Was I wrong to allow my daughter to shave her head?

My family is throwing a huge fit because i allowed my 9 year old daughter to shave her entire head…was i wrong for doing this? she begged me and it nnow in love with how bald she is…but my family does not approve and is now mad at me


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Was I wrong to allow my daughter to shave her head?

If she’s happy who cares what anyone else thinks tbh


Not their kid not their hair… not their business


You’re her parent. You allowed her to be herself in a way that’s not harmful to her or anyone else. You did just fine. Ignore whoever has an issue with it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Good job. She’s allowed to explore and find herself, even at 9 and there is nothing wrong for a girl to have short hair at all. Good for you mama!

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It. Grows. Back. It’s literally hair.


I always let me kids do what they want with their hair. They have such little control over the world, and so many things about their own lives. Let them have that.


Why do you care what they think


I did this with my daughter’s head once. One family member smarted off and I did it right back.

It’s hair. Who cares.


Your child your choice.


Allow your daughter to express herself, just like you did. You’re her safe place and you’ve shown she can be her authentic self around you. You’ll appreciate that aspect later :two_hearts:


She’s happy. ALL :clap: THAT :clap: MATTERS :clap:!!

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Your kid your rules she isn’t in any danger let them be upset :woman_shrugging:

You did good mama :heart:

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It’s her hair, if she likes it that’s all that matters. Good job mama, you are showing her that her opinion matters and you are listening to what she wants.


Her hair, her choice. As long as they do understand it will take time to grow back and are okay with it, I don’t see the issue.

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I just wanna say you did what makes your daughter happy and good for you. My parents always told us you were born to stand out. So if that how she wants to do it let her. You’re the parent not them. Stand your ground for your daughter.

For the record, you’re an awesome parent for allowing your child to express themselves freely. It’s just hair, your family is immature, and should put their energy somewhere else where it counts.


Not wrong. Your kid and her choice. Everyone else can get over it. I wish I could be that brave


Your daughter is who’s important.
Why do you care what they think?!
The child is happy, let her be!

My now 12 year old wanted just the underneath shaved, and after a year of her asking I allowed her :woman_shrugging:t3:. It’s their hair. They have to deal with it. It’s also just hair, it grows back. No one was happy I allowed it either… but guess what? They don’t have to live with it and opinions are just that.

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Repeat after me… “I’M MOM- IT’S NOT YOUR CHOICE”
She wanted it, it’s hair which grows back and she’s happy so that’s all that matters.

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It’s hair it will grow back if she chooses. Not their hair to chose.

They wouldn’t act this way if she had cancer


It’s just hair; it’ll grow back. :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s hair. It will grow back. They need to get over themselves.

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You’re her mother, stuff what they say!!!


Your family doesn’t have to like it as long as she does who cares what they think :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s her hair not theirs


You are not wrong. Your family needs to chill out with expectations. She is deciding her look and vibe. Support that. :heart:

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Ignore them. It’s only hair wow and she’s YOUR child.
Some ppls family. :woman_facepalming:t2::triumph:

I think it’s fantastic you let her.
There is so much more to a person than their appearance! The fact you let her be who she wants is awesome!


She’s your daughter and I think it’s great you are allowing her body autonomy

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Absolutely… don’t worry what anyone else thinks

Let em be mad. She wanted it and she loves it. They’re not her mother, you are! You’re awesome.

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Who cares? Her body, her hair, her consent. That’s all that is needed. They can be pissy all they want. Glad she loves her new do or lack of.


it’s her hair and your her mom if she happy then that’s all that matters let them be mad it will grow back lol :heart: I would say it’s a win for you mama :100:

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Shaved my kids head before I think 1st grade. My folks were pissed, he loved it. Its hair. It’ll grow back

She’s the one having to walk in public with it not them. It’s hair it grows back

Your kid. Not theirs. The end.

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It’s hair. They probably would have gotten mad if you let her dye it a crazy color, or cut it in any way that wasn’t feminine anyways. Don’t let anyone tell you how to parent. If it’s not hurting anyone or illegal, I don’t see a problem with people expressing themselves.

You’re allowing her to express herself and that’s great. Hair is hair it’ll grow back.

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Your daughter, she asked for it and she loved it …. End of the conversation


You’re the mother and that’s what she wanted.

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Her head,Not theirs. Her choice,not theirs!Your daughter,not theirs!
I an proud of both of you. You ROCK!

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Ur daughter ur choice who cares what they think. Its only hair it will grow back

It’s not like you pieced her belly button or tongue at 9 years old. She should have the freedom of deciding how she wants her hair. There’s only so much they have freedom of expressing about themselves at such a young age. At least hair,clothes, shoes should be a choice they make for themselves and ear piercings ! :heart:

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Who cares if they don’t approve not everyone will think every little thing she does is ok but you’re her parent and you support her and if they don’t support her then oh well they know where the door is


If she feels good, then effff the haters. Family or anyone else! Own it & love it. Support you’re daughter :100: show her to be strong and not give AF :ok_hand:t2::metal:t2:

It’s her body and what she did was her own decision. Let her be happy with her decision and screw what anyone thinks. She doesn’t need that negativity.

You’ll never please everyone but you made your daughter happy… You’re winning as a mum. :heart::clap:

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Obviously, it’s no big loss for you if they should choose not to speak to you…let your daughter what she wants with her hair, it grows back!! Tell your family to…:thinking:

Fuck them, she’s happy

No. It’s hair. If she ever hates it, she can just let it grow back.

Not their kid, not their body. Sorry they suck.

She’s only 9. I’d say no. But you’re Mom’, you do what you think :thinking: is BEST.

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If that’s what she wanted that’s all that matters. If she’s happy let her be happy

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Tell them to kiss you where the sun don’t shine.

Nope. Her body her choice.

It’s her head and it’s not a permanent situation. If she changes her mind it will grow back. Btw, my neighbors 13 yo dtr has a shaved head too.

The only person whose opinions matter on their own hair is that person themselves. Literally no one else gets a say, it isn’t their hair? Idk what makes people think that they are allowed an opinion on what another person does to their own body lmaaooo anyways, glad the kid loves her new style :heart::heart:


The only one that should matter is your daughter and it sounds like she is happy. You did good mama!! Screw what everyone else thinks! :heart:

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Tell them to kiss it!

It’s her body and it isn’t permanent. Tell your family to mind their damn business.


Tell them when they have a child/another child, then they can choose how to parent THEIR child, but they don’t get a say in how YOU parent your child🤷‍♀️

Might be the opposite but my sons hair goes down to his lower back. Everyone tells me and him he needs to cut it because “boys have short hair” as long as he wants to grow out his hair im letting him. Her bald head isn’t hurting anyone. If she likes it, you did good :+1:t4:


Y would she want to do that ?its not a fashion statement i feel its not a bad thing but she is to young to make that choice next year she will want piercings and tats no to young i would have a fit if my 9 yr pld grandaughter was allowed to that


No. It’s hair and if your daughter is happy than that is what counts. My 13 year daughter recently cut her hair very short (we took her to the salon to get it done) and she is extremely happy. I could care less what anyone has to say about it. It was her hair, she is happy.

That’s your daughter’s hair, not anyone else’s. She should have the right to do with it however she wants, besides she’s expressing herself and it grows back.
As long as your daughter knows you love and support her, that is all that matters. :heartpulse:


If she loves it that’s all that matters. It will grow back. Screw what they have to say. They aren’t her mama. You are. Support her in her decision. It will mean a lot to her. Take it from someone who didn’t have that support growing up a good chunk of the time.

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You were right. It’s her hair. You did what she wanted. My daughter(almost 12) likes her hair short too. It’s cute. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back if she wants.

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What ever makes your child happy n feel great about them self

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You should be proud for supporting your daughter with her self expression. They can be mad at you all they want, but if you and your daughter are happy, that’s what matters. They don’t get a say AT ALL for how your daughter chooses to express herself. You’re teaching her self confidence and increasing her self esteem. Have her back and continue to stand up and support her. You are doing amazing.


Hair grows back. They’ll get over it. She’ll never forget that you supported her.:heart:

Your the mom not them

if that’s what she wanted, no- you did good :+1:t3: who cares what others say. if she’s happy it’s fine everyone else can get over it- not their hair not their body not their choice


If that’s what she wants your family should accept it…it’s not permanent it will grow back

Screw them, none of their business.

Girl that’s your daughter. If she’s happy and you’re happy then they don’t matter


If your child loves how her hair is it shouldn’t matter to anyone else. My daughter wanted her hair cut like a boy so I cut it like a boy. She didn’t like it after it got cut so she learned her lesson.

No. You just started a whole ball game with your child. What happens when she gets picked on at school. There is something going on fo her to want to do this but it’s your kid


You are teaching your daughter to be who she wants to be and that’s a beautiful thing. If you’d told her no because of what others think, that would only make her think that her value lies in others. You rock, mama, keep doing those kinds of things. Raise a confident young lady. I’m almost 49 years old and I still struggle with confidence because my mom wouldn’t let me be who I wanted to be and I got punished when I did something that “others” wouldn’t approve of (like coloring my hair black and bleached the tips when I was 15). I’m much more confident now but I still struggle with trying to gain the acceptance of others.


She’s your daughter your business. End of story.

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Screw them you are her mother. No one should be one telling you how to raise your child or two telling your child who they should be!

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Well let them not there issue

Not their kid not their business

When my daughter was 9 (she is now 12) she asked if we could shave half of her hair. We let her and she loved the style. As long as she really likes it, that is all that should matter. Good luck momma :two_hearts:

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Pick your battles. Hair grows back


Honestly, fuck their opinion lol. That’s YOUR daughter and if it makes her happy, that’s literally all that matters. They can mind their own heads.

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Ya it’s kinda ridiculous :roll_eyes: like, your the mom! I would have straight told my girls,um nope not ever gonna happen. U can do that when your 18 years old.I hope she doesn’t get made fun of at school and get called a boy


Fuck that she wanted it and loves it that’s all that matters their opinions surely do not

It’s hair. It grows back


Their opinion doesn’t MATTER.


Definitely not in the wrong. You are letting your child be who they want and free.

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She’s your daughter, not your families. Your decision.:purple_heart:

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Your daughter loves it, everyone else can screw off.


As long as she loves it and happy , who cares what they have to say or think!

not their kid not their concern. It makes them happy and not hurting anyone and thats all that matters, you’re a great parent for letting them express themselves

Screw your family, if your child is happy that’s all that matters. I bet she rocks it

Screw them! You and Boo are happy. :heart: