Was I wrong to allow my daughter to shave her head?

Wait a minute. I don’t understand or maybe I’m not reading it right. Did you say your family does not approve and are now mad at you for a decision you made regarding YOUR daughter? And you’re questioning if you are wrong for allowing it? I’m sorry but don’t let nobody make you second guess your parenting decisions especially if it doesn’t harm your child or anyone else. Honestly I don’t know if I would’ve let one of my daughters do it but I commend you on allowing your daughter to have the freedom of self. I promise you that you’ve probably opened a door for her to be comfortable in the skin she is in and that’s something that many parents don’t do and later have to deal with mental health issues due to insecurities. Bravo mom. And whoever is mad, tell them to scratch their ass and get glad :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

My daughter was probably about 8years old when she damn BEGGED me for a hairstyle like Parris Goebel. Shaved/cut off short. I kept saying NO to her until we had our first lock down (she was still begging) I finally agreed and she was happy/excited about it. She ended up loving it when it grew out to be a pixie looking cut, she also asked to have some red in her hair while it was looking like a pixie cut and I actually liked it myself to. She’s a different kind and she has had an undercut before to after that because she asked for that. If your child is 100% sure on the decision they are making then go for it and ignore them.

This is just me but I’d never let my kids shave their head until they were 16 and could pay for it you are the parent and you don’t have to allow things- seems people now would rather be their kids friend than their parent—

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Sounds like a perfect lesson too teach her why it doesn’t matter what other people think of you and how people are beautiful

People like that feel so entitled to demand you not offend them. That’s when I want to offend them more.

Your child your choice. Shaving her head is not permanent and there is far worse things she may want to do to her body.

Welp! Now people are gonna stare at her thinking she has cancer or alopecia… but hey who cares?!?! :woman_shrugging:t3:


Your family is no longer family if they are not accepting of non-harmful non-discriminatory acts of self-expression.

Your her mum, you only try to do what’s best for your child. If shaving her head makes her happy, stuff the rest of the family. It’s her head and hair grows back.

It don’t matter what your family thinks or wants it’s prolly just a phase and she’ll grow out of it

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It’s just hair. Not their hair. Not their kid. Don’t worry about it.

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Forget them!!! YOUR daughter wanted to shave her head and you allowed her to express herself this way. YAY for being a wonderful supportive mom!! :sparkling_heart:

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Who cares. You and your daughter both love it. I’m spiteful enough to turn around and shave my own damn head just to see the look on their faces. Lol

It’s better then dying it. So many 9 year olds have dyed hair and it’s to bad for it. They’re gonna have fried hair by 20 :weary:

You live with your daughter if she’s happy and healthy your doing a good job you don’t have to see/ live with your family on a daily basis. You did good by your daughter tell them to suck it

It’s her body? I’m confused why anybody would even think they have a say on what she does with HER hair? Not really anybody else’s place to say what she can or can’t do with it (within reason obviously) but shaving her head is harmless :woman_shrugging:

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If giving your child freedom to express themselves in their own body is the worst thing you have done I think you’re winning at parenting!
Your daughter will grow up knowing and believing she can do anything and you will be right there cheering her on.
Let your family have their whinge that’s on them for acting as though a hair style defines your child.

Rock your hair princess I’m sure you look amazing!


She wanted it. you allowed it. Not anyone business but the two of you. Don’t let others have an option about what your child can do with her body.

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I wish I had cool a$$ parents who let me express myself. When I shaved my head at 22 yrs old I had most of my family STOP talking to me. How stupid because hair grows back smh… I think it’s great you let her express herself. :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

Well she is your daughter not theirs so no you are not wrong. If that’s what she wanted and you were ok with it that’s all that matters.

F your family
Bald is in.

Both my kids know they are allowed to express themselves. My 13 year old currently has really short hair and my 11 year old now has her nose pierced. I am their mom. I dont care what my family , friends or strangers have to say!

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As long as your daughter is happy who cares what they think. You’re a great mom for letting your daughter be herself

Fuck your husband and his family. Let her explore with it. She obviously loves it as well you do.
Let her go out and express.

Your Loyalty doesn’t not belong to your family. It belongs to your kids simple as that! If your baby girl wanted it you allowed it that’s the end your babies your Decision.

I’m 26 and my family still does not allow me to shave my head

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It’s hair it will grow back…

It’s hair… it grows back… who cares what your family thinks. It’s your child not theirs. If they have a problem. Adios to them

It’s her hair
It’ll grow back
You’re her mom not them

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She’s your child not there’s if she is happy fuck them she comes first

Let her be who she is. You are an amazing mom

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Remind the family that it’s just hair , it will grow back

Your family needs to learn about bodily autonomy and keeping their opinions about a person’s body/appearance to themselves like decent ppl who have been taught manners.


Wow. Your family is controlling and judgemental. Let them sit in timeout. You need a break from their toxic spew anyway.

She is YOUR child! You know your kid better than anyone, SHE loves it, and she is grateful you let her do it. Good job I say.

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Ehh my family hates my sons long hairs. They constantly say how he needs a haircut, offer them to him and bribe them with money to get it cut. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: guess who still has waist length hair? :joy:

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Who gives a flying fart in space what THEY think about HER hair?!


Are any of them her parent? If not, then you’re fine, tell them to suck a fart outta your asshole. Kids are allowed to feel happy and confident in their own skin. They’re also allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. Hair grows back. So, either way, it’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

Not their kid, not their say. They can get over it


Snort. Get annoyed at your family back.

OMG you painted the letterbox blue??? Without asking me??

Mum, you let Dad get dentures??? Don’t you know how embarrassing that is FOR ME.


It’s just hair… don’t worry about it.

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No way. You can’t allow others bitterness make its way into your decisions. I allowed my kid to shave almost all of her hair she keeps the top long and to the side she’s had it this way a couple years now she loves it. I don’t regret it for a second

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Meh don’t worry about it it’s not your family’s decision they don’t get a say and they actually don’t get to be mad. Your daughter is happy as and it’s her hair so her decision. Support your daughter mama :heart:

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She’s her own person and she’s not their daughter :woman_shrugging:t2: they can get over it


I’ve learned to not let family control your actions. I love so much much that you allowed your daughter to do something that she wants! Hair grows back. Easy. You are a loving and supportive parent and you should be happy and proud of yourself for letting her do what she wants with her own body!

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They’ll get over it!
Let her individuality shine while it can! I promise that letting her explore as such now will help give her confidence to be her authentic self as an adult; with educated insight toward handling whatever social expectations that come into play later. You are guiding her toward being a confident, healthy adult. :revolving_hearts:

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I totally 100% understand the support comments and I am all for being as supportive as I can be as a mom. I just can’t help but think of the times I’ve said in my adult life “I wish my mom wouldn’t have allowed me to do that to my hair in elementary school, I got bullied and I was really depressed for many months” or “I wish I would’ve listened to my mom when she gave me her advice because it sucked having to go through the aftermath of that decision”… idk I just hope that before she allowed this she talked through it and the aftermath with her daughter. and made her daughter aware of the cruel world that mean kids that might not be so kind about it. I agree with “reach our kids not to bully instead of reach them to not do things to get them picked on” but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still so many mean kids in school today… happy for her daughter if she’s genuinely happy with her decision. I love shaved heads especially on women, very cute and shows true confidence!

They can eat a spoon of concrete and harden up. She’s your daughter and you made the right decision!

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Why does it bother them? She’s your daughter, not theirs. Hair grows back but mean and spiteful words stay forever. They either need to be supportive or shut the heck up.

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As a parent, the most important relationship you can have is one with your child. If you supported this, stand behind her and back her up 100%. She is YOUR child, and what you allow her to do is your business. Your family can be mad all they want. Their option doesn’t matter. And Hair grows back but your daughter will always remember that you supported her and let her express herself. She will never forget that and THAT is the most important thing here.


Let your kid find their place. Don’t hold it in let it out. If it’s not for her she grew. If it’s for her she’s growing. Everyone’s gonna have something to say but their is beauty in strength.


Cut off those family members and see how much hair or the lack of hair really matters! :wink:

It’ll always grow back (if she wants to) and she’s her own little person…

Long as she is happy and loving it is all that matters! :heartpulse:

Sounds like she has a pretty amazing Mommy

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Fuck em. All that matters is that she is happy

How exactly does it affect your family?

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I’d your daughter loves it, your family can get ####. It’s not their hair.

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Simple hair is hair it grows back

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This is my 10 year old son, hes gotten called a girl for as long as I (and he) can remember. No matter what anyone says, he refuses to cut it, and we back him up 100%. It’s his beautiful hair and no one has any say but him as to how it looks. You backing her up will not only make her feel more confident in herself, but also reaffirm that she has an amazing parent on her side. Keep doin what your doin :heart:


It’s your child’s head. It’s HER choice.


You got to let the do what they want so they can grow and be themselves. Within reason of course.
Nothing wrong with her wanting to do this. She is your daughter not theirs.

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Hair grows back. People make to big of a deal over hair color, cut, and style.

It’s not your family’s decision! It’s her’s…. If you are ok with it and she is happy with it I would just tell them she is happy & it’s none of their business… :woman_shrugging:t3:


Your family can nicely suck a big fat Kadonka :joy::heart: go you Mumma xx

:raised_hands:t3: mom for win! It’s about your daughter’s happiness, not your family’s approval. You did a good thing mama.


They can get glad in the same pants they got mad in because it isn’t any of their business how you parent your child. It’s a harmless expression and is not permanent.

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Girl you are not wrong. You let your daughter make a choice about her hair and I promise you that it made her feel so good to be the one to decide. If she loves it’s - fuck anyone else’s opinion. And you make sure to let her know that nobody else’s opinion of her hair style matters because it’s not their hair. If they don’t like it they don’t have to look at it :clap:t3:

It’s hair! It will grow back!!

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You are an amazing mother for allowing this!! My kids get full control over their hair! I figure we as parents have to control soooo many other aspects of their life, their hair, that grows back & easily changes, is what they can choose!!


Nope it’s her body it’s just hair and it grows back

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Did they birth her…no


I would say “this is only the beginning. I’m taking her to get her tongue pierced tomorrow. While we’re there, I’m gonna make her tattoo appointment. I want her to get it before she starts her pole lessons next week so it will really stand out when she has on nothing but her g-string.”
It’s hair!!! It will grow back, or if she loves it like this, she may decide to keep it shaved. Either is ok as long as she is comfortable and happy with it!


Fuck them. It’s her hair, not theirs

How ridiculous. Ignore the family members, let your daughter celebrate her individuality.


haters gunna hate… let her live her best life! who gives shit what they think. do they have to pay her bills, or provide for her… does it really effect them at all, nope… screw them.

Honestly I would stop them in their tracks and tell them they either need to get on board or they can go. (i.e. dont talk to you or your kid till they arent so judgmental)

Your child doesn’t need that negativity.


Not their child not their business

Your family are not her parents… if it made her happy don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. F em

It’s her decision. And it’s jyst hair, not a life long issue.


My daughters are 12 and 15. They do whatever they want to their hair. Its just hair. O have wanted to shave mine Soooo many times but i have a weird shaped head😂just use the old saying “it WILL grow back” also everone else can mind their own business. Not their circus, not their monkeys


It would break my heart if my daughter ever wanted to do this, but I understand it’s her body, her choice, not mine or anyone else’s. If it brings her happiness, that’s all that matters. it’s not a life long/life altering decision. Let her be great and screw everyone else.

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I probably wouldn’t have, but if she is happy screw it!


Tell the naysayers to go and control their own children. It is JUST HAIR. Not permanent!


It’s her hair. They can be mad all they want. I say this as a mother who let my daughter shave off over half her head. It was a shock to them at first but it’s her hair. :ok_hand:


It’s her hair and sense of identity not your family’s if she’s happy and likes it then more power to you and her!


Honestly I would not allow it.
Personal opinion

No you was not!!! Let her be her! That’s also guna build trust & acceptance between ya’ll :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I think it’s great!

Nope. I admire how you’re letting your daughter make decisions, express herself, and put her happiness above all else. Kudos Mama. :metal:t2:

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First of all it’s your kid.
Second if all… That’s discrimination n in my opinion lthey aren’t allowed to subject a human to that. Let her feel the comfort in her OWN skin.

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It is just hair, it grows back.:cry:

It’s hair it grows back and it’s your child not their child

My granddaughter is 9 and done hers too she loves it and they the one’s who wear it!!

It’s her head and hair grows back.

it’s her choice no they don’t have wear it she does and if it what she wanted then that’s her choice


It doesn’t Metter what they say…if she is happy that’s all that matters

Oh my god it’s hair and will grow back🤦🏻‍♀️ let her live you didn’t do nothin wrong if anything you did everything right letting her express herself💛

Your family can die mad about it. It’s your decision!

Your a great mama! Carry on :heart:


It’s her head. Your family need to accept that she can make decisions for herself. They should shut up & let her be her.

Let them be mad. It’s not their hair!

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Good lord. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back.

These so called “family” who are mad are not family. cut the selfish toxic people off . I bet you money the bully’s are trumpsters they always want to control others what they can and can’t do with their bodies … good job mom :clap:t4::clap:t4: