Thoughts about having a threesome?

Okay, so first off you a damn Queen and you’re an incredible woman, so need to feel jealous of others. I have been through this and yes there were moments of does he love her boobs more than mine moment, I just remember that he’s mine, I get to go home with him. I also have a big rule, they can do whatever they want with each other except have sex and it can never happen again unless all 3 of us are in the same room. As for asking, if you’re in the London area I’ll happily join you lol and it didn’t hurt our relationship, it’s all about trust.

I personally almost agreed to this with an ex. However, I’m so happy I never went through with it. Ultimately, I think it depends on the strength of your relationship with your partner. It would require so much trust, respect, and understanding from all involved. I don’t think I could ever do it, personally.

Never a good ending with threesomes , lots of couples regret them after !! I would just keep it a fantasy


No! no! NO! The worst possible thing you could consider!!

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I had 4 sisters had to share clothes, shoes, bras and etc. Darn if I would share my husband. Shame on him, that would be committing adultery.

I’ve done it, we did it with a female friend. I was unsure also, then I decided it wasn’t for me! So, I told them to carry on and I went out and read my book! We are all still good friends to this day!

No! And sounds a lot like you’ve already made up your mind

A marriage is between 2 people not 3 so I highly don’t agree with this at all…personally I think that if your husbands fantasy was a threesome he should of done it before marriage while he was a single man, I wouldn’t agree on any other woman being anywhere near my husband sexually or not this to me has a big RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post: waving right in front of your face !!!

Sounds like he’s looking for permission to be with another female. Remind him of his vows.

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I will never agree to do that

Haha the focus is on you? Ok why the other woman if he just wants you? It’ll ruin your relationship. But most likely he’s already thinking bout hangin other chicks so if you say no he’ll probly cheat

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If the focus is on you, then have a threesome with another guy.

If you aren’t comfortable then don’t do it. But find a person neither of you know, go on a dating app if anything

You have your head in a bag or you’re nuts! Would you walk into a burning building if he said let’s see if we can survive this?

Please keep us posted on the outcome, ha ha

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Do not do this. It will destroy your relationship. You will begin to have thoughts that feed upon themselves. And by saying yes he may take it as permission to meet without you…… not a good idea.


The people in this group are highly judgmental. You do you. Hubby and I have considered it plent of times have we don’t it know but it’s our fantasy.


Hmmm yeah I’d be sweet of my man asked for a 3some, as long as the third was a, man, let’s see if he’s keen then :roll_eyes:


Dont do it :roll_eyes: of course hes gonna say the focus would be on you but lets get real , he just wants to fuck someone else​:woozy_face:🤦🏼‍♀ what it comes down to is can you watch him be with someone else? I personally COULD NOT, I would cut my husbands dick off then feed it to the bitch he wanted so bad…:yawning_face::yawning_face::hugs:but thats ME

Absolutely do NOT do it with anyone you know. We tried that, did not work for us. We had been together ten years at the time and we almost didnt stay together… but f these judgemental a**holes… I mean if y’all are actually interested try going to a club… they have swingers clubs in most bigger cities. You can explore the scene and decide if you wanna try anything or not…


Don’t do it! Your husband is prob lovely but it might make you wonder why you are not enough. Can say focus on you all that Jazz but is it really?


For me its a big no. My husband is mine. Period.


I did, it was fun but i can honestly say it would never happen again.



Been there done that and while it’s for some people if you are already a jealous person I would say hard NO. Because while your intentions of making a fantasy come true are nice, the fact is anything even if you are drunk could trigger you and then it will be a bad experience…just don’t :slightly_smiling_face:

The answer is yes but you get to pick the GUY. Haaa


Of you have to add a 3rd person to tour sex life, you don’t have one. There should be no reason a married man would need another woman if.your handling business. Just my thought.


If you are jealous do not even go down that road.

My incredible man and I are completely open. We have threesomes and we play separately. Communication and trust are a huge huge huge deal in this process. Huge. You have to both want it. I’m incredibly spoiled and we have ridiculous amounts of sex. He’s always all over me and such a sweetheart. I’m completely secure in our relationship and have zero jealousy. If you can think “this man is absolutely going no where he’d die without me” then the threesome play world could be fun. I enjoy it. I enjoy getting attention from both him and her. And I also love teaming up and pleasing her WITH him. Or. I also love to watch him in action. He turns me on SO MUCH I love to watch :woman_shrugging:t2: everyone’s different. I’m probably just incredibly weird lol


I think if your jealous now…ha wait until you let your man fuuuck someone else.
It won’t turn out good, if you want things as is, I would have told him keep dreaming.

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I can’t believe you’re even considering this!


Tell him it’ll be a man …then see if it changes things


Ask him if he’s OK with the third being another man, since the focus is on you lol his reaction will show you alot :woman_shrugging::joy: I personally wouldn’t bring anyone else into my relationship.


Have ever thought of the possibility that there is already a third person and he wants to bring them in ….I would ask a few Probing questions just how would we find this said person and see how thought out it is …


No!! You lose respect for each other don’t do it!! Leave it a fantasy…


I am a jealous person and I did it with my ex and my friend. Ruined my friendship (cause they were hooking up after without me took me a few weeks to realize why she wasn’t coming to see me anymore) and I spent weeks crying afterwards cause I gave him everything and I felt like I wasn’t enough. Honestly things we’re bad before that though I hoped it would help. It didn’t and things were never the same in the bedroom after that. But if you have a steady relationship and are secure with your husband it could be fun just don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Are you attracted to girls?

It’s not a good idea. It opens doors for infidelity in the relationship although I do believe it’s possible to do with no issues. People who usually do this are more into the swinger lifestyle and are open and transparent.

I wouldn’t be able to do this. Not only for the obvious reasons, but after, I wouldn’t be able to forget it, and it would ruin my marriage. Luckily, my husband doesn’t care for such things, he’s happy with just me. Good luck to you, hope it all works out for you.

My husband tried that crap I told him no absolutely not


Listen, don’t ask anyone else, leave the decision to YOURSELF and your partner. If your both ADULTS and not jealous ppl, then there won’t be a problem. It will be like to adults experimenting in bed. I’m pretty sure you’ve all experimented with toys and tools in bed, your just switching a dildo for a woman. Lol, that was a joke, but like I said:
If your both ADULTS about the situation and not gonna be jealous AFTERWARDS, then do it! MY threesome experience was GREAT for everyone involved, we ALL had fun.

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I’m super jealous too. Couldn’t ever have another girl in our bed hell noooo and he’s told me he could never have one with another guy either so we’re both on the same page with that in our relationship :blush:

If a third party is needed to fulfill your needs, someone needs to find a new partner. No!


You can’t do it if your a jealous partner and it won’t be one time either thats never how it goes.

It would be a hell no for me! Nope !!! I don’t share my husband… We have been together 24 yrs and the day he came to me and said let’s add another woman is the day I would say its time for a divorce.
In my eyes if another women is needed in the bedroom something is not right.

I don’t judge those that play or whatever you want to call it but for me its not for me or my husband and he will straight tell you absolutely not!


Good way to ruin a good marriage and fast in my opinion . Marriages aren’t meant for sharing . :woman_shrugging:t4: I’ve seen it ruin people’s relationships even when both agreed . Usually feelings end up in places they shouldn’t be and on the other woman . I just wouldn’t . Leave it at just that . A FANTASY. They don’t all have to become real


Lol honestly if you’re having doubts at all, it’s a no go.

I could never personally share my husband regardless of focus were on me or not. Things change in the heat of the moment and I’d lay a bitch out.

It can ruin a relationship (experience speaking) I constantly got accused of women and men after! Even though it was his idea! I was hesitant and a good friend of mine that lives across country was our third. Not someone I saw but once a year if even! Ruined our friendship as well because he was nasty to her and it was just easier to not talk to her anymore. Yes bad decision on my part. He is my EX for many reasons!!!

Absolutely not :woman_shrugging: I married him 1+1=2 there is no room for another unless you want to destroy your marriage in seconds

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You made a vow when you got married. I’m afraid you will end of deeply regretting it. You will be opening doors that you won’t want to go through.

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If you are a jealous person… you shouldn’t.

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If you have to get drunk just to do it…DONT DO IT!

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Things can get very messy, whether you know the person or not. It can bring up insecurities or feelings that you or your partner never knew you even had.

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I say No! Relationships are tough enough at times. Adding a third person really does add a whole lot more problems.
And if you have no problems in you’re marriage great. Adding someone else to your bedroom
will surely give you problems you don’t want! See a sex therapist to help explore why or how you can work this out without doing that. And maybe get different fantasies?

  1. does he want the other person be a male or female?
  2. if he has brought it up twice he absolutely does care
  3. of course he is going to say it will be all about you.

No… that’s just wrong on so many levels… starting with the Lord first… do I need to say more


Don’t do it if you have any doubts what so ever .

Don’t do it if your jealous. Those are adult games. You will regret it


If you or your partner is willing to share with another person then you should take a closer look at why? Not should or shouldnt we.


Let me get this straight. He was like “Happy mothers day. I’ve always wanted to have someone else in the bedroom. I know you have jealousy issues but let’s turn those bad boys into trust issues.” (paraphrasing of course) I just find it hard to believe the focus will be on you. :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


Do not do it. Why would anyone want to bring a third person into their bedroom? Just say no


If you are a jealous person, then don’t do it.


I am a jealous person and absolutely not lol

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Are you serious? Not an option!


I wouldn’t be able to share my husband. I married him. I wouldn’t be able to watch him with someone else. I wouldn’t be able to do anything with someone else either. This to me is a recipe for disaster.


I want one. But the chick needs to be super hot. Im superficial.

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No wtf 3 sums are for single people. If you truly love someone you would not involve others in ur life or sex life.


A lot of relationships can’t survive it. The jealousy is a hard thing to overcome.

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If you are a naturally jealous person it probably won’t work out.
I’ve tried twice and nope. I’m glad I said yes but it’s not happening again.

The root cause of jealousy is insecurity. Insecurity sets in when the person experiencing insecurity realizes their partner can do better than them.

I mean, it’s going to be hard finding a person who would want to do that for starters.
Second, unless it’s also your fantasy, don’t do it.

Any time u bring another person into ur marriage is not a good thing. If u are a jealous person then NO way. Ask him how he would feel if u wanted 2 guys. Him and another. If it’s 2 women. That’s most men’s fantasy’s. Not still. No way. Ask him what he would think
If u had 2 men. Then if he says no then tell him that u won’t be having his fantasy.

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I would if it’s two men


I think you have to both be built for something like that. If you get jealous just thinking of a situation like that I don’t see it working out. I wouldn’t do it

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Don’t even entertain the idea.


I would. I could. And we have. Lol. But we have a friend. We’ve never had another girl just a guy

Absolutely not. Couples have fantasy. Doesn’t mean you act upon them. Some things are not meant to bring into a relationship. Being a responsible adult is having self control


Why do people post private things on Facebook. Read the Bible and the Ten Commandments to get your answer That is is up to you and your husband but if you want my opinion I would not That could create a lot of problems


Y’all watch to much porn! Don’t involve someone else in your BS.

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If you do you need to make sure it isn’t a friend or someone that will be around again. Pick the person together and make sure you set your boundaries. It could be amazing or it could ruin your relationship. If you’re a very jealous person I can’t imagine it’ll end up well for you.


Definitely make sure it is someone you don’t know. There are groups for swingers. If you are not confident in your marriage I wouldn’t do it though. I’ve seen it destroy relationships while it can enhance others


I wouldn’t unless you willing to lose. This will mess that relationship up. You will regret it I promise.


If my husband was to ask for a threesome I’d say definitely but I get to choose the other guy​:smiling_imp::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


This question has been brought up on this page and a lot of the same closed minded and in my opinion out dated advice was given too so my first piece of advice would be to find another forum that’s a little more updated and in your area for advice as to where to begin. Okay so while I personally would not and have not participated in a threesome, I also can appreciate your husband and his honesty about one of his fantasies and for your openness as to listening to him and toying with the idea. So good job there, it takes an extremely specific type of person to understand things like this. Let’s face it, sex and marriage today is so much different than it was 50 years ago. With social media causing temptation to literally be at our fingertips staying faithful and fighting natural human nature tendencies of sexual desires makes it even more of a challenge so having to navigate a marriage is even tougher. I strongly believe that every single human has different desires and fantasies that society or there peers have caused them to believe are wrong so they are never addressed or talked about. Ultimately you need decide if this is something YOU would be interested in yourself. If it is something Thst sparks your own person interest then talking with others than have success stories is where I would start. If you are only doing it to please your husband I can see that causing jealousy issues down the road and personally would not do it. Either way it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there so kudos to you for trying to get advice and not brushing his fantasies aside. Good luck girl! I hope it all works out.


I did it… Ruined a 10 year relationship with the father of my children. Just don’t. Watch porn and buy toys.


No problem with it…so long as all partners are served equally and there is an understanding of no jealousy.

Every man’s fantasy is 2 women! Tell him that’s not what marriage is about!!! It will destroy your marriage.How could it possibly make it better…Just NO!!


No !!! God would look down on that. Seek advise from a Pastor. Have him quote Scriptures to the both of you. Think about it … He might like others from that moment on or the things they do. Please check the bad in that as it’s only a 1 night stand. Good Luck


It depends on you two. You both have to be built for it. You already have reservations about it so it’s probably not for you.
Even in situations where both people are into it beforehand, they never do it again after the one time. It is a lot for most people.

But you’d be surprised to find most towns of any decent size will have at least a small community of swingers or lone individuals who do these types of things on a frequent basis.
It’s not easy to find the right person, but im sure you could.

And a lot of the beginning is just kind of looking into it and approaching people about their interest in it. It might just be a easy as chatting someone up and asking if they are interested.

I’ve never done it. But have friends who have. And they’ve talked a lot about it lol.
And they started in different ways.
One was just by knowing people already interested in it. And Apparently there are whole websites you can find to kind of test out talking to people about it or even maybe finding that person there.

My husband has that fantasy as well, but I am a jealous person too. He is also very understanding in the fact that I do not want to and is ok with that. If he’s ok with it not happening then don’t do it. I simply told my husband if he gets one so do I and he shot that down lol. Just don’t do it.

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Girl if your willing to do it once, he might want to do it again, and again… I definitely would not


If it’s the right person then it can be really fun!!! My husband and I have and it caused zero issues. Spiced up our sex life for sure

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And here I was thinking this group wasn’t a bunch of judgmental assholes! :woman_facepalming:t2: If the idea intrigues you then do some soul searching, talk about it extensively with your husband and expect to have some feelings afterwards that you’ll have to talk to your husband again about! You can set boundaries and rules to make it comfortable for you and if that doesn’t happen then it’s ok to say no. Your husband was obviously asked or was having a conversation about fantasies. He didn’t come to you and demand a threesome. He obviously loves you and fantasizes about YOUR pleasure so it’s not even a selfish fantasy!

Well … depends on the married couple. I knew 2 married couples, who went through with it and everything was fine. Then I knew 1 married couple who … well they swingers lol. This was years ago and they still together.

A threesome is a carnal curiosity. It is a Pandora’s box that you do not want to open. If you hold your marriage sacred and you do not want anything to come between you and your husband, and you know you have issues with jealousy, do not do it.

Even if you don’t end up feeling jealous, you could end up just regretting it later. If you have a good thing with your husband now don’t ruin it by making someone else part of it.

Don’t do it if you really love him and the relationship

You left out some details. He said focus on you. Does that mean MFM or is he still wanting MFF. It makes a difference. You are likely to be more jealous over another female. Also, other females are much harder to find than other males who are willing to participate. Being able to give the person you love their ultimate fantasy is very powerful and intoxicating. You could try a local swingers club. Just go hang out for the night, no pressure, no strings. Tell him if either of you feels uncomfortable that the other agrees to leave immediately, without hesitation, no matter what is currently happening. Often, even if you ultimately do not end up participating with others there is usually the opportunity to watch others which can add some excitement on its own. But being there may give you the chance to feel some things out emotions wise before saying that you’ll do it. And always leave yourself the opening to change your mind AT anytime even if it’s in the middle. Good luck!

No thank you but I have often said I wish I had a wife to help with cooking, cleaning and housework.

It sounds like a beginning to the end

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Omg sod that good luck to you if you do

You are going to destroy your relationship