Thoughts on child leashes?

Tell your husband’s family you will take it off if they chase around after him all day


Meh I had a bracelets that would sound off if my daughter got certain distance away from me …they were awesome :sunglasses:

Ignore those people unless they are Changing his Diapers and he’s suckin their TiT’s… its none of their Business…


You’ve gotta maneuver those waters the best you can. I used them 26 years ago when at big public places. It gave us both freedom: they could roam further than my hand & I didn’t fear someone snagging them.


I used them. Kept my kids safe.


Given the amount of children that go missing out of thin air…. I used a leash


Cool. I’ll take it off when every person here takes on the responsibility of watching my free running child and if anything happens to him, you’re all held responsible and charged with neglect.


Tell them they can take their opinion and shove it! Not their kid, they don’t get a say!

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If they don’t wanna help than why does opinions matter? Who cares what they think!

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Its your child. And you want to keep him safe.

Used one with my daughter had to or she would’ve ended up hurt I got all kinda crap from my in-laws but it was needed and they eventually got over it

I have had a leash for all mine! My 3 year old loves his! It’s for his safety and I’m 30 weeks pregnant and he’s fast! Also keeps them close and no one can snatch them up that way! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad. It also helps my son feel secure as well. I’m all for it!

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You do what you gotta do to keep your kiddo safe. My son is autistic and has no concept that running away from me is dangerous especially on a busy street. He just thinks we’re playing a game. So I use a tether when I can’t get him to hold my hand

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38 weeks pregnant & he’s not at least helping? Also he should of backed you up on that, it’s his family that’s being rude. As for his family they need to offer help or mind their own business. Do whatever you know your body can handle.

You keeping your child safe is priority and if they couldn’t step up and help I would have put it back on and told them to shut it. Things happen to fast and you are being responsible shame on them for shaming you. I said what I said.


Look I have 2 and I’m pregnant with a 3rd. I would never survive without my backpack leashes. The few times we forgot them my 5 year old tried to run in front of cars and will run off making is immediately difficult. Im high risk with a weight limit so chasing her without picking up my other child is near impossible and I e tried car stickers ect.idk have flat out told them if your gonna watch him and chase him around your welcome to remove it. If they pushed further I’d have left or handed him over to the hubby and went to sit.

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I have used them for 20 years and I’m still currently using it for my 2.5 year old.My kids are all runners and if it takes them having to have one on to keep safe then so be it They are not the ones raising your child.They are not the ones that’s going to protect your child and ain’t the ones that’s going to suffer like you would and your child if something happened…I don’t understand why people hate them like it’s a SAFTEY harness not a leash.Your making sure your doing everything in your power to keep your child safe…The next time they got something to say remind them that you are the parent and you will do what is necessary to keep your child from getting hurt.Kidknapping happen every second of the day day or night it takes 1 second for a child to get kidnapped it happens so fast even with parents and people right there.Trust me if you talked to a parent that had a child kidnapped or hit by a car ECT. They would tell you what I’m telling you.DO WHATS BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY…

It’s your child not theirs, so your choice not theirs, and unless they are willing to go running after your child then really they don’t get a say, best of luck

I have 18 year old twin boys. When they were younger I would take them out for walks I swear they would give each other a look and take off in separate directions, it only being me with them I couldn’t do it. I got the leashes, well used them twice…it was like walking 15 dogs…these 2 kept getting tied up and tangled :rofl::joy: I tried it didn’t work for me… But hell you gotta keep your child safe somehow while they are little. They are more mischievous at a young age. Do you hunny. Forget what anyone else says or thinks

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I always made fun of them but I used one with my last child and I don’t care what anyone thinks. I laugh at myself even but I do what i need to do and it’s noones business. Eff em! :slightly_smiling_face:

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If they don’t like the “leash” aspect of it relating it to animals they need to change their way of thinking but if it would make you feel more comfortable since they shamed you into taking it off, which is sad as well, especially since you are looking out for your child’s safety and couldn’t get help, they do have a backpack that the child can wear that also had a leash that looks more kid friendly. Ultimately tho, never mind what they think, especially when it’s meant negatively towards you while you are caring for your child. I know it’s easier said than done but you do what is best regardless. However, I firmly believe your husband should have stepped in and took the heat and set them straight if it was his family with the comments. That is your partner and your child’s parent as well so he should have sided with your concerns and feelings and always always have your back in public or in front of the kids and if it was any issue or disagreement where yall didn’t actual agree discuss that privately. If he wasn’t present, I’d definitely talk with him about what happened and everything you posted and have him to tell his family to respectfully mind their business bc y’all do not want anything to happen to your kid and if that makes them uncomfortable or they couldn’t help you to do so they shouldn’t speak on or about any of you.


Tell them to kiss your pregnant A@@ and if they don’t like it they can leave


My son just ran into the street today after me chasing him and yelling for him, clapping everything to get his attention to stop. He didn’t and he was fast I didn’t catch him in time. god forbid a car was not coming… but yeah a leash would have saved my sons life if a car had in that moment hit him.


F them. Here is why:

The leash does not harm your child.

Infact it could save your child.

He is your child not theirs.


I have 8 kids, 5 kids under 10 (2 of which are 5yr and a 1yro), as well as 1 womb side til next month. My 5yro is hyper (ADHD suspected) and 1 yro is well a curious baby. I’d leash them as I please because I rather them safe than dead or kidnapped. If someone complains about it ask them if THEY are going to be the one to chase the kid and keep them safe? If not, then shut up while you protect and parent your kid.:100:

An autistic mom here and I’m judged daily but we have the wrist lock leashes. I use them with both my 2 year old and 4 year old without them we cannot go anywhere together without extra help. People are quick to judge before knowing you or your family, but your own husband? Really?


Been around and used widely. Very good product.

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You do what YOU need to do especially getting no help… ya they can go fcuk themselves.

I loved my backpack leash for my child. It was necessary for safety. Don’t listen to your family. You’re the mom. Do what feels best for you and your child.


Tell them to bugger off next time. You’re his Mumma and his safety AND the safety of you and your unborn babe is your priority. If they can’t understand then that’s a reflection on them - not you :white_heart:

Do the leash. From 11 months to 3 years, I kept a long leash on a backpack on my son that tied to my hand. He was a runner. It saved his life many times.


Do what’s best for you and your child you make the decision not them it’s your child not there’s looks like they would have offer to help you if they was so concerned not criticized you for the leash

Ask yourself this. Would U rather your child near u. Or child gone ???
I have. Had 6 children n all of myne have. Been on them , including the old leather straps my mother has that I was on wen I was little , & my 2&4 year old have. A backpack one a horse 1 & a monkey 1 , in my opinion they are the. Best things ever , least I know where my child is at all times & no stranger can take my child , so just ignore them & you do what U want !

If it protects them from getting lost or kid napped I don’t see what the problem is. Why parents get mad At leashes is beyond me. At least my child is protected is how I see it.

Hell no, first of all, it’s YOUR child! My son was a runner and he would run towards the street every chance he got! I don’t know why he would do that at that time. He has Aspergers(15 now) and I can’t help but to think of all the things I didn’t know at the time and feel guilty. Your husband should have either helped or stood up for you. I would refuse to go to another event with his family.


That’s ratshit if they didn’t even help after the fact.

If it’s safer use it. My oldest was a toddler. My mom was in wheelchair. We went to a festival so I did what I could to keep him safe. It was an actual dog leash then. I didn’t know they made kid leashes. My youngest is a runner (still at 8yo). He’s ran into the street more times than I can count. I wish I got a leash for him but like you people degraded me for it. You do what is best for your kid. Not your family. If they can’t respect that then put your kid in the car &, drive out of their lives.


We used a backpack :school_satchel: leash for my daughter. When we were kids Mum used reigns :rofl:… all alive now to tell the story, do what’s best for you and your child

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I would lose my shit on everyone :woman_shrugging:t2:

Don’t go next time. Your husband needs to be a parent. Your inlaws need to mind their business.
Backpack restraints are literally designed to save lives!!!


I used one for almost two years. He ran a lot. I was not taking that risk of him getting away from me. I loved mine. I’m sorry they made you Feel like that. Especially, being pregnant I think it’s a must. What if you feel chasing him then that would be dangerous for you.

Next time, “If you’re going to chase after him, I’ll take it off. If not, I suggest you MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.”


Sounds like your husband should step up and tell his family to mind their own business. If they wanted you to take it off, then they at minimum should have offered to help you. Keeping your child safe takes priority over ridiculous parenting advice from others.


I use to judge the leashes harshly until my 3rd child came. Some children don’t need them, but some do!! She was a runner and made me realize what a huge help the leashes are. Your husbands family should have run around after your child if they didn’t want the leash on… or they can just :zipper_mouth_face: be quiet :shushing_face:


Better safe then sorry. People who don’t have spirted wild child. Will NEVER understand.
it’s unimaginably exhausting and they need constant attention and safety measures.


They don’t live with you and the runner, make them mind their own business and make husband step up and truly help!!

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Both of my boys when they were little especially me Second son had to be leashed , I couldn’t blink they would run off , we travelled marine Atlantic quite a bit and done a nice bit of travelling , I’ve had people roll their eyes at me but the way I see it is it’s better then them running off into traffic or running off and getting lost I mean yeah they arnt dogs duh but ffs it’s their safety !

You were right to use a halter. I had a child who was a runner he walked across a dam in Battle creek. Kept running till I tied him once. My sister in law went to Detroit and they told her to make him sit in a chair if he wouldn’t sit there. She never did it. By

The leashes are child savers, remind the inlaws that when you see them.

I used a monkey backpack w leash . They need to mind there own business don’t let anyone make you feel bad about keeping your child safe

lol not my thing but if it works for you :woman_shrugging:t4:m
nobody can make you do anything love.

I use the bracelet it’s harder to get off and more comfortable. My two younger kids have autism and they are runners. I don’t care what other people around me think I have to do what I gotta do to keep my kids safe


You know what… WHO F$@KING CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY OR THINK!!! It’s your child. Not theirs. It isn’t hurting no one. The in laws need to learn their place and YOUR HUSBAND needs to be a parent. I had my oldest on a leash and he’s 17 now. Still should have the leash… lol my middle one didn’t need one and I had one for my youngest who is 12.


I was in a car crash and could not chase him and he is a runner too I think for safety reasons some need them

I think they are very useful because like you said it is tiring going after them ever 5 sec. I can imagine how you you felt pregnant. My advice you do what makes life easier for you cause like you said no one is always help you

I’m not a fan of them. But my kids didn’t/don’t like being away from me. Lol. So I never had to worry about them running off.
However, If I see a momma and her child and they are on a SAFETY leash. All I see is momma keeping her child safe. Everyone’s children is different. I don’t judge. Never have. Even before I had kids. I always thought it was cute. Lol.

As far as your situation, I’ve been 38 weeks pregnant with a young one. And it’s hard. Baking a baby takes a toll on your body. As you already know.
Instead of them judging you, they should of helped you.
Don’t let others bully you on how YOU PARENT YOUR CHILD!


I’ve never personally had to use a leash but 100% feel like it’s better to be judged for having them on a leash then for them to run off into a dangerous situation. Who cares what anyone else thinks, you’re keeping your kid safe, unless they are going to run around after him while you sit down for a minute I wouldn’t take it off him :woman_shrugging:

I say each too their own :woman_shrugging:

I use them. Honestly I’ve never gotten a negative response (maybe some stares), most people comment on how much she likes her dog backpack!
My kiddo isn’t even much of a runner. But honestly, when out and about, I’d MUCH prefer her wearing a backpack & leash and getting some stares vs my child randomly running off or someone grabbing her. I think so long as you make it a fun experience for kiddo so that they enjoy it!


I didn’t like them …. Right up until my kid ran into the traffic, I somehow grabbed him before he got hit by a car. I was holding my newborn and he unexpectedly ran out. From there he had a backpack with a lead. Problem solved.
If they don’t understand it’s not your problem. Keep your child safe mumma.


I put a harness on my kids and my grandsons had horse leads clipped to the back of their pants. None were runners but wanderers plus no one could snatch those babies without a parent knowing about it.

I would’ve made it very clear to them that it is your child and you make the decisions!! they would’ve never made me take anything off my child that I wanted on them. Tell them when they start supporting your child financially, emotionally, and in any other way, then they can make the decisions for your child. 

I think you were right to use a restraint. Children can get into danger so fast, they can get kidnapped in the blink of an eye. Your husband should have been helping you if he was going to allow his family to criticize you. Since no one offered to help, with you being pregnant, I think I would have said, “He’s going to stay right here with me. I don’t want him running off and getting hurt or kidnapped. I don’t hear anybody volunteering to help watch him nor chase after him, so the restraint stays on!”


its your baby!!! the leash saves lives…my son dont even remember it.


I would also like to add that I would much rather see somebody with a leash on their child, then see their child harmed because they can run much faster than the parent or them be snatched up and kidnapped because you turned your head for two seconds.

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I was very against them when I had my first 3 children, number 4 child on the other hand we tried just velcro straps to his wrist and mine and everything we could think of, we got the harness and it helped alot, didn’t need it for long, they learn very quickly that you can’t just run off and start holding hands. At least that was my experience.

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I use them, and they are a life saver! Not sorry.


I wanted to with my youngest but I felt bad. One day we were walking near a pond. He waltzed right in. I tried rescuing him and fell in because the algae was very slippery. I could not push him out or get myself out holding him up for air. I tried and tried but we kept slipping in. I seriously thought we were both going to die in a pond. By some miracle a runner I didn’t see coming reached his hand down and pulled him then pulled me. It was in the hight of COVID so there were not a lot of people out. Don’t be me! Leash him.


Let’s see…I used the bracelet one, the belt one…the backpack one … And I have absolutely no regrets!!! Used them on my own kids, kids I watched and my gbabies. I thank GOD for those things every day as I had RUNNERS, ESCAPE ARTISTS and Contortionist lol…my sanity (in my 50s now) was way more important than telling me that they made my child/grandchild look like a “dog”. Actually, my dogs have always looked very fashionable in theirs lol. As one mother to another…YOU DO YOU!!! If it helps YOU then do it and don’t worry what any other person, family or not, says!!! You are strong, confident and a loving mother for wanting nothing more than to keep your child safe and in this world and these times “leashes” make a ton of sense in my opinion :wink::wink:


It’s YOUR CHILD not there’s, you do what you need to make him safe


That just ain’t right.If they’re going to insist on taking off the safety harness they could at least help you keep up with your little guy and watch him while you eat something.


No one should be able to make you do anything when it comes to your child’s safety. I think child leases are a fantastic idea. It only takes a split second for an accident to happen. I applaud you as a parent to doing what it takes. What happens when you have 2? Do you leave a new born alone to chase a toddler. Do you run with a stroller? No you put the toddler on a child leash and let him/ her enjoy the day while you enjoy yours. I wouldn’t care what anyone else thought.


Put the leash on him who cares what everyone thinks its your child


My mother used to say that she would tell people who commented that she’d rather have a child on a leash than a dead child.


First, your husband needs to step up and tell his family that the decisions you both make for your child are not their business. Second, if it keeps your child safe, you do what is best for your family. I’m a mom of 5… ages 21 to 4. I didn’t use a leash, but I sure did use a stroller when I needed. My younger daughter (now 13) ran into traffic at the beach as a toddler… had I blinked she may have been hit by a car. Life is short mama, you just do the best you can. It’s all any of us can do really.

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I use it and it works for us. I could give a ___ what others have to say !

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They are wrong and need to mind their business. I’m handicap from a bad fall on ice. Blew out my L4-L5 & my knee. I’m 60 and can’t run after my 6 year old autistic grandson. He loves going to the park and I’m not going to deny him that fun because I can’t move fast enough. You are the parent and if you’re pregnant and can’t move fast enough to keep him safe, the child lease is a great tool. Tell them to mind their business it’s your choice and your child. :v::heart:


Not only did I use a harness and “leash”. I attached the twins to the clothesline so they stayed safe outside playing.


I use leashes for both of my toddlers because they love to wander. Theres nothing wrong with you prioritizing your child’s safety. Tell anyone that has an issue with it to fuck off.

Most kids don’t need them but those who do do. Whatever keeps the child safe. I’ve noticed the child doesn’t complain who wears it. It’s always adults. It’s kind of the same as holding your child’s hand for safety.

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You get to parent however you want to parent. Set boundaries. if they can’t respect your boundaries then limit contact with them. ugh. one of my pet peeves is having others try to tell you how to parent.


safety is more imp that what anyone thinks of u


What is wrong with your husband? Or the family wanting the leash off? They can help you.


I use the backpack one for my 2 year old. Don’t listen to them, you’re doing what’s safe your baby.


I need one ! My son runs away from me and I am having trouble with that he is two and is so sneaky to run off or hide I get panic attacks when he isn’t around happened once and I am still scared

I think they’re fine in that case. Some might overuse them

I don’t know why you gave in and allowed them to tell you what to do


The only thing I read in your post that stuck out to me was “my 3 year old”…that’s your child. Stop letting other people tell you how to parent. You do what you need to do to for you and your child. At no point in your post did you say that someone offered or volunteered to help you. Therefore their opinions are irrelevant!! Do you Mama!!


So angry for you !!! THEY have no right to make you feel bad !!! A leash ( which I used on 2 of 6 of my children) is far better than the alternative of maybe getting away and being run down or even worse taken by someone.

It’s not a leash hun. It’s a safety device. An extension of ur arm and hand, so it’s no different to walking around holding his hand to keep him , yourself and the unborn bubbs safe.

Plus it was mothers day what the … was dad doing??? And ur pregnant. You do what you must to stay safe.

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Nothing at all wrong with using a leash. What was wrong is that anyone would comment about it. How rude. And to badger you into removing it is terrible. My hubby’s family did not like the fact I let my babies use a pacifier. They badgered him about it. I have never forgotten how rude they were. If can stoill remember it, I am sure God remembers it too.

Screw them!!! I would not give into other peoples BS about MY child! My son was also a runner & let me tell you one thing… not one single person ever said anything negative about me using a harness & leash on my son! If they had, they would have been put in their place quicker than they judged me for it! Only someone who has had a runner knows what it’s like… it’s exhausting! You bring that far along in your pregnancy you shouldn’t have to be chasing him! Also, it was Mother’s Day & you were with your husbands family? Why the hell want HE chasing your son???

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I had my then 3 yr old on a harness leash during a town pride day. She wanted to walk and be independent. This was the safest option we had. People would make remarks about how they thought it was child abuse. Not even an hour later another child her age went missing because they ran off! That was the whole point of having my 3 yr old on a leash, so she could explore, but still remain safe. Your husband’s family needs to mind their business…


Tell them to shut the f@#$ up!!!

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Tell them to help or mind their own business. I used to judge people for safety harnesses, and then I had a runner myself and very quickly learned how wrong I was.


I used them with my son while pregnant and even after Bubs was born as I was healing. I kept it in the pram still as well and he knew if he ran off he would have to wear it.

Do what’s safe for your child and yourself.


You should have not taken it off, you are his mother and using a leash is for protection


I lost my son once in a J.C. Penny;s store. After that scare I put a leash on him. That was 50 yrs. ago


It’s the past, so let that one go.
Moving forward, please be advised that you have every right to say eff off to anyone offering you an opinion on what to do with your child.
Also, I am a firm believer in everyone’s opinion is their own business and they are more than welcome to keep it to themselves.


I would stay home till next baby is born.

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