Thoughts on the cry it out method?

If he’s only crying for a moment or two, I wouldn’t even stress about anything. I wouldn’t start sleep training until about 4 months. Many many people and professionals will say to use the cry method and others will criticize it. Don’t listen to everyone, do what you thinks best, you know your baby better than these moms.

One minute is not bad. But I never let my child cry it out. I wish she would have stopped at one minute.

Read up on the 4th trimester.

Good lord she said he cries for min…not hours…he will be fine

I think the CIO method is cruel. However if you are going that route your baby is way to young to start.


Hold. Your. Baby.
Rock. Your. Baby.
Lay. With. Your. Baby.
Do you wanna cry yourself to sleep? Is that ever fun to you? They are so little. They don’t know why you’re not there with them. I understand when they get older into the toddler phase but even then… the cry it out method is a lazy way out. That’s how baby’s get ear infections, sore throats, and congested. The water drains into their ears. Wouldn’t your throat hurt after screaming? When you cry do you get stuffy? Come on people. One month is entirely to young to get lazy. It doesn’t get any easier.


Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

A 4 week old??? You do realize they still eat every 4-6 hours at that point right?!?! You should use cio method until they are around 8 months old. Sometimes they just want snuggles and love. Theyve been inside you their whole life. Warm and snuggled up. Being rocked while you walk. Jeez!! Who knows, they could be having nightmares of labor :no_mouth:. Sleep is for teenagers not mommy’s, its reality.


Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

Oh my god. At one month? Hell no.

Just hell no all together. I’d never let my kids CIO.

CIO can cause developmental delays.


One month old is too young

I don’t use the cry out method. And I couldn’t make myself use it for a child that young. It breaks my heart.

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4th trimester Hun, baby cries to communicate needs

Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

It’s a horrible thing to do and has negative effects later in life I believe.

For all the people saying its harsh its not. My son did this until he was 4mo. He would cry for a minute because I was not holding him and then go to sleep it’s not harsh if the baby is only crying for 1 or 2 minutes any longer than that pick the baby up.


Not an expert but both my children did the cry it out method up to 5 minutes only tho. We didn’t start inky 3-4 months old I do believe 1 month is a little to early

Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda shitty letting a newborn CIO.

Aww that’s too little. He needs snuggles


Try swaddling? Tf.
He’s a month old. He’s still new to the world and doesn’t understand anything. So him crying is his que for you to comfort him like a mother is supposed to. He was in your womb for 9 months and doesn’t understand anything around him. Kinda crappy letting a newborn CIO.


He cries for only a minute?!?!!!

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Unpopular fact here, but studies have shown that the CIO method has had negative psychological impact on today’s adults that were trained to “self soothe” it’s the reason so many people from our generation have depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. And this isn’t me shaming anyone, this isn’t an opinion. This is me answering the OP’s question that yes, studies have shown that this could harm him psychologically.


Maybe for a one year old. A 4 week old, never…

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Ooo yes only a minute lucky mum


No, it wont hurt your baby. But a 1 month old only cries for certain reasons… food, sleep, diaper or pain… you shouldnt let a baby this small cry it out, you should figure out why hes crying and fix it…
Now at 6-7 months , it’s a totally different situation and you have to start setting boundaries.

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I’ve NEVER let my babies cry it out.

Oh the things I could say…
But he’ll be fine. 1 month might be a little young to expect him to go to sleep without a problem. But as a few others have said just a couple minutes will be fine. 5 minutes might push it at his age.

My baby is almost 3 months old and I can’t stand to listen to her cry. Rock your baby til he falls asleep they are only that little for a short period of time. Enjoy those little moments while you can or you might wish later that you did

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He’s a MONTH old! He’s brand new to the world. He’s used to the darkness, warmth, and constant rocking of the womb, then you pop him out and throw him in a cold bed all alone to cry. How would that NOT cause psychological damage?


With my children and my grandbabies I just never could let them cry it out. It actually hurt me to hear them cry. And for some reason I just can’t bear to think that they are scared or lonely. I say " run to the rescue " babies need love. And by not letting them cry let’s them know that they are loved.


If he’s only crying for a minute like you said it’s fine. It’s not a horrible thing to do unless they are crying without stopping for longer than that. He could literally just be crying because he’s like “oh no, I don’t like that mommy put me down” then boom he passes out. If you know he’s fed and changed he’s okay :ok_hand:t2:

I dont believe it will bc its teaching the child to self sooth


Sometimes you have to let your baby cry it out of they been changed and fed … maybe wrapped him or her makes them feel there still in the womb

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Cry it out is ONLY recommended for babies 6 months and up. It can cause damage to babies younger than that.


If he is falling asleep after a couple of minutes. I think its fine.

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I let me daughter cry it out, but not that young. Maybe around 5/6 months.


Baby is not old enough to understand at all st this age baby’s thrive on touch and mama’s cuddles baby needs you to just hold them way to yoing right now and can really mess baby up mama


If he only crys for one minute this wouldn’t even be a question. Furthermore…hes 1 month old… he wants to skin to skin…some love…some warmth. Lawdddddd… its all fun and games for the 9 months then its reality huh…


I never did the CIO method that young. When they were older I did but 1 month is way too early

Their supposed to be 6 months or older when starting the “cry it out method” speaking from experience with it. Also when their this young babies are crying for a reason either its being hungry, temperature, dirty diaper, wanting to be swaddled, discomfort, etc.


If it’s litterally only for a min. I don’t see anything wrong with it.


I believe in the self soothe method but didnt use it until they were over a year. A month seems too young to me but YOU are the mama so do what feels right to YOU.

I did it with my kids. Make sure they’re clean,fed and all good otherwise


I think 1 month is too young.

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Letting him cry Not a good thing

No, cuddle your baby. He’s only tiny, he’s new to the world and he wants his mama, I have 4 children and am pregnant with my 5th, believe me time goes by so quickly that before you know it they don’t want to be cuddled anymore, make the most of it now, his littleness is only temporary. When he’s 6 months then do it but not now

If he’s 1 month you should be cuddling him not letting him cry. Just my opinion.

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That is wayyyy to young even if i agreed whoch i dont. Its recommend 6 months up. Hes 4 weeks old. He. Needs to be feed every 2 hours… jesus

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Rock him to sleep. I never used the cry it out method with my three girls.

Babies need to cry sometimes. Hes learning how to get attention and voice what he wants the only way he can. Its good for their lungs and body. If it’s truly 1 minute, 60 seconds it’s okay. My son would wake himself up a lot and fuss but wouldn’t actually be fully awake. You’ll learn his cries :heart:

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There’s no such thing as cry it out within the Fourth trimester. A baby needs comfort- this world is ALL new and probably scary.

I would say you cannot even attempt a sleep train for CIO of any kind until after the 4th trimester.
Babies that young cannot soothe themselves.


I agree with no. However I went to my daughters pediatrician appt and she actually did suggest to let her CIO so I can get some rest. Ummm if my daughter is crying I will not be resting.

1 month is FAR to young to start CIO, they don’t recommend doing any type of sleep training including CIO till 6 months or later. During the first 6 months their sleep patterns will change so much and there are several regressions especially a big one at 4 months that can hit. Right now he is in what they call The Fourth Trimester he was inside you for all those months snug as a bug and then trust out in to the world. I would definitely look in to it.

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It will not harm them. I was told by children’s hospital when my daughter was 3 weeks old that I can let her cry it out.


I have NEVER let my kids CRY IT OUT… I think its awful


I wouldn’t hardly consider 1 minute as CIO.
For a newborn I wouldn’t let them go longer than probably 3 or 5 minutes.
Honestly though I dont start to let them until they’re like one and a half.
My daughter is almost 3 and if she does cry at bed time I give her 15 minutes and if she doesn’t settle I’ll go get her.

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I did with my oldest. He is fine.

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This is a parent preference. There is research that shows pros and cons to soothing them or the cry it out method. At such a young age like a 1 month old, I am personally against the cry it out method for my children. I held, rocked, and cuddled them.


I let him fuss but as soon as tears flow I pick him up. It hurts my soul to hear him cry


“Caring for your baby and young child/ birth to age 5” is a book my pediatrician recommend. It’s by the American Academy of Pediatrics. In it it states that babies will cry to relieve they’re emotions before sleep. It’s in the chapters for new born - 3 months. There’s also something called purple crying that explains why they cry so much from newborn to 4 months. I’d suggest looking into those two things because as much as you want to spend every second with them when they’re this young there’s still other things you have to do for them and yourself while they’re asleep.

Oh I didn’t read the 1 month part, no I would never let my child cry it out at that age. I didn’t start til 8 months and again I only let him fuss not cry.


All you people need to settle down a bit… she said he cries for a minute and goes to sleep… 1 minute is not crying it out… baby’s cry longer than that waiting for a feed or a bottle. So many precious snowflakes these days. He’s a month old, not a day old… 1 minute to self settle is awesome.


If it’s more than a few mins, I’d check. But mine would wake up and cry for 2 or 3 mins and go back to sleep. It happens.


They need you when theire crying


Attachment parenting all the way :raised_hands:. Look it up

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Not that young for time longer than what youre doing. Hes self soothing now…

You have maternal instincts. Follow them and parent your child accordingly.

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Noooooo 1 month?? The last thing a newborn human needs is to feel unsafe and cry their little selves to sleep. I mean how could that not have an effect. Don’t do it. Your instincts are telling you not too. Listen :orange_heart:


Oh momma, at 3 weeks old that baby still needs you. Look up the 4th trimester. This is a new word to him. He’s too young for the CIO method for sure


You can tell the difference between fussing and crying. Use your better judgment. Good luck

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No, it won’t. If he’s only crying for a minute, he’s perfectly fine!! You’ll know when it’s more than self soothing


My aunt did this with my cousin when I was 9-10 years old and i promised myself way back then that i would NEVER, EVER let my child do that!!! Why have a child if you can’t take 20-30 minutes a day to rock your growing baby to sleep :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


You can literally google this and see how many reasons CIO is a terrible thing to do

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Listen, NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE, likes to be alone and cry themselves to sleep…me, included! :blush:


Cry it out, isn’t going to hurt anything. I’ve tried different methods with 2 different kids and they’re both very different. My oldest was always coddled and she relies on me heavily more so than her younger brother who is more independent, has a set bedtime for hisself and even if he’s fussing he cries and goes right to sleep within a few minutes. Oldest is 2, youngest is 1. Crying for like 30 minutes is one thing but for a few minutes is TOTALLY different.

Absolutely not ever, and letting a 1 month old CIO is negligent. They arent crying for no reason. Dont have a baby if you arent prepared for the sleepless nights.


If you know hes got a clean diaper and fed then he should be fine but that young I wouldn’t let him cry it out longer than a few minutes. Also make sure hes not to hot or cold

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PLEASE research the 4th trimester & DO NOT let that poor baby cry. He is WAY too young!! If he’s crying it’s for a reason…


This baby has spent 9 months comforted by you and the sound of your heart beat and then was taken from that comfort. One month is extreme. No. Comfort that baby as much as he or she needs.


Your the mom , you know this babies cries better that anyone. if is just fussing for a minute it’s ok. Knew a mom who told her under 3 months that he would get his bottle when they got to car. it was be ok in a calm quiet voice. The baby stopped crying. kid is older and very well behaved

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I would never let baby CIO, babies can’t self soothe at that age and all it teaches them is that when they cry their needs won’t be met. That’s heartbreaking to a baby whose new to the world, I always made sure baby knew I was there and he’s super independent now :two_hearts:

The fact that you’re asking this leads me to believe you care and have a motherly instinct to not let baby CIO. This is a natural and incredible instinct, always listen to it😊


I waited until my son was 7 months

I think a month old is a little young for that…


At 1 month old? That seems a little early for crying it out…


No it will build his lungs up

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He is a month you bond with that baby and keep them safe so hold him he needs you don’t be so lazy


Please research what CIO does to a baby. It’s so devastating to me to leave your child alone, in the dark to cry until they fall asleep. You’re a parent 27/4, not only during the day.


He will be fine. It’s not the easiest thing to do but sometimes it’s necessary. Self soothing isn’t a bad thing, just don’t ignore the baby for hours on end, that’s all.

We started it at 9 months.

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What I’m reading is that the baby can’t sleep without that 1 minute cry. Is that still crying it out?


Thats the way my son was :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face: drove me nuts that my kid didn’t want to be cuddled to sleep

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I never did it … :woman_shrugging:t2: has a great sleeper too

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Do not let a one month old cry it out… That is just awful… The baby probably has gas… You need to cuddle your baby instead of neglecting it…


Way to early!!! It’s not recommended until at least 6 mo. That was too early for us, we did it at 14 months


One month i believe is way too early for the cry it out.