This girl I never met sent me a good photo of my own house: Advice?

If I learned anything by watching true crime in USA, you need to be really careful. Do not engage with her in anyway. Block her. Could absolutely be a man. You need to be careful.


Block her, change phone numbers, emails etc. IF she came to your house beware she may not leave! Perhaps she got a picture of your house from a public site such as Realtor.Com. May I suggest Not accepting anything from her…. She may feel then, that you owe her. Really sounds like stalking…. The store incident. Is your house safe when you leave to shop, pick up kids etc. Do Notify your Local police dept. Ring door -bell can record much for you.


Wouldn’t invite her to your house. Used to work for someone famous if you were in to books. People would get obsessive. Even when she sent generic messages thanking them for gifts, or other things. We had one guy who imagined an entire relationship. If you want to see her, do it somewhere neutral. Like invite her to meet at Dairy Queen, your treat for her and her kids. But still limit your contact with her. Just explain it as, you are busy with work, your own kids, new house, family. Some folks don’t take rejection well.

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You wanna d*e? That’s how you get chopped up into tiny pieces.


Get an alarm system and stop talking to her. That stalker moves


C.R E.E.P.Y. That’s a no for me. People are all wild.


Who would send someone they don’t know a photo of their home?? That alone is enough for me, but then she kept doing more and more. The part about seeing you at the store, why wouldn’t she have said hello? Like most others said, too many red flags. You’ll probably eventually find out more about her, especially since it’s a small town.


Get rid of her … she’s a creep


Honestly I would block her on everything and immediately go to the police. You don’t know if this is actually a woman or some man hiding behind a fake picture on the Internet. And by cutting off communication you could potentially I have whoever this is just show up at your house since they know where you live. I agree with everyone cut off contact and go straight to the police. Make sure you keep a close eye on your babies. Do not let them out of your sight. 


You could ask her if she wants to meet for coffee. Sometime when her partner can watch the kids…And you will never be available to babysit!

Have you watched You?


This sounds really spooky…


No no no
The picture of your house is stalking.


I would just let her know that you really aren’t ever going to be available to watch her children. I might even ask her how she could feel comfortable leaving her children with a total stranger.

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I had one of these when I first moved where I am now. Not to this extreme, but bad enough. You’re going to have to be VERY blunt with your boundaries…if you want to have any type of relationship, that is. Otherwise this will never stop.


Block her!!! Doesn’t sound right. Maybe harmless, but there are so many weirdos these days…. Keep her messages just in case she is a whacko- proof


Creepy! Don’t invite her in your home.


go to the police asap


I would be creeped the F out. Definitely do NOT invite her into your home. She has major single white female or YOU vibes.


Sounds kind of creepy to me I would block her


You better block her this story sounds creepy of her I believe she’s up to something. I would not let it go any further please update us about this I’m wondering myself now about what she’s up to


Ok what the flip?!! U know that movie the roommate ? Or obsessed . Yea um I can’t this is giving me all kinda run to ur local police department for a restraining order vibes !
Seriously get a restraining order.


Please leave this woman alone. This reminds me of that poor girl who had been talking to another lady on one of the mom’s site on FB. The victim was pregnant but the perp was not but was faking it. The perp lied to the victim and said she had some baby clothes to give her. When the victim met with the perp she attacked her and cut the baby out of her then took the baby and left the poor woman for dead. By the grace of God she lived and so did her baby. Please leave this woman alone. The whole situation sounds way suspicious


She sound really obsessive keep your doors and windows locked maybe put a alarm on them that sounds if opened just in case your forget to lock them majore thriller movie vibe.


Nope, Nope, she is not alright. Block her or you’ll just encourage her


Keep that boundary :two_hearts:

Don’t invite her to your home. I would delete and block.


How did she find you to begin with? Like I know WHY she apparently contacted you but how did she come across your page?

Cold shoulder her until she gets the hint if you’re unable to confront her. End all communication. That’s stalking behavior and not necessary. I’d be contemplating filing a police report for stalking.


I would be blocking Whoever it is & just waiting to see if Anything happens around me or my house, if so get Police involved :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Sounds weird. Don’t meet her


Please don’t. The fact that she’s sending you pictures of your house should send major red flags. She could have been stocking you… Sounds very unsafe and you really need to keep an eye out people are capable of very scary things these days


Wth no. You don’t I voted the creepy vibes in. I’m the first to know about needing ir wanting friends but this is out of pocket weird !


Just make sure you keep evidence of the pictures and things she sent you, the text messages, and cut off all contact with her. It may be harmless but it’s a little too weird for my taste. And absolutely do not let her come to your house and do not watch her kids, she’s an absolute stranger. Please block her.


How did she know your address? If she’s asking for that much and hasn’t met you yet it will only get worse. I would block her and call it a day or even make a police report if you feel she may be stalking you. Maybe she’s trying to get info on your kids and watch you for some evil reason. You just never know these days. Stay far away from her.


Sounds obsessive to me. I would block her. Stay safe.


Do not watch her kids and stay away from her my Goodness she sounds like she wants to do harm or or some evil crap. People now a days I would.notnput anything pass anyone keep ur kids close. Stop giving info about yourself as well set up a code for you and your kids only your family knows !!when school rolls around you just never know now a days.


You sure she is not a member of this group reading your.message now sounds like a nut

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Sounds like a lifetime movie in the making


I would go to police just to let them.know and look up her record if she has one its free knowledge.


Keep a record of all she says and time of calls, how long, etc. I would arm myself with a mental health crisis phone number, just in case. Maybe check with the police if there is a record of disturbances, restraining orders? Avoid her all you can. Also, keep your sensitive ear open for child abuse.


Omg soo scary. Block her

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Sounds like stalking you


You need to start documenting and send her a cease and desist and become way more aware of your surroundings. Block her everywhere.


Have you googled her to see if she has a criminal history? I, personally, would block her and if she showed up at my house I’d call the cops. She sounds creepy. I mean, seriously, how does she know where you live?


Weird as fuck. Get a restraining order

I know you were trying to be nice but that opened the door in her crazy little mind. Personally I would have had to say I’m so sorry I don’t know you and would not be comfortable watching your kids and I’m sure they would feel the same because I am a total stranger. You could even add and I’m sorry in front of that to make it look nicer because I can tell by you not just saying girlllll I don’t know you from the get go that you feel bad for them. I’d cut the communication off, change numbers, get a little blink security camera (less than a hundred bucks) document everything and contact the police maybe? I dont know. I mean she is trying to leave her children with strangers. Such a sketchy situation, she tracked you down so fast. Sorry you are having to deal with this.


Please stay safe, its good to be good to other people, but put your family’s safety first. The whole story sounds weird.


Whole bunch of red flags all over. Why doesn’t she have other friends to look after her children or as a support system? Perhaps she tried with other women but they gave her the cold shoulder BECAUSE of her creepy, forward ways. Remember the thing about a woman’s intuition? It’s never wrong… Stay away rather. It’s definitely safer all round to just put a polite but very firm end to this. Don’t over explain either, if you’re TOO polite - it opens doors for her again. Good luck!


I’ve talked too alot of weirdos on the jnternet and I am telling you DO NOT MEET THIS PERSON. At all. . Period.


That is creepy. You don’t ask someone you don’t know to watch your children. You don’t send someone who you never met a picture of their house. You don’t tell someone that I saw you at a store but didn’t say hello. On top of all of this, you never met her.
This sounds like a lifetime movie in the making. End her imaginary friendship now.


Move to another state

Say no. In a firm voice

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Sounds like a stalker. Are you sure it’s a woman? Could be a man trying to lure you over to his house.


Did you talk to her on the phone? How do you know this is really a woman from your town & not a disturbed male molester? Might even be worth a search for who she says she is, get her info & contact her directly to see if it is in fact her.

Then if it is, I’d gently suggest state, county & local resources & that she should call her doctor, pediatrician and any spiritual leaders for services available to her including psychological help, then tell her you just don’t have time for a friendship with her now.


Blocked! She sounds creepy.


Why ask someone you never met to watch your kids?? Who would be that desperate? Or trusting? Sounds a bit odd.

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Keep an record.of everytime she contacts you time date what she says pictures and past things that have haooend and call the police you have never met it’s just not right but yet she knows where you live how does she know where you live and to recognise you out since.never met means she been spending alot time looking at your pictures do you have a boyfreind/husband does he know her are you missing bits out dosnt make sense, has your partner been having an affair with this girl is it a way to get him


Trust your gut. Honestly she sounds kinda off.


If it sounds weird, it probably is. Be careful.


She’s obsessed with you this will turn nasty be careful xxx


I would just put out there that you don’t babysit. And tell her you can put out some feelers with your babysitter or friends babysitters if there is anyone looking for babysitting work.
This will let her know if she continues contact with you what your boundaries are.

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Sounds like a bit of a stalker. Go over and watch her kids? Aka get you to her house alone! I’d be getting a restraining order


Go with your gut instinct, tell her you don’t babysit any bodies children, don’t apologise either, you don’t know her but she does sound lonely. Hope you get it sorted out.


Nope nope and nope phone police she may have previous :sweat_smile: :rofl:


This sounds sketchy, I would be extremely careful. She seems (if she is a she) like she doesn’t have boundaries and stkerish behavior. And your right, no one asks someone who they’ve never met to watch their kids.


Keep your contact limited…… seems a bit weird!


NO, stay away from that flag central!!

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My friend is like this she has a codependency problem Doesn’t like to be alone and over extends herself and constantly constantly constantly constantly constantly contacts me for every little thing it’s exhausting but her heart is always in the right place andright place and I personally have had to have that talk with her about boundaries, she’s also from a very small town. Why can’t people just be straight up and direct versus concluding to 30 people thinking this a horror movie scene. If you feel sketchy just say you need some space to get your ish together but by continuing to deter instead if saying stop, your not making it clear to the other person to just leave you alone.


Nope, nope, nope on every level N. O. P. E.


The picture of the house would’ve done it for me. :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I would meet her in a public place for coffee or lunch to check things out first. It does sound as if she is in need of a friend.


Tell her you really just don’t babysit, when you are done at the end of the day, you’re exhausted!

Also if it’s a small town, ask someone about her. I would be really careful. Once she’s your “friend”, it may be difficult to unfriend without it being uncomfortable


I’d have cut ties when she sent a picture of my fucking house dude wtf.

Run and don’t look back


Put up boundaries. The only way to stop this type of behavior is not to play nice — they try to tug at your heartstrings — but to put your foot down and be direct. “I don’t know you. Your behavior is extremely stalker-like and clingy. Please stop messaging me.” And, if things escalate, give them one warning: “If you don’t stop stalking/messaging me, I’m taking these messages to the police and filing a restraining order.”

My guess is that you are not the first victim. Narcissists try to grab the most kind-hearted person around and play them. And, if they notice you’re a push-over, or wishy-washy with your responses (“I can’t today, I’m so sorry!!” Instead of “Seriously? I don’t know you. Stop.”, then they will DEFINITELY keep trying to wedge their way in.

I’ve dealt with so many of this type of person, both male and female. The direct approach worked after I realized how wishy-washy I was being, therefore I was inviting more of that toxicity.

PS: You are not obligated to respond to her, meet with her, or oblige her in any shape or form. You do not have to put up with this, period.


Stick to ur boundaries. U dk ea other. U really want to watch the kids of prob a psychopath. Js you don’t know. If u do decide to pursue a friendship then go slow. If it feels off jump ship n run.

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Keep her at a distance, something not right she is stalking you. Red flag. Do not get involved just tell her you have a busy life with family and working your weekends are taken up with the normal family house cleaning duties. Sorry you can’t help with her kids you have your hands full dealing with your own.

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After leaving my previous job 12 months ago, i’ve had some good luck to learn about this website which was a life-saver for me… They offer jobs for which people can work online from their house. My latest paycheck after working for them for 2 months was for $16348… Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple typing skills and access to internet…

Read all about it here…


:man_running: :running_woman: :running_woman: :man_running: get police involved …

Ru sure this isn’t an ex or someone you know? Do y’all have mutual friends, with people commenting on her post? This is fishy.

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Definitely not a normal situation in my opinion. Get cameras for your house. Trust your gut and be careful!


DO NOT INVITE HER OVER!!! If you just HAVE to meet her, do it at a public place and let her know you don’t babysit, don’t pop up at your house etc! Get you some security cameras and start keeping a paper trail…it could be innocent but don’t trust anyone that comes at you like this.


Girl, haven’t you ever watch law and order or criminal minds?! Get a restraining order and block and delete. :sob:


Really?? I find this to be very strange!! Would you let a stranger babysit your child…" NO" just tell her this is making you feel uncomfortable.Then contact the police and tell them everything that you have posted on here.


Nope Move on sounds so sketchy

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Stay away from her. She sounds like a narc. At the very least she is stalking you.


This would be concerning to me. She is way over stepping her boundaries and to just pass your kids off to a stranger…she has some serious issues…for your own safety do not invite her over or meet her anywhere. I would be getting some security cameras, alarms or a damn good dog to keep your home safe. Also watch your back when you are out and about…this world is too dangerous anymore to just be friendly and let your guard down.

This all sounds so sketchy. Can you come over [to babysit]? Can “she” come over [to your house]? Don’t think for a moment that people with nefarious thoughts/intentions won’t use such a scam to get someone into a vulnerable position and do … God only knows what.


Doesn’t seem normal. And you clearly can tell you don’t want to be friends with her. So don’t. And it’s not rude to not want to watch somebody else’s kids I have children and I hate babysitting so I just don’t do it and people don’t ask me. I would definitely ask her to leave you alone and tell her that you’re not interested in being friends or babysitting.

Absolutely do not invite her anywhere near you! Now you’re going to have to post an update so we’ll know you’re still alive. :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed: Block her.


I would back away, why would someone ask you to watch their children when they don’t know you?? That right there would end it for me personally


Block or delete her. She’s wacko


That’s weird as hell. Do not invite her over and plz block her


Unless you want your story told as a thriller and horror flick don’t do it! Get a restraining order on her


You could have nipped this a LOOONGG time ago and avoided how far this has gotten. When she sent you the picture of your house you didn’t say a damn thing? And when she asked to watch her kids you said not this weekend implying you’re not against it just busy? If you have a problem saying no or standing up for yourself just block her and be done but don’t be surprised if she goes psycho

I’m having a hard time understanding any of this. How did she find you in the first place? This is a stalker. My lord so many red flags are being ignored. Get rid of her immediately and contact your local police. Wake up girl before you regret what your doing


Sounds kinda of creepy to me


I would actually probably file a report as well just in case. It seems too sketchy and mentions your child and seeing you but you have never met. Could be harmless yes but lately now a days could be very dangerous too. Go with your gut feeling


I think you have a stalker