So you can say that to him, but he can’t say the same thing to you? I feel like there’s gotta be more going on here… because this is sounding a little extreme to be this devastated over….
You called him miserable and old??? Was he expected to say nothing back?
You started the name calling and he reciprocated, seems pretty fair to me
Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it
Agree with all of the above
You sound like an absolute nightmare, get some help.
Ya but miserable old fart saying has been around since the dawn of time…seriously I’ve never heard of anyone being called an old bike. If that’s the true meaning of that I would have reacted the same way. Every one is bashing the woman saying she started it…doesn’t matter who started it…it was the terminology he chose thats terribly wrong I don’t care who you are, married couple or not. He obviously does not think much of his wife or have respect for her because if he did he would not have said that…
Nothing to worry about…you called him " old" he did the same. Move on…
So you been with him for over 8 years and being called an “old bike” after you insulted him first, you’re rethinking your marriage. Get over yourself.
Laurie is right, you two need to talk.
Yeah, I had to Google what an “old bike” meant
Young one - remember the lesson - do onto others as you wish done onto you-
Really sweetie name calling at your age and then getting your feelers hurt - come on sweetie
You just wanted to complain about nothing get over yourself you called him a miserable old fart he returned the favor don’t dish it if you can’t take it
It’s not any different than calling him an “old fart”. I wouldn’t let that make you feel like y’all have problems when you felt it was great before.
Wow if that’s all your worried about … then the rest of us in marriages would have all ended in divorce !!
Why the hell did you call him an old fart and not expect him to say something back? Wow…and dear lord
An old fart and an old bike mean totally different things! How awful!
Don’t start none, won’t be none:clap:.
Hopefully things will smooth out soon, y’all have been together long enough to know each other better then you feel😇 from what it seems. Words do hurt and you just found it out, in the messed up way!!
Don’t dish it if you can’t eat it. You literally started it, he just matched your energy lmao
You cried over being called a old bike someone’s sensitive
I’m not certain what “an old bike” means that it would have upset you so much; however, not wanting to sound harsh here, but “if you can’t take it, don’t dish it”.
I hope you feel better soon and that “things” go back to feeling good.