Visitations aren't going well

Absolutely not! Sounds like his visits won’t last long as it is. The court won’t like him not caring for the child appropriately during visits as it is. He will hang himself, stand your ground.


Nope not overreacting. Let him take you back to court to change supervisor. I would also somehow notify courts he is not providing basic needs when he is with him. Food, bathroom breaks, etc


Show the court proof that he doesn’t take the child to the bathroom, feed him, etc. on his supervised visits via text or whatever. Just that right there would have had us back in court to take away any visitation rights that’s negligent of our basic needs. No. Period.


No you are not overreacting, and dont EVER let anyone make you feel that way about your child. If you dont know this lady then definitely dont do it.

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Uhhh pretty simple, get your lawyer to take care of it and tell him to join reality. Some loser isn’t gonna watch your child while another loser gets visitation


If you agree you are potentially putting your child in harms way. Until he can man-up a perform ALL daddy duties, he shouldn’t have anything more than a few hours of supervised visits with someone you feel comfortable with…period

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You have to know and trust the person who supervising the visitations your child’s life is in that persons hands. It has to be someone who reliable, dependable and care about your child. If he doesn’t like current supervisors , then he won’t get any visitations . Case closed

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Don’t approve anyone you and your child don’t know. Kids are stolen all the a whole day is a big head start


It’s a bluff. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about and just wants to scare you into submission.
Simply say you don’t agree and he can take you to court to change the guidelines and the mediator or judge can decide whose in the right…which is totally you


You can ask for it to be a counselor. Then it’ll really be a pain in the butt for him.

Hell no don’t approve her. He won’t even give u a name or let u talk to her. You don’t know anything about her. Nope.


Check her and him out to the fullest after all your talking about your child that your supposed to PROPECT to the fullest !!!

I wouldn’t agree on that. Either you give me a name and they contact me and I feel comfortable or not. And no I would contact lawyer.


I definitely would not agree to this. If the father doesn’t want your grandmother being the supervisor when he visits then have him pay to have the state appoint a supervisor that works with the social service department.


He can’t just pick a supervisor u have all rights to have a supervisor that u want he’s just trying to control the situation


If it’s court ordered the supervisor has to be approved by the court…


Ask for a court appointed 3rd party to supervise.


Don’t approve the change. Whatever you do. It sounds like it’s time to take him back to court.


Say no…duh. His feelings and " needs" aren’t your responsibility.


Nope do not agree. Not no but hell no. Tell him take you back to court. But document every last thing he does do with his child.


You do need to know this person’s name and info to approve her. Where do the supervised visits take place? My ex husband had supervised visitation but I had to supervise them. You can imagine how that went. :flushed: Anyways it’s been almost 2 yrs of no contact so I don’t have to allow him any contact now. Not worried about him taking me to court. He has no job and warrants and is over $15000 behind on CS.

Request a Guardian Ad Litem and to have a court appointed supervisor. Make sure you document all that.
Feeding and changing is what parents do. It builds trust so obviously he needs parenting classes.


my way or go get bent i would take him back tocourt

Absolutely not! It could be his drinking buddy, his new lay of the day, some pothead or any one of a number of unsavory characters that you don’t want your son exposed to! Also, he needs to start changing your son’s pants or helping him to the potty! Him saying that is cutting into his parenting time is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! That is so confusing and bad for your son


Install cameras inside grandmas house. Make sure you record everything.

Tell him you won’t approve her until you meet her

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Absolutely not to either one. It needs to be someone who you trust with your child especially since he refuses to do anything for your child while he is visiting.


You take care of your child at all cost


Keep the supervisor that you have now and never agree to his terms. He’s just on a power trip. If he can’t change you’re son or even take him to the toilet then why should he get his way


hold your ground and tell him he either sticks with the current arrangement, he gives you her info and allows you to meet her before you decide one way or another or you can duke it out with either the mediator or with the courts.

Don’t allow anything you’re not comfortable with, stand your ground.


What the hell… it takes away bonding time to spend the 60 seconds it takes to change a diaper? Ya this guy is definitely not all right in the head :woozy_face: i wouldn’t even let my kid go there let alone have him choose some random supervisor. Who even thinks like that? If someone was refusing to change my kids ass if it needed to be changed then they would not be allowed to have them, simple.

Ah say no. Don’t do anything your not comfortable with.

Oh hell no
Get to court asap!

Nope!! My ex had supervised visits in my home supervised by anyone I chose. He had no say at all. Stick to who you KNOW will keep child’s best interest in mind


Go with your gut but, you do not have to agree to that. The judge will even tell him bc that’s shady.

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I would never let him keep the child all day if he can’t do basic needs. I genuinely do not give af about his excuses. If he admitted to that over text, I’d bring it to the courts attention. The unknown person is a problem, but the bigger issue is that he cannot handle basic care of a child because he considers it an inconvenience. I would do supervised visits and supervised visits only


Go back to court for your child sake. He doesn’t get to make the rules

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How can you approve someone you don’t know ?? Crazy


This is your child you’re talking about. You don’t approve of just anyone doing this. This is to keep your baby safe and obviously he trying to pull something. You keep it how it is now and he can deal with it.


Do not approve of anyone that you don’t actually approve of. He wants an approval? You want an introduction. Period.


Your not insane and try not to worry.


You’re not overreacting and he really is that insane. I would definitely take this issue back to court. I’m pissed at the fact that he refuses to feed the baby or take him to the potty. Does that :clown_face: know that feeding and bathroom trips are a part of parenting? TBH, I would probably try to stop the visits all together because he doesn’t seem serious about being a parent.


Not over reacting,he is. Don’t change just because it’s easier for him. Also, does that mean if your child is with him all day that, that your child’s pull up won’t be changed and he won’t be fed?


Not overreacting. Needs to be someone you feel your child is safe with. Document on this guy. Everything about your child’s well being. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. Just say no and let it go back to court. If he doesn’t want to feed and do basic parenting then he doesn’t need to be around.


Don’t approve anyone that you don’t know.


We went through this with my sons dad. If he won’t meet and do the visits with the court ordered person he doesn’t see the child at all :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Follow your gut! You are not overreacting! Keep your child safe. :heart:


You are not overreacting at all! That is your child and it is your job to protect your son. If you don’t know the people you have every right to not want them around your son…


No mam!!! Not in this lifetime or next would I ever agree to someone I don’t know and trust.


No just no. A supervisor impartial to your situation should be set up through the courts. Not just pick and choose.


You are definitely not overreacting xx


Not overreacting at all. You can NEVER be too safe when it comes to your kids! I personally wouldn’t let my child go to ANYONE I didn’t know or never met. These days it’s not safe!


The court has to appoint the supervisor


I’d go in the opposite direction and move to have court supervised visitation only. His suggestions and reactions sound SUPER shady like grooming for trafficking. If he wasn’t involved at all for a time, why does he want more time now? Is this not-really-being-supervised crap because he wants to drink or use drugs around the child? It’d be a hard NO from me. You can’t be too careful. Gather all evidence of his bad behavior and take it back to court.


Sounds like he’s not even able to help with the basic necessities for his child during the visitations so I have doubt in his ability to make a decision regarding who would be best as the supervisor in this situation. Definitely a court-appointed impartial individual is best in this situation.


Stand your ground, do not agree to the change. He’s already neglecting the child’s needs


Nope. If hes not happy with the person already agreed on i would tell him you guys can set up supercision with someones through the court and child services. Absolutely no way i would approve someone i dont know or someone who also must have supervised visits.


Get a lawyer and go BACK to court. The only way to handle this situation is to to go back to court because it won’t change if not.


Definitely mention him not taking care of the child needs to the court because they willl probably continue with the grandmother anyways not some random person

Umm tell him no. And if he wants to argue about it take him back to court.

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You control the how and when. Get a lawyer

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He really is insane. There’s no way I would go for that. Good luck to you!

You are not over- reacting!!! Don’t give in!!! Some people do sell their kids or rent them out to strangers for awful things!!! DO NOT GIVE IN!!!


Do not approve her. Say all this to the court.
Also need to mention, doing those standard parenting things are all part of the bonding with your kid. He sounds like he’s in a way of wanting to control things and after a year of ditching out his odds aren’t looking too great. You know your kid. You are in charge of the safety of the child, if any court agrees with his difficult a** then get a lawyer and find ways to fight that bs! Stand your ground this is jot an overreaction this is appropriate reaction.


Oh hell no, fight for your child’s safety and well being. This “father” doesn’t deserve unsupervised visits due to his behavior or rather lack of behavior


Get a lawyer and go back to court. He’s neglecting your child’s needs while he’s in his care. I’d get an emergency meeting to stop his visits until a judge can decide whether or not his supervised visits should be in a FACS building or with someone who is qualified to supervise.


Go back to the Family Court and ask them about this situation…you don’t want any or every Tom Dick or Harry around your three year old son…if his just got out of prison…I’m sure his a bit Slim shady…and his crowd he hangs with are as well…

Do NOT back down. Your child’s safety is number one.


Court and stand your ground.

Nope. He can abide by your rules, or not. It’s his choice. If he chooses not to abide by the rules, he forfeits visitation

You are not over reacting. Keep that baby safe.

Just because he is basically just a sperm donor does not give him the rights to what he wants approach the courts so that your child is always safe, do not give into him no matter what

There is a reason he was granted only supervised visits
Stand strong for your child.
Ignore his stupidity cause u can’t fix stupid

Don’t let him push u around. It’s ur right to know who will be with ur child. If he don’t wanna give u any info then deny that shit!! Don’t bow down to a man trying to intimidate u

Get a lawyer and fight

Yeah do not approve someone that you do not know! That’s some shady shit right there!

Heck No- go back to court

Absolutely not,no way.Fight this,sounds unsafe for your child.Is he on probation?Staying with the wrong people is a violation if he is.But top priority is this child.My Opinion

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If he doesn’t meet your request deny his… you know what you got to do… but if you need us to agree you got it

Baby comes first!!! Visit would be with someone I know and trust screw his hurt feelings!! Never put your baby in a situation with people you don’t know!!!

Don’t let him bully you. Do exactly what the court says, you both have to approve.