Thoughts on child leashes?

Do what’s best for you your child and screw them


Idc what anybody says, it worked great for my son who was also a runner and adorable making him an easy target for kidnappers. It was a great way to keep him safe in large crowded places like Disney :woman_shrugging:t3: I honestly don’t care if anyone disapproves. My child, My rules.

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Sad that they didn’t try to help you with him. That’s what families are supposed to do😔 Always do what YOU FEEL is best for your child!

You need to speak up for yourself and tell them if you are taking it off then they can run after him, if not then they need to zip it. Your kid your rules dont let them run you.


Omg you are so horrible. God forbid you do something that keeps your child safe :roll_eyes: do what you need to do to keep your child safe if anyone shames you for that bye

me I would have told them you wanted it off , Now go chase him,when you get tired the leash is right here… AND IF YOU DONT WANT TO WANT TO CHASE HIM KEEP QUIET … … thats me !

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Nice in-laws lots of criticism but no help


I’d be like you can take it off but your the one that’s gonna chase him other wise it’s staying on

I would tell fine you chase him

I had one for my daughter because she would run into parking lot or just take off, it is for their protection

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I’d rather see a child on a leash/lead than running into traffic or other dangerous situations.

At a park ide let him go have fun bc that’s what he is there to do. However, ALL my children were on leashes every walk, in the store, in the airport, etc. They were made to protect them and you should not feel bad. Everyone us entitled to opinions. My best friend is my kids grandmother (,my n law) she hated the leash and made it well known. She quickly learned why my crazy kids needed them!!! I never felt bad, or felt she was wrong. I just let HER chase after him. She took him on an airplane once and I think after that trip she learned otherwise. Lol.

I had a runner too. FIrst child was so well behaved and stayed where we told her. Second child, oh my, I’d blink and that one would be up the highway in a skinny minute. Leash definitely in places like Disney World or he would have been on top of the Epcot Globe. Your kid, you’re the parent and what you say goes.

you do YOU Momma! NO ONE’S BUSINESS. As Mom’s we need to lift each other up not tear each other down!


Stuff them do what is best for you and your child love to you best wishes

We have an autistic three year old daughter and she has one for certain places. They sell plenty online. Our child literally runs away. She ran away from our home before and was thankfully next door but it was very scary. Your doing it for the child’s safety and that’s what matters not what family thinks about it and it doesn’t sound like family to me. It’s what you have to do until you know they will listen and not run off and get lost or get ran over if they ran in front of someone.

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You did the right thing. My Dr years ago, told me he put a leash on his daughter. No one should be interfering in your parenting. Where was your husband. If there’s a next time don’t go.

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They needed to mind their business, YOU are that childs mother and you were doing what you felt necessary for YOUR child!

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I think in crowded places they are great. Kids wander off, horrible people snatch kids. Keep them in tow

Not their child, they should mind their damn business

I see nothing wrong with it

Oh come on, that is ridiculous. Some children need them and some don’t. My grandson disappeared on at least 3 occasions while at shopping centres, and most certainly not for lack of supervision. He was a runner. He’s mother and I almost both had heart attacks while trying to find him. Use the leash.


Nobody can make you do anything unless you let them, and nowadays there’s also too many child abductors

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Better to be safe than sorry because anything can happen in a instant. Children are fast! You do you! At the end of the day all that matters is you kept your child safe!

I think they’re great, always better safe than sorry…These are my favorite, I guess they’re considered a leash but works great

My thought is who give af what anyone’s thoughts are boo!! Do what you feel you need to do to keep your baby’s safe!!! F what everyone else thinks.


Yes I used it for Disney , my son at the time 3 yrs old didn’t speak and wanted to do everything himself. It worked amazing! I had many people say bad and good things . But it worked for us :hugs:

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you did the best you could – apparently without much help from your family.

At the end of the day he is YOUR child NOT theirs. I had mine in ‘reins’ so they couldn’t run/wander off while shopping etc. It would be different if THEY did all the chasing after him, but selfishly they left it up to you while heavily pregnant. I have seen people in town who are busy browsing, distracted or chatting away while their kids are way ahead of them or lagging behind, it only takes a SECOND for someone to snatch them or for them to wander off & get lost in the crowd. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard parents shouting their kids names or kids crying because they don’t know where their mums are. Next time tell your family to BUTT out & MIND THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.

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They weren’t around when I had my kids, glad my kids were not runners. But I’ve seen just jet off in parking lots and witnessed many near misses. Use a leash use what ever keeps your babies safe. I’d be mad at your husband for not sticking up for you and putting his in their place.

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Honey nobody can make you do anything! Do what is right & good for you! Tell them to chase him that you are going to put your feet up because you are pregnant & tired! If they don’t want to chase him put the leash back on him …

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Maybe if they didn’t call them LEASH’S that may help! :see_no_evil:

Ughhh…you can’t win with some people!! Keep doing you, mama. At least you know your child is safe!

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I approve of the leashes. I had a set of twins when I was 38 and when I took them outside, they loved to run in opposite directions. Do what’s good for you and safe for your baby.

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If it works for you do it and don’t give a f about your child being a leash, especially in crowded public places id much rather have my son on a leash then lost especially since he loves people and will talk to or go to anyone

As mums we do the best we can. Your heavily pregnant and if using a leash helps keep him safe and yourself … use it! It’s easy for family to pass on their judgement but not offer any help. Shame on them. I’ve learnt over the years that people will always have something to say. But as long as you do your best you’ve got nothing to worry about :heart::heart:

Always used to have ’ reins ’ as they were called on my children. It kept them safe.

I could have used one with a grandson today.