Go te the parents. Post a notice to stay off the property. And id hide n catch them and ream their asses.
Don’t you have a FENCE??!!? If not you can’t leave a pool set up with water.
It’s been up for 1 day but they “keep sneaking in”? Lol…uhh
It’s easy tell them to fuk off. If they don’t tell the parents to fuk off. How do you not know this?
What sort of relationship do you have within the neighbourhood, particularly the parents?
Do you have a fence?
Per our home owners insurance our pool has to be inside a locked fence
Is your yard fenced in?
Have you tried the fake poop in the pool trick? Saw it in a movie once… OR some blue dye… Saw that in a movie too… Lol
Move the pool to the backyard where the kids can’t reach it maybe?
Please discuss with their parents for safety and liability.
Perhaps try talking to the parents?
Maybe put it in the backyard… gated & out of sight/away from neighbors…
They’re kids!!!
Be the responsible adult and build a secure fence!
Call their parents and tell them that if they can’t control their kids, you’ll call the police and file charges for trespass.
Find a dye that won’t show in pool water but once they get out their skin is dyed #BigFatLiars
I know its a pain I empty it xx
Talk to the parents ASAP tell them your not a babysitter and they need to watch what their kids are up to
Go tell their parents and if not then scare the crap out of them all!!
Talk to the parents and put up no trespassing signs and put a lock on your gate. Stand by your rules.
Talk with their parents to discuss your expectations of the children and when they can or can’t use it
Barbed wire works wonders
Go talk to their parents and tell them you don’t want their kids there.
Float some fake dog poop in it
Call police. Get an outdoor camera for evidence.
send them home see their parents.
Talk to all the children’s parents and let them know your rules
Fill the entire pool with blue food dye.
Do you live in an apartment or house.
Get a hold of the other parents!
Talk to their parents. Do not confront the children.
Just tell them they can’t swim in your pool.
Tell them to stay out period…problem solved
Speak to the parents.
Put fence around your yard
Put locks on the gates.
Tell them you just pee’d in the pool right as they’re about to get in
Throw an alligator in it see if they go inside
(I’m being sarcastic)
You are liable! Get a fence, drain the pool, talk to the parents
Put up a fence around the pool
Call there parents and tell them then put a fence with lock and key
It’s a blow up pool? Just bring it in when done with it simple
Electricity on barbed wire works wonders
Take it down. Period. You don’t need the liability.
Tell them no. Your brats and are mean to my kids!
I would tell them to stay out of my yard or I’ll kick their ass and chase them with a broom. That’ll scare em. I scared the crap out of my sons bullies when he was little and they didn’t come around anymore after that.
Um you’ve been way to nice from the start.Unless your kid in the pool and those kids are friends then BYE tell your mom to get you a pool✌
You’ve obviously asked this question on Facebook because after speaking to all nine children’s parents you still couldn’t get the solution, there’s no way that you’ve actually come here asking us before you actually speak to their parents
Do you have a backyard if you do kept it there only
If you don’t unfortunately your going to have to drain it every time you don’t use and then refill when you do use it
No trespassing signs & cameras !
Create some invitations and invite the parents to bring their children supervised on a certain day of the week and let them know that it’s unsafe for them unless they are accompanied by their parent or family member who must be over 18 there to supervise their children… Tell them it’s my pleasure to invite you on Saturday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00… This way your children make friends with local children and you are setting a boundary for when it’s possible and how it’s possible for their children to swim in your pool… Let them know that you don’t want their children dead in your swimming pool by sneaking in unsupervised and parents should get the hint… If their parents are unlawful irresponsible people you may need to buy the inexpensive green chain link fence material in wrap it around the pool with some padlocks to protect yourself from lawsuits… Never mind dead kids floating in your pool.
Invite them over for a swim they may just like the excitement of being sneaky lol
You could be sued if someone gets hurt , even if you warn the parents . In our state you have to put fence around a pool .
By law a pool has to have a fence around it. Kids SHOULD NOT be able to access your pool.
Go to their house and tell the parents so they can tell them no
tell them to get out when you notice them get in.
Many years ago we had the same problem we had to finally take the pool down because the kids would not stay out of it they were literally climbing over the fence so we said oh well and took it down
If one kid gets hurt or drowns, you are liable!! Please, call the police so they speak to parents. BTW, put up a privare property sign a d no trespassing!!
After my pit has passed away ppl started coming into my parents yard and started stealing shit, once I got Another Pit they neverrrr tried to come into the yard ever again, i put up a Beware Of Dog Sign, even if u dont plan on getting a dog maybe that will stop them if not girl u need a gaurd dog, if they dont listen and there parents dont listen, YOUR dog will be PROTECTING ITS HOME AND FAMILY if it attacks a kid thats there fault, u tried to tell them to stop and u had to go there to stop having kids trespassing ur home it sounds horrible but Giiiiirl u Neverrrr know where them kids been at or if there putting shit into ur pool after they leave, or stealing shit, Kids wont learn till they HAVE to learn the hard way
Girl get a dog a big ass dog, for ur kids safety and the safety of ur home, bet they wont try to come into your yard again.
Put some die in it turn them blue like smurfs lol
Drop a poop in the pool and let them come.
Things that didn’t happen for $800 Alex.
Make your wishes known to their parents. Or get a fence.
Teach your kids to fight, two birds one stone
Electric fences are pretty effective
Call police there are unsupervised univited children in your pool.
Call the police. It’s called trepassing!
Lock your gate to the fence…if you have one
Not sure where you are but you maybe breaking the law
In my country Australia a kiddy pool must be fenced or
Drained when not In Use
If a kid drowns it’s 100 % on you
If not fenced
Empty pop when not in use
Put up no trespassing signs. This is why a pool should always have a fence, no matter the size of the pool. If anything happens to one of those kids, YOU are responsible. I’d be knocking on doors and if you’re uncomfortable doing that, type a letter up and print it off and put it in everyone’s mail boxes.
In the city I live in if you pool is higher then 8 or 10 inches you have to have a fence around it. So maybe that’s an idea. Or put a sign in your yard by the pool that states private property stay out of the pool, or put a cheap-oh Camara when it can easily be seen.
Not for them to play in. If anything happens it’s your responsibility as its on your land and not secured.
Definitely call the cops
Because if someone drowns you’re responsible. That’s why it’s required to have a fence when you have a bigger pool
You shouldn’t have an uncovered pool that accessible to kids. Drain it when you’re done or cover it well enough that they can’t get in. This is asking for a drowning.
I’d contact parents, and if that doesn’t work maybe ask those same parents if you can also trespass on their property and borrow some of their things? After telling someone they are not to be on your property while you are there or not, and continuing to do so is breaking the law and invading personal privacy. And while I hope it wouldn’t get that far, it may be what you have to do and start posting signs or taking down the pool completely every time it is not in use, and possibly even contacting police. Which is stupid and difficult, but people are getting more and more ridiculous lately, and then someone will be trying to sue you because their child got hurt in your pool when the parents were the ones being negligent and probably had no idea where their child was to begin with.
If some kid gets hurt (or worse) on your property, you will be held negligent and responsible for all liability. Get this situation fixed quick.
If someone drowns in it, you could be held responsible.
POst a sign saying saying private property, No one allowed in pool without an adult present… protect yourself, If there are steps,remove them when your kids are not in the pool, Send notes to the neightboorhood that you can not allow children to be in the pool without an adult and you will not be responsible for injuries,
How about you change your tactic…and make your pool open to these kids during certain times. Show a welcoming side and see how they respond.
You’re supposed to have a fence around your pool
Where are the kids parents.
Rock salt in shotgun shells. Little fuckers will not return.
How do you already know that 9 kids are trying to use your pool if it’s only been up for one day?
You might have a conmversation with some parents?
Put a sign up, no trespassing!
Start screaming like a crazy lady when you catch them. They’ll stay away
Smack em. Or their parents.
Talk with their parents. put up a sign.
Tell them to go home!
Beat them all they’re on your property and clearly their parents didn’t raise them right so they need to be beat
Lawsuit waiting to happen.
Get the police involved! Let them set the parents and other kids straight!
Talk to their parents.
Speak to the parents
Talk to their parents.
Shoot them with a BB gun.
well You should hire me as security of your pool so that your pool Will protected and your children will never be bullied by those nonsense.
Trespassing charges!!
Jules Harms get a gun