and tell their kids not to be assholes also
Empty the pool when not in use
Put a lock on your gate.
There is a bylaw for Vernon. Can’t have a pool without it being fully fenced. For this exact reason. We had to take ours down because we don’t have a full fence in our back yard. Those kids 100% need to stay out of your pool. No matter the size. Unless you are out there to supervise. Not even just your kids. It’s possible to drown in a tbsp of water. Please use caution
Speak to the parents if you can find them.
Padlock the gate.
Buy or borrow a big dog? ( doesnt need to be nasty, just look and sound huge and like it could be mean)
I cant understand how these parents allow their kids to swim in a strangers pool, for all they know there could be a child abuser/ murderer living there who doesnt even have kids!
Definitely something. Put out a sign that says all trespassers will be shot on site. I know that sounds harsh but doesn’t have to be true. Just scare them away
You and the property owner can be sued if anyone gets hurt even if they dont have permission. It’s your pool your responsibility. I get it it sucks that someone else can illegally cone on to your property do things you have not consented to and still sue your pants off . Put up a fence and sign and even then you still can be sued .
Kick them out of you yard. Call the cops. Who’s not watching their kids like that?!
They need to stay away
You are going to have to empty the pool daily, when not in use. Kids can drown in 2 inches of water. Whether they have your permission or not, you are liable if someones child gets hurt or drowns in your pool, no matter its size. Be safe.
And if they bully your kids I wouldn’t let them come even when your kids are in it.
I would say call the cops and let them know about the situation. It’s your pool and you could be liable if something happens. It’s the best thing in my opinion. You’re being responsible. Way more responsible than their parents/guardians, they are kids and they should be watched at all times.
Park your car somewhere else, walk home, hide in the bushes with a sling shot and fling rocks at them when they get in it
Simple drain the pool and put it away when not using it. I don’t know your pool by laws… but here it has to be fenced in if filled
plastic snakes might work lol
Talk to the parents no kids but your own should even be in your yard.
You are not a lifeguard or guardian to the neighborhood kids. Plus it’s a HUGE liability. Unfortunately, kids drown in pools every year EVEN WITH ADULT SUPERVISION. I say get a no trespassing sign, hang it up, and let the kids know they cannot swim in your pool or be on your property while that sign is up. Protect you and your family first!
Go talk to thier parents and tell them if thier children will not respect your wishes about staying out of the pool that you will start pressing trespassing charges against the children everytime you find one in the pool with out your consent
Speak with the parents.
Call the cops.
Set the pool up when your kids are ready to swim. Empty it and set aside when your kids are done.
Call the kids parents or send a written notice out to all your neighbors. Stating that you are not responsible for their children if they are injured anyway if they do not have permission to enter the your yard. Finly put up a
I put a lock on my back gate so they could not get into my back yard. Kids that swam in my pool had to come through my house, so that I knew who was there and they were supervised. Sometimes 5alking to the parents works…sometimes not. Too many kids now are being raised to think that no one can say no to them and are entitled to do as they please.
Sorry to tell you, but you will be liable if children get hurt, or drown in your pool!! Please don’t take this advise lightly!
Talked to their parents so that they were aware that whatever happens to their kids is not your responsibilities. And also talked to the children who’s playing in your kid’s pool. That the pool is only for your kids not to them. I’m pretty sure you had a gate? Just locked it and never allowed anyone to enter your backyard or else.
Obviously, you need to move if you live in a place where neighborhood kids just come into your property. Also, you might want to think about a fence and signs.
Throw koolaid in and they will come out blue, that should teach them
In the state where I live pools and hot tubes have to be fenced, you may want to check laws by you or you may be liable if something happens
It is an attractive nuisance and you are liable. Talk to your insurance carrier.
I put a sign on my gate “were you invited ?” If.not.please go home and ask your mom to come down to watch you!!!
Fill it with couple gallons of bleach so it bleaches there bathing suits then you will catch them maybe lol
Talk to the kids’ parents for sure.
Can you invite them over and watch them and teach them to be nice
Lock the gate to your back yard.
Get a pet alligator.
We had a much larger pool. But the rules were, no swimming without a parent. I was not a babysitter and did not want to deal with the liability.
Get a camera with a speaker.
Tell the parents. Then tell them if they dont stop, call the police.
Fence in your pool area. Put up a motion activated camera.Show pictures to the kids parents & discuss situation. Have parents sign a waver that anything that happens to their unwanted kid you will not be liable. Notify your town police department so they will be prepared & ready to take action. And tell why you put the pool up in the first place. Alert the parents that you will be forced to sue them for not controlling their child’s deliberately ignoring said rules. No grace period. The rules are effective immediately. Maybe if worst comes to worst some strong men need to threaten them. Handle this or it will get worse. Get some neighbors on your side.
This is disgusting. Talk to their parents
Contact their parents.
Get a dog nice big dog
Talk to their parents.
Tazer the little shits.