Thoughts on child leashes?

I used a rope around my babes waist he grew up just fine. He was so fast and no fear. I see safe


There is absolutey NOTHING wrong with it for a child, especially those who don’t listen.


I use one for my 3 year old. Especially after he wondered off the last time we were at the zoo. I would rather him be safe. Thats your child and noone can tell you what to do

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Do not let anyone tell you what you should do to keep your little ones safe. If you say a news report regarding a 3 year old that went missing and has neverr been found as of this date and the little one was in the care of his grandmother who turned her back on him for just seconds when he dissappeared. It is better to be safe than sorry.


It’s not a leash it is a child SAFTEY HARNESS…If they are a runner it’s a good way to keep them from running in the street.or getting away in a shop or any crowd…better safe than sorry…


Safety over EVERYTHING ELSE!!! I have RA when my son was 16 months old, he was so fast and I could not catch him. I told my aunt to put him down in a parking lot near a vert busy 4-lane road. She did for a second and he bolted… she did catch him…far from the this road, but almost gave her a asthma attack. I didn’t go out much… but if I had to…we would have used one. It’s all about safety and putting your mind at ease. DO YOU MAMA!!!:heart:


Rather my kid be on a leash than like Gage Creed

I had to with my second child. He’s autistic and at 2 years old he would literally just try to take off. I got one that looked like a backpack and used it when I had to travel with my first born and him. It helped tremendously at rhe airport. My 3rd child didn’t need it.

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This is exactly why I really hate this world today. So many judgemental people. I love when I hear them say, “I read every child development book and trust me, you shouldn’t be doing that”. Even people who don’t have any children have so much to say like, “oh if that was my child”. I would do what you want because people just love to start sh*t! Everyone is a damn expert ugh

They should have helped u if they wanted to make a big deal out of it =[ I am sorry but if your pregnant I am sure they could get off they a$$es and helped ya at least till u ate ( I am sorry momma good luck and u do what u have to do ( No hate just love here :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Better safe than kidnapped or even worse, dead. Im all for leashes as long as they’re not attached to the neck :rofl:

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Your the parent. Stop letting ppl have a say in something that doesn’t concern them. I’ve used them before w my kids. If it keeps them safe then do it.

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i used on when i had to go on a airplain i had a 15 month and a new born and noone with me

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They where around years ago . Do what u need to do

I used one on my son, saved him once from being taken at the fair.

I have never been a fan of them either,but have honestly been considering getting one for my 2 yr old son. He is a runner & disappears on me all the time!

I was super against them before i had kids and thought people were just lazy since i “was soo experienced with kids and never saw the need” … then my first became a full on runner toddler rigt after I had my second baby :woman_facepalming: yeah, i ate crow on that one and got over it sickly cus your child’s safety trumps any stupidity anyone else wants to spout. Especially a holes that wanna make drama and judge you yet don’t even help to keep track of him and keep him safe when you are all supposedly family getting together to spend time together and you’re heavily pregnant. Do what you need to do to keep your baby safe momma and f them unhelpful judgers. I’d be more upset at your husband not helping out like he should have been

I used to have the little handcuff looking ones for my oldest. And I wished I had them when we went to the Peppa Pig theme park, he darted off into a little maze they have there. Yeah leashes “look bad” but it’s the safety of our children and YOU know your child best. Also being pregnant chasing kids is BS. That’s what made me get the cuff ones, was literally days from having my second and stopped up at my job with my first to say hi and he took off going toward a busy street. If they are so against them they should be watching your child like a hawk while you, pregnant momma, get to eat and relax as best you can. Screw what other people think, someone will always have something negative to say.

Next time tell them " unless you are going to chase my child for me, I’m going to keep it on. It’s not your child, you don’t get to make the rules." You don’t need to defend your reasoning, you are the parent and you make the rules for your child. I wouldn’t even argue it after saying that, just keep telling them they aren’t the parent.

Do want you want. It’s your life/family.

If you need it, use it. I used one for my youngest after saying I’d never use one. She would take off and I was scared she would get lost, hurt or grabbed before I got to her. I say it’s your kid and you’re the parent so do what you feel is best. It’s not like she 12 and you’re forcing her to be tethered to you. You have a legitimate concern.

A silly looking child is better than a child taken or struck by a vehicle :woman_shrugging:t2:


I use one for my 2 1/2 year old. We get dirty looks but I’m the one that has to chase him down so I don’t care lol tell them to hush

Your the mama do what you feel is needed. Your child your rules. Should have told them chase after him bet they would have placed it back

I use one for my son because he would run off otherwise and it’s safer when he uses one

Use it if you feel you need to. It’s about the safety of your child, not treating them like a dog. Also, your safety and the baby’s. What happens to you and baby if you fall on your face chasing the 3 year old? The older generation needs to recognize the usefulness of the restraints.

We have twins an we use them

Sounds to me your husband needs slapped and so does the rest of his family


tell family ty but no

They save lives. Idc what anyone has to say about it. Kids are fast and crafty. They have saved so many kids and if you compare them to a dog, YOU are the issue.


My eldest didn’t have one as he was happy to hold my hand or the pushchair, but I needed one for my youngest as he had literally no fear and no road sense and would not listen to me if he was running off. It was either he was on reigns or I’d lose him . I chose the reigns.

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We did the same thing to my younger brother back in the 70’s and 80’s lol

If your husband was there he should have stuck up for you and also he should have been chasing your son around if you’re the pregnant one. I personally probably would have just left.


They can’t “make you” take it off of your own child. They pressured you too, next time tell them, if I take the only thing off that helps me, YOU can watch him!
They shouldn’t judge, you’re pregnant and need help.


I was totally against those. That is until I had my own runner. Open the door, bolt! Let go of her hand for a second, Bolt! And seemingly always towards cars! :open_mouth: Then had her baby brother and it was so much worse. Suggested leash to husband who was firmly against this. Mother, friends, etc. :frowning: Girl! Put that leash back on your child and have some you time! DO NOT let people tell you how to properly care for your child! You obviously KNOW what you’re doing and how to keep him safe! <3


I just want to know when will my 2nd half baby stop running around, I feel tired already :sweat_smile:

The people who’d judge you for using the backpack would just judge you worse if your kid ran in front of a car. If husband and family won’t help a woman about to give birth with the preschooler, then it’s ok to say no to future such gatherings.


Three kids & never thought of using one. Put your phone down & be a parent. They are not dogs!


I use them with my kids and i dont give a shit what anyone says. A lot of ppl stop me and comment, some negative, mostly positive though or asking where i get them from, even the oldies ask about them "wanting one for their husband":rofl: i have 4 kids and i dont trust anyone, i have a real fear of someone snatching my child and if someone tried to take one of them how in the hell am i going to hang on to all 4, children run off they are adventurous so i have the stretchy wrist bands and i have my kids attached to me even when im grocery shopping. I love them and i know my kids are safe and we can go places without my anxiety going through the roof and i can enjoy myself too. i use them at the markets, the show and the monster trucks, thousands of ppl in the dark, no way am i risking my kids getting lost. Everyone thinks it wont happen to them until it does… my friend lost her kid when my first born was just a baby and i invested in them big time. (He was found a few hrs later scared out of his mind at 2 years old)
No ones opinion is worth my kids safety! :100:

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Absolutely do anything and everything, including a child tether to keep your child safe! There are some Absolute sickos out there these days and us mommas have a duty to do what we feel necessary to keep our Littles safe. Everybody that has something to say ask them if they would rather the kid get kidnapped or even worse. Give them the worse case scenario and ask them if they would rather deal with the leash or the worst case scenario. Or don’t because it’s your child and you make the rules mama! Good job!

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I used them for my boys as they were same way.
Better they are safe than get hurt
The one I had attached to both our wrists…they stretched out about 4ft.

sorry People, it’s for safety, does not hurt the kid you should’ve helped her. She loves her Kido.

If you ever had a child like my 2nd son you wouldn’t preach about not using the leash. He could disappear faster than a speeding bullet, and I had him on a leash for his safety. Don’t listen to those who have never had the problem. It’s not cruelty it’s called responsibility. let those who are condiming you try to take care of him.

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We have one for my daughter who just turned 2. She wears it anytime we are in public. When we are around family, I don’t put it on her since I know I’ll have help (thank god for my 13 year old niece). It’s personal preference.

My oldest is a runner. She is fast. So we have them for that reason. Especially now that I’m pregnant. I am fat and slow as is but add a baby bump and I just can’t catch her. So I think they are awesome


I have one for my kid. I used it when she was 3&4 not because she was a runner but bc she wouldn’t pay attention and just wander off :sweat_smile: she’s five now and has gotten a lot better about it but I take the leash just in case


Years ago we had what we called reins for toddlers, they were normal for most mothers, take no notice of others, if he was to get hurt running around they would have something to say about that as well, do what you have to. :hibiscus:

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Do what works for you and protects the safety of your child. In-laws don’t approve, your child, your choice. Where was dad he could have helped by looking after his child.

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They would rather have you son hurt himself or worse? The tales I could tell of that child who later was diagnosed with ADHD.

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Child abuse and teaches the child absolutely nothing


My daughter has a backpack leash it’s needed she runs fast and I’m nearly 7 months pregnant. I don’t see why people judge them, they’re literally to keep your child safe.


All feral animals should be on leashes :woozy_face:


I used them back in 90s I had 3 children the one was 5 the other 2 where 2 and a half years apart obviously didn’t use it on 5 year old but we went everywhere zoo parks mall beach etc and I never lost one of my children or had any incident. Do you don’t worry about anyone else god forbid if something happens they will blame you for that don’t worry about other people do what’s comfortable for your family

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Don’t listen to them. It’s for his safety and yours.

they need to mind thier own business,i agree with you.

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nope, bought one when they first came out and it saved my sanity. My oldest child, now 30, is autistic, it required some creative thinking to keep that child alive when he was a toddler. Child locks didn’t work, he figure those out in 2 minutes, finally I just put bells on everything, him, doors, any chair with wheels.
You’re not superhuman, unfortunately motherhood doesn’t grant that, so do whatever you need to do to keep your child safe and tell the last gen’s hen party to go cluck themselves.

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It keeps your kid alive, nuff said .


I had one for my now 6 year old when she was younger and now have one for my 18 month old son. My daughter wasn’t a runner but my son definitely is. He will literally keep running without even watching where he’s going. Would’ve walked straight into my in laws pond the other day if I let him. Lol. You should’ve told your husband or anybody that said something if they want the leash off, then they’ll be the ones chasing your son around everywhere while you sit your pregnant ass down and relax. Which is what should’ve been done in the first place, leash or no leash, since you’re about to give birth!

I have one I used for my son when he was little. He was so fast and wanted to be independent. Made things a lot easier for me. I’m going get it back out and used it on my daughter.

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Nobody would make me do anything. U should’ve handed it to them and said here ya go and let them chase him.

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That is YOUR child!! You were keeping him safe. It’s not like the damn thing goes around his neck. I had one when my child was a toddler and I stand behind them.

Girl no, don’t let them tell you how to parent. First of all, when I worked at walmart 7years ago I would watch countless young children lose their parents due to the parent walking in front of them, not paying attention etc. I’d much rather see a kid on a leash than a kid get lost. 2nd of all, you’re pregnant. When I visited family pregnant with my 2yo I know exactly how exhausting that is chasing them around and I even had my husband’s help. Unless these family members were willing to chase after your child and watch them, they don’t get to tell you to take the leash off. Just because it’s a leash doesn’t mean you’re treating your child like a dog. You care and love your child enough for them to not get lost and run off :black_heart:

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Before I had a child I was 100 percent against it. I had my daughter and she was a runner. I got a hand to hand leash. My thought process I would rather her be strapped to me in any form than her get lost, harmed, or stolen by someone. You do what is right for your family and ignore outsiders. We all get judged one way or another sadly.

Simply tell them that they didn’t give birth to him so they can zip it unless you ask for advice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I sure hope hubby starts defending you and tells them to back off. Never let others bully you into doing something you aren’t comfortable doing. You’re doing great, momma! Your child’s safety and your comfort is important. unwanted opinions aren’t. Keep your head up and do what works for you and your child.

I think that children aren’t animals and that they shouldn’t be on leashes. If you want something to CONTROL that badly, get a video game.


MY boys have ALL been runners… All of them so I used the Animal back pack with tail leash and I really did not care and still do not. My mom was a nurse and she remembers one that came in he darted in front of a car away from his moms hand was 3 and was hit and his head was crushed. And it happens all the time. A lot more than people hear about. So if protecting my child is a problem then that is someone else’s problem not mine. Next time ask them are you going to watch him so i can eat or talk to someone? Everyone has an opinion and again opinions are like assholes everyone has one of those too…


Tell your family that it’s your kid your rules and until they respect that you won’t be around

I had my 3 year old on a leash AT A PARK because he’s a runner.? Wtf? Why bring him to the park if you’re not gonna allow him to play.

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Perhaps you should domesticate your feral child. I never had to chain my children. Do you also tie them to the bed at night to keep him from chewing things while you sleep?
Sorry, I just don’t see a child being treated like an animal

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I would rather see them on a harness than under the wheels of someones car !!!


People are so judgemental today. My kid had one to keep her safe. Don’t let them tell how to raise your kid. Boundaries


That’s when you give him to the ones that told you to take it off and let them chase him all over the place


I wish I would have had one when my oldest was young. He took off in the mall one day and I almost panicked. I don’t consider putting a harness on a young child as treating them like an animal. I see it as protecting them.


I have no problem with them. Actually thinking about getting one for my son cuz he is insanely quick I can’t keep chasing him down every 2seconds.

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My grandma used one when my cousins and I were little. My cousin that was a week younger than me was a wanderer and I never got too far from grandma so my cousin wore the leash and grandma clipped it to me. That allowed her to still be free to help the other kids and she didn’t have to worry about us. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, especially if you’re pregnant and can’t chase him around.

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Runners need to be leashed for their own safety…

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I had to use a harness with two of my kids…they were runners also…they would run into roads and everything…my child’s safety is more important than other peoples comfort

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That’s your child and you’re business and I would have let them know that


Ur child ur rules you have to do what’s best for you snd ur child , if the child doesn’t listen and wasn’t to come back what woujd they do then ? If they weren’t willing to help then I’d say no it stays on for his safety and urs

Your child safety is very important and if this is how you keep him safe then don’t worry about what others think. I do however, have one suggestion- if you have the kind of leash that goes from your wrist to the child’s wrist you need to get a harness leash that is worn over the chest or like a backpack. A wrist leash is to easy for a person to take off of your child where a harness type leash that goes over the chest is better plus it keeps the child from possibly getting his arm or wrist hurt if he tries going further than the leash allows.

Sorry but they couldn’t “make you” do anything. It is your child, you put your foot down on what you think is right. I use a leash on my daughter all the time. Don’t let people pressure you into anything when it comes to your parenting girl.

We’re about to go on vacation and while we aren’t going anywhere super busy, in todays world you never know. With all the horror stories I’ve heard, I don’t plan on taking chances. I’d tell your husbands family to stuff it :pinched_fingers:t3:

Respectfully tell them to stfu and mind their business

I use a backpack leash on my 3 year old girl and she loves it! Ill let my girl play at the park (usually it’s just us maybe 4 or 5 other kids )
But if we are going to the mall or a fairground, somewhere with lots of exits and cars, I always use the leash. Don’t care what anyone says it’s your kids safety!

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He is your child and you need to take care of yourself and him.

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I 100% am all for child safety leashes. No one knows your child better than you.

We had a little backpack (I think a monkey) with a leash because my son was a runner. I don’t remember a single negative comment, you do what you need to do to keep your kids safe!


MADE you take it off him? Uh no. That’s your kid not theirs. I never would’ve bent to their wants. That or simply don’t get up and chase him and let someone else worry about it since they’re so concerned about him.

They’re there for a reason, YOU know your kid best too. Tell them you have your reasons and if they cannot see that, why should you see their reasons? You’re pregnant AND trying to keep up with him, it’s not a forever thing. You’re doing what best works for YOUR situation. If they want it off next time simply say “ok so who will be taking him to play?” If they try to leave him unsupervised put the leash back on until someone else offers to help watch him, otherwise tell them to shut it

This topic always pisses me off… the child harness is a safety feature not for feral children, as suggested by Syndi Bachmann. If you have a child that likes walking and is crying to get out of the stroller, it is a win-win for both parent and child. You have insured the safety of your child by keeping him from getting lost in a crowd or running out into a street, and the child is getting exercise stretching their little legs. So yes I used the child harness, so my 2-year-old could enjoy trips to the zoo. I did not tie him to his bed and he loved walking around. The experience for me was positive. Happy mom and happy son. As he got older the harness wasn’t needed as he learned his boundaries. I had a few looks but a quick mind your own business and leave me to mine. I refuse to lose my child when I see all the child abductions happening when a simple child’s harness could have avoided a harrowing situation. To the woman 38 weeks pregnant…I would have told your husband’s family you will gladly take it off if they assume the responsibility for his safety. Thankfully my parents and in-laws were glad to have a chance to enjoy their grandson and no matter what he always had plenty of love and hugs even while in his harness. People need to mind their own business and keep stupid responses to themselves. What is right for you is not always right for others. It’s not like you put a chip in your child and added a tracking app to your phone. You were present in his life and that’s the best thing ever.

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We keep dogs on leashes to keep them nearby, and out of harms way. Why wouldn’t we want the same for our kids?
Honestly, my dogs have more sense to stay out of danger than my toddlers some days :joy:


I had the white leather harness, with a two year old as two others in the pram. Loved it.

Ok well I’m not a momma or hell even a parent but I am an uncle I wouldn’t have taken it off u are the mother it is your choice what do plus u stated u were pregnant an getting no help from anybody an your kid likes to run that right there is reason enough to leave it on an as far as your family treating you like that… that would have been enough for me to say goodbye pack up my child an leave if your family doesn’t support your decisions on how to raise an take care of your Child then u shouldn’t be around them


Necessary! I’m not losing my child because he ran off and no one is stealing my child!

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Child abuse with something like this would be if it went around their neck and they were being screamed at.
If there is no conversation with a child to explain why they can’t run off like that and why they are wearing it then I agree they will learn nothing.

But I can understand why a parent would want to have something like this attaching themselves to their child.
An example of not having something like this… My, then, 2 1/2 year old daughter and I were going to the community swimming pool and I had my hands full of all of our safety and play equipment, along with holding her hand. I stood behind her and put in the security code for the gate and before I could get her hand back in mine she pushed open the gate, ran and jumped in the pool. TALK ABOUT QUICK! I was right behind her! Cell phone and all! She had on no life jacket, no floaties, no ability to swim, NOTHING! Right into the 6ft depth of the pool and when I got her back to the surface she was laughing. The people around us said they didn’t even realize what had happened, it happened so fast. The people that were pretty much right next to where she jumped in didn’t realize that a 2 yr old did a launched pencil dive into the pool and that I had jumped over them to get to her. Had to explain it to them and after I stopped crying, had a very long " child chat" with my daughter of why she can’t do that and why it’s not safe.
So, since she was such a big girl she got to help me carry things that couldn’t go in the pool to the pool and she had to put on her life jacket before we left the apartment so “I didn’t have to carry so much”. I held the strap on the back while I punched in that code every time after that.

Please explain to me why holding on to that strap is child abuse?

everyone parents differently and u need to do what makes you comfortable. I never used them, if ur at the park let them play! if they don’t listen give a age appropriate consequence . yes it’s work but being consistent is key.
all the best and if ur extended family.coukdnt respect your parenting approach inwould of leftor ask for help.

My brother and I were child leash kids. They saved us from running off. If your child was running all over the place, they would probably have something to say about that too.

not leashes reins people having been using them in some wayor another for centuries yourthe mum up to you

I used one on one of my kids. No one was a stranger to him, and he was high energy so didn’t want him taken by someone. He actually ran off twice when each set of grandparents were with him. Neither of them had him on a child leash.

Tell them to stuff it