Good luck! You don’t sound ungrateful or selfish for wanting another child. Anyone who thinks otherwise can go fly a kite. I have no suggestions otherwise. Hope your dreams come true!
I did birth control pills and metformin for 6months and went off of it and was pregnant a month later
Clomid worked for a friend of mine also!
Keto! I’ve heard lots of success stories with it. I don’t have pcos but I was off birth control for 5 months (wasn’t trying but not preventing either) and got pregnant the same month I started keto.
Have you had an ultrasound you need that and updated blood work
How long have you tried taking metformin? I have a friend that took it for 6 months before she was pregnant.
Sending baby dust your way
I took metformin and birth control for 3 months, got pregnant the first month that I stopped taking the birth control.
Look up the supplement PABA.
The only way I can get pregnant (i have severe pcos, tons of cysts inside the ovaries so I dont ovulate) is to lose a ton of weight. Even if I’m not currently overweight, i have to drop like 20 lbs, have people start worrying about my weightloss type thing, then bam, pregnant.
Go to an acupuncture fertility specialist. Not a wellness center but true TCM person
Metformin and clomid!
Lose weight. It helps.
Maca Root. Google it.
Get adjusted from a chiropractor too!
Weightloss-just like 10 pounds and a few months of birth control (the pill)
I was told by several doctors from 18-27 that I wouldn’t have kids, finally my new and current dr did the pill and when I stopped I got pregnant like 3 months later. When my daughter was 17 months I got pregnant again without really trying (like no lie I was like I should have another baby and 3 weeks later bam… I was pregnant)
Metformin alone did not work for me. I had to adjust my eating and then the doctor put me on Letrozole. Pregnant in one cycle. It has now worked for me three times as I have three beautiful daughters!
I’m going to tell you things to try and things to look into…
1 join pcos groups and trying to conceive with pcos groups on fb
2 vitamins, geritol liquids ones , prenatal , primrose something… look them up
3 download a fertility tracker app to track every period and everything about you
4 ovulation kits off amazon to track ovulation is a must
5 conceive live off Amazon is recommended and doesn’t hurt to improve Soren mobility
6 lose weight, keto or low carb (I did this and my periods flipped and seemed almost too normal and bam pregnant after 10 years of not)))
7don’t stress and keep active and increase water like crazy
Basically don’t give your body a reason not to agree with you on having a baby good luck
I have PCOS… Tried metformin and clomid… No luck. After 13 years I gave up and decided to drop a few pounds and go low carb. Had a boy who now 15 and twin girls who are now 9. Dropping a few pounds can JumpStart your fertility and make you ovulate.
I took clomid and was given a fifteen % shot of getting pregnant each time I had an ovulation cycle. I got pregnant after my first med cycle when I wasn’t ovulating. I really hope you get your addition !
Losing 10% of your body weight will help if you are overweight with pcos, also metformin has helped me.
I have pcos…tried metformin and clomid with no luck. Had seen 3 different doctors & no one was getting me results…just kept telling me it wasnt in the cards for me. I finally met with a 4th doctor & he was very blunt with me & told me my only hopes of conceiving naturally was to lose weight. I was 302lbs at that time. He told me for every 10% body weight i lost my chances of conceiving would jump. I felt very defeated. Id been trying for 16 years. But i put myself on a realistic"diet"…stopped drinking soda, cut the junk food to a once in a while very small treat, portioned my food & stopped myself from going back for 2nds or 3rds. It took me 6 months but i lost 90lbs and bam got pregnant. 7 months later i found myself pregnant with baby #2.
Losing weight helped me!
Metformin, And diet change! My dr told me to lose a little weight and I lost about 40 pounds and finally got pregnant. After my first we immediately started trying again and got pregnant again
i took a low dose thyroid medication and cinnamon supplement; I also did temperature monitoring so I would understand my cycle
Metformin. I have 3 babies and all 3 were metformin babies!
Me & my bf have been together for 15 yrs and I struggled getting pregnant, have pcos and irregular periods. I got a job that required a lot of walking(periods came back) and it paid very well… so I was getting a lot of exercise and stress free and I got pregnant! Oct 2018 I had a baby boy, and then I got pregnant again (very easily, didn’t think it would happen that easily) and had another baby boy Nov 2019! No medication was needed, but perhaps everyone is different!
IUI with clomid and menopur worked for me after 3 years
Exercise and lose weight. PCOS with insulin resistant ovaries but weight loss and regular exercise changed my body. I got pregnant within a month of trying. I was 44.
JuJu Hughey this may help
I have pcos and when I got pregnant I was working out, boosting my vitamins, trying to eat better, getting better sleep, just a lot of self care. I did it all for my depression but I think it balanced out my body chemistry enough to conceive
Definitely seek a really good Endocrinologist, AND GYN for the best advice on this.
I have pcos went 240 to 178. i took provera to bring on period then regulated it with BC before stopping it. I did two diet shakes a day from nutritionist (breakfast lunch), eat veggies as snack and 4oz lean meat with leafy greens for dinner. I took fish oil, D and B6. I got two kids now but lost 2 in between my 2.
I was on clomid and got preg with triplets. Two rounds is all it took for me.
I have not a clue. The only thing that worked for me was getting a gastric sleeve surgery. It did something to my body…my hormones. I was pregnant like 7 months after my surgery, after not getting pregnant for 11 years due to PCOS. I now have two very beautiful boys.
I’ve been struggling with pcos for 12 years, and I have two beautiful healthy kiddos. My daughter was a complete surprise. I was taking birth control and was starting to have side effects, so after taking it for three months straight I came off of it. I ended up pregnant. My obgyn told me the birth control regulated my hormones and I ovulated. My son was planned, I took femera and metformin to conceive him. Femera triggers ovulation, with that the help of metformin and provera ( induces periods) I conceived my son after five rounds of femera. I hope everything goes well for you! Pregnancy is possible good luck!
Femera helped me get pregnant I have a 3 month old son
I used Pregnitude. Month 2 we conceived! Currently feeding our 2 month old.
I also have PCOS and had to have IVF. We have a baby boy now though!
From being on lists, I know of several stories of women who had success getting pregnant while on ketogenic diet. I don’t have a lot of details, but may want to Google it. Google Search
My PCOS is pretty bad … to the point my GYN specialist told me my eggs were fried before they are even released.
I do the keto diet and have for many years … I’ve gotten pregnant 5 times, naturally. My specialist now says keto is the best diet for women with PCOS and a natural fertility drug.
When he told me my eggs were fried, I was pregnant with my 6 year old
I’m on my second pregnancy right now and I battled with PCOS Since I was 19 and when I was 19 I was told I couldn’t have children but with the right drs nothing is impossible… with both my last one and this one I seen drs that specialized with this and I was on provera and femara… with my first pregnancy I got pregnant first shot… this pregnancy it took about a year … but if you really want to have children it’s worth a try even if several treatments fail
Lose 10% of body weight, track cycle lengths, use opks, keep your appointment with her fertility doc
I lost weight and bam I was pregnant
I tried for 15 years, I lost a large amount of weight, I don’t take any medication for management. I tried numerous fertility meds and nothing worked but weight loss. I am currently 32 weeks pregnant.
The come down from metformin is horrible. I felt like I was withdrawing from hard drugs and I don’t even do that. I cleaned up my diet and cut a lot of things out and ended up getting pregnant within months. There are certain foods that flare up PCOS.
Some use Ovasital. Some people focus on vitamins and diet (Your guy might need certain vitamins too). Metformin. Track your temperature (everyday right when you wake up ideally same time everyday.) They actually have a device you shove inside you and it tracks your temp while you sleep the name escapes me right now. The diva cups people stick one in them after he cums in you to trap the sperm by the cervix.
I have joined a few PCOS and TTC support Facebook groups and those women always say what they are trying and what’s worked for them.
Good Luck
I used Letrozole with monitored cycle, trigger shot, IUI, and progesterone(helps sustain the pregnancy to reduce miscarriage risk)
I HAD PCOS and I took zero medicine, I changed my diet, cut out cokes and greasy foods, starting doing strictly cardio exercises and my pcos was gone!! It’s all about your diet and taking care of your body.
Cassava root pills , maca root , prim Rose Oil pills , ask doc about clomid could try ( conceive easy ttc kit ) is good has everything in it from ovulation sticks test , too pills that work wonders ! Hope this helped
Yes. I’ve had two. Now I did require medications to conceive. I
Can answer any questions if you need
Pcos here didnt require meds. Just changed my life style
I had three…took low doses of Clomid with all 3. The third child was easiest as I also lost a lot of weight between the second and third so that helped. Good luck!!
Try cutting out sugar and carbs. PCOS is an inflammatory issue caused by insulin resistance.
I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and have PCOS. My husband and I tired for over a year and also had several months of dr appts and medication to help us conceive as well. It is possible, but may require a little bit of medical assistance, best of luck to you!
Yes! I have had a healthy pregnancy with PCOS. It took a while to get pregnant but he is absolutely healthy.
I’ve had 2. It took me about 4 years+ with my first and roughly 3 years with my 2nd. I did not use medication to help for either just took lots if tracking and trying.
I have 5 kids & PCOS. No issues getting pregnant. But I struggled with breastfeeding because of my
Try intermittent fasting. I’m in a support group for it and have seen a lot of success.
I changed my lifestyle in eating better and working out. I also took Metformin the first month off my birth control for ovulation and pretty much got pregnant the first try lol.
I have PCOS and got pregnant twice while on the nuva ring. Apparently the birth control made me ovulate and I had lost a ton of weight right before each pregnancy. I was told when I was diagnosed at 16 that I would more than likely be unable to conceive without medical help. Boy, was my OB surprised🥴
I have had 2 healthy pregnancies and births with PCOS and I just tracked my period with the Ovia tracking app. And used a Basel thermometer checking temp BEFORE you get out of bed at same time every day. When the temp increases a bit u are ovulating. If you get preg that temp will stay elevated or it will drop and you will get ur period.
I have PCOS and I had 7 healthy babies. What worked best for me is low carbs and no sugar and clomid
My cousins wife has it. She has 2 kids. The first was a surprise but she has a healthy pregnancy but ended up having a c section. The second pregnancy took 5 years of trying to get pregnant. She had a healthy pregnancy and a vaginal delivery
I have severe PCOS tried to conceive for 8 years.
I did the keto diet and 8 months into it I GOT PREGNANT!!
At first they thought it was ectopic but I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant with my miracle baby girl.
At the time I stopped taking my metformin and was ONLY taking 2000iu of Vitamin D and a prenatal.
Best of luck to you, I hope you get your positive!
(Diagnosed with PCOS at 13 years old)
So I had unprotected sex for probably like 9 years total (diff. Partners) but was with my husband sexually for 6 years before we got pregnant. Only actually trying for 3 years.
I’ve had two a boy and girl didn’t Change nothing but I hear a lot of good feedback about trying the keto diet and a bunch have came up pregnant
I did the keto diet before I got pregnant. It regulated my cycles so they were predictably every 28 days. I then got pregnant with identical twins on our first try.
I have PCOS and have 4 . No medications, just lost a lost of weight and found out I was pregnant with my oldest after being told it would be almost impossible. Low carbs and no sugar. I did have a hell of a time breastfeeding though.
I got pregnant at 17 at 18 I got my first cysts. Got pregnant at 23 when I wasn’t trying and again at 33. When I wasn’t trying. I try eating as clean as possible not a ton of processed foods. We are planning on trying again here soon.
I was 12 when they told me I had pcos. Had my first at 17, second at 22 and third at 25. Try to keep your weight down and just relax.
I got diagnosed officially in 2016. I’ve struggled getting pregnant years and years. Never has happened. So many have given advice, nothing works. Sure as hell the “just relax” advice hasn’t We are looking into fertility treatment.
I have pcos, tried for 10 years. I have a healthy 22 month old and am 35 weeks pregnant, both have been high risk, but on because of blood pressure !
Girl. I have pcos and it is so hard for me to convince. I was put in clomid and it helped my periods come back and within 6 months I got pregnant with my son. It can be so ruff and so discouraging trying to have a baby with pcos but don’t give up! I would recommend talking to your dr. They have some amazing resources for getting pregnant with pcos. Your in my prayers
I have PCOS and was told at 15 that the likelihood of me getting pregnant was slim to none… I have two beautiful healthy children. Both complete surprises but I consider them miracles💕 best of luck to you guys🙏🏼
I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant with my third baby after PCOS diagnosis. We experienced 2 years of infertility, and needed to use medication/fertility treatment and IUI to get pregnant all three times. My pregnancies have been good, but conception was more difficult until we figure out what worked.
Detoxing the body and going low carb sets all the reproductive organs back on track. I was on a candida cleanse diet (no carbs/sugar), and got pregnant a month later with our now 3 yr old boy. About 2 yrs later I started the keto diet to lose baby weight. 6 months later we conceived our baby girl who is now 8 months old. I say cleanse the body and destress!
First pregnancy I had to do fertility treatments the second I got pregnant naturally after switching to a low carb diet
Try myo inositol the reviews on Amazon are very positive
Weight loss. Lost 50lbs and was pregnant for 3 years . I have a 4yr, 21/2yr, and a 1yrs. Also have your SO drink lots of water.
My friend has PCOS. She opted not to take birth control for hers. For a long time, she was on metformin to control it. She eventually became pregnant and had a son, who was born prematurely at 28 weeks. He was hospitalized for a few months in NICU. I am happy to say, he has done very well and is not behind at all as can occur with preemies. He is 5, going on 6 in April and is currently doing very well in Kindergarten. So, good luck!
I wasn’t trying actively and had just lost weight. So I guess being relaxed and the weight loss were what helped me?
Cindy Heckroodt Nell
Try clicks prenatal vitamins. And drink water with cinnamon, mint, cucumber and ginger for about a week. Try that … Helped me. X2 babies in one year and they are 11 months apart lol. Good luck
Keep healthy, eat well, exercise to keep weight down, talk to your OB. They can help you. I was given progesterone to control my haywire hormones before I got pregnant. Now I’m not polycystic anymore. Consult!
I was trying for two years did keto didn’t work for me switched to organic got pregnant within two months.
CBD oil will work great for the sypmtoms of infertility. Have a look on Leaf Affair
I was diagnosed with PCOS in middle school.
I obsessed heavily over the thought that I may never be able to get pregnant or carry full term without complications. After nearly decade of promiscuous behavior that never resulted in pregnancy(which was dedinitely for the best, considering my dating history), I just gave up the thought of it. I accepted my reality that I simply can’t get pregnant, so I’ll have to either find a partner with children already or adopt if I want to have a child.
I had been losing weight from stress and lack of appetite, then I moved and met someone. He used marijuana very heavily and I had started to where I was with him all the time, and we started dating. After a few months he took me to the ER one night, I thought I had a UTI, and the doctor told us I didn’t have a UTI but that I was 6 weeks pregnant. We were both shocked. This was his first child as well. 3 days after finding out, I was back at the ER with bleeding. They called it a “threatened abortion”, gave me a shot of rogam on account of my blood type being O-, and sent me home.
So, it was an almost miscarriage that thankfully did not happen. I wound up carrying full term without anymore issues and having a smooth delivery as well. His father and I are no longer together, and he has chosen not to be a part of our 2.5 yr old son’s life. So that’s a downer… But there’s definitely hope and it can happen when you least expect it. I’m not sure exactly what helped me conceive. Might have been the weight loss? I saw someone mention CBD oils in the comments, so it may have been the smoking for me? Or maybe the change in me not obsessing over it? Or maybe my happiness and improved mental health with having just moved and starting fresh? I don’t know for certain. But I’ve not gotten pregnant again yet since I’ve started actively trying again the last few months.
Sorry for my storybook of a comment😅
PCOS sucks but it’s not impossible to have a healthy pregnancy and baby with this diagnosis.
I’ve had pcos since 16,got pregnant no problem at 18 and then again at 37 (17 year gap) the second time we tried for 15 years,lost weight to get married and along came second baby on both occasions I lost weight,i know some people aren’t needing to but that definitely worked for me,second pregnancy I had gestational diabetes but first pregnancy was a breeze xx
Kimberly Stock McClain i thought I would show you this post!!! Love you sissy
I have pcos, and we used the gonal-f injectable to get pregnant… took us two cycles… my issue is that I don’t ovulate.
I was just diagnosed this past summer with pcos and got pregnant shortly after by doing a round of hormone therapy first. Its had its complications but so far so good. Best of luck to you!
I was diagnosed with PCOS In the middle of 2019. I started eating high fat, very low carb and very low sugar. I only changed my eating habits! Within 2 months I started having regular periods which I’ve never had! 5 months of regular periods and completely changing my eating habits and we conceived!
Good luck!!
I have pcos and in September 2018 after 6 months of dieting and metformin i got pregnant with my miracle baby…he was born june 1st at 39 weeks…i battled gestastional diabetes the whole pregnancy but he is healthy and so am I.
took me almost 6 years to get pregnant, ivf, injections, medicines, surgery etc. extremely great pregnancy & decent delivery to a healthy baby girl who is a handful now. don’t give up
I have pcos never planned on having kids but I learned it’ll happen when it’s suppose to and now I have 2 kids haha
I have PCOS. 9 years of no birth control and couldn’t get pregnant. Finally, I had a sweet precious little boy who is now 3 years old. My pregnancy went well overall. I was a huge Pepsi drinker. I stopped drinking Pepsi and lost like 40 lbs…then got pregnant. My miracle baby Don’t give up.
I was diagnosed at 16 with pcos. Got pregnant at 26 and delivered twins at 38 weeks . One came out weighing 6lb 7oz and the other weighed 7lbs even
I got pregnant in 2015 after 3 years after trying with no help, sadly ended in a miscarriage. But then got pregnant in 2016 with no help either. Now I have a beautiful almost 3 years old. Just keep trying and maybe adjust your diet to reduce the amount of sugar you have, since pcos is made worse by sugar.
Try getting metformin prescribed to you. I got pregnant less than a month after starting it.
Maci from Teen Mom has PCOS and had 3 babies.
My SIL has PCOS and fertility issues. She spoke with a Nutritionist and was put on a low carb, dairy free diet. She was pregnant a month later, after 4 years of trying.