Was I in the wrong for telling my uncle his wife was cheating?

You’re not wrong she’s trash.

You done the right thing.

Nope!! She Ruined Her Own Marriage!!! That is her own choice and actions. What ever consequences happen from her sh!t hole behavior is on her.
She chose to look at someone else. She chose to be with someone else knowing damn well she was married and going behind her husband

You didn’t ruin their marriage… she did.

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Honey, it was her choice to cheat. It was her choice to come clean. She is simply reaping what she’s sown. Actions have consequences. This is on her and only her. It had nothing to donwith you whatsoever. The fact that she told her husband she’d never have told him means she doesn’t regret it and she’s not worry. She destroyed her own marriage…and then! to have to audacity to say that to the man she previously built her life with. :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: He deserved to know, and make a decision on if to leave or stay himself. Regardless of who she told or who knew, someone would’ve said something. She made it clear she wasn’t going to. This is all on her. She’s just looking for a scapegoat to blame it on. Don’t let her use you as her scapegoat. You deserve better. He deserves better. He also deserved the truth. Dont you dare let her place the blame on your shoulders.

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You are not wrong.
She did any damage to her marriage all on her own.
I wish a few so called family (my ex side of family) had told me…had told the truth to me. So that I didnt waste as many extra yrs as I did on him and them.
You did the right thing.

She should only be mad at herself.

the Man she was seeing got what he wanted now he’s done with her,as the ole saying goes why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free,she’s the one that screwed up by having the affair she’s the one that ruined her Marriage,yes she should have been the one to tell her Husband,not someone else,she told her best friend that’s where it should have stopped,the best friend should have told her she couldn’t handle her secret any longer for her to come clean with her Husband !! if she cheated once she’ll do it again,once a cheater always a cheater,the Husband needs to tell her to leave so he can get on with his life !! what would she do if he was the one doing the cheating ??

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She ruined her own marriage but it was wrong of you to say anything since you promised you would not. A promise needs to but a just that. I stay out of peoples problems that way I don’t put myself in the middle

She never should
Have laid that burden on you. You did the right thing.


No, she ruined her marriage. You ruined your friendship.

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She was wrong for cheating, and wrong for putting you in the middle.
She’s angry and obviously going through some serious issues, so don’t feel bad. You did what you thought was right, and she caused you extra strife that you didn’t need nor deserve. Plus, if my husband was cheating on me, I would hope that someone would tell me.
She’s the one who messed up. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


You were right to tell him, but your apology should include, sorry I couldn’t keep my promise not to tell him. You were wrong to break a promise to her.

It can be seen as stirring the pot. But, in the end that is your uncle & who you owe loyalty to… Should u have handled it a little better? Ya probably. But we all make mistakes & really she’s the one that made a HUGE booboo here. But, I probably would have told her “either u tell him, or I will”

She shouldn’t have cheated. That is all.


You did the right thing. You should’ve never been put in that position by her to keep that secret. It’s not You who screwed up her marriage it was her actions, cheating that did it. Sorry your in this spot☹️


She ruined the marriage herself. Your uncle deserved to know the truth. You are not wrong.


You have no obligation to the cheater. He 100% absolutely deserved to know. regardless of what he does with the info. She’s a POS for trying to lay the blame on you for her cheating. What a kook.

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She ruined her marriage not you…he deserved to know.


She is wrong in more ways than one. She needs to own her crap. You did nothing wrong. Shame on her for putting you in that position. She ruined her own marriage when she chose to have an affair. Then expected you to keep her dirty secrets. She is wrong. Not you. She needs to get over herself. She needs to grow up. Own her crap. She needs to accept the consequences for her actions. Her and the individual she had an affair with did this. Let it go. Much peace and love ☆

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My wife cheated on me for 5 years before I found out and I have sense found out several of my “close” friends knew all about it! Now I’m divorced and have nothing to do with those friends so Yes you did right and screw that cheating whore

First of all she ruined her own marriage because you’re not married to your uncle she is; plus she’s screwing around on your uncle not you!!!

It doesn’t matter if your male or female cheating is cheating and keeping it away from the person is not right you did the right thing. ,:100::heart:

Well first of all, she put that on herself. That’s a huge burden for anyone to have to carry and it sure as hell wasn’t fair for her to do that to you. On the same note, my guess is she confided in you because it was also too much for her to bear and she probably couldn’t face the fact that she couldn’t face the music herself with her husband. Things have a way of working out how they should. Just be content in the fact that you don’t have to keep it anymore and you did the right thing by letting him know.

She never should’ve put that burden on you.


Perhaps maybe she told you because she knew that you would say something…I’m so sorry you were put in that position. She ruined the marriage because of cheating…you didn’t do anything!


You did nothing wrong. She would never have told him herself. He needed to know and your aunts hating you is easier then taking the blame and hating herself for her actions. Remember, they were her actions that ruined their marriage, Not yours.

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You done the right thing, she is the one in the wrong and obviously doesn’t deserve a great man like your uncle


Young one, don’t let her lay this bs on you - she cheated, lied, and destroyed her marriage by her self. It doesn’t matter how your uncle found out - he did. It’s better he found out than be laughed at by others who knew. Don’t let her drama in,sweetie. She is the bad one- not you.


She is a complete Narcissist. Time to cut her out and find a new beautiful wife (inside and out) for your Uncle


Thats on her…what did she want you to do sit back while she made your uncle look and feel like a fool.She ruined their marriage, She disrespected her husband and marriage…she is a cheater…you did what family should do.Period.

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She can’t have her cake and eat it too especially if your uncle is a good man

You did right, she did wrong. Simple as that. Your Uncle deserves better than her.

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You did what you had to do

At least now your uncle knows
And you don’t have to keep her secret

Blood is thicker than water, never let a cheater go! She not only cheated on her hubby, she also cheated on her kids. That’s sorry for her to put you in a horrible situation that she created. Do not blame yourself. God Bless🙏


She is wrong and should have never put you in the middle


You stuck your nose in where it didn’t belong they may have been able to work it out had you not said anything! You can’t be trusted


You did not ruin their marriage. SHE DID.

You did the right thing.

Always ask yourself “would I want to know?”

And then go with the answer.


Telling the truth in itself is never wrong. The reason why the truth was told is what’s either wrong or not. And you weren’t wrong.
And you didn’t ruin their marriage - she did. Whether he knew she was cheating or not, she ruined it by cheating.


No she’s rotten as hell.


Keeping another’s secret when asked to, is not wrong. Lying to another when asked DIRECTLY and you know the truth, IS wrong. JMO, my personal experience and moral belief.


No you did nothing wrong! She is the married woman running around and should have never told you. And her comment about wanting more sounds like she was going to find a new boy friend not that the current one dumped her anyway. I hope you uncle finds a good faithful woman. Hopefully your Aunt will forgive you for telling and realize she should have never put you in that position and y’all can remain friends. I’m sorry you are suffering Over someone’s else’s bad and selfish choices.


You didn’t ruin the marriage she ruined it herself


She ruined the marriage not you


NONE of this is on you! And you didn’t ruin her marriage. She ruined her marriage the moment she decided to step out of it. I’m sorry that you’re struggling with her hatefulness. Please try and find a therapist to help you process these emotions.

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She ruined her own marriage and you did the right thing don’t feel bad sometimes the truth has to come out one way or another

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Unfortunately even though SHE cheated they’ll BOTH be pissed at YOU for telling. I keep people’s secret for that very reason. I was sick of being fucked over just for telling someone the truth so I no longer tell people. And by the way I had to learn that lesson the hard way from grown adults when I was 13 . And before anyone talks shit to my comment, no I don’t cheat, & yes I’d want someone to tell me. I’ve just grown up around too many couples where the one being cheated on wishes to stay in the dark and/or believes their cheating piece of shit partner over you.

Would have found out anyway even if you had not told him

No you are not in the wrong

When a close friend confides in me I take it to the grave.
It should have been coming from her to him.
You as her close friend let her confide in you and promised to keep it to yourself. The least you could have done is say hey you need to tell him before I do, or on your case tell other people.


You didn’t do anything wrong. She should’ve spoken with her husband and told him how she was feeling from the beginning and instead of telling you bc she was sad she should fessed up. Now she’s mad bc her bad behavior has been found out and now her husband may dump her. Hopefully he sees a lawyer, a doctor and works through the trauma with a therapist.

She ruined her own marriage… Remember that she only confessed because the other man didn’t want her anymore NOT because she felt bad about your uncle… So don’t let her guilt trip you, focus on worrying about your uncle instead as she doesn’t deserve your guilt.


You did the right thing. If she could easily tell you or whoever else she should’ve told him. What’d she think would happen? You’ll be fine without her!

She put her burden on your shoulders so you could stress with her THAT IS NOT RIGHT. You did the right thing…


The only one who ruined their marriage is her. Don’t fall into that trap she is attempting to lay to make you feel guilty for telling the truth.
If she was that unhappy she should have left her husband not stuck around behind his back


It isn’t your circus!!
Not your monkeys!!!
It’s not yours to hold!!!
You had every right
I am so sorry she involved you
How terrible :disappointed: :cry:

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SHE ruined her marriage. If she needed more, than she should have spoken to her husband, rather than seeking whatever she needed elsewhere. She wouldn’t be in this predicament if she hadn’t engaged in relations, of any sort, with someone else. If someone knew my husband was cheating, I’d 100% want them to tell me. I’d also have their back, just like I’m sure your Uncle has yours, if my husband decided to shift his blame towards that person. The consequences of her actions are hers. Not yours, your brother’s or anyone else’s.


Too much drama for sure …well
She made her bed

The only one who ruined her marriage was her…


You are not in the wrong and you didn’t ruin their marriage. She did when she decided to step out. She’s projecting because she’s an arsehole and doesn’t want to be the only arsehole in arsehole land.

Omg I hate those kinds of people. It’s her fault the marriage is ruined, obviously she didn’t love him enough to care that it was apparently driving him crazy thinking something was going on.
Cheating on your spouse is literally the lowest of low but to have a full on relationship with someone else is disgusting, that man obviously loved her enough to marry her and have a family and she repays his love by sneaking around and crying over her side piece who dumped her butt. Ugh I hate people

I would have told her she needs to tell him or I was…


Tell the truth., SHE was the one who cheated, NOT you!! She has earned that painfl guilt, NOT You!!

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Should have shut your mouth


You did the right thing. He was suffering because of her lies.

It was never your burden! This whole dirty deed is on that woman who cheated on her poor husband. She is trying to distract her shame (IF she has any!!) on YOU! Don;t allow her to do that! Shame on her, she’s a terrible person and cannot be trusted. So very sorry for your poor uncle and the children. You did the right thing, honey and it’s good that you brought your brother in on this deception so that he could help you and your uncle. Further proof of this woman’s “decency” is that when she was finally confronted by her husband, she admitted she was never going to tell him. She has betrayed so many people. Don’t ever apologize to her again. She doesn’t deserve it. Again, you did the right thing. Npw ne strong for your uncle and cousins.


She ruined the marriage not u


You not wrong she wrong from the jump you didn’t ruin her marriage she did she should have talked to him but she didn’t now she mad at you she will be alright she has her other dude.

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She ruined her own marriage. You helped it flourish by you’re uncle being able to leave.

Wow you didnt shut mouth for long i wouldnt tell you any secerts


You didn’t ruin her marriage…SHE DID by cheating. So don’t feel bad.


Your aunt had no right to unload her sin on you it is hers to bear not yours


You are the one who was brave enough to tell your brother. Your uncle has to be relieved. Your aunt was the one who lied.


It’s tricky, you did the right thing by your uncle but the wrong thing by your aunty.
She never should have put that pressure on you in the first place though - I personally don’t think there is a right or wrong thing for you to have done, as neither of these decisions should have been yours to make. What a mess. I am sorry that you were put in the middle of it x


You did the right thing. It’s not fair for people to ask other people to keep secrets like that especially when he’s your family. You didn’t ruin her marriage, she did.


She never should have put you in that position.

She ruined her own marriage.

I wonder if part of her actually hoped this would happen - pretty stupid to tell someone’s blood something like that if they don’t want it known.


She ruined her marriage, you saved your uncle from a horrible woman


I’d tell she ruined the marriage and she is the only one to blame. And that’s fine if she hates you cause you won’t be speaking to her anymore. Of course if they decide to work it out it could be very awkward. Your uncle may side with her.


She is an a$&hole, it’s called deflection. It’s not you x

You have no reason to apologize. She ruined her marriage and she was said cuz her side dude didn’t wanna see her anymore? Lol Your uncle deserves more.

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She ruined her own marriage, not you


She was looking for an easy way out and found one. You’re not in the wrong for caring about your uncle.

She ruined her own marriage by looking for more outside of it. You had every right to let your uncle know what she was doing behind his back. She should have just walked away from the marriage if she was that unhappy.

No its not right for someone to ask you to keep a sinful secret of cheating when it’s your own Uncle!!

Girl screw her that’s your uncle


She told you hoping it would get out. There is No other reason to have told you.

You did the right thing!

She ruined her own marriage! You went with your gut & did what you thought was right, there’s nothing wrong with that, you did the right thing in my opinion!


I would have taken it to my grave…


She ruined her marriage, not you. She should have confided in her husband and come up ways to spice things up.


You didn’t ruin anything she did the second she dropped her pants and spread her legs for another man. Kudos to you for being a blood if thicker than water family member.


I’d think about if it was the other way around… if your close loved one knew you was being cheated on… you would hope they would care enough to tell you, even if it hurt you x

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You didn’t ruin the marriage. She did!!


You didn’t ruin her marriage…
She did by cheating!!
I wish someone would have told me


Once you promised not to tell you should have told her when you were gonna break that promise and I think that’s were your feeling terrible comes from however nothing you did ruined the marriage that was all on her and her behaviour her confession to you put you in a very bad position she had no right to put you in


She was in the wrong for even putting you in the middle at all.


YOU didn’t ruin anything!!! SHE did!!! You did the right thing. Your uncle had every right to know that his wife was cheating. It may not mean much, but I’m proud of you!!


Lesson learned, don’t share secrets about your marriage

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She wasn’t smart to think you wouldn’t choose your uncle over her


She should never have burdened you with that secret. I would have done the same thing