Thoughts on having a VBAC?

I did it 31 years ago after a c section (18 months prior) all was well but talk with your doc each birth has different circumstances and only they should advise you

I had a c section with my first my second was a vbac loved it much easier recovery.

100% talk to your doctor. Alot of different things factor into a successful vbac or even being to do one. 26yrs ago i had a csection and then went on to 5 successful vbacs. Communicate your wishes , concerns, fears to your doctor. Ask about the risk factors, not just in general but YOUR risk factors. Everyone is different. Best of luck to you!


I just had a vbac after having a c section 4 years ago and all went well. There are risks that your doctor will tell you about but I am glad I chose to have an all natural birth this time around.

It’s a possibility but you need to discuss your situation with your dr.

I had my first baby in 1983 - a C-section. My next 2 were born in 1986 & 1993 - both VBACs. Talk to your doctor.

Ask your dr…and if you don’t like the answer…find another dr. Your FB friends will not be in the delivery room.


You should talk with your doctor not the internet


Don’t you think asking a dr about complications is better idea?

My boys are in their 30’s now but I have my second chad VBAC. No issues. He was a big baby and as long as you’re not having any issues there shouldn’t be any problems. You must have the support of your doctor tho. I told mine what I wanted and then when I was induced I told the L&D nurse.

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I am due at the end of october I was a candidate for a vbac. But the risks scared me. So I’m having a scheduled c section which I hear from friends isnt half as bad as a emergency c section. It’s really what your more comfortable with my success rate was 85% but that remaining is what scared me. But I know my Dr. Told me if I didnt have her by my due date they would do the c section anyways. Plus I’m having a tubal. I hope whatever route you choose you have a healthy happy baby.

Me and my two brothers were all VBAC after my older sister being a c-section. My mom said no one even acted like it was a big deal. That would have been mid 90’s though :woman_shrugging:t3:

I had two csections then a bv everything went good

There are risks big ones but after 4 years you should probably be ok… uterine rupture is the main and biggest risk

Talk with your Doctor. I had C-section and Vbac.

I did it! 4 1/ 2 yrs apart

Why don’t you say a natural birth.

I have had 3 VBA2C, and I will be having another in March/April of next year. Your body has already pushed out two babies, that proves that you are capable. Each birth is different, and your possibilities of a VBAC will be exclusive to your history. There are risks, as there are risks with ANY medical procedure. The most prominent risk being that your uterus could rupture, at which point they would do an emergency c section. Most hospitals won’t allow patients to VBAC unless their hospital is equipped for that kind of emergency. I would definitely recommended finding a local Ican group (someone has already shared a link in a previous comment), and educate yourself. Knowledge is definitely power. Some people (including some doctors, but you can always get second opinions)may try to use scare tactics to convince you not to VBAC, so you will definitely want to find/build a good support team to help you advocate for what you want. Maybe consider a doula. But you definitely need to talk to your doctor and find out your surgical history to see if a VBAC is a good option for you.

This is a conversation to have with your OB care provider. There are many factors to consider and the person caring for you is best equipped to guide you through this decision.

I had to have a section with my first, then did vbac 18months later with my second.
I had complications but it wasn’t anything to do with the section from my previous son.
Docs monitor you more anyway when in labour because its a vbac.

Yes I had my first child c-section and second vaginal then my third c-section then my fourth vaginal. Vaginal is more comfortable to get through than cs. But it’s what the doctor think is best for you.

My first 2 were born vaginally. My 3rd baby was an emergency cesarean because I had pre-eclampsia. 2 and a half years later I had my 4th child vaginally, no complications! 5 years later I had my 5th baby still vaginally…all is well! Good luck to you sis, hoping all the best!:kissing_heart:

My first was c section, had my second Va 18 mos later.

30 years ago I had a vbac. No issues. Talk to your dr

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! Thoughts on having a VBAC?

I’m having my second my first was a c section. When talking to other moms and drs the recovery is faster as well as the going home process. Idk about you but the thought of pushing out a baby is scary for me.

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My cousin did but that was two years after. It went well!!


This entirely depends on your pros and cons list personally. If you have relatively low risks of a repeat, your doctor is for it and it’s what you want then go for it! My pros and con list had very little to do with the actual risks of either birth, and more to do with my previous experience.

I did. My boys are 23 months apart. No issues

I loved both of mine! I had a c-section in Feb 2017, had a vbac in Aug 2019, and just had another vbac yesterday! I personally prefer vaginal over c-section!

The vbac link community page has loads of information

I had a vbac and had no issues whatsoever :heart:

I know multiple women who have had successful VBAC’s some at home following a csection with their first and with larger babies over 10 pounds anything is possible!

Vba2c here and loved it

Following. I’m due in January. This will be my second baby. First was delivered by csection 5 years ago but I’m really hoping for a vbac this time

They had me try a v back didn’t work but tried

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Yes Ma’am I did. MY first baby was emergency C section due to fetal distress, My second ( 3 yrs later was natural birth. Everything went well ,WAY faster recovery and released the following day.

I had a VBAC! Loved it. I got to have an epidural and the recovery from birth was sooooo much easier than the c section, for me.

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My dr said it all depends on the circumstances of the first c section

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My first daughter was born by c section and I have had 3 vbacs since that. No complications. Much easier recovery. Completely prefer vaginal delivery all the way.

My first and fifth was Cesarean
1999 Cesarean
2018 Cesarean

I had a Vbac. No complications and my dr was extremely supportive.

My first son was a c section my other 3 boys were vaginal. I loved it and had no issues. :heart::heart: good luck moma

My daughter was a vbac because she was born on Easter Sunday and the only surgery team on staff were in doing an emergency hio replacement which was going to take hours. So I had no choice. But they gave me an epidural. She came fairly quick and I had only 4 small tears. I’m happy with the vbac. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Had one for my youngest! If the Dr clears you to have one I day go for it! I was kind of bullied into having my c section. There was no real reason why. I hated that delivering Dr. I know this ins anonymous but you’re more than welcome to message me if you’re comfortable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Join vbac Facebook groups :purple_heart:

Both of mine were v bac but I did have the same as a C-section because of a fibroid in my uterus I think regular vbac is easier now my daughter-in-law she never gets to have a regular birth every time they told her that she couldn’t do a regular birth she had to do c-sections so she had four c-sections now my daughter her first daughter was regular birth her second was regular birth but she only weighed less than 2 lb their third birth was her son he weighed less than 2 lb but they had to do an emergency C-section on her cuz her water had broke two weeks before that and her last daughter she wanted to c section because she couldn’t wait to have her self go into labor she was due on the 21st of June but she made the doctor give her a C-section on the 18th of June from what I heard from doctors where I live they basically say that you can’t have a regular birth after c-section but I don’t know about that seems to me it could be done either way good luck on your baby though

I did it they have emergency on stand by at all times during a vbac we came out perfectly fine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My first I had C-section due to him being breech and just gave birth vaginally in March with my second. The pros is the healing definitely isn’t quite as long although I tell me it’s a different discomfort at least for me because I tore. Cons your uterus where it was cut once before has a 95% chance of tearing open where it was once cut before. The epidural is definitely different from the spinal block.
This is all of course my experience and what my doctors have told me. I had a healthy 2nd baby vaginally and I am trying to do my 3rd the same as well. Good luck mama!

I did it and it was incredible! I had a C-section with my first (breech) followed by a home water birth with my second.

My sister did and her baby weighed 9lbs8ozs and was 23in long

I’ve had two VBAC’s. Both were much better recovery than the c-section and I had no major issues.

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I had a Vbac and it was the best decision I made. Quick delivery and postpartum with no complications

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I delivered my daughter 29 years ago, with no drugs, after having a c section a few years before. No problems at all.

I just had a VBAC july 5th i had 2 csections before with my first 2 and this time i had a VBAC and i didnt have any issues really… It was different but definitely doable and i did it All-natural! Good luck momma u got this! :smiley:

I have had 3 csections, 1st was a emergency csection, second was scheduled, third was meant to be scheduled but my waters broke a week early so was rescheduled the day my water broke.

After my first csection - having my second I was actually petrified of having vaginal birth - they mentioned vbac but I was then transferred to another hospital they ended up scheduling me for a csection.

Now I wish I had gone for a vbac only cos of scar tissue. An if ur wanting a bigger family then try vbac.

I have no personal experience, but I’m very familiar with birthing issues. My granddaughter was born at home. I delivered my children without so much as an IV. I’ve read dozens of books on birthing. There is NO risk for VBAC, but birthing in a hospital is extremely risky, depending on the hospitals where you live. In NYC, five of my daughter’s friends were forced into C-sections for absolutely no reason. If it’s too late for a birthing center, or there isn’t one near you, make sure you know the C-section rate of your OB and don’t let anyone deliver you who doesn’t say upfront that they have no problem with VBAC.


Im fue the end of October and attempting a VBAC. My midwife and her coworkers are very VBAC friendly but my hospital isnt because they dont always have an anesthesiologist on staff. They are very supportive. So make sure you have members of your team that are very supportive of your choices. My first was a csection and this is my 2nd child.

I had a vbac last June, 2.5 years after my c section and it was a 180 degree difference!
With my first the hospital had overdosed me on magnesium and I was out of it for 24 hours and unable to progress at all so they ended up doing a csection. My recovery was pretty rough too.
With my second, I just had an epidural and I could still actually move my legs, I only spent 20 minutes pushing, and I got to walk to my next room just 2 hours after she was born!!! I even told my husband I was ready to do it all again on the way home :joy: 10/10 would do it again :joy::joy:

I had a successful vbac best decision i made. I do not regret it one bit. My recovery was easier & quicker as well.

My last two were vbacs and highly recommend it if your dr clears you!

Ive had 3 c sections but 2 ppl i know have lost their babies trying to have a normal birth after c section…hope it works for you…good luck

Yes, my first was C-S then 2 natural and last Another C-S

I have had 6 children
All natural vbac

For me the vaginal delivery and recover were the absolute worst

My 1st was a c section due to my son being litterally folded in half and stuck under my hip. I had 3 vbacs after that. My first was 18 months after the c section so I was given an epidural to control my labor so I didn’t rupture my uterus. The last 2 were natural no meds healing time is so much better and easier with vaginal birth. I was up moving around with ease on days vs the weeks after the c section.

I had 2 natural and then a c section and a VBAC. it was easy and fast and recovery was so much better than c section. Good luck

Find what’s right for you. I had 3 vaginal. Last one came fast with zero meds, best recovery ever. I had the baby, walked to the potty. It was just wonderful to have full control over my body.
No meds was not planned. It just happened.

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Also make sure your preferred hospital allows it. My OBGYN office warned anyone wanting VBAC that they would need to deliver at another hospital because the closest did not allow it.

My first was natural. Second was emergency c section. I 10/10 recommend natural. I had the epidural when I had my son vaginally but two hours later I was able to walk around, get myself dressed, etc. and the recovery time was so easy. Little to no pain afterwards. C section it took me about two weeks before I wasn’t in god awful pain. Then another two weeks to be completely pain free. I think every woman should get to experience vaginal birth at least once. I was hoping I got to with my second one.

When I was consulting my doctor, she said it depended on how much pain you get in your csection scar when pregnant and when your body is readying for birth and you go into labour. If you get burning, pain or tearing feelings you have to go for emergency c section. So as long as you know you can’t completely rule out another csection and you should prepare for both.

I had my daughter nearly 7 years ago by c section and had my son August 2020 VBAC

I couldn’t wait to be able to push I kept telling them I didn’t want another c section

I think the only negative I really remember is your scar rupturing but that was such a low percent or I would of been so scared and not want vbac it’s such a low low possibility

I literally feel so glad and happy been able to push cause I’ve been able to experience both and I had a bad experience with my c section.

It’s very much possible :heartpulse: oh and I had no issues either xx

My first was a c-section and my daughter was a surprise…they said i could have her normal even tho i was scared as they are only 13 months apart…i had her normal with no issues…infact she was the only one out of 4 i had normal and im grateful for that once off experience :slightly_smiling_face:

My first was a cesarean and my second and third were both vbacs.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! Thoughts on having a VBAC?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum! Thoughts on having a VBAC?

I had my first child in 1987 and my second vbac child five years later. Natural was 100 times better than cesarean. The way to go if you are able to do so safely for you and baby. Much less pain and complications, at least for me. And home the next day :purple_heart:

I was too afraid something would go wrong. Ive had 3 c sections and I kind of regret not trying for a VBAC

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Had an emergency c-section in 2019, had a vbac in March. Pros are sometimes quicker birth and be able to bounce back quicker than a c-section. Cons are you could tear or have to do another c-section. But remember it is different for everyone. You can always try for a vbac and then go into a c-section if necessary or needed to

I had an Emergency c section 9 weeks prem waters broke early and then developed sepsis in my womb really complicated c section in a rush but then I had another baby 17 months later totally naturally they warned me of the possibilities in some woman of the scar tearing open but it was absolutely fine no problems at all

I’ve had 3 VBAC. I refused a c section after the first one. Consult your doc. Remember you can always change your mind. My doc clearly explained why —some docs won’t (it’s sheer time/ and requirements for them while a patient is laboring), the reason for the initial c section is a factor as well. Then the risk (uterine rupture .5-2%) there’s actually no risk to baby as much as to mamma. My hospital was equipped for NICU and my doc said she could have the baby out in 30 seconds, if need be. I was very comfortable with the pros and cons.

Baby 2: epidural and was sunny side up and had 2 full umbilical knots

Baby 3 was epidural and she came fast

Baby 4: no drugs and I had a little trouble after I delivered the placenta but she stopped the bleeding.

All babies were healthy

Talk with your doc, your partner and think about it. You have some time.

Good luck


Dumb question because I was under the impression that it depends on what state you live in if the doctors are willing to do it… is that true? Be nice. Nobody has to go after me.

No negatives for my VBAC, I was saline locked and had my birth plan. Delivered unmedicated and uncomplicated. Do your reaserch! ICAN is a great resource.

My experience was pure hell. I had a hernia removed and that happened in 2017
I had a emergency C-SECTION in 2014
I had a natural birth in September 2020
I was super scared that my son was going to tear my scar tissue. My c-section scar hurt tremendously bad, I couldn’t walk towards the end. It was so hurtful.
I made it.
I pray you and your new baby does well.

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I had a VBAC in the end of may (maybe 14 months after my first baby) and their was no negatives! :blush: Everything went perfectly fine and she was even two lbs bigger than my first. If you are able it is definitely worth the try for a new experience. For me it was like having my first all over again. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have 6 kids 2 c-sections 4 VBAC’s. My oldest was emergency c-section but I delivered my second VBAC 17 months later. I had 2 more vaginal births then c-section due to him being breach and another VBAC 11 months after. They did strongly encourage I get the epidural early on due to the deliveries bring so close together in case we needed to do emergency c-section but everything went great. Good luck !

My mom had me vaginally, my brother was a c section, and then she had 4 successful v bacs and then a final c section because she swelled shut when they put iodine on her for the catheter so my sister couldn’t come through. They just monitored her during labor like a hawk

I had a wonderful vbac last October 17 months after an emergency csection!!! Best decision I ever made!!!

I will say this…. Find a doctor that fully supports vbac. A doctor that’s says “you might be able to” or “we will play it by ear” or “it could happen” they are not as supportive as they pretend to be. I left my ongyn at 20 weeks pregnant when he told me to mentally prepare for another csection which I was wholeheartedly against. It floored me. He had no faith in me or my ability to birth my child naturally. Find some one who supports you and find a birthing doula!!! Do NOT let them induce you as this automatically increases the chances of a repeat Caesarian. The best decisions I ever made and I had a fantastic vaginal birth without any medicine and would do it a million times over. The recovery was so much better and quicker than the caesarean recovery.
Educate yourself. Do research. They will try to scare you with uterine rupture stories but it is less that 1% chance of uterine rupture.


My Dr told me no when I asked about it but my baby had other plans. He came early (34 wks) in the middle of the night. Had Vbac in the operating room. Both baby and me were just fine. Every birth is different though. Good luck :black_heart:


A lot of women do it. It’s actually pretty common. Any other underlying conditions will ultimately determine whether you need another c sec but the big issues lie in any scar tissue and core weakness you may have leftover from your last pregnancy. If you feel like you need these things looked at then get a referral for Physical Therapy. We can work on decreasing scar tissue as well as strengthening your core and pelvic floor strength to get you prepared for vaginal delivery. :two_hearts:

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I had my first baby via emergency csection. 4 years later, I chose to attempt a VBAC. Only complications - my baby swallowing meconium and I had a 4th degree tear due to 20ish minutes worth of pushing). My 3rd baby was born via scheduled csection because I became pregnant so quickly after my 2nd was born and they didn’t want to risk another 4th degree tear.

All of that to say, I’d rather do a VBAC with a 4th degree tear instead of a csection. Hands down. Both of my c-sections were so difficult to heal from.


I had a successful VBAC this past December.
Positives: MUCH faster healing process & being able to hold baby almost immediately. I had a very easy labor after epidural was placed.
Negatives: I HAD to get an epidural, in case emergency c-section was needed, which killed my plan for unmedicated birth. Also, can’t use regular induction methods due to increase risk of uterine rupture.


I wanted one so bad but we thought because I had big babies before that my last baby would be big but turns out he was my smallest and I could’ve definitely pushed him out :joy: but I did get my tubes tied so that was my plus side

My sister had 6 kids in the normal way after having her first by c-section. Don’t be afraid.


I had a csection with my first child, after that I had two successful VBACs! Labor was faster each time. Go for it! You have a better chance of no complications if you go into labor on your own as well. The biggest risk is your csection rupturing, but it’s a low chance and even lower if you go into labor naturally instead of being induced.


I had a perfectly fine vbac 4 years after csection, no problems whatsoever

It depends on why you had to have the csection the first time, and how far apart from first pregnancy to the second one. I didn’t have a choice in my second csection!

Had an emergency csection with my second child was induced with him as well! a year later had a Vbac with my third child went into labor naturally! No complications and honestly was the quickest pushes out of all my babies! Dr never even suggested a second csection! I would definitely say go for it let your body do it’s own thing! But everyone is different.

Nice to see so many vbac success stories. Scheduled second csections are super easy, too. Either way is fine if it suits you.


I have 4 kids my first born was born via C section I had a vbac with my second born c section with my third and another v bac with my fourth. Honestly I prefer vaginal birth its a much less painful recovery. I had no issues and no tearing. Oh and don’t let your doctor bully you into a c section my doctor was originally against the v bac I had to put my foot down in order to get my doctor on board. They also induced labor on all my children except my first born. So it depends on the doctor on whether or not they will induce.