Thoughts on having an epidural?

My epidural was perfect i felt nothing even watched my baby come out through a mirror because i was actaully kinda relaxed… Literally just do exactly as they say when givin you the epidural.

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I didnt want one either and wanted a waterbirth however i ended up being induced due to baby pooping inside (which can be poisonous) so no water birth. The pain of induction was excrutiating and i was advised to take the epidural at which point i just wanted the pain to stop… my lo is almost 2 and ive had no side effects or anything. Im so glad i had the epidural. I guess what im getting at is dont rule anything out completely as u dont know what could happen. Babies dont know your birthing plan so have their own agenda! :joy:

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I never had a epidural just natural…pain and all…the only thing that hurted most was my lower back after every contracton

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I had 2 spinal blocks because I had c-sections… Which is pretty much the same and my back gives me problems something awful. If I could have had my babies natural which was my original plan with my first, then I would have had all 3 of them naturally with no medications.

My first two I didn’t have but the last baby I did he is almost 21 and I didn’t have any problems during or after

I had 6 kids 5 natural 1 c section. And never had an epidural i was more afraid of the needle🙈

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I never wanted the epidural but once I was in labor I couldn’t handle the pain. Honestly I feel like if you have a high pain tolerance it would help but I just couldn’t do it. I tried and I ended up getting it with both my kids

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I had epidural for both my kids no negative side effects and no long term problems. But with any birthing option they all come with pros and cons it is up to you, your partner and doctors to decide what is best for you. Dont let others scare you out of something or into something.

Ive had 4 natural births 1 csection and 1 with epidural and i found the epidural ok but if you can try natural and see how you go you can always ask for epidural or other pain meds later good luck you will do amazing mumma

I’ve had 4 children natural not csection, all of which I had an epidural, plus had a spinal block for my tubal. Nothing bad. Obviously as with anything that involves needles there will be tenderness at the site of insertion . If you feel as though the pain is unbareable go for it. Sometimes momma can’t relax enough to open up withbout it

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I had 3 boys and no epidural with any of them. I do have a high pain tolerance and my first baby was 21.5 hours of labour. Our last they broke my water so labour wasn’t as long. I think the worst part can be the back pain, but I went to a chiropractor with the last one which helped.

I planned on going all natural, but during the induction process they had to use a foley bulb and it caused a huge contraction that my BP sky rocketed. The doctors suggested getting the epidural to help keep my blood pressure down. Well I was only at 4 cm when they gave me an epidural. It stopped all progress. When the epidural wore off and they couldn’t give me anymore meds through it was when I finally progressed again and had my daughter. The pain wasn’t a factor in me getting the epidural. I wound up handling the final 4 hours of labor without the epidural. It really wasn’t that bad. The part I remember most was them stitching me up before they gave me Demerol. So I definitely felt them stitching me up.

If you can handle labor without it great, do it, but don’t rule it out. You may be able to handle the pain, you might not. I have a high pain tolerance but couldn’t handle the labor. Each labor is different.

I had a horrible experience with the epidural but it might have been because of a bad Anesthesiologist. He had to stick me 3 times and my back has never been the same. Very painful experience

I personally would never do an epidural again. I had one with my first and went natural with my next two. I hated it. It slowed my entire labour and I could feel anything pushing.
With that said, I also believe birth plans should be considered a guideline. Anything can happen with labour and delivery. Have Plan A and if you feel that strongly about it, plans B, C, and D. I’ve known women who were extremely disappointed that their birth plan didn’t go as planned and it caused depression.

I had the epidural with all three of my deliveries. Only worked with the first completely. The second my legs numbed like they were supposed to but I felt the contractions. The third didn’t work at all and had to be put to sleep during a csection. If it works it’s amazing and I had no complications afterwards.

I had the epidural with my 2nd and it went so much better then my first without it. I even asked if they could bring in a mirror so I could watch. It didn’t hurt at all, and no negative side effects. I healed so much quicker. And didn’t tear, even though she was bigger and longer then my son.

I loved mine!! First two kids didn’t have one all natural!! My third had one it was great!! I felt so much better than my other babies! I was closed minded… Now love epidurals.

u cant say u dont want anything if u have never done it or done it without before. i said in my original plan i wasnt going to do an epidural but when it came time for it and the contractions started i needed it i couldnt handle the pain. i would advice to go into it with an open mind because in the end itll depend on once u feel the contractions coming full force whether u can handle it.

Keep an open mind!
If you want one at some point, get it! If you feel like you are fine with out it, don’t get it!
It’s your choice! But don’t feel guilty for getting it or try to be strong and not get it because your friend/family member/mommy blogger said.

With out the epidural and spinal tap I could not have had my three babies. (3 c-sections)

I labored,pushed and pushed with ZERO MEDICATION with my first baby, could not bring her under my pubic bone, I tried for a good 8 hours.
So they gave me an epidural to allow my body to relax, I pushed 30 more min with no progress, so I had a c-section.

No shame here!

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I had an epidural and it went very well.

Epidural is a walk through the park compared to feeling every contraction and push imo :sweat_smile:

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I have had 5 epidurals 2 of which were c sections 2 of which were induction normal birth n was induced with all my kids bt my nw 10 yr old i didnt have a chance 2 gt epidural as even though i was induced he came very fast in half an hr never had ne issues with epidural n recovered quickly after each 1 i had

I didn’t want an epidural either, but I had to be induced, so the pitocin that they used to induce me intensified my back labor. I ended up caving in 5 hours into my 18 hour labor and getting the epidural. I was in SO MUCH PAIN that when they gave me the epidural my body went into shock and they had to give me adrenaline shots because my pulse and blood pressure plummeted. I’m glad I got it though. As long as you have a good hospital and a good anesthesiologist, I would recommend it if the pain is too much.


I had my youngest all natural because they botched my epidural with my middle child it’s not bad but I do advise having a birthing coach that will help make you stick to the plan… I now have bulging discs in my back from the botched epidural

I initially with my first didn’t plan on getti g the epidural. I started out with IV meds but the two doses you’re allowed just didn’t make it through my labor process. I was a week over due so they put me on patocin(however it’s spelled) that made my contractions so bad and unbearable that I ultimately ended up getting the epidural. But that was about 14 hours in.

The anesthesiologist gave me 3! Yes 3 epidural a and not one worked!!

I had 3 girls and no epidural, it’s not that bad if you have a high pain level. I am the type of person that doesn’t want anything going into my spine

I did all 3 births without an epidural. I didn’t want one because i’m prone to migraines. There’s a small percentage that you can get one and I didn’t want to risk it. But i know many who have gotten one and have been fine. Good luck on your decision.
Whatever you decide, you can do it, mama!!

I got stadal, I didnt want an epidural at all, I was fine…

I thought I could go without the epidural, I could not.

Epidural isn’t bad I had it with both of my kids I would rather feel that then feel all the pushing of pure pain

I used the iv meds and they worked good for me.

I had a epidural and i didnt have a problem. Everybody’s body is different.

I had an epidural 4 times and no problems

I had the epidural with my first and it was not a good time at all. My contractions stopped, I need pitocin, my heart rate and babies pressure dropped significantly. They discussed a c-section but everything levelled out. Then it stopped working but I still felt too heavy to really move. I had to get an episiotomy because I wasn’t able to push as well as I needed to, and my daughters sugars were so low we had to stay in hospital for 3 days (which is associated with medical intervention). Due to this experience I opt for a home birth with a midwife and had a quick and easy (but painful) birth. Neither of us had any issues, and she was very healthy! I healed up a lot better too. I would definitely chose a natural home birth in the future!

3 kids and no epidural. Sod needed in my back

I feel lile that is a personal choice that only you can make when you’re in labor. My personal experience: I finally got it after 24hrs of active labor. Within 30 minutes of getting it, I went from 4cm to 10cm and was pushing within the hour. I didn’t feel anything while pushing but ended with an Emergency Csection so I would have had to have it anyway. My son is 5 and I do jot have any back pain that most women experience. If I had to do it again, I would have gotten it a little sooner. Not as soon as I got there but when my body was showing signs of distress. But do what you need to do when you’re in that experience. Also, I would suggest having a birthing plan but know that things can change at any time. I had a plan and nothing went the way i planned it. It was personally upsetting and I believe it was a contributing factor to my PPD. But that’s MY experience.

I’ve had 4 children and my largest two were no epidural births. My recovery was way quicker with natural birth

I initially didn’t want the epidural but I talked to my dr and the epidural specialist about my fears and concerns and the stories I heard and he told me that almost none of the horror stories are true and the ones that are very rarely happen. I ended up recieving the epidural bith pregnancies and I had no problems at all. It’s scary but you should definitely talk to your dr about the things your worried about

My thoughts are good luck :+1:t4:

Talk with your doctor. All that matters is getting your sweet baby in your arms. Wish you the best of luck.:heart:

Each to there own but i dont get birthing plans im a go with the flow kinda chick, i had no plans what so ever :rofl: rocked up at hospital 8cm dialted no pain meds few hours in hospital and my 9pound baby girl was born. Few hours later i was home.

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Epidural best thing ever


I got an epidural the first time, I now get this weird feeling in my back totally randomly and only for about five seconds it could be twice a day or once a Month. I didn’t have time to get one with my second kid even though I wanted one, and it was horrendous lol baby one hurt, baby two I felt like I don’t even know 10x more pain. So for baby three I intend to get one if my labour is long enough.

All 3 of my babies were delivered without an epidural. The labor pains weren’t horrible, then again I had relatively short labors. When it came time to push the baby out, however, that was awful! Not gonna lie, it’s the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. But it’s over before you know it and you’re holding your baby and all else is forgotten. Good luck mama! :heart:

2 kids and no epidural . My daughter is 11 . I had gas & air and pethidine with her . My younger daughter is 3 in may I just had gas & air with her .

It was a god send for my first pregnancy. Have it on your birth plan for emergency purposes only.

I didn’t have a birthing plan with either of mine. I just went what I thought I wanted. My first I didn’t have any drugs and it honesty sucked. She came way to quick and I felt every little tare. With my second I was induced and the contractions were so intense I couldn’t handle it and got the epidural. I didn’t think it was as bad I thought it was going to be. The only hard part was sitting very still threw a contraction for them to put it in. I didn’t have any problems walking or anything after It wore off. All I had was soreness for about 2 weeks on my back. Good luck! And whatever you decide to do no one will tell you no. You know what your body can and can’t handle :slightly_smiling_face:

With my second child i had epidural, 41w+3d and had to be induced, it was not part of my birth plan, but my contractions were so strong that my body wanted to push him out, dilation wasn’t enough, so the doctor advised me to go for epidural, so it would help the body relax. He was born 29 minutes later. Personally i didn’t have any negative experiences with it. Wanted epidural with my last son (he’s 6 weeks) but he had other plans, ended up being born at home in our couch. Good luck :slight_smile:

Id just go with the flow. Natural birth HURTS. And if you tear the numbing hurts and you still feel the needle sewing you up. But honestly wouldnt change a thing of how my lil came into this world. I felt like superhuman afterwards.(several hours after but after lol)

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I had epidural with my first. Totally loved it. With my 2nd I had to be taken off of it because they got the dose wrong and it dropped my blood pressure so low it almost killed me so I felt her but wasnt in pain. My 3rd…full on natural they couldnt get the epidural in time and it was the worst pain I’ve ever been in in my life I actually told them to punch me and knock me out screaming the F bomb but I dont think I would change it because I got to experience true pain and love at the same time

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Just know that things can change while you’re in labor. Don’t expect to have a birth plan and it goes exactly that way. You’re going to have to be flexible. Just know that ahead of time so you’re not disappointed.

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Honestly I gave birth to my two both times with out anything and I plan on doing it again with this baddy . It wasn’t that bad as they told me it was going to be but we all have different pain tolerance . I would try to do it without getting anything but if it comes to much for you to handle there’s other pain management other then an epidural if your against it just ask them about it . But like I said every one is different one it comes to pain tolerance the worse part for me was the contractions the rest was easy but it can be different for you.

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I had 2 epidurals. The 1st one was perfect. The second one was just about perfect except I kept moving my feet without realising it so it made my back more sore than the 1st time. All in all though I dont regret it at all.

Do it all natural I had three best experience ever

Epidurals are great IF…the person has enough training and practice. My first one the woman had been doing it nearly a decade and it went amazingly.
My second…the guy had only had a year of practice and completely botched it and because of that i refuse to take another chance with my 3rd one. I’ll take the gas if anything.

I had 4 epidurals. And no problems. I dont have any residual pain or anything. Its all in hpw you curl your back when the start it

I went in not wanting one, once I changed my mind it was too late. But I’m so grateful it was too late. I had the epidural with my first and I feel like it took me so much longer to heal and get back to normal. With my second and no epidural I healed so quickly and was so proud of myself.

I had 2 without and 2 with. Epidural is wonderful. Its the 21st century, you dont have to suffer through the pain, it doesn’t make you better mom or better than a mom who had an epidural, and i feel like that is the attitude a lot of times. I felt like the vibe was calm and relaxing with the epidural, overall much nicer for me :woman_shrugging:t2:

I had originally planned to not have an epidural and I was doing good til I got to 8 cm dilated and hurt so bad I was crying got the epidural at that point. Good thing I did I tore really bad. It really depends on what you want

3 kids, no epidural during labor due to issues friends had with it… depends on pain tolerance and what you want

3 births. No meds. It wasn’t as bad as I had imagined it would be.

I had the epidural with my first born because I pulled a groin muscle and pinched a nerve bowling when my water broke. It extended the labor out to 36 hours of agony and no food! My kid had low blood sugar and they were worried. I literally said, “Well no shit Sherlocks, you wouldn’t let me eat!” Which then led to nipple confusion and all that stress.
So no…can’t say that I reccomend the epidural.

I never had one with any of my 3 but all mine came in under 5 hrs

I had two without. My friend had a kid 6 years ago and her back still hurts from it

Honestly it’s best to just have an open mind when it comes to your birth plan. In the moment you might change your mind about the epidural. Every one reacts to it differently. I had no plan on using the epidural and didnt want it by any means… but guess who got it 12 hours into labor? :joy::wave:t2:

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I got the epidural with my sin and it was amazing it helped me so much.

2 100% natural and 1 csection … Cseatcion was a last minute thing… If I had my way I’d never have done it. They bitch stabbed my spine 35x missing it. On the 36th she got it. I have a pic showing the “tack marks” you can count every single attempt. Needless to say that ended my baby streak right then and there. Was such hell I refuse to have more. Tho I don’t want any more anyways. The woman had been doing longer then I’ve been alive and she failed me and nearly everyone else I know she did

Oh lord just do what you want to do. I wasn’t able to have an epidural for any of mine as I go too fast but if you want one get it! Wish I could have cause the pain is intense. My friends who have had epidurals are happy they did.

I didnt have one with any of my 3 labor and deliveries. It CAN be done. I told the nurses I didn’t want one, but if somewhere down the line I asked for one to listen. My first delivery I was fine until I was at an 8 almost a 9. It’s different for everyone. I have friends with awful back pain and headaches and I have friends with no problems. Your body is designed to deliver a baby. But that experience is meant to be magical. If you feel any less then magical, go for it.

You can definitely do it without love, do research prepare yourself and your partner. Do not get pitocin if you do not want the epidural!!! Go naturally without being induced. I was fine e going naturally my labor stopped they talked me into getting pitocin, after that they told me I was scaring people in the hallway! Pitocin is the devil if you dont want pain meds

I had the epidural with my first 2 with no problems except I I drank a lot after pushing my babies out and had to pee but couldn’t feel my legs yet my last I didn’t have the epidural she came really fast like I was in the hospital and 45 minutes before she made her appearance and it wasn’t as bad with her

I tried to go without an epidural with my first and once I was finally admitted to my room, i could barely talk and was crying for one. Once i got it, my water broke and hours later my firecracker of a daughter came out. I want to try the other methods with this second one just to see if I can go without an epidural but I’m not against it if I need it. The only thing that happened to me was my blood pressure spiked and I almost passed out after I got it. But that was it. Hope you find your perfect plan!!

I vote for epidural. 1st without and second with. Realize I didn’t get the best relief from it,but it sure beat nothing. You will make the right choice for you. I am not a relaxer so epidural was a good choice for me.

Naturally is best, you won’t even remember the pain , once you hold that baby.

I had epidurals with 3 of mine and they were great!

I went in not wanting it and couldn’t have it. Because of a family bleeding disorder and I do not regret not getting it at all! I’m actually super happy with myself and glad I didn’t

Epidural 3 times. Love it!

My wife was against it, until it hit. Then she changed her mind. She got the epidural and everything was all good. There is a point of no return where they cant do it. I would recommend to a woman to do it. Either way good luck with your birth and I hope everything goes smooth and your baby is healthy.