What does the group think of men or women that constantly post selfies on Snapchat? No pix of SO or kids ever, but tons of pix of work sites and selfies. Is it weird? Or do I think too much into it because I’m not a selfie person?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Thoughts on men/women posting selfies on snapchat?
That’s what social media is for. Unless they’re playing it off like they’re single and cheating online, it’s not a big deal
Based on this, i would make a huge guess your an overthinker!
This is literally what snapchat is for
I would not read into this at all!
I think you’re overthinking, if it was pics of another person whom you didn’t know or didn’t really speak to I’d worry but otherwise that’s pretty normal
It’s normal (for Snapchat anyway). This is why I don’t do snapchat. I rarely do selfies.
Instagram and Facebook for me.
Selfie in general are weird.
You wouldn’t mail your friends 900 images of yourself, sooo why post them online?!?
Definitely normal.
I have 2 grown daughters & 3 grandsons & I don’t post much about them on social media at all.
Way to many creeps in this world to be putting your family photos out there for the world to see.
People love to advertise
That’s what snap chat is for
I think you spend waaaaay too much time minding other people’s business & probably need to fund a hobby.
Yes yes you are. That’s what snapchat is literally for…
That’s what Snapchat is for ?
I dont post photos of my so on any social media. He doesn’t do social media (he doesn’t even have a fb) and this is his request… but thats what snapchat is for… don’t overthink things on social media. Ever. Just like I told my boyfriend who. His friend tries to tell him what I post on Instagram if it deals with a past thing or I seem to sad. Just because I post it doesn’t mean I’m going through it…it means I liked a picture.
Sneaky chat, that’s what it’s for😒
Why does it even matter? Some people love to take, selfies and some dosent and soem people don’t like putting their kids on social media but that dosent define them as a person so really shouldn’t even matter lol much bigger things in life to worrie about
Sounds like you’re too old to have Snapchat to me.
I think you should mind your own business and stop trying to go on the internet and get people to agree with you judging somebody
Isn’t that what snapchat is for??
That’s what it’s for?
Some people are just vain and like looking at themselves almost constantly.
Who’s he doing it for? Social media is evil tbh
Some of y’all are weird
I have a niece that is gorgeous (has modeled on several occasions) and has the maximum amount of ‘friends’ on fb and she hardly ever posts about her kids because she hardly knows any of the people on her list. It’s a matter of protecting her privacy and personal life.
I think selfies are stupid. Everyone puts on like 5 filters. Be yourself! Snapchat is for young adults and teens. Not grown ass people. I am 34 with 4 kids active in everything, I don’t have time to snapchat, and I don’t want to because I’m grown and have better things to do than do take a full on photo shoot of myself and the pictures don’t even look like myself. I have 2 teen girls who think it’s ridiculous, people are so into themselves its sickening. No one cares that you’re at the gym or qhat restaurant you’re at. No one cares that the filter removed your 22 year old zit scar. No one really cares. In my opinion a man or woman who is in a relationship shouldn’t be snapping and chatting. Unless it’s to your SO. Or close friends. But yall posting pictures of yourselves looking like youre a model qnd yea guys or girls will flock to ya. It’s made for people who are not comfortable with themselves. Let’s take a fake picture of myself and get a fake response. Ha ha ha
Ain’t that what it’s for?
I don’t like posting my children on the internet. My social media is MINE, not my families lol.
i do for fun but once my son came its usually him:joy:
I used to a lot just for myself. Sometimes you just need a confidence boost.
That’s literally what it’s for
Grown men and grown women —- don’t
That’s what Snapchat is for
lol seriously? Let this person post what they want on THEIR snap.
If they pay their phone bill ,I say they are entitled to post and do whatever they want with Their phone🤷🏽♀️
Nah your thinking too much into something that should not concern you what so ever mind your own business
You’re thinking way too much into it.
All the pics on my FB are of my kids only I don’t post pics if myself at all
It’s not weird to not post your kids on certain social medias, it’s actually pretty smart.
Nope not weird at all I keep my husband and my child’s pics off a lot of my social especially things I don’t have as much control over.
I do this I am
Said person haha
My FB is more about family time and things, insta more reserved without the kids but will post every once in awhile, I keep it more work and gym related. Snap is wild and i don’t care haha. It’s for just me to be able to post whatever ridiculous thing I want wether it be selfies on way to work or nasty memes I find and don’t want other pages to see but love to much not to share. but I do keep it a lot more selective of who can be on it cause of judgyness like this from someone just trying to have some fun.
My fiancé sends pics to his best friends wife, of him, me, us, random stuff and she does the same it’s not nudes or “private” ones so idc
Narcissistic personality all about them
Don’t create a problem where there isn’t one.
I would take this energy and put it towards something more productive you’re definitely overthinking and worrying about something that makes no difference to your life or anyone else’s.
I think it’s incredibly odd for any grown adult to have such a desire to constantly take photos of only themselves and share it on social media. Pretty narcissistic behavior and borderline mental disorder and someone starving for validation and attention. Grow up already!
I don’t take many selfies but I think it’s none of my business what other people want to do. I don’t love the way I look currently so no telling what I would post if I was happy with my appearance.
You’re overthinking it
You shouldn’t worry about what others do on their own time. Especially on snap chat. I don’t ever share anyone but myself on SC. That is MY Snapchat. Not my kids. Or anyone else
Some people are starved for attention … a simple heart on their pic or a stranger telling them they are beautiful could change their whole day. Personally, I dont post my kids pics, ever and they are grown adults. I was always very protective …
It’s social media. Good lord. You must have an absolute perfect relationship if this is what you’re concerned about.
With everything else going on in this crazy world and you’re worrying about people taking selfies on Snapchat? Lol! That’s what it’s for and I am not causing any harm to anyone.
Imo, if he’s posting all the time but not posting your SO and even your own kids, it’s a for me
Why does it really matter to anyone else what someone posts on their social media? It doesn’t affect your life at all honestly and you shouldn’t worry about it
Are you talking about me?
I think they’re grown and that’s their business, and I mind my own
It’s not my business what other people do.
Why do you care how many pics someone else is posting? Get a life
Not weird. People should do whatever makes them happy, if it’s not harmful. If posting selfies provide enjoyment then so be it.
I think it’s a little odd too… but it’s just the times we’re living in so just don’t look if it’s weird lol or get off social media. It is what it is.
Maybe cause I’m pushing 60 but I think everything about social media is weird but fun. For me none of this is real, so why not have fun with it. Relax, if nobody is hurting anybody else, big deal, like the pics if you like them, scroll past them if you don’t.
That’s what sc is for tho
I wish people would look inwardly for areas to improve on, much more than judging others.
This is one of the most petty things to concern yourself with that I’ve heard in a while.
It probably bothers you because you possibly have a vanity about not being vain. You should work on that.
Its weird if ur not self centered
A lot of people don’t want there kids on social media or feel they need to be
Who over 21 has snapchat?
My 20yr old deleted it and said “I’m not in high school. It’s stupid it this point.”
Some people post pics of themselves because they struggle with self esteem; maybe that day they posted a picture of themselves they actually felt good for once. I think people can do whatever they want on social media, and if it bothers you so much then maybe you have a mental issue to work on👌
Snap was made for people to “snap” pictures of themselves and other things. Just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean someone is weird. Just because they don’t post their spouse and kids doesn’t mean anything.
I feel attacked… Facebook is the only social media my child is on…
I think it’s weird, immature and vain
People that constantly post photos are looking for validation
Why do they have to post their so and kids?? I have an Instagram that is PUBLIC so I post selfie and nothing about my personal life. Facebook is what I keep private and post my life on.
My opinion is Snapchat is for people who are hiding something, since everything eventually disappears.
I think you need better things to do with your time.
I’m 47 and I have snap chat and it is meant to be fun and creative. They have fun add on pictures to change face and backgrounds. My kids are 27, 24 and 22, and they all have kids of their own and we snap eachother back and forth funny videos instead of texting sometimes. I think people need to lighten up and have a little fun and a good laugh during the day. People worry too much about petty stuff.
I always post about my kids, myself and my friends. I have just myself in selfies but usually pics with people or pets. My SO works alot so he isn’t in pics alot but still there sometimes. It depends on the person. I know of peoples husbands who have used it for pics and talking with women and women with men etc but if you are that way you can do it anywhere. If youre not that way you don’t. Some people are vain and all about themselves too but you never really know their story or what made them that way. I say try to be kind or ignore it unless its your SO talking to someone that you’re worried about, then try to figure it out with SO. People are too quick to judge. Remember to be kind. Also snapchat has great filters and as a 30 something with wrinkles and kids I appreciate it lol
Only weird thing is the fact that u think that’s weird
Who cares what people post? Their social media belongs to them, not you. Hence why you have your own.
Just delete the app or ppl offending you.
People that post photos means they are comfortable with themselves and they are secure with themselves. It’s a good thing! Trust me do not stop it, don’t intervene. My baby daddy would get so mad when I posted a selfie that I stopped and became so insecure about myself and started hating my body and everything! Now that I’m with a better man hes helping me get my confidence back and be secure in my body. Don’t make a huge deal whatever you do plz! It will only bring that person into a depression.
I think if your partner posts a variety of things and family/friends and the selfies aren’t “thirst traps” then there is nothing wrong with it. If they never post pics with or of you….RED FLAG RUN, my friend. I will post some gym pics or progress type pics but I have no desire for it to get male attention. Same with your SO, if it’s not a thirst trap for THAT kind of attention from others, then be proud like: That’s my man/woman!!! If they are single then let them have their fun lol. Delete if it bothers you lol.
Not my problem personally idc what someone else prerogatives are!
Honestly I truly believe that snap chat can be very harmless and it can be very bad , I am a single woman I was married for 15 years , in our marriage we didn’t use anything but Facebook because that’s just what we did in relationships after my marriage social media has been one of the biggest problems . There are so many ways to cheat now instead of just going to meet up at a bar and take someone home this is all emotional cheating and getting attention , Snapchat in my personal opinion has been one of the worst . It’s deleted conversations and a sneaky way to hide things … Facebook and Instagram very open you can see who you follow see who you like and don’t like etc .
Ask yourself this question can you trust him?
Do you think he’s out looking for attention from other woman ?
You as a wife will be the first one to see these changes .
Not any of us on Facebook mamas uncut . Forget what majority of the above had to say and put there two cents in. This is something you need to talk to him about , tell him it makes you uncomfortable.
At the end of the day Snapchat is a very teenager thing to use , in my own opinion.
It’s okay to be worried and have worries your human don’t make some of these nut jobs make you feel bad for asking something . Xoxo
I dont post anything about my personal life on social media. I like my private life to stay private. Other folk post lots of pics and a day to day happening on their lives…like a diary lol. Its personal choice .
Eh to each their own some people also don’t like posting their kids I rarely take pics of me these days but who else supposed to take these cute pics of my kids
Life is so much better when you mind your own business
I think you have too much time in your hands if you’re worried about this.
Way too much into it. Lol some people just keep shit more personal with their home life. Or they use other social media apps for more family related things
When you say work site’s does that mean like sassy pictures etc because usually woman don’t put their children or spouse on those social medias or sites.
Your reading too much in to it
lol I post snap selfies, daily. I RARELY ever post with my husband and I do okay with the kids here and there. The majority of selfies are in the gym. Flexing, quad shots, the booty shots:rofl: I have a nice body. My husband is completely unbothered by them. I mean, I save them and post them on FB and IG, too:rofl: also, I’m a trainer, so gym shots are more normal for me than cute selfies.
It costs $0 to mind your own business.
It’s a cry for attention and compliments. Snapchat is literally made to cater to nothing but cheating.
Snapchat is for teenage kids in my opinion
Why does it matter what other people take pictures of?
I don’t get this either. It’s weird lol
You’re fucking weird lmfao, people can post what they want
Years ago someone I knew made a negative comment about how many selfie’s I’d taken (which wasn’t even a lot honestly). She implied I was self absorbed. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. In realty I’ve always been extremely insecure. So that comment made me feel even worse about myself. You have no idea why people do what they do, no matter how big or small. Unless what someone is doing harms you, who. cares. Be kind and worry about yourself.
It’s only wierd if you think it’s wierd. I don’t. The names Snapchat and Facebook should give away the original intent of each platform. By posting selfies and worksites, a person is literally using those social media sites the way they were intended to be used. Anything beyond that is just an opinion of the content itself. Each individual has their own reasons for sharing what they share. You don’t have to like it, but that’s exactly what they’re designed for.
A lot of people don’t like to post their kids for their own reasons. It isn’t uncommon. Not posting their significant other, could be because their significant other doesn’t like or want to be posted, or they just don’t post their personal lives.