Tips and advice on getting pregnant?

Relax. Once you relax and stop actively trying it usually happens

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My dr told me to start prenatal vitamins. I was pregnant within a month of starting them.

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Stop trying and it will happen

Not sure if it will make a deference or not. I don’t need no info nor am I saying anything bad. Make sure that you have an orgasm when you “do the deed” and after he is done put a pillow under your hips for a couple minutes. Wipe yourself but don’t duche.

Take a nap after. Dont even sit up :woman_shrugging:

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If you are using OPK’S then make sure you do things the day you get a positive. The day after could be too late. Pay attention to your body. Ex. is it constipation or are you ovulating? Lay down for at least 15 minutes after sex. Try to live a healthy lifestyle. You and your partner should stay away from smoke and alcohol. I’ve heard several stories where the guy stopped alcohol and they were able to conceive the next cycle. Drink plenty of water. Try to limit caffeine.

If you have a tipped uterus-doggy style-works every time lol

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See your doctor! There are things that can be tested without using a fertility specialist. Do acupuncture, clean up your diet and minimize plastic. Take vitamins.

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Most insurances won’t cover IVF OR IUI, but they should cover diagnostics and certain medications such as clomid to try to conceive with timed intercourse. That’s how my insurance (tricare) handles it.

All these “relax” comments are assanine. As someone who has been TTC for over 4 years, relaxing does not cure medical problems. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Read the book “taking charge of your fertility” its so helpful

We tried for a year and a half, and the month that we didn’t try is when I got pregnant.


Low carb diet. Daily Exercise

Have sex every night for two months. If that doesn’t work at least you both had fun trying. Seriously if it doesn’t happen it wasn’t meant to.

Sex on the day you ovulate. No sex the week before or after.

I had a hard time with my first…wasted so much money…a co-worker told me to take 2 children’s vitamins the Flintstones kind.
At that point I was over trying. TTC turned into a no fun job for us.
Took the vitamins and stopped trying and 6mos later was pregnant.

Baby aspirin once a day.

Get your thyroid checked

Keto diet works for a lot of women. Work with your regular OBGYN to get testing done. Your general practitioner can test too. Your OB may be willing to prescribe clomid. Mine did but past that it was out of her wheelhouse.

Take your basal body temperature (BBT) daily. It takes a few cycles but can let you know a lot of facts like when you’re most likely to ovulate or if you have a luteal phase defect (period comes or temp drops less than 9 days after ovulation) it can also let you know if you’re not ovulating.

There are lots of women on apps like Kindara (what I used to track cycles and temps and for community) and Fertility friend who are willing to share the information they received from fertility specialists, etc.

It can be a lot and it took me 5 years but I got the result I hoped for.

Things you should have tested that your insurance covers as diagnostic:
Ultrasound for PCOS/Fibroids/endometriosis

If you’ve been trying for more than 12 months go see your GP… Some fertility treatments are bulk billed now

Check if u have an introverted uterus or not.

Honestly what I’ve seen to work is to just relax and dont stress about wanting to get pregnant. When you and you so are constantly in a state of anxiety about ovulation and having intercourse enough at that time it tends to cause things to not “work”. I’ve seen this happen with atleast 6 couples I know. Also, there are tests that can be run on both you and your so by your doctor that should be fully covered and are not considered fertility treatments. Talk to your drs and see what they say. There could be an underlying fertility issue with you or your so that you are both unaware of.

Prenatal diet and exercise get your body as healthy as possible and same for your partner

I was doing the Hcg diet with hormone drops.

I have a tilted pelvis and uterus, makes it that much more difficult. Try different positions, if you havent already. If you aren’t taking an prenatals try doing that as well. I know it sucks to hear because everyone is saying it but stop trying…that’s what we did. I had a miscarriage last summer and we tried for 6 months, I finally said it’s not going to happen I need to focus on me. I found out I ovulated late that month…I was pregnant weeks later! Good luck!

Pre-seed. The sell it at CVS all those drug stores. I know a handful of people that have tried it regularly and tracking and then used this and got pregnant! Good luck :blue_heart:

As even i was not able to conceive, i had consulted a fertility center. where it had helped me in IVF treatment and now i am happily 5months pregnant.