I am glad I got an epidural. When I had my first my contractions where one right on top of the other and they where bad. The epidural was the best thing I did for the pain… My second I had a c-section so had to have one… No trouble with either of them…
Girl get the epidural lol mine only half way took but I’m glad I had that much at least!!
I’ve had one with and one without and honestly I didn’t notice much of a difference! Obviously pain management is a huge difference but other than that didn’t have any side effects from the epidural. Baby was just as alert and I was up and walking within 2 hours after (you aren’t going to be up and walking anyway haha). Try to have an open mind and know that if you get one it is okay!
I’m glad I got one to. Feels like a tiny bee sting. Your contractions will feel worse. My epidural worked through my contractions and all through my C-Section. Trust me it’s all in your head.
I did natural with both of my babies and I don’t take pain very well and I will have my third natural too. It’s all about how you take pain and your choice.
I had one with my 1st because i was young & scared. I didn’t let myslelf relax & freaked out & got one. With my 2nd, i went without it & it was the best decision i made. It hurt like hell but my labor & delivery was fast. I wish i had went without it the 1st time. 5yrs later i still have aches in my back where it was
The epidural was my lifeline. I was induced and it was the worst pain ive ever felt. All of it was in my back. And it was horrible. They had to stick me twice to get the epidural in, the second time they hit a nerve going in. But it was so worth it! Once it started working, I literally didn’t feel a single bit of pain after. Only the SMALLEST pressure in my butt from the contractions. But decision of my life.
Ask your DR. For a C- section. I know what I am talking about.
I originally didn’t want the epidural. But, the pain got to a point I couldn’t stand it. I felt absolutely nothing…which ended up being terrible. I couldn’t feel to push and ended up separating my pubic bone at some point, which we didn’t feel until after the epidural wore off. I couldn’t walk, get up off the couch, go down stairs, or literally do ANYTHING without help for 2 weeks. The worst part was not being able to walk around and carry my baby boy. Had I not had the epidural, we could have realized there was a problem with my hip. I still have pain every day in my hips, 5 months later.
I had an epidural twice due to medical reasons. If you wanna message me I’ll be more than happy to help you
I had 3 epidurals and wouldn’t take them back!
I had two whole separate epidurals during my sons birth. Neither worked for more than 30 to an hour each. Made me puke my guts up, thought I had been od’d. I was so scared to even take the nausea medicine. Had him, felt it all but I survived. All I can say is contractions suck I wish the meds would have worked. But I survived and my baby is fine. 8 lbs 2 oz at birth. Almost 16 lbs today… Btw I was also induced at 39.3 I was on pitocin and they had to break my waters. I’m not sure if natural labor would’ve been any different. I got my tubes tied after all that. Lol
Well I’ve had 3 with epidural and 1 without
My son (3rd baby) I had without and apparently the doctor told me while I was giving birth I almost hemmhoraged from pushing to hard and fast. He was also induced because labor was extremely slow and excruciating.
Worst experience ever…
They wanted me to do a blood transfusion but I decided to stick it out.
I was so absolutely dead set on not having the epidural. By hour 12 of labor I caved and got it… best decision I think I’ve ever made. My one leg was a little numb for about a day but other than that I’ve had no side effects or anything from it.
I had a bad back labor. I was induced and had a hard time. Wasn’t dilating with Pitocin or Cervidil. Doc broke my water at 8 am the next morning in hopes I would dilate/efface. I was at a 2 but the pain was insane. The Stadol that was given and worked great the day before didn’t touch the pain. They offered the epidural and I did it. Best decision ever. I had back pain for about a month in the needle spot on and off but it went away for me. I tons my nurses about 2 hours after epidural I had a horrible sensation that I had to poop. They thought it was weird and checked me and I was at an 8. They said at 2 pm I could start pushing. At 334 pm I was exhausted, wearing oxygen and wanted to give up, by my baby girl got here. I couldn’t have done it without my epidural. But everyone is different.
I was induced I would have not surivived w out the epidural it was like a life saver took all my pain away amd i could enjoy it.its scary hearing stories but everyone has a bad story to something .
Epidural was my life savor or i probably would have passed out on floor in pain. This baby i will also be getting the epidural.
The epidural works differently for everyone. With my first born: epidural worked how it was supposed to…but my son was drowsy(thats alsp normal) with my 2nd: the epidural only worked on one side and it was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced and my son was drowsy. My 3rd: was born all natural in a big bathtub of water…it sucked super bad(pain wise) but after she was out…it was instant relief. She was wide awake, i barely felt pain…and i had zero back problems. Because the spinal tap for the epidural wasn’t placed properly…the second time…i had a pinched nerve in my back…they tried to give me other medication for the pain…but it didn’t do anything for me but make me so fucking high i didn’t care about anything(but everyone is different) (**my first epidural went how it was supposed to…BUT if i could…i would go back and have them all natural💜). I was also induced with my first and in labor for 10 hours(start to finish). With my 2nd i was in labor for 14 hours and my 3rd i was in labor for a total of 11 hours.
Hire an experienced doula. They can help you navigate pain through management techniques and other wonderful tools.
I still cant feel my big toe from my first son and just got feeling back in my toe next to it a few months ago and he will be 6 in may
I had an epidural with both of my kids. No issues for me or them. I thought I’d do it natural and tapped out when I was dilated at about a 7 or 8. I had back labor and just couldn’t do it. Its completely up to you and your pain tolerance. Id have it available just in case. You dont have to do it unless ya want. Whatever choice you make, know everything will be good and its ALL worth it and forgotten as soon as you your littles precious face . Good luck!
I never wanted one but 3 kids and 1 epideral and 1 unsuccessful later just go with your gut. They just ask and you can say no up to a certain point then they cant give you one. I didnt plan on mine.
I personally and honestly would avoid epidural if you can, I had my first epidural with my 4th son and thats when the back pain started… My 2 oldest boys had spinal taps wich is same scenario of the needle and since then have had lower back pain. I’ve had almost every delivery possible lol… and my natural one was the Best!! It does help when you need to dilate and can’t relax to get one but plenty off walking would be super key in an easier delivery, doing pelvic exercises will help too… is this your first?
I got the epidural once. Never again.
First 2 all natural. 3rd emergency csection, anesthesia only as I planned natural. Last scheduled csection spinal tap only. Its mind over matter I didnt want an epidural it didn’t make the pain less but I knew I wanted to do without and did. First was back labor still no meds. You can do it!!
Girl I would get one!!!
I had to have a cesarean for both of mine because they were huge and/ or breech. With my first, I did great going without the epidural until my water broke, but he got stuck in my pelvis and the pain became unbearable. It took everything I had and more for me to sit still long enough for the spinal block so I could be conscious for his birth. It was awful.
5 kids no epidural you can do it 2 of mine I was in labor 2 days
Did epidural with my first I totally regret it now after having 3 more babies using no pain relief! The epidural made me super tired afterwards plus I had trouble telling when I had to push.without any pain relief at all I was more aware of what my body was telling me I could tell when I needed to push And could feel everything so delivery went faster and I didn’t feel exhausted after giving birth. felt I was able to bond better and could take better care of my babies .honestly I think any pain meds while giving birth interferes with the process cause being able to feel everything makes it so much easier and made the experience so much better.some things it’s just best to go the natural route and this I Truly believe is one of them.
The only thing I regret about it is that afterwards my son was rushed to NICU and I couldn’t go as couldnt move my legs.
My advice is to take your birthing plan and throw it out the window. If I know anything about giving birth I can tell you that it never goes according to plan. Best thing to do is consider everything that can happen and educate yourself. Make decisions as you need to. Trust me on this
Epidurals unfortunately didn’t work for me…
I had to have the epidural with my daughter because I was stalled out at 6cm. If I didn’t have it, I would have had to have a c-section. But I had no really issues from it, other than some back pain for a bit. With my son, I had one as well, and haven’t seen any issues from it at all, and he’s 9 months old. I know there can be complications, but there are complications possible with every possible birth plan. Don’t completely rule it out, because you may need it.
I had 6 kids and had an epidural with all. My youngest is now 21. I do not regret it for one second.
As long as you are comfortable and drs are comfortable way things are going do you and what you are comfortable with!!
Oh trust me you will want the epidural…
Epidurals are pointless if you’re giving birth naturally. Just breath through the contractions and remind yourself the pain is temporary and you’ll meet your baby soon. Once you start pushing your body numbs itself!
I personally absolutely LOVED my epidural. My original plan was to try and go natural, but things don’t always go as planned. I had horrific back labor with contractions extremely close together. My body was so stressed it wouldn’t dilate, but after the epidural I did fairly rapidly and only pushed for 20-30 minutes and baby was born. I would do it again, but it’s your baby and your body do what is best for YOU.
4failed epidurals with first child. Had to finally hv spinal tap. Only spinal tap with second child. Both cesarean💁♀️
I had my daughter naturally with no meds at all. Didn’t tear which btw getting an epidural increases the chances that you’ll tear because you don’t know how hard to push. She was 7lb 6oz and 20 inches long
My epidural with both my kids worked, BUT, it gave me MAJOR ANXIETY! They had to give me meds to calm my anxiety & they didn’t work! Also, it made my
Legs extremely itchy & I kept scratching my legs making myself bleed cause I couldn’t feel myself scratching. I definitely
Couldn’t handle the pain that I would still get another if I ever had another
I got one with my first. He was 19.5 hours start to finish, with a catheter in and not being able to feel my legs. I pushed for 2 hours. Second baby I said yes to epidural but quickly changed my mind, then they said there wasn’t time. He was so fast, I went to hospital dilated to 3 and 3 hours later he was born. I pushed for 5 minutes. I’m not sure if it makes a difference that he was my second, but I feel like no epidural is the way to go basing upon my two deliveries. I walked to my room. About an hour after delivering him, on my own. Much better to me.
I mean the epidural isn’t bad. I didn’t even feel it being put in. I do have pains right where the needle was though that hurts me occasionally if I overwork myself like doing a bunch of bending or something. Trust me it isn’t that bad. I don’t regret it. I’ll probably get it again with this next baby.
I had four children and I am still alive all natural! better all the way around! it is so worth it <3
Soooo fun story!
I was terrified of getting the epidural. So much so that I looked into every single alternative possible to avoid it, all the different ways to labor naturally.
Fast forward to me, 40w 3d, contractions have started early afternoon. By 6am the following day (about 12hrs later) I’m at the hospital and in so much god damn pain I just wanted to breathe easy. At 4.5, almost 5cm I caved and got the epidural because I was just in agony (turns out baby was sideways AND had her hands in her face, internal tearing woohoo making contractions 10x worse).
Not gonna lie, it fucking hurt. The initial needle prick felt like a sting but when that tubing got pushed in omg it was awful. My husband barely could hold his ground I was pushing against him so hard it hurt. But the pain died down quickly and man I was asleep for hours and hours, only waking up when they shifted me from one side to the other.
Then I woke up in intense pain on the left side of my stomach. The epidural was failing and they tried everything, reinserting, wiggling it, upping the dose. All it did was make my right leg completely dead but my left side I could feel from boob down. It wore off just as I was reaching 9cm and I pushed for 2.5hrs getting my daughter out.
Ho. Ly. Fuck. Don’t go through that if you can avoid it. It hurt so bad, I remember begging my mom to make it stop. I remember seeing her crying staring down at me saying I’ll be okay I’ll make it everything is fine.
It was terrible and natural birth now terrifies me and I’m so worried about my epidural failing again lol.
TLDR epidural failed and man do I wish it hadn’t.
Oh, no back pain or head pain. It wore off completely in hours
You can do anything you set your mind too.
I had 3 boys with no meds
My first born was 10 lb 3 oz yes I did tear but they gave me a shot to num me so they could sew me up
I had an epidural and was up walking around an hour after delivery. I had no complications and didnt tear at all.
I’ve had one without and two with and I wish I had it with my third!! I just progressed to fast! Also, a lot of the back pain people complain about I think is from pregnancy and the poor epidural gets blamed:joy: now I know there are risks but you can’t tell me gaining that much weight that fast, ON YOUR FRONT SIDE CAUSING EXTRA TENSION ON YOUR BACK DOESN’T AT LEAST HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT:joy:
I had 2 epidurals with my daughter because the first didn’t work. I loved it. They say it increases your chances of tearing as well, and I also didn’t tear. So I guess it just depends.
I’m due with my second in 5 weeks and I plan to have an epidural again.
I had epidurals because if cesarean births. I’ve had 3. Now when the weather is damp/ cold my hips feel like they are going to shatter.
Tbh I had a ep amd mine didn’t take nor work so I had to do it 100% natural I got to hospital at 9am had her at 10:30pm (they used platosion to start my labor) ud think with that amd ep not working it would be so much pain due to it speeds labor well tbh it wasn’t too bad actually , I just had pain in my butt iknow tmi but fr my butt was hurting soooo bad I didn’t have contractions in my belly or anything just in my butt lol I ended up with HR (hemorrhoids) but other then that it wasn’t too bad it was a beautiful experience, I also have all my birth pictures they are amazing we had pics from the time she crowned to her comeing out lol but Anyway the pain wasnt as bad as I thought my contractions helped me push , with pushing was a little hard for me amd exhausting bc I was panicking lol that was my first baby so I was scard lol but over all it wasn’t too bad and the best thing I did to help right when I was about to give birth for pain was the PEANUT BALL omg girl it’s amazing lol if ur thinking of natural ask for peanut ball lol
Best advice I can give… go into the birthing room with an open mind. I personally chose to go anesthesia free for my first pregnancy… I tried as hard as I could to deliver her… in the end it was an emergency c section… but my doctor assisted me the beat he could and told me when I was nearing a point where I had to allow them to intervene surgically… he knew I was open to c section if I could not deliver… and respected that I’d have the chance to try a natural birth. My second pregnancy they allowed me to attempt a vbac… but after they discovered I had a virus they opted for a planned c section a few hours after I began to enter labor. It was a very gentle recovery and I was surprised how smoothly a scheduled c section could be. Make the choice that feels right for you in the moment.
I got the epidural and my delivery was easy. My leg was asleep for about 3 hours after I had my baby. Felt asleep and I was able to feel my leg when I woke up. Other than that was a good decision for me.
I wasnt planning on having the epidural but after 3 days of contractions and then finally being dilated enough and water breaking i was just exhausted of it all and said i wanted it. But by the time they gave it to me i was like 8cm which i feel like was pointless. I say when the moment comes just do what you feel like doing at the time and go with it.
I’d go with the epidural the pain is different for every woman
My epidural was magical. Everything went smooth. Didn’t feel any pain, just pressure. I was talking and joking in between pushes.
Talk to the anesthesiologist if you can. How experienced is she/he? Do they know NOT to shoot you in the spine but near it? I got so vile because of the pain my husband went & got me the doc. Felt a little buzzed, smiled through the birth. Tougher to feel to push though. I had a huge baby for my size. Second baby got to the hospital too late though I wanted the drugs. Nurses coached me breathing which helped and one really excruciating contraction broke my water, but one push & she was out. Both babies were alert & healthy.
My first one, in my second baby, (she was waaaaaay bigger than her brother too…) had to be done twice. Wasn’t awful. My last one with my third child, got misplaced, during my contractions squirming and rolling and had to be removed. It’s a hit or miss. All depends on what you feel comfortable with and what is safe for you and baby. Don’t feel pressured either way…
I had one with my first but didn’t have time with my second and I’d go natural again. It hurts but the pain is almost gone after. It’s odd. Lol
Everyone is different. What works for one, may not work for another. Do what feels right for you.
I just put my mind towards not getting one and breathed through the pain and reached my goal of not getting it! You can do it
I have 4 kids, and had an epidural for 3 of them. With one kid, I got the epidural but had horrible back labor which the epidural doesn’t do anything for. And one I got the epidural and immediately after that had our baby super fast, so I did pretty much everything without the epidural anyway. I never had any problems with the epidural, and with my 1st, it was so amazing to have. With my last, I would have had to wait to get it due to anesthesiologist being in a surgery, so I decided to do it naturally. Ultimately, things can change, so be open to things not going according to plans.
I had an epidural best thing ever. The only down side is you’re paralyzed from the waist down and cant hold your legs up at all without assistance. And you cant control bodily functions lol
I have 4 kids, and had an epidural for 3 of them. With one kid, I got the epidural but had horrible back labor which the epidural doesn’t do anything for. And one I got the epidural and immediately after that had our baby super fast, so I did pretty much everything without the epidural anyway. I never had any problems with the epidural, and with my 1st, it was so amazing to have. With my last, I would have had to wait to get it due to anesthesiologist being in a surgery, so I decided to do it naturally. Ultimately, things can change, so be open to things not going according to plans.
Good girl! As a former L&D RN I can tell you epidurals have drawbacks. Too many to list here. They have affects on baby too.
Talk to the anesthesia at your hospital. Don’t take internet advice.period
I had an epidural for two different types of surgeries and if given a choice, I would ALWAYS choose epidural.
I didn’t want an epidural either but I changed my mind while in labor. I’m glad I did because I was in labor for another day after getting the epidural. Just do what’s best for you. You know your body and it’s limits better than anyone else.
I didn’t have an epidural but I did have pain meds through an IV there is always Alternatives you can go as long as you want without an epidural and see if you can handle it
I got an epidural at 7 cm because I stopped progressing and I could still feel everything in my sides. I was crying to the nurses telling them I couldn’t physically lay on my side anymore. It hurt so bad. My labor was long and wasn’t great though. Almost 24 hours, I had been up for 2 days by the time I had my daughter, I had all back labor, and I was throwing up every time I would dilate.
I’m having my second in a few weeks and my plan is to not get an epidural. They offer birthing tubs where im delivering at this time and I’m taking full advantage because I LOVE the water. When I had my first, I was in the normal sized tub they had in the bathroom until I couldn’t stand being in that tiny tub any longer. I can be in the tub up until delivery which I plan to use nitrous oxide for if I need to.
I got it for all 3. Best decision all 3 times I’ve ever made! I’ve never had any problems getting it or after.
Ladies…the true meaning of natural childbirth is…“NO MAKE-UP”
I had an epidural with both of my boys. Worked perfectly fine for me. Dont listen to the horror stories you could be just fine.
If you don’t want it then go for it. I have several friends do it naturally and although it didn’t seem easy peasy, none of them discuss it as a horrible traumatic experience. Nothing wrong with changing plans. This is your decision.
I had epidurals with both. It was nothing but great. I gave birth and wasn’t in pain and it was still the best moments of my life.
I had an epidural with 3, no problems. For my 4th, no episiotomy, no epidural doctor waited for me to rip. A rock would have been more sensitive.
I had an epidural with my oldest, and I’m glad I did, because I ended up having to go into an emergency csection and it was so easy for the anesthesiologist to switch it
After 22.5 hours of labor, our vitals tanked. So quicker than I could say, “I’m really not built for thi…ack!” I was bent double, while a female anesthesiologist roughly the size of a seagull hopped up on the gurney behind me and inserted a needle into my spine.
In about 3 minutes I went from the barfing, trembling, sweating creature I’d been for several hours, back into my happy-go-lucky self.
And down the hall to the delivery room we went: me, laying on my back like a poleaxed trout; my husband, who was still in street clothes; the seagull; and about four nurses carrying and/or wheeling various and sundry beeping and blinking machines, as well as the assorted bottles and bags, all connected in one form or another, to me. Which meant they had to keep up. That was a rule.
By this time, everyone was laughing because I was cracking jokes.
We arrived at the delivery room where we were met by my doctor, a man whose hysterical demeanor won me over one night in the ER, where I had arrived with a psychotic and violent, not to mention unwilling, arrestee, there to be evaluated for his mental state. I decided that night that should the gods ever foolishly determine I should be a mommy, I wanted this ER doc to be my physician. Fortunately for all of us, he was an Ob-Gyn and not, say, a podiatrist.
The seagull hopped around, poking my feet, which I could not feel. The crew who’d raced down the hall with me abandoned me to a team of new minions who all looked worriedly at the machines, checked my non-existent blood pressure, and whispered to the doctor. Then, working in concert, they transferred me to the delivery table.
I caught my husband standing at my head, now dressed in blue paper scrubs. He smiled encouragement at me. The seagull on a rolling stool next to him, pushed meds into one of my IV lines.
I was dead from the waist down (some would say from the neck up, but that’s a story for another time). A drape went up between me and the business end of things. My doctor, sweaty in green scrubs, grinned at me over the top of it. “We good?” he asked the seagull. She replied that we were. “Then let’s do this,” he exclaimed. And in about 45 seconds my husband and I became parents.
If things had been different, and I had been able to birth the ten-pound whopper I’d been gifted, I still would’ve opted for the epidural.
I suffered no ill effects from it. I recovered quickly and I got to snuggle and bond with my daughter, feeling zero pain.
That was thirty-odd years ago. The girl child, as part of the karmic payback that parenthood is, wears a size zero. A zero…oh, that is soooooo not fair.
I wanted to have an epidural but I couldn’t stay still long enough while contracting I ended up using nitros oxide
The pain from my labor with my son is gone but the damage/back pain from the 2 epidurals with my other son and daughter is very much real and current. It may seem worth it in the moment but I assure you it is NOT!
I had epidural with both my kids. I didn’t have any problems with it. But I did go as long as I could before getting it. So labor happened naturally no pit
Everyone is different. I had 2 and I’ve had 0 problems.
I planned on NO epidural and was very stubborn about it. After a night of back labor and contractions every minute, I was afraid my baby wasn’t going to come out, or that I’d be too exhausted to push and that we’d need an emergency C-section. Opting for the epidural was the best decision I ever made and I truly don’t think he would have been born without surgery without it. I went on to have two more kids, one with no epidural and it was fine. All that to say that have your plan, but please be flexible to changing it if that’s what your body - and your BABY - need <3
I’ve had IV meds, a natural birth (not by choice, went into labor 2 months early) and 2 epidurals. I loved my epidurals and will do it again for my next one. I haven’t had any issues. Good luck mama!
To start a birth plan is awesome, I had one… however due to the health and safety of you and baby your birth plan may not happen. Now for the epidural part. I had an induced labor. From the very beginning i knew I wanted the epidural because I wanted limited pain. When my contractions started, they came on quick and strong due to pitocin. I had VERY bad contractions. It was all over my lower body, back too. I dilated to 6cm. The anesthesiologist was late and I was in severe pain. Once I got the epidural all my pain went away and I didn’t feel any contractions at all. However that lasted only so long because babies HR throughout the entire day had been dipping low whenever I had a contraction so in the end For the safety of baby and myself I ended up having a unplanned c section.
I had 2 with the epidural and 2 with out the epidural. I would of love to have epidural with 2 with out epidural.
I didnt have one, had a water birth at a local birthing centre, they dont do epidurals there, so I didnt have a choice, it was hard, but I’m so glad I had an all natural birth, had zero complications, and went home a few hours afterwards, tbh I would prob go to the hospital if I have another baby, just so I had that option, but it was 4 hours from waters breaking to having him, prob wouldnt even make it to the hospital which is an hours drive away. Change your plan, and know that you can change it anytime to suit what you feel, if the pain gets too much, or it goes on for a long time, I totally get why people get an epidural, 4 hours was bad enough.
Had one with out and two with. All i can say is thank the lord above for medical science! I loved the epidural!!! No adverse effects for me or my babies!
I was terrified of an epidural but I did get it and it wasn’t that bad.
If you dont want it what are you asking us for?
I had my 4 all natural. My daughter had her 4 with epidural. Do what makes you feel comfortable.
I had one with both babies. The first didnt breast feed well because she was a NICU baby and the second was a pro breastfeeder from the minute he came out.
Had 1 with all kinds of pain meds, one with epidural a little too late, and one all natural… I’d chose all natural over both of the other experiences
Epidurals are like pretty little rainbows that make life perfect
I did it with both of my boys who are 9 and 11. Will do it with this one as well.
I feel like there are more risks the reward with and epidural. I don’t have a problem with needles but 3 mommas I know moved slightly while getting theirs because its a large needle going in their back and they now have back problems. My other friend only half of her body took to the epidural so the other half felt everything. And with my sister because of the epidural she didnt know when to push when to stop pushing and to know if she was tearing or not. I plan to not use an epidural woman have done it for years before and still do. Labor is painful at first but once that baby is out the pain is done its gone the pain you feel after is nothing compared to what you just went through. It seems scary going natural but in my opinion in the long run its safer and better to do so.
I had no epidural. That they other options for pain meds that can put in your iv or give you a shot that are just as safe and dont numb you.
I didn’t want an epidural. No way, no how. Nope, nada. Then the back labor hit from having a sunny side up baby, with the back of their skull pressing my spine. I was delirious with pain. At 5 cm my midwife told me she was seriously concerned about me laboring through another 5cm and being able to have the stamina to push the baby out and end up with a C/S. This was a pretty crunchy midwife. My husband put the pen in my hand and I signed the paper. I got the epidural and fell asleep. They woke me up to check and I was at 10cm. With #2, I started having back labor very early on. I demanded an ultrasound to know if the baby was posterior again. She was. I wasn’t going through that again and got my epidural early on. I’m a doula, I wanted natural births. But I couldn’t handle the back labor. If my babies were NOT sunny side up, I would have gone natural and probably handled it fine. Back labor is a bitch.
I had an epidural with both my boys. I wasn’t going to with my second, but had to be induced so I waited as long as I could tolerate the pain then had the epidural. It started wearing off and I could tell I was time push the nurse didn’t wanna check me yet and I told her she needed to it was time. She did and kinda freaked out bc baby was right there so she ran to get the other nurse and the dr
Also to add, no problems with either epidural, no problems with either baby, healed fine.