This rant is pertaining to my bf and the mother of his kid

I’ve been with him for two years now so I know him pretty well. We live together and are making plans to get married. I have a son of my own and he had two grown daughters and a younger son( we will call him James). Since the start of his and my relationship his ex has been the worst. Going so far as to continuously text him and call him names( deadbeat, worthless, loser etc). I know for a fact he is none of those things. He goes above and beyond for his kids. He doesn’t raise his voice o yell at his kids. He’s a wonderful father and treats my kid equally great and with the utmost respect. He usually turns the other cheek when the mother of his child starts talking down on him and a few times he’s blocked her number but she texts from a different number. She will reach out to him when she can’t control James and expects my bf to deal with him. I should probably mention James is 11 and already has every social media platform available. He’s been caught talking inappropriately to girls so my bf told her the social media had to go. He’s too young for it. She then went on the attack yet again. A few months ago this woman straight up left James at the front of our home and left afterwards sending a text to let us know she had dropped him off. She claimed to have a business trip 4 hours away(no one not even James believed her)This women continues to harass my bf from apps that create fake numbers and we don’t know how to deal with her. She’s unreasonable, immature, aggressive and straight up disrespectful. They have a court order in place that she follows when convenient for herself. We love having him but can’t even make plans for ourselves because she always expects my bf to come running when she calls. She’s gone so far as to start telling James that your dad(my bf) is a loser, deadbeat, worthless…etc…

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! We’re currently sifting through texts to speak with an attorney. Oh and she has now started talking trash about me. We have proof of everything.