Tips and tricks for weaning a baby who is obsessed with the boob?

He refuses a bottle and pacifiers. My son is 15 months old, and I can not get him to go 24 hours without breastfeeding. I'm ready to be done with it, he eats just as much as my 3 and 5 year old during meal times. But it's his biggest comfort. He still wakes up throughout the night just to get nursed, when he wakes up and realizes his boob is gone he has a melt down. He's a total momma's boy. Glued to my hip. He's my third, my oldest is 5. Letting him cry it out at night is too much. This little boy will scream for an hour straight. He's got a crazy temper, my older two never threw fits like this little guy does. (Not that I get angry, but knowing he will just scream and wake the whole house up until he gets fed is never something I want to do. He's not hungry, he's a big chunky boy who eats well, and always a good meal before bed. But during nap times through the day and bed time, he refuses to go down without being nursed. I love how determined he is, I'm just ready to move on from this stage

I also had a very attached 22 month old :woozy_face: who wanted it just for comfort and I couldnā€™t physically go anymore. She was the stubborn type and had to decide on her own she didnā€™t want it anymore. So everytime she wanted it, I would put a little vinegar on my nipple and let her suck. It didnā€™t take long at all for her to realize she didnā€™t want it anymore. Much love and grace to you! Weening is so hardā€‹:sob:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Tips and tricks for weaning a baby who is obsessed with the boob?

Following cause I have the exact same issue :joy:

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Sigh. I fear this part

Lemon juice on the nipple cured my great granddaughter in a day


stop giving him itā€¦it will be a hard couple days ā€¦maybe a week but he will be ok


Put bandaids on ur nipples?

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Let him.nurse as long as he wants. Precious days go by so fast.


Iā€™m going through the exact same, my daughter is 18 months old and I just found out Iā€™m pregnant. Iā€™m so over it but she does not want to quit.

Use the farmers almanac for weaning , potty training, etcā€¦ it works.


I stopped my son before he was ready ā€¦and Iā€™ve regretted it ever since


Hi mama,

My son is the exact same way. He would have this huge meltdown if I used different methods to get him to sleep. I got dad to out him to sleep and sleep with him for 3 nights. Then I went in to put him down, I put bandaids on my nipples. I rocked him for a little bit then laid him down and rubbed his back or snuggled him. It took two weeks to night wean him. He isnt day weaned at 27 months :grimacing: The kid is obsessed but nights were my biggest worry anyways. Bandaids work wonders!

Apple cider vinegar on nips! Weaned my girl after two days of it


I put apple cider vinegar on my nipples & when he tasted it he spit my nipple out. It smells strong so as soon as heā€™d smell it heā€™d stop. So at night I put it on toilet paper & tapped it over my nipple, so once he saw it he stopped trying. By day 3 I didnā€™t have to put the apple cider vinegar, Iā€™d just tape the toilet paper & as soon as he saw or felt it he stopped trying. He was off the boob by day 5


Start cutting out one nursing session a day, whichever you think will be the easiest. Put band aids on the nips. You got boo boos and no more milk. Repetition and patience. Offer snuggles and cuddles, lots of love, make it a big deal, get a special cuddle teddy, whatever helps it. After that one session is done, then take out another. Eventually youā€™ll be down to just bedtime which is typically the hardest. Just keep the repetition going and donā€™t change things up. Itā€™ll become a new habit for him so he knows ā€œthis is what we do for sleeps now instead of drinking mommy milk.ā€


I had the same issue with my daughter. She would not stop breastfeeding. She was over 12 months old and my doctor told me to stop before it becomes too hard to stop. I completely stopped. I did give her the pacifier. I ended up just letting her cry it out and keep my chest covered until she was over it. It didnā€™t last long at all. She was able to get over it and she like all the other things. You can do it as long as you stay committed. I know itā€™s hard but my daughter wouldnā€™t sleep during the night either until I stopped the breastfeeding. Then she finally slept.

I had a boy the same who was glued to the boob and was 14 months before I got him off the boob! I got him into homo milk and turned him around to drink it because he wanted to look around while nursing during the day and comfort during the night! Once I weened him for the day the night folllowed! I used the avent bottle

My son, also my third, was the same way. I went out of town for a week and he stayed home with Daddy. When I got back he was used to the bottle and I just stuck to it. I felt bad for Daddy but it needed to be done :sweat_smile:

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Am 41 am im still obsessed


I am 35 weeks pregnant and literally living through the exact same thing, mine is even the same age :sweat_smile: I thought for sure when my colostrum came in he would be turned offā€¦ nope. Stilll determined. Iā€™ve tried cutting down the amount of time, the amount of nurses. So I would love to hear some suggestions aswell

Imo heā€™s only 15 months and most likely needs Milk still. Heā€™ll stop and your body will when ready. With growth spurts, teething and leaps itā€™s still normal for a 15 month old to nurse frequently. You can always pump and offer a bottle??

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Have you leave for a few days and or just stop giving into his demands. I had to do it with my 15 month old when I was ready to stopā€¦ it was hardā€¦


A bottle/sippy with milk or water???

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With my 18m old daughter I just told her no. She threw a horrible fit for the first few days. Instead of feeding her to sleep I just rocked her. She eventually went to sleep. Now a month later she will still ask for it occasionally but itā€™s a lot better.

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I know this is gonna sound terrible but I mean it with the most loveā€¦leave for the whole day and whole night at 15 months they can u understand mommyā€™s not home who ever is with him will need patients understanding and snugglesā€¦it is super important that whom ever is with the child starts with the proper bedtime routine make a big deal about the new routine encourage them to be brave and they can do it ā€¦I know to u momma this sounds horrible and u want to do this but if boob is avaliable hes gonna scream till he gets it when u return make a big deal how he went so long and now they dried up lol he will get it


Have you ever read ā€œA Tree Grows In Brooklynā€? A side character in the novel has a problem similar to yours and wants to wean her son. She tried everything and he just wouldnā€™t wean :person_frowning: Finally, she had it! She used some makeup and made a scary face on her breast. She called her son over to get some and opened her blouseā€¦ Needless to say it worked lol


Try warm milk in a zippy cup first, try getting your milk to dry out or at smaller amounts, there is book called calm monkey that is good to help with meltdowns and other fits, also try rocking and finding other comfort. Good luck!

Put bandaids on your nipples tell him there is an owie there.


Linn Amy Andi Herrly

My son was the same way! I put band aids on my nipples and told him I had ā€œboo boosā€ it worked wayyy better than I expected! One night of him being grumpy and then things got much better. You got this


Maybe this will help you break the habit . My grandfather who is long gone . Nursed until he was 5 years old . His mother finally put a stop to it when he asked for a SUCK at Sunday Church during Mass . Just picture yourself with a 5 year old or 10 year old latched on .

Brestmilk in a bottle and something icky on the nipple.


No naps during the day so he sleeps


I quit cold turkey when my daughter turned 1 because I hated breastfeeding :rofl: It took me 3 hours to get her to go to sleep the first night and 2 hours the next but a week later itā€™s like she didnā€™t know any differentā€‹:woman_shrugging:t3: Did it suck? Yes but if you wanna be done you gotta deal with the tough first few nightsā€‹:smiling_face_with_tear:

I know its considered normal to breast feed for ages now but unheard of when I had my kids.
Just tell him noā€¦yes I know its easier said than done but the longer you continue the more milk youā€™ll produce and the harder it will be to stop.
Of course lots of hugs and patience but if hes thirsty heā€™ll drink from a cup.
If hes eating a healthy solid diet hes going to be overweight if you continue to breast feed too . Be firm and determined but always calm and loving

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Following!!! I have the exact same issue except mine is 19 months!! :weary:

This was the only thing that helped me! I tried everything! She even had the boob a couple times after this was applied, but soon after she realized and never looked back. :raised_hands:t3:

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Soak your nips in vinegar

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A little aloe vera on your nipple a westindian thing.

Explain. To him. It hurts. Moma

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You have to just stop. And be consistent. If you keep giving in when he screams then youā€™re teaching him that his tantrum works. It will be hard for a few days but he will soon forget.


Tell him itā€™s all gone and just stop giving in. It will be hard for the first few days but after that he will be fine.

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I was feeding just first and last thing by then. If he wakes in the night, tell him itā€™s not boob time yet. Emphasis on the yet. Give him cuddles but no boob. If he meltsdown just reassure him itā€™s not boob time yet. He will get upset but you just need to stay calm and reassuring. Donā€™t get flustered or give in.

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You have to just stop. You are in control. No booby means no booby. And dont overcompensate. THis kid will get with the program. Might be a stressful transition but you got to keep it movin and dont cater to what he wants, give him what he needs and know youre doing the best thing for you both.


Omg I feel!!! Mines also 15 months and will throw himself down in my arms and try and lift up my shirt now and will jusg scream at me till I give it to him :upside_down_face::sweat_smile: Iā€™ve gotten him off the boob all day other then naps and bed time. I donā€™t know how to get him off those tho :weary:

Plan a night soon when you can stand to let him cry it out. You are doing him a favor by making him learn how to self soothe. Poor baby wants his mama milk tho!


So that you donā€™t stress him out further and create a mistrust, start by taking away nursing times. For example if he nurses 3x a day, eliminate the mid day session, then the morning and because night weaning is usually hardest, eliminate this one last. Be transparent with him and explain everything. Remember he is human and needs comfort just like adults do

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Vaseline on nipples, sprinkle gently with black pepper. He will lose interest- trust me.


Respectful Sleep Training/Learning

Iā€™d just stop all the misc feedings and nurse just at nap or nighttime for now. Redirect all other times. Eventually, you can drop the nap feedsā€¦and lastly, the nighttime feed. Iā€™d never stop cold turkey, though, as he views nursing as comfort at this point.

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I just have to share this. I read a novel years ago-A Tree Grows in Brooklyn- about a poor family and their neighbors, in the early 1900ā€™. There was a 5 year old boy in the neighborhood. His Mom could not get him weaned off the breast. He even stood on a stool to nurse. His Mom was pregnant again, out of desperation, she got some soot from the fireplace and drew scary faces on each boob. It worked like a charm. Sent him running. :joy::joy:


My son is 16 months old, and I feel like you just described my life. Iā€™m gonna allow it until heā€™s two, unless he self weans before then. Honestly though some days Iā€™m just ready to be done.


I had to go to the doctor and have the doctor tell my son mommies milk is all gone, because you know me saying it never worked. Doctor said mommies milk all gone because you are a big boyā€¦ he would just touch my shirt and say all goneā€¦


There might be some correlation with his ā€œmommaā€™s boyā€ behavior
that links with the temper.

My youngest had far more of a temper and was way less independent. Which stepping back makes a lot of sense. Spoiled with affection(not a bad thing if you ask me), instantly getting soothed, and she had way more access to me because I stayed home with her.

Ability to self sooth is important and I donā€™t
mean just turn the switch and let the kid figure it out but slowly watch your own behavior to him and if you are reinforcing the fits by saying ā€œitā€™s okā€ or doing things for him when he gets mad. Helps.

Try a sippy cup heā€™s a big boy now


Try the old cherry top dummyā€™s my son was like that when he was born wouldnā€™t take any other dummyā€™s till I tryed the cherry top

My son was 18 months and I literally had to get a job working in the evenings so he couldnā€™t get to me at night. :rofl::rofl::pleading_face::sob::sob::person_facepalming:

Put something on it that taste bad before time and give a Bottle or pacifier ask Doctor

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Got to deal with the fits and just cut him off.

When I stopped breastfeeding, I found the best way was to reduce it one feed at a time. If you stop all together straight away, you are at risk of mastitis. Start dropping feeds, and then eventually tell him mummyā€™s milk has gone to other mummyā€™s to feed their new babies. My daughter was 2 when I stopped. I reduced feeds until it was just feeds in the night then stopped those as well. Good luck xx


Went through this with my daughter.

My husband had to complete take over the overnight wakings and go in and console her. He would take a sippy cup of cows milk (sometimes with NesQuick or vanilla syrup to make it more alluring.) she never really took a bottle either.

The first night was BRUTAL with sad sobs, being fully awake and playing with dad at 3am, and eventually crashing. That only happened two nights. after about a week she realized it wasnā€™t going to be mommy at night and stopped waking all together. About 2 weeks after that she gave up daytime nursing too ā€” although once the night feeds were over I didnā€™t even mind daytime nursing. She truly just weaned herself to a cup in on her own.


I couldnā€™t imagine. I never ever even considered breastfeeding with any of my children


Do you have the chance of having a relative take the baby? My sister took my obsessed daughter for a weekend and that was it.

100% of children quit breastfeeding at some point :sweat_smile: that being said mine just quit on his ownā€¦he was also 2 1/2 and it was a comfort thing at night for almost a year so I waited it out :woman_facepalming: heā€™s 6 now and is a little bossy boss and hardly letā€™s me hug him, but heā€™s developed fine regardless :woman_shrugging: all about personal choices I suppose


My daughter was exactly the same. I nursed her till she was 2. It was more of a comfort thing and she had to fall asleep with my boob in her mouth, as soon as I removed it she freaked! My husband took over bed time and night time comforting. We had to constantly tell her that ā€œit was all goneā€ and she finally stopped. Going away for the weekends helps alot too because you wonā€™t want to give in when you hear them crying. Hugs Mama you got this :heart:

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My now 9 year old was like thatā€¦lolā€¦at 18 months she would just pull my shirt down and would have a fit if I tried stopping her. I just had to be consistent with telling her no regardless of the tantrum and I offered her other choices. Eventually she got the point.

Rub some Vickā€™s or eucalyptus around your breasts and tell him itā€™s stinky, he wonā€™t like the smell and will stop.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Tips and tricks for weaning a baby who is obsessed with the boob?

15 months, give that big boy a cup! You donā€™t have to give him a bottle or a pacifier. If heā€™s eating solids, I wouldnā€™t worry.

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All reasons he nurses are validšŸ’œ


Slowly take away each feeding ā€¦say he nurses 3 times a dayā€¦one in morning, one at nap time and one at bedtimeā€¦Naptime would be the first to go (still nurse at the other 2 times)ā€¦offer a stuffed animal or soft blanket in place of nursingā€¦then 2 days later take away morning feedingā€¦and last 2-3 days after taking away the morning feeding take away bedtime feedingā€¦bedtime will be the hardest to take awayā€¦but usually the first night is the hardest and the rest are pretty easy (a little crying and then sleep)ā€¦If you can have someone else put him to bed that may help since your son can smell the milkā€¦Good Luck!! I know itā€™s not easyā€¦I successfully breastfed my first 3 each for a year and weaned them around 12-13 monthsā€¦itā€™s possible but you jus canā€™t back down


Maybe start by not breastfeeding at nap time and let him get used to not nursing to go to sleep for naps and if he screams then it wonā€™t wake up the whole house.


Alisha James sounds like archie with the bottle :frowning:

Pickle juice on the nipples

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My youngest was very similar.

I started by cutting our nursing her to sleep for nap time.

Then, not nursing her to sleep at bedtime, and only giving it to her for comfort when sheā€™d wake up in the middle of the night. (And immediately taking it once she fell back asleep, not allowing her to use me as a pacifier)

Within a month or two I had her completely weaned.

I also made sure to play lullabies while she slept as well, to help sooth her a little more.

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When I stoped breastfeeding my little one wouldnā€™t take bottle and we just went with that donā€™t force it, she is now 2&half and perfectly fine! I heard if you put them in there room and let you partner comfort them instead at nighttime and he will forget about it but donā€™t count me on that :joy:

my daughter is same way. exact same. i gave up. sheā€™s 2 next week and i am just now weaning her. still nurses at bedtime but thatā€™s it, itā€™s way better than it was.takes time

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I put bandaids over my nipples and told him they were broken.

Put any sauce on your nipple or something he dislike. He will latch it and never touch your boobs ever again!

Aww bless I was the same ended up having to get dad to do the bedtime routine and it stopped x

Omg Iā€™m on the same boat with my 2 year old girl lol I donā€™t what to do to stop her from wanting to breastfeed all the time lol

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Try sippy cup s if he wonā€™t do bottles he will eventually get use to it

Feed him he is only a baby once. Treat him like one

Ha you have a problem

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I also had a very attached 22 month old :woozy_face: who wanted it just for comfort and I couldnā€™t physically go anymore. She was the stubborn type and had to decide on her own she didnā€™t want it anymore. So everytime she wanted it, I would put a little vinegar on my nipple and let her suck. It didnā€™t take long at all for her to realize she didnā€™t want it anymore. Much love and grace to you! Weening is so hardā€‹:sob:

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I saw a product that you can put on your nipple that makes it taste bad but itā€™s safe for babies. It makes them not want to as much?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Tips and tricks for weaning a baby who is obsessed with the boob?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Tips and tricks for weaning a baby who is obsessed with the boob?

Be happy for what youā€™ve got. No one will understand, but they have no place to judge.
He will eventually wean. But he finds comfort in you & your connection. My oldest son died & my youngest son nursed until he was 3. No one needs to know about your private life. My living son is now 24 & I would never want to change our connection. He is healthy & is an adult, I believe those moments were what he needed when he needed them.


Youā€™ve got to let him cry. Itā€™s going to be hard, but babies need to learn to self-soothe.


With my daughter, I wrapped my boobs up for a week and told her they were broken. It was a few day proses, but it seemed to help. First night was the hardest, we both cried. But I was getting unhealthy and exhausted with my 3 1/2yo son and her, so it had to be done. She turned 2 and it was time for her to be a big girl.


I actually put plasters over my nipples are it was a suggestion on a bf pageā€¦ and when my daughter seen them we just spoke about how boobie was goneā€¦ and it worked really well. She was on me 24/7 before thatā€¦


Give him other options and inform him ā€œnoā€ Tou will have to hold fast to your answer through the fussing and whining. Stay song. Good luck.


I nursed until my middle son, an infertility baby was 18 months. Then husband wouldnā€™t put up with his screaming. He would be eating and drinking fine until I got home f rom work and then heā€™d throw the cup across the room if I didnā€™t nurse him immediately as I walked in the door. So I stopped . Got pregnant with our daughter the next month. All in all worked out great. I breastfed 3. But only middle one wanted to nurse forever. Now he hardly calls. His wife calls all the time.


Maybe do something so ur milk will dry upā€¦then there is no boobie milk and u donā€™t smell like it when u hold him


My daughter breast fed her little boy until he was two. She started sending him to bed before she went to bed, eventually he got used to not having the boob, she started reading to him while sitting on the couch for him to have quality time with him. Iā€™m telling you, he is and was a real boob boy,


Just wean him for goodness sake , maybe let the other children stay with grandparents for a week , and let him cry it out . Say NO , heā€™s not a baby .


When my youngest brother was nursing and wouldnā€™t stop , my mom put turpentine on her boobs and called him to come and get it, he did and when he did he said no mommy Hot titties well that broke him from nursing. I know that probably wasnā€™t right to do but it worked. Southern style


My youngest was 3 when he finally stopped . I thought he would never get off. And yes it was a comfort thing also . He never had dummy or bottles . Wouldnā€™t take to them . During the day he was ok but the night one was the hardest to stop. But I went away for a couple nights and come back and he was less clingy for boob so I had to be strong . It was tough for both of us . :cry: good luck hun.