Thoughts on child leashes?

They are life savers.

I did to my kids and I still threaten them and they are 2 7 9 11

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I use one for my 7 year old autistic son. He’s a runner too. I get some strange looks, but I dare anyone to say anything!!

I use one for my 2 year old son :woman_shrugging:t2: I’d rather him be on a leash instead of running out in front of a car and getting hit. It’s your baby. Tell them to shove it where the sun don’t shine. They didn’t birth the baby you did. You know what’s best.

1000% agree with a lease

I had 4 girls. At first, I thought No freaking way. But after trying to get them to stay together while getting one out of a car seat, I changed my mind. Also at a flea market, my bil took them off. You guessed it, one ran away off. Found her at a friend’s booth. So yeah now I realize their purpose. It protected my kiddos and agree with them
They are now in their 30s, and used them on their kiddos. I would much rather leash them, than lose them or worse

Why didn’t your husband help? I don’t agree with child leashes. I have 5 month old and 5 year old it’s not easy but that’s parenthood!

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when I was a teenager I babysit kids, one mother gave me a leash for her son I was like noway bit I couldnt catch him fast enough to put it on him

I don’t like them but if they would of offered to watch him would of been nice. But safety first. If you can’t get him to listen then leash it is.

if they want to shoot their mouth off then get off there ass and chase him if not keep it on and shut there mouths

I think that it’s no one’s business why you use anything with your child. They can suck it. Whatever helps you and makes you comfortable

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I used one on my 6th child who was active and a wanderer. Some people shamed me at a very crowded Disneyland, others praised me. The leash gave him some freedom to walk instead of being trapped in a stroller all day. Ignore the ignorance of others who like to judge without knowledge or understanding. Tell your in-laws to mind their own business.

Not only will a child “leash” prevent them from going something dangerous like running out into cars or into water unsupervised (or with a very pregnant mama that has trouble chasing) but it also prevents predators from being able to grab them and run.

They’re for safety not control.

Tell your in-laws to suck it. Your child your choice regardless but your babies safety is more important than their opinions.

I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to keep your child safe. Other people need to mind their own business.

Ok so you was at a park…did it have a play set he was trying to get to? Yes? Maybe he wanted to play. And it’s your fault that you ran and is exhausted. You should of just stayed sitting down, yelled at him some stranger will take him away. Usually works because they don’t want to be gone from mommy and daddy. Leashes for kids should really be burned. You got hands and they got hand, hold them, you got a mouth, speak with it why they should stay it you
I don’t care go off on me because I won’t even respond back!


My adhd fella i had to use one he just didn’t understand the heart attack he would give me everytime he took off theyre bloody quick. Far as im concerned better to be on a leash than kidnapped or ran over.

My son took off running in a busy parking lot. I used a leash and dont care what anyone said. Tell them to mind their own business or help out. Ugh. I am so sorry you had to go through this.


It keeps them from wandering away in a crowded place like a fair.

I was a leash kid (runner) and my son is a leash kid (also a runner)

I would have said “you want it off then you can chase after him” also “if something happens to him then you’re responsible”. Then I would have took my behind and sat down. :woman_shrugging:


That is your child you should have given the leash to them and said ok you take it off and be in charge of keeping him safe im pregnant and unable to run after him .

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“If the leash is bothering you so much, Then thank you for taking it off and watching him. That helps me out so much, I’m going to sit over there and eat while I rest a bit.


I had one in the 80’s. I have no emotional damage or triggers :rofl::tipping_hand_woman:t2:I turned out just fine. Safe and in one piece. I plan on getting one for my little one this summer. Kids run, wander, you get distracted. It takes 1/2 a second to lose them or some creep scoop them up. Keep calm and leash on!

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Your child your business tell them to mind their business seems to me daddy likes to make babies but dont want to help out .He wouldn’t be getting another after this is born or getting anything after


I’m all for it. I wish I had used it for my kids.

You do what you need to do, momma. Our older son was a runner as a toddler. We had to use a harness & leash to keep him from running into traffic, etc. He wouldn’t be alive today if we hadn’t done that almost 50 years ago.


I would have just left. It really isn’t any of their business how you choose to keep YOUR CHILD safe. Some kids are runners. Do what you need to do and f them.


For your child you make the rules those leashes are certified by the board of health and welfare and acting ignorant as to the safety of your child is not an option for anyone You make the rules no one breaks those rules.

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I am 100% pro leash. Yes they look terrible but this is one of those situations where the child’s safety is more important and everyone else (especially the unhelpful but loud mouth ones) can go fly a kite. I have a mild form of muscular dystrophy and was blessed to be able to have three children but I absolutely cannot physically run after them and while two of them weren’t big into running off, the baby who’s now nearly 2 years old is quick as lightning and seems to be a dasher. She will be having a “safety rope” (better name :grin:)

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Your child so you can decide leash or not My kids hjad leashes when they were younger better to be safe than sorry take no notice of them


Do what works best for you and your child. Do whatever you have to do to keep your kid safe. It doesn’t matter what other people’s opinions are…they need to mind their own business.

My wife is seventy years young and her mother had her on a leash attached to the close line.

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If they have a problem with the leash you can always try an e collar. Every time they bitch about the leash you can just shock them

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maybe your husband needs to stand up for you or get off his butt and chase the child himself. i say you need to put his family in there place and they should mind there own bussiness.

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It’s your child your business. Some people feel so entitled to an opinion but at the end of the day you gotta do what’s best & safe for you!

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I use a leash on my 5 year old sometimes. Depending on where I’m going. Iv’e had all kinds of mean comments said to me over it. My child is a runner. No one knows your child Better then you. I wouldn’t have taken it off. If anything I would have told them to mind their own business or I would have left. What happens if he takes off running and gets hit by a vehicle? They are going to blame you. Not sure if your husband was there or not. But if he was then he needs to help!! There’s been a lot of times I took my kid to my husband and said “you need to help me.” We have other kids so sometimes you gotta be blunt. Also I’d tell his family if your not going to help then no I won’t take it off. And if there’s another dinner. I personally wouldn’t go. Your the parent they don’t like it then that’s their problem. Everyone is different but speak or mind when it comes to your child. I can’t tell you how many times my sons leash has kept him from getting ran over.


No one knows your child like you do. Their safety and your peace if mind are #1. If they aren’t going to help watch the child, then they can be quiet

Just remind your in laws of the devastating events that occurred when Jamie Bulger was abducted I am sure they will shut up then

Anti-Lost Wrist Link, Blue Reflective Anti-Lost Wrist Chain with Child Lock 6.56 feet.

As a mother of 2 autistic children who are well known to elope and run off while unaware of danger around them I’ve had to use “leashes” for lack of a better term. Regardless what anyone says it’s to keep them SAFE and if it helps you while they learn boundaries then that’s okay too! I’ve dropped a link to the restraints we have because the ones in stores are too short, they pull on your kid too much, and it doesn’t offer them more room to play. These are much better IMO


I’m 81 now, and moving kind of slow but apparently I was a little speed demon when I was little, and my folks used a leash for me. They said they got some negative looks and remarks but kept it on as long as needed. One thing I don’t think has been mentioned, holding your arm way up can get actually painful, so the leash is much more comfortable for the child.

People leash their dogs to keep them safe but bitch about doing it to a child :roll_eyes: tell them to mind their own business.

Hey, he is your child and you do what keeps him safe. And to Hell with what they like or don’t like. It would have been different if you had volunteers to help you watch him, especially in your condition !! But they were too invested in themselves to even offer i say to hell with them and the horse they rode in on as they say !!!

My child bolted one time in public and that one time was all it took. She was on a leash until she understood stranger danger and to not take off in public spaces. She thought it was fun to be on a backpack leash.

Great idea . Keeping them safe is what matters

Tell ur husband that you will take off the leash if he will look after your child particularly chase after him/her when on d run. Now if he wont, tell him to shut it! Keeping you kid safe should always be the top priority not other people’s opinion.


i had one for my youngest twin when we went to tbay for appointments no way anyone could keep up with him lost him on time in keskus mall security had to help find him,not very often used it

Love when someone feels the neednto parent you on parenting your child.

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lol…i found him zooming in and out of clothes racks at rickis

If they gonna judge then they need to chase. My 6yo was a runner and he had one. Now I have a climbers hook on my belt he has to hold when we are out in public so he doesn’t wonder off.


Tell them to kick rocks next time


Years ago one of my children who was about three at the time would wander off and it would take me quite a while to find him. My English neighbour told me that back home in England young children were harnessed and tied to the clothes line to give them room to wander throughout the yard. Dogs were allowed to roam as they usually came home. My husband and and I were horrified at the time but thi king back now, it was a perfect solution for a wandering child.

i had a leash for my son he would run all over the store

Your kid, your choice. Their opinion is irrelevant. If they wanted you to take it off of him, they needed to be the ones chasing him around. I have one for my daughter, she’s 4. We only use it in crowded public places because I’m paranoid about someone snatching her. I’ve had very vivid nightmares about it so just lots of anxiety She doesn’t normally run away from me but for me it’s a safety thing. It attaches to my wrist and hers and locks on her wrist. If anyone tries to take her they’re taking me too and going to get their ass whooped.

I use to drag mine around the store with them lol
They loved it haha

Don’t listen to other people when it comes to your child’s safety they’re not the ones raising your little ones


I use leashes. You’re fine momma.

I was harnessed and leashed as a child. Trust me. That’s for the best. I couldn’t wander off (as I was prone to do), I couldn’t get left behind because I was distracted by something (as I was prone to do), and my mom didn’t have to worry about me as much. I stayed in the leash until kindergarten and then I was expected to be a “grownup” and loop my finger into the belt loops of the pants of whoever I was with.
Unless it was at the fair. And then I was leashed until at least the age of six because boy, howdy was I going to get distracted.

Until you have to go and find your child’s body at a police station or look for your child for 20 years because he was kidnapped. Keep that leash mommy. And bugger what his family says. You will be the one suffering if something happens to your child.


I love those. I feel like so many people are haters and have opinions and they should put those where they put the checks to pay your bills and to raise your kids- in thin air bc it’s not their business and it’s silly to have an opinion. I have used those with all of mine and idk if people liked loved or hated it bc I don’t care- it def helps keep your kiddos safe sooooo I prob more so used those around ages 18 mos to 2 years but I think you gotta do what works for you

Time to cut the inlaws out you don’t need them. When there family gatherings with his side you and your son don’t go and if the husband wants to go then he goes alone

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I’m going to be the odd man out here and agree with your husbands family. I have four kids and never put them on a leash. As to me yes they are not dogs or any kind of animal that needs to be on a leash. Maybe your husband should have helped out since you’re that pregnant. Or teach your three your old not to run around and to stay by your side


I just trust that if the parents need one they have good reason :+1:t2:


I put Reins on all mine. They literally brought them to me when they knew we was going out. I have 9 children and when the 9th was born I had 2 in the buggy, 2 reined to the buggy and one in a baby carrier. For peace of mind they stayed closed and no one dare would of judge me for protectioning my babies. Once the baby born you going to need the reins even more so tell them to hush up unless the ones telling you to un rein are prepared to come out with you and take charge of him. Sure they will change there tune.


I used them. It keeps them safe. And family is not going to run him


Better safe than sorry


My granddaughter can disappear in a sneeze. We had her on one at the baseball field. No mean comments because I was ready for them. A couple people asked where to get it. Everyone needs to mind their own business :rage::rage:.


I have used a leash on both of my kids. Things can happen so quickly. You should never feel ashamed or wrong for doing whatever you have to to protect your kid. Period.


Oh hell no, screw that! I’m a grandma 14 times and I would rather see those babies safe on a leash than the horrible alternatives of what could happen. Let daddy or daddy’s family chase him! Dad’s up for helping to make them so feel free to jump in and take care of him. Tell everybody else to shove the fuck off!

I used them on my 3 kids! Didn’t give a hoot what anyone else thought because I knew my kids were right beside me and safe!


I have one for my child. He is 2 and a half years old and loves to run. He thinks it’s a game. I don’t give a damn what anyone says. My child’s safety and well-being is more important than what other people think.

I wish I had of thought of them 50 years ago.

Man there are CRAZY people in this world!!! Don’t let ANYONE make you feel bad for keepin up with you’re baby, especially that preggo with ZERO help. Smh. Sorry mama

Your fine. Take it off only if they promise to watch your child.

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Tell your relatives to shut there mouths not there child and really don’t ell then to suck youe twat

You must have a wander child thats not scared of anything I have 2 li one 4 and 6 and if they don’t see me they get scared I walk away just to hide to see what there do they be screaming mommy where are u and crying so no I never to leash but I seen other parents do it.

I feel they are so much help I had 3 under 3. It’s best to keep them safe n ur self safe. Tell that family than they need to be chasing the kid. If they don’t like it help!

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Unless they’re going to help you instead of just judge you do what’s best for you and your child. Better safe than sorry.

Whatever it takes to keep them safe​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Do it. You will always have haters of some sort. At least you have a safe child :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: that’s what matters first :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I had one for my children, people also tried to belittle me , but I ignored them especially as I was also pregnant with my second child and he was 2. We also lived in a flat on the busy main road from Cape Town to Sea Point.

Forget them! If they aren’t going to help watch and chase him down when he takes off, they don’t get a say in it! You are not a bad mom. Some kids need it, they aren’t the best listeners or they get excited about something and run after it. It happens. My sister always had to have her 2 kids on a strap because they would wander. My daughter does not. It doesn’t mean my sister was a bad mom who wasn’t paying attention. It just means her kids are different than my daughter. No big deal. Whatever. Screw all the naysayers and do what works for you and your family

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You are the mom, you know best, I had the back pack one for my youngest, so tell them to kiss it

Wow, so they are more concerned about the safety of a dog than the safety of your child? Yikes

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leashes or reins , i would advise either . especially with a recent abduction attempt this week

They didn’t make you do anything.

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My thought is DO IT!!! Screw what other people think. Parenting is hard… Keep your kid safe!


We have 3 different kinds lol

Gloria, it was a weekend saver for us last weekend when we had the kids - the only way we can keep up with liam - is to slow him down – I agree he does not mind or fight it -

Your son is a child. They run, play and skin their knees. You dont have to have him on a leash. Teach him not to cross certain boundaries on his level. I am with your family on this one. Let your kid be a kid.

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My oldest is in his 30s I had him and his sister on the wrist type at the library, some lady who would not even talk directly to me sent me a note saying kids don’t belong on leash’s. If I had seen her I would have given her a big piece of my mind. They were both runners :running_woman: and chasing them around the library wasn’t going to happen, had them on those wrist things in stores also as they loved to duck into the close racks. I have a harness for my youngest grandson and if I know we are going somewhere that doesn’t have a buggy I make sure that I have that harness. Great piece of mind.

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We use the wrist type and the backpack leashes… no shame. My kids get their freedom and I get to know they are safe… I used them with my oldest now 9 and now my 2 and 3 yr old

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The main points is KEEP THE CHILD SAFE!! If it takes leash - use it!!

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If it works for you it’s none of their business. If you get to enjoy parts of your life it’s none of their business I had three close together you best believe my children wore one

I would definitely have supported you in this! Tell them to mind their own business.

Its fine if they want him off the leash then ask who is going to watch him and make sure he is safe? At 38 weeks prego I would have been like aight ima leave cuz I am not chasing my child

If it helps your sanity and keeps your kid safe, fuck everyone who has anything to say about it🤷🏻‍♀️

They are great!!! We got a cute teddy bear so it didn’t look so bad. Now we have a backpack for our 3rd. It makes it so much easier especially for really driven, stubborn headed, I can do it myself crazy toddlers

It’s not like you had it around his neck! I think they are important in helping keep children safe. Maybe next time I would bring a jogging stroller so they can complain you are treating him like a baby :grimacing:


Nothing wrong with them, tell them to mind there own. I had one for my older son cause he didn’t like holding hands and was like the flash gone I’m seconds. They are awesome

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Of course no one offered to help you, right? Next time don’t listen to anyone that isn’t willing to pitch in and help!


I use a backpack leash on my toddlers when we go to zoo, museum, etc :woman_shrugging: they get to walk and explore without being confined to a stroller, and I know they’re safe with me because they can’t stray too far. It’s a whole lot harder to abduct a child that’s attached to me.

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