Thoughts on the cry it out method?

What do y’all think of the cry it out method. My newborn will be 1 month friday. And the only way he’ll sleep at night is if we let him cry it out. He only cries for like a minute then falls asleep. Yes he’s fed and cleaned before we tried it and no I don’t let him cry forever. I just want opinions. Will this harm him psychologically?


Hes been in your womb for 9 months . Hes a month old. Hold your baby. Dont let him cry it out :sob::sob::sob::sleepy:


Whatever works for you, but seems preeeeeeetty little for that.


1 month old so a fuckin NEWBORN hold ur baby CIO is not recognized that young

Don’t believe in it and at 1 month he is way to young to be doing that… he needs that comfort and it’s been proven babies being left crying themselves to sleep can have brain damage later in life as well as separation anxiety when they get older as well


Some research says it will harm them psychologically :woman_shrugging:t2:


To young to be letting him cry it out. He was in your stomach for 9 months enjoy it while he’s little and hold him


I look at it like this after having studied different developmental theories. According to erik erickson right now your baby is in the trust vs. Mistrust stage. Which means they are learning one way or another that you as their parents will either fulfill all their needs or you wont. If you fulfill all the needs studies show they will grow up to be more emotionally capable adults.


They say not to let them cry for any longer than 5mins because that’s when damage starts. I don’t know if that’s true…

Your baby is building a bond and trust with you please dont let him cio hes so tiny :disappointed_relieved:


I believe it is not recommended until after 6 months


Ask a pediatrician

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Girl you shoulda known better to even post it :joy::woman_facepalming:t2: but personally it’s to little but if it works then I guess keep doing it? I mean you are the mother not us


Way too young. Cuddle him. Youll soon wish for those nights bwck when theyre big.


He’s fine. We did it at 4 months and my now 2 year old is the best sleeper and has been since sleep training.

Most people don’t start letting them cry it out until about 6-9 months. I personally don’t let baby cry it out. If a baby is crying, it’s for a reason. Sometimes we just want cuddles and loves from our loved ones, babies sometimes just want that too.


No crying it out for that young. I know people who have done that around 6months-1yr, but one month is too young to do that. That is a crucial period for them to know that you are there for them and to feel secure.


I use the cry it out method on my one year old…but on a one month old? They are still adjusting to life outside the womb. That’s extremely young (in MY opinion) to allow a baby to cry it out.


He will be ok, it teaches them to self sooth. I’ve done this for both my kids. I’ve never let them cry it out for longer than 10 mins. He’ll be perfectly fine

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I didn’t let my son cry it out til he was old enough to be familiar with his environment. His hourly routines (feeding/nap) etc. An only for a certain amount of time. I think it could cause him some anxiety since he’s so young at this age they’re meant to be held and loved on when they cry. Now granted, during the day time I didn’t spoil my baby every single time he cried. But I’d sit him next to me and soothe and talk to him.
I had a friend who held her baby every time it cried til the second it stopped. Her babies now 2 and still won’t let her put him down. To each their own, an no matter what any of us say. You are his mother and do what you feel is right!


He’s still too little… He’s adjusting give him snuggles :heart_eyes:

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Crying it out should be the very last option. Nothing wrong with it. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.


Babies don’t just cry for no reason. Take care of him


I let both kids cry it out. No more then 10-15 minutes. But not until they were 5-6 months old.
But your the mama. You know your kid best, and what’s best for him . If it’s wrong you’ll have that gut feeling

He’s way too young for cry it out.


It will harm him emotionally…hes only one month and used to being inside mamma so I’d course he wants to be next to mamma. My son is 21 months and I still bf him on demand along with him eating food and he still sleeps next to me every night.

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You’re letting a 3-4 week old baby cry it out :woman_facepalming:t4: wait until he’s older. If he’s crying he needs you. :cold_sweat:


Not until they are bigger…

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Worked with my youngest child

If you want to make him think no one is there for him then yeh go ahead. Imagine if you were upset and had no idea where everyone was and you felt alone and scared and people just left you


If he is only crying one min I don’t personally consider that cry it out…you are just letting him fall asleep on his own

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I don’t let my daughter cry it out never have. Babies don’t cry for no reason

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Hold your new born obviously if you’re dead on your feet it’s best to leave him to cry so you don’t accidentally harm him when overtired but if not just cuddle him you’ll
Miss it all when he’s a loud noisy 4 year old who doesn’t want lots of cuddles xD my best memories were letting my baby sleep on me and just loving him enjoy the new stage while you can

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I would never. Babies cry for a reason. They need mama

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Too young. Babies are scared and need their parents


Your child’s a month old still new to the world and everything around him and your just letting him cry!? Go cuddle that baby! Crying out method is for when they are older. Your making that baby feel neglected and abandoned.


If he’s only crying for a few minutes then that’s fine, he will learn to comfort himself your doing greatttt


Too little for sure… I’ve been told my 4 month old is too little still (and I still can’t stand to listen to her cry anyway), I think you should wait at least until 6 months. A 1 month baby doesn’t know anything about the world yet and is scared and uncomfortable, needs mom to hold and comfort them.

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Way too little for CIO…i didnt use it till a yr old.

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If it’s for 5 minutes then nothing wrong with it. But at the end of the day … Does this method work for you? If so; what other people think doesn’t matter.


Way way wayyyyy too young to start crying it out at this point.

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One month old is way too young. At that age they are crying because they need something. Whether they are still hungry or just want to be with their mama. They are only little once. My son is 18 months old and although he goes to sleep on his own any time during the day he wants me to hold him I pick him right up and always will. You will blink and he will be going to school. Appreciate the time they are young.

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When he is older. I nursed my baby at night so it was very easy to have her in bassinet in my room. When she got bigger (5-6 months) I moved her to a crib. But still fed her in her room then put her to bed

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I never did it til my son was 2.

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Don’t feel bad momma about all the no going on but he is really young if you don’t want to hold him/ her to fall asleep try a swaddle blanket with Velcro it lets them be snug and it helped my son a lot when he was little because he would break free of a regular swaddle and cry so maybe that’s something you could give a try

Way too little. All his needs are not being met when you let him cry it out because one of his needs is to be held by his mother…


He’s way to little for that. And any Dr will tell you it’s to little. I’ve asked at that age they can’t be spoiled they are crying because they have so many needs. And they are supposed to be eating every two to three hours. :disappointed:


Too young for that…

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Too young at a month old. Wait until closer to 12 months old

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Maybe it isnt getting enough to eat and is still hungry.

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Way too young. You gotta do whatever to soothe


I would never let my 1 month old cry it out…way too young, in my opinion.


Even if its for just a minute personally I don’t feel you should let a month old just cry. The world is still a very new and scary world to them. I didn’t let my daughter start crying it out from time to time until she was 1.5🤷‍♀️ everyone’s opinion is going to be different on this bit from what I see most of us agree just hold your little one.


I’m a full believer in cio but 1 month is not old enough for that. If it’s literally 60 seconds, maybe but I still wouldn’t be able to do it.


I don’t agree with crying out at all, but certainly not at one month old that’s absolutely absurd.


If he is only crying for a minute you are fine momma! Did it with my little. As long as you know there is nothing wrong and everything he needs has been met, he may just be tired and fighting sleep!


For a minute? Nothing wrong with that. We rock our two youngest to sleep every night. Once in awhile my 2 month old will fuss for a minute after I lay her down, but then she’s out for a solid 10 hours. I really don’t consider a minute of crying as the CIO method…


Technically since its only a minute its not the cry it out method. With my daughter i didnt do it until she was older…i was worried she would wake her daddy when he slept with the crying. If she was ok and could see me and hear me i would let her fuss for a few minutes before i picked her up. Shes the most independent little 6 year old ever.


Take him to the doc@see what he thinks.Make sure there isn’t hind problem.

A month old? You’re an asshole.

A month old? You’re an asshole.

Way too young. Didn’t start cry out method with my daughter until 9 months old.


I didnt start till our daughter was like 6-9 months. But a newborn is too young

My bub only ever cries to sleep in my arms, and only when he is teething and inconsolable.

IMO your bub is much too young for CIO.


Nothing wrong with letting them cry for a minute or 2 just as they settle down to go to sleep. They know they are very loved all through out the day so a couple mins as they settle down for sleep is ok


Google 4th trimester…


No, it’s called the Ferber method. Tried and true :hugs:

A minute of crying is not “crying it out”. There are babies that cry a long time. There is usually a reason.

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one minute of crying is fine.

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The cry it out method should begin after 6 months. A newborn cries only out of discomfort.


If baby’s just getting energy out like a fussy cry then ok, for a minute or 2. but if its a painful cry then no. Babies need to be held.

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He’ll be just fine!!!


One minute isn’t crying it out.

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Our pediatrician says babies are not able to self soothe until 4 months of age. I would not do the cry it out method before then


Also try some lavender in a most diffuser near his crib. Classical music will also soothe

He’s a month old… my goodness, what’s wrong with you?


If it’s only for a minute or two that is okay, we did it when our daughter was first born and she’s learned that she doesn’t need mommy and daddy ALL the time to comfort her.


If it’s for a minute (literally) is day that’s fine. But actually letting them just cry at a month is too soon IMO. But I’m not against CIO, it’s just too young at a month.


You can try swaddling him?
I mean he’s a newborn. He’s new to the world which can be quite terrifying to him.
IMO it’s kinda shitty to do CIO in the first place anyways. He needs his mom.

You can try swaddling him?
I mean he’s a newborn. He’s new to the world which can be quite terrifying to him.
IMO it’s kinda shitty to do CIO in the first place anyways. He needs his mom.

I would be very surprised if any parent continued to use ‘cry it out’ if they knew the full extent of what’s happening to their infant’s brain. The infant brain is so vulnerable to stress. After birth, it’s not yet finished! In the first year of life, cells are still moving to where they need to be. This a process known as migration, and it’s hugely influenced by uncomforted stress. Then in the first year of life, there are adverse stress-related changes to the gene expression of key emotion chemical systems. They’re responsible for emotional well-being and the ability to be calm and handle stress well in later life. In addition, the level of stress caused to the infant brain by prolonged uncomforted distressed crying is so toxic, it results in: Elevated blood pressure Elevated cerebral pressure Erratic fluctuations of heart rate, breathing, temperature Suppressed immune and digestive systems Suppressed growth hormone Apneas Extreme pressure on the heart, resulting in tachycardia It can even re-establish fetal circulation, as the part of the heart known as the foramen ovale re-opens. We don’t know the long term impact of this on the health of the heart in later life. Science hasn’t got there yet, but who would risk it? Any uncomforted infant mammal will stop crying. So it’s not an achievement when you hear their crying stop. It’s a process known as ‘Protest-Despair-Detachment.’ A resigned, self-protective, giving up.


They will be fine. At that age I would respond after a few minutes tho. That’s extremely young in my opinion to let them cry until they fall asleep.

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No on cry it out method---- show me the data - follow your instincts.—Behavior / crying IS communication. its brutal to me to feel abandoned and scared.


Not at such a young age. I would let my 4 or 5 yr old cry it out but a baby needs your comfort.


The only way my 7 month old sleeps is if I let her cry it out.

Excuse Me ??? WHAT ??? NEVER EVER LET A BABY CIO :woman_facepalming: horrible


Cio is for lazy parents who think they have a quitting time. It’s harmful to babies, especially ones as young as yours. HOLD YOUR BABY. Babies are NOT supposed to sleep through the night. Look up 4th trimester. I’m not even sorry for saying this, but parents who do cio are negligent and should not be allowed to be parents. Stop being lazy and careless.


I think the cry it out method is ok but one month old is too young to start that. If she/he just whines a little and falls asleep that’s ok and not really “crying it out” but if the baby is full on crying I would say it’s too soon to start letting him/her cry it out.

If it is seriously just a minute or two that is not crying it out and a baby is aloud to cry for a second. That does not mean their needs aren’t met. What if you are in the bathroom or tending to another child? Don’t give yourself a hard time for that. But if you mean truly crying it out, I would at least wait until they were 6 months old. Everyone has their opinion on if it is right or wrong. That is up to you and only you know what is best. I did it with both my boys , after appropriate time, and they go to bed great. My daughter I was a little more lax with and she is four and still wakes up every night in the middle of the night.

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He’s been in your tummy all cozy,warm and safe for 9 months. He’s still adjusting to no longer being in there. Please for God’s sake pick up your baby!!!. You cannot “spoil” a 1month old. and if he got circumsized that’s even worse.


My nephews ped told parents to let him cry it’ll only last a few days and he should sleep. Don’t let cry for long time tho. Stratton around 4 mo

I’ve never & my son is 15 months old. He’s super independent, but I think that’s because he knows I’m there when he needs me. My son sleeps in his crib without crying every single night. But, everyone is different & each mama parents differently. I just couldn’t.

How are you sleeping? I was up more than the babies the first 6 months checking for breathes…fevers…out of place hairs :joy::joy: i can bearly let my 18 month old cry it out before i feel like the worst parent ever. Maybe thats just me. But if i hear a newborn crying…ima pick him up


Not that young in my opinion I didn’t start it till my daughter was 6-7 months when we transitioned her to her crib

CIO is cruel
They are used to being with you 24/7
This world is new to them. They are crying because they need you. Saying they are dry and fed is no excuse they have more needs then that


Crying for only 1 minute and then he’s asleep? He’ll be fine.

Hell no can cause brain damage. Cry it out method, is so mean and cruel I think!


I feel like for that young it isn’t good. That’s their only form of communication. It usually means something is off and sometimes at that young of an age they cry because they need to feel your touch. I just think that babies and really all kids need to feel secure and that you’re going to be there for them and if at one month you ignore their cries it could definitely impact them.


More than 5 minutes i dont think is okay but sometimes you gotto let them cry for a few minutes to work out that last bit of energy :slight_smile:

At one month a baby needs to be comforted…How will the baby learn to trust you if its needs arent met…Your baby is crying for a reason…At one month it could just be a cuddle…Babies need touch to survive…