I had nothing with one and epidoral with 2. Honestly if you go into labour on your own, labour is way easier, if they induse much harder, labour pains are more. As for recovery it was all the same I was walking right after all 3 births. I did alot of research and asked alot of questions about the epidoral and there is no proof that it causes back pain after as I know alot who never got it and have back pain and back problems cause of carrying a child for 9 months and giving birth can cause damage to the spin as well.
I’m only 19 I just had a little girl in January. I refused the epidural for the same reason. I’m happy with the decision I made. Plus you get to brag about having a natural birth.
I have been through labor 3 times, first 2 with epidural and my 3rd all natural. My natural birth was the best out of the three and recovery was easier. If they give you pitocin your going to want the epidural I endured it for hours with my first and I was going to be too exhausted to push if I didn’t get it. I still have lingering back pain from the epidural and it hasn’t gone away.
I had the epidural, it felt weird going in but im glad I had it
I was scared too, I have 3 children and only used it with the last one, he’s 4 years old may 20th,…no problems… I was up walking hours after and they were surprised. Chance u have to take, I was numb tho, didn’t feel a thing
I had to have a c-section, but I had no issues with my epidural catheter
I just got the epidural for the second time and it was awful. The first time it was amazing and I had no problems, but this time was totally different. They had to stick me three times before getting the epidural in and afterward I got an awful spinal headache which lasted over a week. I had my son last Wednesday and just today my headache is gone. They gave me two blood patches to help stop the leak of spinal fluid but both patches failed. It is rare but it does happen. I probably will never get the epidural ever again because of this experience!
My only advice is to be willing for your birth plan to change at a moments notice. I didn’t want it either and got it at 8 cm. I hate needles and honestly I was begging for it by 8 cm because I was so out of my mind with pain.
I went 100% all natural. You can do it!
I just gave birth Saturday, 4/20. I had an epidural at 4cm and had an amazing birth experience. It’s definitely a personal choice but it made my paid so much more bearable
Not bashing, but all my babies were with epidurals and we’re all a-ok. I’d do it again if I were to have more kids.
Do what makes you feel most at ease. Personally the epidural didn’t work on me and I found newbayne a better option for me. Talk to your doctor. I am sure you will come up with a plan that best suits you.
I had one with my last due to a planned c section (had an emergency with the second kid)and had no problems she is 9 yrs old now happy and very healthy
I went all natural/no epidural or pain meds and it really wasn’t too bad, it hurts, I’m not gonna tell you it doesn’t. But totally worth the temporary pain for the lifetime of love!
Was good for abit then it went away!. My gosh I’ve felt it all.! Now I’m having problems in the middle of my back and lower… If you feel as if you can handle the pain then by all means go for it. But I think When you can handle the pain say 7- cm cuz that’s when it hurts the most get the epidural. But be prepared for back problems like me lol
I’ve had back pain since I had one done when my son was born, I suffer on a daily basis and am limited to what I can do and for how long, I have been bed ridden for up to six days twice cause it just simply hurt to move period.
I was induced with my first and my second came on his own. No epidural with either. Not going to lie, it hurts, but if you focus and breathe you should be okay. It’s a lot of hard work and you really need to know what helps you cope with pain.
I feel like it’s something you can’t give a definitive answer to unless you are experiencing contractions…
I went all natural with 6 of mine but with my 7th and the last at that I had one my body could not take the pain with him
I’ve done both, I got the epidural with my oldest. That was 6 years ago, I still get back pain from it. I regret it. I went natural with my second and I’m planning on a natural birth with this one. It was so much better than getting the epidural.
My epidural was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Although I have a low pain tolerance!
I had an epidural and I still had an amazing VBAC
It’s a personal choice. I have 5 children my 1st was with a saddle block in the 70’s 2nd and 3rd were natural 4thand 5th epidurals only regretted the saddle block. Natural was best but sometimes your body says NO my children are grown it’s a choice of whatever is best for you and your baby no one is the same
I had one baby all natural and one with epidural. Epidural was way easier birth, natural was way easier to recover from but sucked so bad to actually go through. So…
I got a. epiderall but it didnt work they ended up giving me a saddle block too.That is wear you are numb all the way down.It finally worked.
No problems with my epidural other than it worked it’s way out during labor and needed to be reinserted. Neither insertion hurt.
Had 3 children naturally and all went well I never even thought of getting an epidural but you need to do what works for you!
Well that depends on how you’re able to cope with pain. One person’s horror story doesn’t mean they’re all bad. It does have it’s risks and benefits. I’ve found my mom’s to be able to relax, sleep to rest up for the big show, labor down and let baby descend better, and require less intervention when they’ve had an epidural. Some women appreciate the options of IV meds versus the epidural. Either way, you’re doing great, and you can do it either way!
OMG thank the GODS for my epidurals! I have a pretty strong pain tolerance too, but I am so glad I got an epidural (2 kids) - I could focus on my body and what I was doing instead of trying not to pass out and die! labored both times in my back and it was so so bad omg my poor nurses! I didn’t have any complications with either times.
You can keep changing ypur borthing plan but when your actually in labor thats when youll make the real choice.
I loved my epidural. I got it at the perfect time and my anesthesiologist was so awesome. I was induced and from start to finish it was about 12 hours, they did have to turn mine off when I started pushing due to me not pushing lol so I ended up feeling EVERYTHING while pushing but the actual labor part was a breeze. My next little babe I will probably have it again, I’ve always had back pain due to an accident so idk if my hurting back is from the epidural or my usual pain lol
How about a water birth
I got the epidural and I would get it100000x over. I didn’t feel a thing! But the contractions were horrible. I’m sure you could do it if you desire I went in knowing I wanted the epidural.
I got one and it was great for my delivery but starting the day I left the hospital I get random back spasms. They are painful and debilitating. They only last a few seconds but they leave lingering pain and if I have more then one in a day I’m in bed the entire next day barely able to move.
I had one and would get another one in future
Ive had 2 of them and it wasnt bad.
I wasn’t able to get an epidural because I progressed too quickly! I went from 3cm to pushing in only about 7 hours. When I was 8cm they said it was too late to do it and the anesthesiologist was in surgery, so it wasn’t happening.
It was medicated though, so I think that dulled the pain just barely, but it was bearable! Not every one is the same. Not all stories are horror stories. I’ve heard okay things about epidurals, so don’t feel ashamed if you end up with it. Good luck!
Had an epidural with all 3. 1st only took on one side.And ot was terrible. 2nd 2 went perfectly and made my birth experience so much better. I was able to still feel contractions but not pain. I would 100% get them again. Just try to put off getting it as long as you can so it doesnt stall labor. You can even go into labor with the mindset you dont want one, but it’s okay to change your mind.
Im not judging if you do get one. But just remember your body was made to give life. You can do it without. Its painful you just have to focus. I didnt have a epidural with either of of girls and i dont plan on it with this one
Regret it sooo much. First induced no pain meds
Second totally natural
Third got it and regretted it immediately after
I was terrified to give birth and didn’t want an epidural BC of hating needles but about 20 hrs in labor i got one and gave birth 9 hrs later vis csection and haven’t experienced any issues after either birth with the epidural. Good luck with whatever you decide is right for you!
I would suggest going in with an open mind. I went in leaning toward not wanting an epidural. I was afraid of getting a spinal headache or prolonged back pain. I did end up getting one at 7.5cm. Happy with my choice and the fact I didn’t “limit” myself. Only side effects from the epidural is tightness at the access point when I bend over.
You can’t base you decision on what other people say because everyone is different and everyone’s body reacts to an epidural different. Some woman it works for and some woman it doesn’t.
I said i didn’t want one either…had it almost done and he wouldn’t come out, pushed for an hour and a half and they finally haf me in for a cesarean so I had to have one. Never soley rely on your plan, nothing is guaranteed when giving birth!
I have had 6 kids so far 7th due in June. I’ve only had an epidural twice. I never had problems other than one leg being numb for awhile. The decision is all your momma. You can always get one if u need it.
I’ve done it with both. The epidural is an amazing invention, and I love it. I’ve had 9 kids, 4 with, 5 without. The most relaxing of them, I had an epidural.
A birth plan is great to have, but also, realize things don’t always go as planned and that’s ok too. Healthy mom. Healthy baby.
Don’t feel pressed. Those contractions will help you make your decision when it all happens in the blink of an eye
I had no choice, because of emergency c-section and extremely unstable and low fetal heart rate, but I would get it again. Also, my advice is don’t rely on a birth plan, because you can’t plan anything about what happens. Not judging for having one, just be prepared for changes to happen.
Had the spinal block (I hear it’s the same thing) I’ve had some back trouble ever since then.
I had the epidural. One hair of a flinch and regret it every day since. It caused me to have a spinal fluid leak, which led to headaches I’d never experienced before…which led to blood patches and high spinal fluid pressure and intracranial hypertension and still almost daily headaches. My son is almost 7.
I loved mine, with both of my kids… wouldn’t have done it any other way. I got induced with both of mine and well going from no contractions, to having the doc break my water and getting full on contractions, I wouldn’t have had it any other way… I was able to enjoy the birthing of my kids that way
I’ve had the epidural with both boys. Two different experiences… My first was easy peasy and it was wonderous cause those contractions aren’t a joke… My second same thing until the medicine didn’t agree with us and our heart rates were dropping from it and they had to turn it off. So I’m skeptical on getting it with my third or not although it took away the pain I don’t want to risk our lives over it. But all deliveries are different
Tooke them 5 tries to get the epidural then it only numbed from my thighs down it was horrible and had all back labour. Have residual back pain everyday i will not ever have one again
Ive never had one due to the bad things ive heard about them… my worry about anything affecting my baby and im a big baby about needles i cried something stupid and puked when they insisted i have an iv just in case lmao
I have 4 children first one with an epidural next two without.Forth was Emergency section. The epidural was useless AND made recovery time longer…2nd-3rd I was out of bed and feeling great.
Epidural isnt that bad. Just keep an open mind. I had a great experience with my first epidural. No issues during or after. My second baby I wanted to do natural but my plans changed quickly as I wasnt able to cope with the pain. Now unfortunately it didnt go well my second time around. The anesthesiologist was still relatively new at his job, kept hitting blood vessels. Had to redo it about 3 times before he got it. Each time he shot in tester medicine and it made my heart rate skyrocket up to like 170. I was so scared. Then the nurse didnt administer enough fluids beforehand and my BP dropped to 70/40. I truly thought I was going to die. I obviously am okay, but it wasnt a pleasant experience. These things can happen.
Got an epidural with my first, but it didnt work. Just paralyzed my left leg for about 3 hrs. Didnt even dull the labor/ delivery pain.
I knew that I could do it without drugs, so I didn’t get one with my second. Plus, not having control of my leg, even if just for a few hours, scared me to death.
If you’ve got a high pain tolerance, then it’s just mind over matter. Keep telling ypurself that it wont be forever and at the end of this you get to see your baby.
I got the epidural with my son and it was amazing and i had no issues and hes going on 3 and im pregnant again and planning on getting the epidural again. And i was born with scoliosis and still havent had any issues when i got the epidural with my son and honestly i used 2 gave back pain like crazy and ever since i got the epidural when i had my son i dont have back pain that much anymore
I loved mine I even had a csection with one ! No back problems nothing
I had the epidural. I went in with an open mind, no plan at all.
Girl i had a WAY better experience with an epidural. There is no way i could handle the paid of giving birth. I never had any problems and i have had 2 kids both epidurals
I didn’t like the sounds of it either, so I went natural. Le Maz classes really help. I didn’t find the contractions unbearable when I was doing the breathing. It really wasn’t bad. They did give me a little demorall at the end
I personally would never do one for vaginal birth since I have a high pain threshold. I just see the point of one.
I had a spinal block for my c-section because it was surgery. I also don’t take any pain medication, so it helps.
Now if you get pains easily & can’t take it? Due it! Don’t suffer. Do what makes you happy! Do what makes you comfy. Don’t be in pain if you don’t have to be.
I personally don’t mind pain. I don’t take pain meds when prescribed to me after surgery once I leave the hospital.
Go in with an open mind & try to focus on you. If you need it, take it.
Ive had 3 in my life 2 for pregnancies and one for a surgery. I have never had an issue coming down. Yea sometimes things don’t go according to plan. Sometimes you want one and don’t make it in time. With my first child they had to give me 3 shots of it because I could still feel something in my leg. But nothing horrible. 10 years later with my second kid they gave me a button to push to give me more pain management when it was needed. Let me say first that every time I get an epidural I throw up immediately then its over. Well same thing with second baby as soon as I got the shot I puked. Well I needed to push the button again but didnt want to cuz I’d rather be in pain than throw up lol. Well my sister ended up pushing it when I couldn’t take the pain and then giggle when I’d throw up. I just got to be in the room for a best friend of mines first baby and she was given two different shots or maybe 3 I wasn’t there when she arrived at the hospital. But a week after the baby was born she was still experiencing debilitating headaches. Come to find out her spinal whatever was leaking. They took a little blood from her arm and patched it snd that was 6 months ago and everything fine!
Easiest thing I ever done! I have 3 kids and 2 I had an epidural, one the hard way! Epidural is worth it.
Both my boys were emergency C-section births, with epidurals. The first epidural went fine. The second one not as easily, but the only difference was the nurses. The first one had me wrap my arms over and around the tray cart, and the needle went right in. The second nurse insisted on standing in front of me, and having me wrap my legs around her waist, and my arms ove her shoulders. I couldn’t get the right arch in my back, and they had to stick me 4 times before the needle went where it was suppose to go. She was a real bitch … An old army nurse type. It happened that my doctor wasn’t there yet, due to another emergency, and they had to hit me a second time to make sure I was numbed enough. As far as side affects or damaged nerves or feeling pain in hot spots… I had none of that. Everything went well.
I am so thankful for the epidural
I had an epidural. I never even felt it. It was no big deal. And it took away the pain. Good luck
I had an epidural because I had to have an emergency c section, it was fine, no issues four years later.
My sister didn’t want one for her firstborn, after like 20 hours of labor and not dilating even with meds, she changed her mind. She got it, she dilated, everything was fine.
Do not be afraid to change your mind, sometimes a change is necessary, and things do not go as planned. You have to keep an open mind, and accept that things may not go the way you imagined
2 kids. No epidural…I didn’t want to be bed bound right after delivery. It was nice being able to get right up. As far as pain. Contractions are a million times worse than the actual delivery. My body took over, and that was that. Out in a blink with Both (literally 3 contractions, a handful of pushes and they were out!) I did get IV pain meds until 7cms.
I was that mom who was doing it all natural…women do it every day…I’ll be fine…i have a high pain tolerance…until it was my vagina.
The epidural was a god send. I didnt bat an eye. Those women who really do do it natural…you’re the real MVPs.
From my experience, a birth plan is nice in theory, but when you’re in the middle of having a baby, all the planning just fades away…at least for me it did. As long as your baby is healthy in the end, that is the main thing. Have an open mind and a go with the flow. Every thing will be good! I wish you a quick and easy birth!!! BLESS.
Keep an open mind because you might not have a choice when it comes down to it
I went in with the original plan of not having an epidural, too. One, because I wanted to be SuperWoman and tough it out. And 2, I was scared of what I had heard too. I told my OB and my husband that unless I say it 3 times in a row each time getting more aggressive, don’t give me the epidural.
I ended up with the epidural and I’m so glad I did! I was passing in and out of consciousness with out from the back labor and pitocin. I had the epidural and 7/8cm dilated and gave birth 30min after getting it
Didn’t have any problems with mine…in fact I had to lay off it a bit because it was working too well and I wasn’t pushing as hard as I could…recommend waiting as long as possible and doing it natural until you can no longer stand the pain…because you do push better when you dont have it in…my doctor recommended keeping it as an option in your plan and deciding as you go what you can handle
I REALLY wanted to do an at home water birth
I loved the epidural. No issues with it
I did natural. If I have another that’s what I’ll do again. It made birth much easier for me… but everyone’s pain tolerance & births are different. Nothing wrong with getting an epidural if you think you’ll need one.
1st time around it was a miracle worker. Second time around with my rainbow baby it barely even helped as far as pain and now have permanent back pain daily. Never again. No more kids for me
Ive had it 2 out of 3 of my deliveries. It made things easier for sure, i have very fast deliveries so not having it this last time wasnt horrible and if I had another kid I wouldnt get it. But in my case my kids came in 2pushes, 1push and half a push the last within 30mins of my water breaking.
You might decide during labor that you want it.
I was too afraid to get an epidural because I’ve heard some stories about some women experiencing back pain months/years after the epidural. And so I thought if it’s this painful getting the epidural as much as the labour pains I thought I’d just just do it without the drug and eventually got through it and forgot about all of the pain when I seen my son But everyone’s body is different.
Am I the only one who didn’t feel the epidural? Like at all Being numb was niceeee.
Really it ends up being different per person…you could end up wanting it or you could have a much better time without it…
U might not one now but u will coz that pain is real… Felt like something was hitting me in the baxk with a sledge hammer
When u get a epidural its a thicker needle for the IV also a thick one it hurt my daughter natural is best
Just because there are horror stories doesn’t mean you will be one of those stories. I was terrified of getting one and ended up with an emergency c section. I got a spinal and have had zero pains or problems. Not one part of my birth plan happened. It’s nice in theory and I hope you can stick to yours but just because it’s in your plan does not mean you have to do it
I got the epidural (feared it more than actual labor) and id get it every single time. Id honestly do it daily. I swear it didnt hurt. Feels weird honestly and you over think about the tubing coming out when youre in bed but it was painless.
I was emergency induced because we couldnt get a heartbeat and couldn’t find the chord (which was doubled wrapped around his neck)…
But i labored at 6cm for over 25 hours without an epidural (pitocin, something that starts with a C, and the saline water balloon didnt work for induction) so i had to have my water manually broken by my midwife.
Which meant for 25 hours i was in pain i couldnt even begin to explain. Once the guy came in for my epidural I was so scared and it was done in a minute. I had an allergic reaction to it (i swelled up and for a week post partum couldnt walk without my legs giving out) but my God was it nice not to feel anything below my ribcage for 7 days. 4 of which I was at the hospital for. The remaining 22 hours of labor (for a total of 47hrs of active labor) i was so thankful for that epidural.
You might not now but I PROMISE you u will with them contractions. They are nothin to joke about. Good luck
I had a saddle block (not the same thing) with my first, knocked out for delivery for the second, and not much with my third. I think it is different for each patient, each time, and probably has to do with who administers it. I wouldn’t eliminate the option, those contractions can be fierce.
The epidural is scary but it is affective I’ve had a few kids with and a few without…it’s really what you are comfortable with and how high of a pain tolerance you have but it’s not impossible! I say go with your gut and if it becomes too much you can always ask for the epidural if it’s not too late either way you’re a boss!
I’ve had an epidural with all mine. With my first it only worked on one side or the other. They kept having to turn me from side to side. I can tell you that whichever side didn’t work… hurt like heck! Of course I was having back labor and was being induced. That pitocin is no joke! I ended up being induced with my other pregnancies as well and always got an epidural. It’s scary getting them but such relief afterwards.
Some women don’t have any pain during childbirth. My mom had 3 babies and said it never hurt. Idk? Best wishes, mama! Happy pushing!
I’m on number 3 never had an epidural do what you feel is right x
Oh and the pain of epidural was nothing compared to labor. Honestly I barely even felt it
Okay so…you’re stating your plans then?
Getting it was no problem, and it did help, but it’s been 10 weeks and my back is still really bothering me
I’ve had 3 babies all induced, no epidural, all i had was the iv pain meds. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. If you need it get it.
I didn’t want the epidural. I was dead set on not having one. That’s to say until I was in labor for 8 hours, after my water broke. I couldn’t take it anymore. I honestly didn’t even feel the needle going in because I’m pretty sure they did it during a contraction. I’m so glad I had it done. When I got closer to 10cm they turned it off so I could start feeling it again to push accordingly. It worked perfect and it’s what I’ll probably do next time.
I had it twice, the first time it took and I had no pain at all and the second time it only took on my right side I could feel everything on my left side they said it would take a bit to kick in but it never fully froze me and my son was born an hr later
Any pain relief is a risk. I demanded no drugs in my birth plan and when I was in labour I wanted it so bad lol
It was too late for me to have one though. You’re better off just going with the flow, everyone handles labour differently