Have you tried a underpad?
The temperature in her room could be a factor, if it is too cold, so many people set their thermostats for themselves instead of their kids, up the heat, or make sure she has a warm heavy blanket to cover up with.
Check for constipation or urinary tract infection.
Children definitely can bed wet till much older. If its causing stress then don’t feel bad using pull ups. But do go see your doctor to talk about this. Get her checked over. Make sure all is well physically. Don’t get upset with her and just do what works for your family to make this less stressful. Mum of 7 here. All wet till different ages but my oldest was night trained by 3 and then at 5 started wetting again till he was 11. We used a matress protector but he had the option to wear pull ups if he wanted .
So I kinda am going through the same thing with my son who is 3 and I didn’t want to put him back in pull ups for the same reason worried about taking a step backwards but I did it anyway cause I’m tired of him waking up crying cause he is wet and changing the bed in the middle of the night and now that I put him in pull ups just for bed time he always wakes up dry I don’t get it but if I say oh he has been waking up dry we should be safe to do undies he of course wets the bed that night. So for now he is in pull ups for bed time.
My great niece was potty trained and at age 3 started wetting the bed again, took her to dr. and she was diagnosed as a type1 diabetic, may want to have her checked for that!
Definitely go see a doctor.
We had a niece that wet til she was 14. Have her checked for a possible medical problem. You can get chucks pads to put under her so she’s less likely to wet her bed mattress. Good luck.
My oldest did the same thing
My son did this, so I bought two waterproof mattress pads and bedding sets. I built his bed like a lasagna. Pad,bottom sheet, top sheet,pad, bottom sheet, top sheet, and kept the spare comforter folded on the foot of his bed with spare pajamas and underwear. When he had an accident, I just handed him his fresh clothes, peeled of the pee layer, tossed the new comforter on, and back to bed. My grandma taught me to make up cribs like this, and it’s a lifesaver!
No, it’s not normal. It could be medical or emotional. Take her to her doctor. Is she under stress? Is she at school or daycare? Is she alone with anyone other than you?
More drinks in the morning time til about 2-3 in the afternoon with as many drinks as you can get them to have. With my two boys it was dehydration during the day causing bed wetting at night.
Talk to pediatrician it could be something like a UTI
It’s great and nice to have children potty trained yes but often times their little bodies aren’t completely ready for it and this will happens; which is natural. (Not criticizing just stating from development stand point). Also, whenever a child is going through a growth spurt you can expect accidents to happen too. This can happen for the next few years too. Her body will get it worked out, just keep working with her and remember patience.
Personally I wouldn’t do pull ups unless ur away from the house for the night and don’t wanna mess up the bed. I would get “pee pads” from Walmart. They r n the adult diaper section. But the very first thing I would do is talk to her pediatrician. Like many have said it could be a medical or mental problem that could be easily fixed. Whatever you do don’t act mad or upset. Kids sense that and u might cause her to worry.
Take her to the doctor. My daughter did this and got to where she couldn’t hold her urine. She had to have surgery because the tube from her bladder to her kidney was in the wrong place and it kinked. They had to surgically move it from the top of her bladder to the bottom. The doctor told me that it wasn’t an uncommon birth defect.
Go see a doctor…
get her someone to talk to did anything change a new bf ? A break up?
It actually is normal. Their brains aren’t mature enough to wake up to go potty during the night. We use goodnites because I don’t want my son sleeping in pee.
It is NOT normal for a child to continuously have this problem. Wetting the bed every now and then, sure. Almost nightly, multiple times a week?? No not normal. It could be many things, medically, emotionally or even physically. You need to take her to a doctor to have her evaluated and checked for things like uti, infections, bladder control, sexual abuse and you need to make sure you have open and honest conversations about body parts, terminology and how its never okay for anyone to touch her or make her feel uncomfortable.
I’d take her to the doctor to rule out infection
It is a normal thing for many kids and putting her back in pull ups is not taking a step backwards. It can save on embarrassment and laundry. Some kids grow faster than their blasters so and that can be a bit reason for it. My 5yr old only has an accident once in a great while but we still use pull ups as a just in case and it does help. They also make pull ups for older kids just for this reason.
Try seeing a chiropractor, there could be nerve impingement happening
I set an alarm throughout the night like 3 times woke my daughter up had her go potty then back to bed. Eventually her body figured out how to tell her and she started to do it on her own! Good luck!
She could have a urinary tract infection. Take her to the doctor to be sure.
Take her to the dr. It could be type 1 diabetes, could be a uti, could be anything. Better to rule out a medical problem then start on other issues than to ignore it and it get worse.
Could be normal. Like regressions do naturally occur. Could also be something that needs to be looked into.
I’d make an appointment with your ped and mention it and see if they wanna run any test or whatever, but I also wouldn’t stress about it unless the test results come back some sorta way.
My daughter did this took to doctor she had a bladder disease she inherited
It does happen. My son was potty trained and then all of a sudden he started wetting the bed. I tried cutting back on drinks, extra bathroom trips, waking him up at night and making him go, and talked to the doctor. They tested him for infection and things came back all clear. About 4 months in he quit out of the blue. He doesn’t get up at night or anything now. Idk if it was a phase or bad dreams or what but he did stop and go back to not wetting the bed
Everyone saying its common but there is a cause.take her to her pediatricion have them check for a uti.dont rule out it being natural part of growing but dont rule out trauma eather.i wouldnt put her back in pullups but i would buy some plastic bed sheats and put an incontinence pad over it and then put a reg.sheat.
It can be normal…as long as there’s no UTI etc…they make Goodnites for older kids!!!
Take her to a Doctor,it could be a Medical problem.
It’s a normal thing, many kids wet their beds until they are much older. It is not always a medical reason, but if you are at all worried then speak to a Dr to see their opinions
Have her checked by her pediatrician. Could be a number of things. Kidneys, bladder, diabetes and so many other things. Good luck and hope it’s resolved soon
Not normal… I would bring her to her doctor. Kids do not just start peeing to bed after years of not peeing to bed. Something is wrong. Infection? Bulling at school? Anxiety ? Scary shows on TV? Something is bothering her or an infection.
Rule out a medical problem first. It is NOT normal at all. If there is not a medical problem be aware of possible molestation. I worked psych and I hate to say it but it’s possible.
She needs to be seen by a doctor and she needs diapers at night she shouldn’t wake up in pee like that
I used to wake my son up in the middle of the night but if she was doing well I would first talk to her pediatrician then try waking her up in the middle of the night and if all else fails back to pull ups. I’d be really hesitant to do that though
Yes the blatter grows & they can’t control it at night. Just put a good waterproof cover on her bed & pull ups on her at night. She’ll outgrow it.
I’d say wake her up to go toilet during the night, my boy has been day trained since 2, and night trained for a few months now, hes also 3.5yrs, when he first started being nappy free at night, he wet the bed once as he slept through, so I started asking if he needed to go wee when he stired in the night, and he said yes, so I’d get him up to go, then he’d wake himself up and tell me he was going to go to the bathroom, but the last few nights he’s slept through without an accident, and just goes heaps in the morning. He has had the odd accident, so I have waterproof sheets, I have two sets, so if he wets one, I can strip it off and replace it during the night, and wash it the next day.
No big deal putting her back in pull ups. My Granddaughter is 5 and although she never pees through the night better safe than sorry…
Does she snore when she is asleep? My son snored very young. He was 5 and he was wetting the bed, took him to the Dr and the Dr said kids are not supposed to snore, she refered my son to an ENT, and that is when we discovered he was snoring due to his tonsils being so large. Had his tonsils and adenoids removed and after that he never wet the bed again. You can also get her nighttime pulls ups for older children so you don’t have a mess to clean up. My youngest son, who is 5, was potty trained, but he will still poop his pants so I went back to pull ups again…it sure made things a lot easier on me. You are not going backwards if you do put her back in pull ups, believe me it will be a weight lifter off of your shoulders.
They have pills for bed wetting. My grandson was prescribed them. It stopped on its own after about a month or two.
Have her glucose checked by a Dr to rule diabetes just to be safe
Could be an issue with her bladder or Type 1 Diabetes…
An occasional night time accident is normal . If she’s been completely dry for more than 6 months then starts constantly wetting again…thats not normal and needs investigation.
Dont limit fluids please…it will not help and may cause bladder irritation or make a medical problem worse
Sample of urine to the Drs. Make sure they are aware this is a new problem so they investigate fully for other medical problems if there’s no infection
Personally id go back to pullups . Its less stressful for you and your daughter till a reason is found
Some kids bladders are smaller and take longer to develop. That’s what my kids pediatrician said, so long as you see no other health issues. They can test her urine but it’s probably small bladder just not fully developed or she may be a heavy sleeper. If it’s only happening at night I’d just use pull ups at night and stop drinks and hour before but in my experience it might take time
Has there been big changes a move? New people in her life? Possible bladder infection.
Talk with her pediatrician because she may have a bladder issue.
Also, putting pull ups on a night will not set her back.
Get her checked out for under lining causes utis etc does this too
This is a normal issue with some children. Waking her up at night to go potty helps. Children’s blatters grow at different rates. Hers just hasn’t cought up to her fluid intake yet.
Have you assured with/by her pediatrician that there’s not an underlying issue?
I would check with a doctor.
Can always use a waterproof bed pad to avoid it soaking into the mattress. They have disposable ones or reusable ones. Or have her use the potty in the middle of the night.
Have your pediatrician check her urine for a possible uti.
following same with my son, pullups seem to regress him
My nephew started doing this when he was 6 years old found out he had type 1
All of you saying this isn’t normal need to research because actually completely normal. And never wake up your child to potty. It disturbs their REM sleep. Their brain has to mature enough for them to wake up themselves. Please research before you say someone’s child isn’t normal.
Not enough information. Could be bullying, could be abuse, could be an anxiety disorder kicking in, could be a phase. Talk to them and see if they’re worried about something.
Its not normal to start wetting bed & they shouldn’t be going backwards there could be numerous reasons it’s happening that you need to address don’t listen to those who tell you it’s normal
Has she loss weight or drinking more than usual passing more urine? It could be a sign of type 1 diabetes.
Get her checked… Diabetes
She could have a UTI or it could be a sign of Type 1 diabetes. Take her to your family doctor
Most pediatricians will tell you constipation first. Give her fiber or a very gentle laxative several times a week before going to the Dr.
I’d start with a doctor to check and make sure she hasn’t developed an underlying disease which could be causing it. If not maybe try therapy, something could be bothering her. I’d want to check those avenues first before I chalked it up to being normal.
My 5yrold does this. Started happenimg after we told her she was going to b a big sister x
Maybe she has bladder issues. Try seeing a Urologist just to be on the safe side.
Rule out anything medical or psychological first, she still little so she should outgrow it
My sister was that way. She’d go months without wetting the bed, then she’d have to be put back in diapers (pull ups weren’t a thing back then) for a while.
Make sure she doesn’t have a bladder or yeast infection… she should probably be seen by a Dr. There could be a lot of reasons for this
Chiropractic care can help in some cases.
Take her to a Dr to see if there is anything Physically wrong!
Have you brought it up to her dr.?
Take her to the dr to rule out physical problem
My brother couldn’t drink soda or he’d wet the bed.
May need to have her checked for a UTI. Might be the problem.
Make sure she isn’t under stress. I wet the bed until I was 16 and got out of the house with my mom. Once I was in a better environment, it just stopped totally not saying she’s in a bad environment, but something could be stressing her out or bothering her even at that age
Could be any overactive bladder??
Have her check for UTI
Diabetic?? Check with her doctor.
Something tells me she is goign through something emotional - some sort of trauma is in her heart
Ask her if she’d like go back to Pull-ups for a few days, then try again.
Please check for diabetes. Bedwetting is a very common symptom.
My little girl is the same I really wouldn’t worry xxx
My son is 17 years old and still wets the bed at least once a week. We have been back and forth with doctors, urologists, etc. Physically he is fine. After ruling out all possible health issues, they have put him on a medicine that slows down his bladder while he sleeps. (He’s a heavy sleeper). The only time he has an accident now is if he forgets to take his medicine. But it used to be an every single day event. There are so many possibilities as to why someone wets the bed. Definitely involve a doctor to help you.
I’m having this same problem with my almost 5 year old. I’ve taken her in, absolutely no issues or infections. I’ve cut liquids an hour before bed, and have her go potty a few times before she lays down. She’s had a few accidents during the day and it seems like it’s more she’s holding it until she just can’t anymore because she’s having so much fun. She was doing so good for a few months and now the past 2 weeks she’s just had accidents
I know this is very trigger happy but is there any chance of sexual abuse? I ask because I started wetting the bed at 11, when I was raped. It didnt take much to get it back under control but sometimes with trauma, it does happen.
Put her in pull ups and save yourself the headache of having to wash sheets all the time
take her to get a checked just in case but you’re right it’s very normal to have accidents up to 13 years old.
Lift her ie take her to toilet when you finally go to bed yourself…dont make it an issue say “oh your wet lets get you changed darling”…anything else will put stress on her.
My daughter wet the bed until she was about 6. I finally figured out from her doctor that sometimes their bladder doesn’t grow at the same rate as the rest of their body, so it is unable to hold the urine throughout the night, causing them to have to get up frequently to go to the bathroom. That fact coupled with the fact she was a very sound sleeper is why she was wetting the bed. My solution was to set the alarm and wake her a couple of times in the night to go to the bathroom. I would have to stay in the bathroom, because she would fall asleep while sitting on the toilet. I did this until she was almost 9, after which, her bladder growth caught up with the rest of her body and she never wet the bed again.
Don’t make her feel bad about it but tell her you’re not mad at her but it’s a lot of work washing all the laundry or what not so you’d like her to wear a pull up for a while. Meanwhile make sure her pediatrician is aware. Sometimes this could be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea, or infection. Notify MD
Could b urine infection, doc can do urine test
First get her checked by her pediatrician as bed wetting can be a symptom of a couple of things. If all else checks out, she’s just growing faster than her bladder. You can get Good Nights pads that stick to the sheets under her that absorbs the mess and then you can just swap those out if she wets the bed rather than a full sheet change.
I had bladder paralysis as a child. I would take her in and make sure this isn’t the issue. It was completely out of my control and one day it just stopped.
My daughter wet the bed till she was like 5 and a half but the doctor told me to set my alarm and wake her up like every hr and half and have her use the bathroom. It took about maybe 3 or 4 months of doing that and she finally was able to sleep through the night with no wet bed in the morning.
I would jus use pull-ups at night again to save the headache of cleaning sheets all the time ! No big d she won’t be in them for ever ! If she needs em, use them!
check with your doctor …
My daughter went trough a period of about a month when she was 4 or 5 when she wet the bed at night. A child’s bladder isn’t fully developed until about 7 years old so it can be totally normal. I didn’t put her in pull-ups. I have a mattress protector on her bed and just changed the sheets in the middle of the night. You might want to get her checked for a UTI just to rule that out but like I said it’s pretty normal
Any new people in her life??