*TRIGGER WARNING* I found disturbing things on my exes ipad and don't know what to do: Advice?

My sons dad and I are divorced I have been fighting like hell for two years of his life to get supervised visits through Dhs because dad is a sex offender I ran as fast as I could when I got pregnant the day our son was born DHS opened a case that lasted 20 months and at the end despite the fact that during that process dad was diagnosed with Antisocial personality disorder he was still granted unsupervised visit which I hate… He also lives with his GF and her two very young girls clearly something wrong with her to allow this, but this weekend we had to take a very long road trip out of state, and his dad offered to allow us to use his IPad so that my son could watch TV and play games which I was like thank god! But here’s the issues I’m having a very sickening feeling about when I went to YouTube to search for my sons favorite show the following topics popped up Relationships between stepdad and stepdaughter Fathers having sex with their stepdaughters People killing themselves People brutally killing other people People killing autistic kids (which my son was recently diagnosed) Bad chainsaw accidents Car accidents where kids and adults are killed I’m scared shitless There is already a DHS case now cause my son came home with a cut on his privates but she said they have no findings and are closing out yes I have taken pictures but I’m at a loss of what I can do there is a court order for visits but for now I won’t let him go I’ll make excuses anyone have any advice, please do not judge me as I am trying damn hard to protect my son even if it cost me going to jail for violating a court order I have made a new report to DHS, but they never take me seriously


Call the police!!! Show them the iPad and keep your baby away from that monster!!!


Take pictures of everything. Go straight to the police with information. Talk to attorney right away.

Sending you hugs. I am so sorry.


Take the IPad to the police.


Witness protection services! And that " donor" is very nasty looking up all of this crap on his I pad and then giving it to his son. Sicko psycho!!!


File for emergency custody and call the police.


Omg did u call the police nd file. A report? Did they do a rape kit or anything? Those kids are NOT safe


Oh my lordy. Contact the police and go straight back to court and revoke his rights. Clearly unfit to be around ANY child let alone your own. No judgment in my end though mama. Keep fighting though.


Turn that device straight over to the police.


id go to the police and to your solicitors and get a safeguard put in place asap , id be scared aswell of i was in your situation x


Report report report and provide the damn info to your lawyer… Or move out of country

You need to call the police… like yesterday


Screenshot his top searches if you can!! Your not just safeguarding your child but the other womans too!! Sounds like he defo needs supervision at least!! Hope your okay and get sorted not an easy position to be in xx


Call DHS, the state, police, and an attorney.


The system is a mess. Fight to gain full custody of your little one with supervised visits for the father. Keep record of your findings from the iPad. Use those against him along with texts & emails. Don’t let your son be a victim of child sexual abuse.


Dont let him have any idea though or he’ll have time to delete!! Xx


…bring that to the police immedietly.


Take photos, gather and keep all evidence of this- take photos of the search history & make sure you take this to the police & show your case manager… Refuse to see him or allow your child too & if asked explain exactly why with evidence (otherwise it’s just your word against his.)
I would also alert the GF of what you have seen so she is aware, if she decides to stay and not protect her girls that’s on her and not you, at least that way she knows what’s going on.


If the dates show they were searched in the time he had the ipad. Then then you have a case. Please take the ipad to the police


Keep those sites in the iPad and show your workers. That’s SOOOO NOT RIGHT!!

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I’d get a lawyer and terminate his right.

You should not have to co-parent with a pedophile, he certainly shouldn’t have any kind of unsupervised visits.

I would notify his parole/probation officer as well as the police/social services that he is living in a home with children.

I would also call the police and caseworkers to notify them about suspicious stuff on the iPad.


But if he has never harmed your child regardless of what you think or are scared of it’s still his dad. Your fighting a fight because he is/was a sex offender but obviously he was that when you slept with an had a relationship with. If he never acted like he wanted to harm your son or gave you a real reason for you to think he mite by his actions then let him be a father. Him being a father mite be the one think that changed him. But the fact you have tried multiple times to get DHR or CPS involved along with judges an courts an have came up empty handed makes it look like your doing or saying whatever you can to keep his child away from him regardless of the trutg


Take the police the ipad


Go straight to police file a report, get FULL custody, hell I’d be showing the search bar to his GF I mean wtf? Show cops EVERYTHING


^ what they said and possibly see if it’s enough for a restraining order. At least that could buy you time (and a judge, not DHS) to make the decision on his parenting time


Report him now. Do not wait.

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Screen shot everything’


Do not hesitate and turn it in! He wont be able to hold hesitation in court. There would be no “Well why did you wait so long to turn it in?” Nope. The police. DHS. They all need to see it


Take iPad to police immediately


Bring the iPad to the police and be sure you tell them everything… his history of being a sex offender, the cut on your sons genitals, the DHS case,etc


Well I don’t have any good advice but I’d put him in the graveyard 6 feet under if it was me.


Get. A. Lawyer. NOW!


take the iPad to the police ASAP


Am i the only one that seen she took her I pad “findings” to CPS an no one was worried or thought it was illegal or wrong? I’m just saying there’s always two sides to a story an hers been told to DHR CPS multiple times an came up with nothing other then he is a good enough father to have a chance to be a father!! Honestly she sounds like she was happy with this man and when they split she wants him to fall off the earth an forget all about his child :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I just want to offer my prayers

Police now protect those young girls and your son do the right thing

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Bring the tablet to the police station


Take the ipad to the police!!!


Take that tablet to the police. Hes a sick fuck.

Dont allow visitation, let him take you to court, thenvtell Judge what you found. And at maximum ask for supervised visits. In our State a sex offender cannot live in a home with children.


A woman in my hometown killed her babies and the only evidence they found she did it was her google searches go to the police immediately


I agree with everyone else, take that iPad straight to the police. Get him away from your son and those poor innocent girls he’s living with.


Tell them to take his Ipad into custody. That is just freaking sick


Did you not know he was a sex offender before getting prego? Not bashing just a friendly reminder ladies to do a background check on dudes… Googling a name doesnt cost anything


Is he in any sort of therapy? Like with a doctor? If not get him to one immediately. If there is anything going on the doctors can testify to that. Any and all injuries should also been seen by a doctor THE DAY HE COMES BACK TO YOU. I’m talking the minute you get him, check his body. Take pics at drop off. If anything is different take him immediately.

If there is no court order requiring visits then stop them.


If he’s already a registered sex offender how can they even allow this!!???


First of all, if this is all true then why wouldnt u turn it in? Why are u even borrowing his devices and looking through them? If you have fought him this many times then why does the courts think hes ok to be a father? There must not have been good reason to keep his son away. Remember that YOU chose this man at one time. What a mess.


Take it not only to law enforcement and a lawyer and DHHS then local TV station its been ignored by DHHS long enough

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You need to show to to the cops NOW.


Get an attorney. Show them what is on the iPad. Take that to the police. Get an ex parte regarding visits so you aren’t in contempt of your current order.

Take that Ipad to the police right away. Call the cops on his girlfriend to have her daughters examined!! He will never change or rehabilitate. He is a serial pedophile!! Sick POS!!

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I’d go to police department with the iPad or screenshots of what you saw .

Take that iPad straight to the police

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Omg take iPad to police immediately and call child services for those innocent little girls :cry::scream:


Get a lawyer, does your son go to daycare? Ask them to persue an investigation. Document everyrhing. Hand the ipad to the police to lool at everything viewed on there. If he has that he probably had childpornography on there and could get into trouble big time. They can look and see when and where it was viewed at too. Keep your son at all costs. Tell the gf what you found on the ipad and call dhs for her kids sakes too. Call people until ypu get some help. Do not give up. Document everything along the way and keep ypur son safe.

He is planning something and you dont want to be too late.

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Dif you still have the iPad take it to the police and file a report

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I’m so sorry that the courts haven’t caught up with the latest findings in psychology etc. The justice system does NOTHING to prevent crime, only punish it afterward (if the physical harm is overwhelming). And unfortunately, if YOU break the law, that may render you even LESS AVAILABLE to protect your son. Girl, I would move to Japan, do anything to protect my son. You know your baby is in danger, DO NOT DISREGARD THE WARNING SIGNS :triangular_flag_on_post: Knock on every single door before letting this monster get hold of your son. He may not just have APD, but full-on psychopathy (which is measured by a different rating scale).

I would take that tablet directly to the police.


Take him to the doctor and document the cut… Did you ask what happened?

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Omggg police now with that iPad inform his gf too her babies are at risk too

Um take it to the police. I mean go to the search history to see that he was actually looking.

Call the police and take the ipad for evidence

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Whereas I agree with every woman here to take the iPad to the police. The problem is they still probably won’t do anything because it’s on an iPad and there is little to no evidence that he’s the one that searched for that stuff especially since you have his iPad. But in law enforcement eyes anybody could have looked that up so even though he owns the iPad and he probably looked that stuff up it’s admissable. It’s hard to hear that and I know I’m probably going to get bashed for it however you’ve already taken it to DHS and they’re not doing anything about it probably because it falls under the same principle for them as well it’s all just hearsay. However you stated that you’re not allowing your son on visitations even though they are court ordered which I agree with you I wouldn’t as well accept that will look bad on you and can actually do the reverse. I know you’re trying to protect your son I would protect my kid like there’s no tomorrow you need to go talk to a lawyer ASAP and see about filing for emergency custody and having everything you have documented sent to the judge immediately.


The porn is an issue. That’s what I would be concerned about. The other stuff, not so much. Do y’all remember the faces of death movies? My brother and I watched them religiously as teenagers. Even now the subject of death interests me.

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Well the fact u keep making reports all that time isnt helping u . They see u a vindictive EX you should only make reports for something serious like this now they’re probably not gonna take u seriously for over reporting

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Skip DHS they suck! Get an attorney asap and file a petition in family court! They will help protect your child MUCH more than DHS will!!


I’m with everyone else, if you still have the iPad then take it right to the police


Report it to the caseworker. Hell, take the iPad to them.

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Take that iPad to a lawyer!


Don’t let them kids around those freak go to the police and let them know what you found on the ipad


Go to the police with the iPad. Also call your lover or case worker and tell them what you found.

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Grab those kids and protect them with all you have!!! Go to police

You need to show the current live in gf his YouTube searches so she can get those little girls out asap

My two cents take that to police number one, number two get your child in therapy. Not that there is anything wrong with him but so you can have someone else to document this stuff and someone to have your back in court and d c f will take more seriously


Bring the iPad to the police


Why not file an OP and hire a family attorney to assist you with this?

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Sending prayers to you. I hope you find guidance during this :two_hearts:

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Where do you live? Get some legal help. This is serious and I don’t blame you for being upset


Get an attorney and tell his gf what you found privately.

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I’d talk to cops amd get an attorney…

Sadly they will probably say that as long as the people in the porn were of age they cant do anything which is fuxking stupid as hell he very clearly has issues and why should you have to wait til something happens but I say still go and take the findings to the cops

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Why would you or his current gf be with a sex offender to begin with?
Step porn is actually pretty common there are entire categories for it on porn sites BUT him being a sex offender and having young stepdaughters is very concerning but not enough for law enforcement to act unless it is actually child porn
The killing kids with autism searches would be scary and you should 100% show it to DHS and stop contact while they investigate
All the other gory stuff is unfortunately normal for a lot of people to be curious about and fascinated by and there really isn’t anything DHS or the police can do about that

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Order of protection!!!


Contact the police. Why the fuck are you on fb asking.

don’t worry about having to go to court because of a violation it may be the only way you get a judge to listen get an attorney asap call cps, police,have them make a report, call the judge . Sounds like the gf has some loose screws too to let her girls around him. Prayers for you and all of the children involved.

Dont let him have your son, make your ex take you to court then talk to the judge, fo ahead and find an attorney


Take the ipad to the police station right now!


Is he on parole? If he’s a sex offender wouldn’t him being around kids and viewing that material be a violation?


I can not get past the fact that a child molester is allowed visitations regardless if he is the father or allowed to live with children.

I agree she (current girlfriend ) has issues allowing her children to stay in a house with this man but she must not believe he is a child molester I assume you didn’t when you had a relationship with him and married him?

Maybe the girlfriend did a search on this iPad? I don’t know the intelligence of this man, but most people who are child molesters go all out to hide their tracks so giving someone their iPad with these searches seems quite sloppy for someone who has been able to fool DHS and CPS to be allowed to have visitations

Either way I would have turned that immediately into the police so they can start investigating immediately. Screen shots of the searches won’t matter if by this point it’s been deleted :cry:

Take him to therapy. A lot of times therapists can’t testify, but they can release the records. Therapy all the way ASAP. Can you ask someone else to make an anonymous call about a concern about dad being sex offender and living with small girls? Did you screenshot search results on iPad and send them to yourself. See if there’s a way you can see what dates they were searched.

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Take whatever you found on that iPad to the police, get an attorney asap!!!

Contact the police… show them the iPad…emergency restraining order… call the social workers, keep calling until they listen. A sex offender can not live with children, report it immediately to the police- they do take it seriously!!! Do not let ur sun go with him- he fucking reseated how to kill an autistic child and ur son is that, wtf??? That’s insane. Ur not out of line this is not a good sign at all.

Yes hire the best attorney you can and make a police report. Document, Document. Show the police everything you have. The won’t let it go.

Lawyer up like now!!! If that feeling is in your gut protect him !!! It’s there for a reason don’t question it just know your doing a great job the system is soo messed up fight for him !! They always wait till something bad happens to actually do something

Call steve wilkos!!! (After the attorney)

Nope. I would take my kid and flee the state


File for sole custody in the courts - if DHS cant resolve the issue, you can take control!

You need to report that to the police! Show them the search results

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Can you just pick up and move out of state? I know that’s difficult, but it sounds like the best solution since you can’t get any support through the system.