A nine year old isn’t old enough to understand what she’s done. I hope she isn’t teased over this. She will certainly remember this, though.
It grows back. Shame on them for making you feel bad for letting her express herself. I commend you. I think it’s awesome
Not their child. Not their business.
It’s your child and it was her choice and made her happy who cares what they think
She’s your child not theres
That’s the same way my in laws are. They said “ we don’t like that why did you do that” because it’s her hair and she loves it
Ignore family. Not their kid, not their hair, not their business.
No,good for you. And for her for taking the chance and loving it❤️
She’s expressing her individuality! It grows back!
it’s her life not theirs
I wouldnt…idk they shouldn’t be mad of course but why? Seems like it’s for attention
No. People should have bodily autonomy, even children.
She’s happy… who cares what the family thinks
Let them be mad. If they are shallow enough to judge someone on their choices of appearance then cut them out.
My granddaughter is 11 and wants to shave her head. She wants it to look like EL from stranger things … she’s starting middle school & we are afraid she will get teased … I commend you
Tell them to sod off and mind their business. It’s her hair, THAT GROWS BACK, and she loves it. Plus, it’s done now, too late so tough
Tell them it’s her hair and she can do what she likes with it!
It’s only hair!
Good for you to allow your daughter to express herself how she wishes
You said it. She’s your daughter. They can have opinions but they can keep it to themselves. Her body her choice.
It’s her head, not your family’s. They’re just upset by what everyone else thinks, you were just thinking about what she wanted, good job mama!
It’s her body not that theirs. The only opinion that matters is hers.
I just think it’s amazing that you’re being the kind of parent who lets their children express themselves rather then being the parent who denies that
The amount of people saying they wouldn’t allow it… well I feel sorry for those children. It’s always better to let your kids express themselves in a way that doesn’t harm them or anyone else then have a kid who feels like they can’t be themselves around their own parents
Do they forget that HAIR GROWS BACK… I bet if it was a grandson/nephew no one would say a thing. My niece wanted hers shaved at 8 or 9 no family members threw a fit because it’s NOT THEIR HAIR and they all liked it. She’s 13 now and still has it partially shaved.
It will grow back and she loves it. I’m sure her happiness is all that matters just ignore them
I myself is so proud of her, and I expect you are to, People in the Family just don’t understand, “sod off” this child knows what she’s doing, and it will soon grow back again Bless her Just think all the Children who have to shave it off, or loose it through Cancer treatment, They have to deal with it don’t they, and people who think it’s wrong and worried she will be bullied in school, well all I can say about that, She won’t be and if she is I expect she will deal with it, when the time comes round Bless her, Well done Sweetheart XXXX
It’s hair … it will grow back
I mean I’d be concerned what the reaction is when back at school. The family shouldn’t have issue but kids may bully her. If happy then that’s main thing. But when bullying starts she may regret the decision and hair doesnt grow back Instant. I cut my hair real short I was bullied for it.
If she’s happy and you’re happy why would what they think matter?
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Fuck man it’s just hair. It will grow back. It’s not like it’s a face tattoo
I would allow it.
I allowed one of my 11 year old twins to get half her head shaved and they put a design on it and I let her use temporary color as well.
My daughter was happy and I didn’t care what anyone else but her thought of it.
She is your daughter and it’s her hair … as long as you and your daughter are ok with it then it’s fine….
Your child is happy. Who cares what your family thinks and if they’re mad at you for doing what makes your child happy then they should probably just remove themselves and take that negative energy with them it’s hair. It’ll grow back. Chillllll
Kids ask for a lot of things that they don’t realize have consequences. She may shave her head and love it but will she love when kids are school are unkind or everyone asks if she has cancer. That’s why as parents we have to say no to these things… in my house when you turn 18 you can do outlandish things and make those body choices… until then I will make choices to ensure a healthy and happy adolescence. Is it right that people are cruel… absolutely not but there are enough trails and tribulations that occur for growing girls an alternative appearance will not help.
No. What is wrong with you?
Why do you care what family thinks so much??
She’s YOUR daughter,not theirs.Doesn’t her feelings matter more? I would hope so
It’s just hair it will grow back. And if she’s happy that’s all that matters.
My daughter has been cutting her own hair since she was 9
Your daughter. He hair. None of their business.
Jair grows back!! It’s her head and it isn’t hurting anyone or herself.
Wow your the mom its just hair let your daughter express her self in different stages of her life .
Not their child. They can get over it. Your child is happy, you’re happy, that’s all that matters.
Your kid … not your families
Too bad. Your child and you said yes. Its your business and your child.
l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19047 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://DollarsBox39.pages.dev/
It’s only hair. It will grow back.
If she likes it. Who cares? Let her be herself. It could be so much worse.
I had long hair for over 30yrs.
Tell your family that it’s your child and you’re not going to raise her to believe her body is owned by others.
It’s only hair and will grow back. If that’s the worst thing she wants to do at her age, let her have at it!
Good for you ! Let her express herself .you have to know which battles to fight
If she likes it she is the only one who matters. Everyone else can keep their opinions to themselves
Sounds like the family needs to get with the times. It’s just hair. It can grow or not grow to however she chooses. I’m sure that didn’t change who she was. IT’S JUST HAIR!
Let them be made not their choice
She’s your kid not theirs.
The school might have a problem with it did any of y’all think of that???
Good parenting! When a child makes a request that only effects them, causes no harm and makes them happy, of course you say “yes”. Tell the family to worry about something consequential and mind their own business.
Its hair. And it grows back. You allowed youre daughter to have independence and make her own choice.
You’ve stated the only thing that matters… she loves it. That’s all that matters. We need to both allow and encourage our children to express themselves however they want. This allows them to be who they are and teaches them that they don’t need to hide who they are based on what other people think.
I’d piss everyone off a little more and let her color it bright blue or green or purple! She’s your child. Not theirs.
Eff whoever doesn’t want her to be herself. She’s happy and that’s all that matters.
It’s only hair and plus it’s your daughter your decision. Don’t let them try to shame you girl!
Your child, your decision!
Some people think we should control every detail about our kids. But if and when you do, just as soon as they can, they’ll rebel, revolt, and there is nothing you can do. Hair (particularly length and style, color just depends on if the school allows it and if other activities do) should be a free choice made by the person wearing it. And if they dye natural colors, above 13-14 is when I feel comfortable letting them do that. Older and younger is fine too. If you and your daughter are comfortable, then nothing else matters.
What if in a few months she hates it hair don’t grow back overnight???
Tough shit. Your kid your choice and you included the kid in the decision you made…you win they suck
You don’t need anyones approval.
Omg Kudos to you for allowing your daughter a chance to express her individuality and for her to make a choice that makes HER feel good!!! Too many parents try to stifle their kids and don’t allow them the freedom to make decisions. Who cares what anyone else thinks? She is the one who is happy and that is what matters. Their unhappiness is not your problem.
Screw them =) she’s your daughter. And if she’s happy, that’s all that matters. My daughter asked me for MONTHS to shave the side of her head and I did it last year. It’s growing back, but she loved it because she matched with me. Now she has her hair cut a little above the shoulders because she asked me to do it. If people are mad the can go F themselves.
Your kid, her head.
Uuum why does your family have a say in your daughters hairstyle? People shave their heads all the time to raise awareness for leukaemia. Do they get offended at that? goodness me. Who cares it’s hair n it probably looks awesome too. They will get over it good luck
I commend you for letting her do it. I get a lot of grief from people for allowing my 9 year old son to have a mullet, he wanted it, he loves it, and it makes him happy. It’s only hair and honestly it’s her hair if that’s how she wants it she should be able to make that decision. If my biggest battle is over how my son wants his hair I’m okay with that, he’s 9 not 2.
It’s just hair, it grows. More specifically it’s her hair, so why do they think they get an opinion.
did you ask her why she wanted to do this??? As for her doing this, there is nothing wrong with that. Just maybe she has a friend that has/had cancer & lost their hair, or she seen the commercials with the kids that lost their hair & this was her way of feeling for them
My daughter did at age 10. Then a couple years later decided to grow it back out
I don’t think you are wrong. I actually applaud you for allowing your daughter to express herself and make the decision to shave her head like what she wanted. It’s just hair… it’ll grow back. I’d tell your family they can keep their unnecessary opinions to themselves. If they continue to be aholes about it, tell them they can shove it.
Your kid. Who cares what they think. She’s happy. All that matters. Don’t let them make you feel guilty. It’s only hair. It’ll grow back
Her body, her choice.
l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19047 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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It’s not their hair so they can gtfo with that BS. I would do the same thing. My daughter’s are their own people and if they want to shave THEIR hair off, then they can.
Ok so my husband had this HUGE thing about mine and our daughters hair…wanting it to stay long lol well I’m not a very good listener and it’s my hair so I’ve always done what ever I wanted with it and when our daughter was old enough to voice her honest opinion on how she wanted her hair… I allowed it because its HER hair. Now her daddy was a little upset the first time but its apart of her personality so he has come to love it lol it’s just hair mama…and its hers… screw what everyone else thinks
My oldest had long, curly hair that was beautiful. It was, however, an absolute nightmare to maintain and keep the tangles out. When she was around 6 she asked to have it cut and we sat down to pick out the cut. I was still married to my ex at the time. We were at a family gathering when my daughter told her aunts and uncles that she was getting several inches cut off. I have never heard so many people complain to me at once. I went to the kitchen and came back with the calendar and pen. I told them since they all had so much to say about not cutting her hair, we would make a schedule for each of them to come up every day to maintain her hair. I reminded them to allow at least 30 minutes and to prepare for a lot of yelling. Crickets!! Guess who got that haircut and never grew back their hair? If they aren’t going to help, their opinion doesn’t count.
If it makes her happy, who cares what other people say? If you are okay with it, that’s all that matters. Hair grows back!
Your child, your choice.
Your kid. Not their concern. Hair grows back.
It’s not their hair. Tell your family to kick rocks and get over it.
She’s 9, which means she has an idea of what she likes and doesn’t like…… your mom and what I would assume to be a grown woman…. You allowed it, she’s happy. I don’t see the problem. Your family can kick rocks and worry about themselves and their own children.
It’s just hair
Ya you carried her for 9 months they can suck it up.
They can get over it.
Who gives a fuck if they’re mad
If that is the worst thing she does…. then you Got it made.pick your battles.
I agree with your family
She’s 9 if she were high school age I’d feel differently.
Is something wrong w her mentally to want to do that, would b my first question in my mind if it were my child. Wow!
My concern would be the kids who will make fun of her in school, because it will obviously happen.
Who cares what anyone thinks but you and your daughter?! You showed her two things. That hair is something she has control over and can try new things with… And that she can be comfortable being herself despite what others think. Hair grows back. It is literally the only thing kids have some control over… Or should anyway. I have always given my son control over his hair and have been taking shit for it for many many years. He’s 17 now. Long blond hair. He’s always kept it long except a few times in his life. I’ve been taking shit about “getting that boy a haircut” forever. No one understands why I chose to let my son have control over his own hair.
She is your baby, you did it cause she wanted it. They will get over it
My daughter did it three times. Everyone complimented her out in public. Forget what others think. This is your time to show her don’t let others ruin your shine! If they want to be a bully and pick on her hair then I guess they’re not as good of a family as they seemed.
Screw the family. It’s just hair. I’m glad your kid is happy. I was 17 when my mom finally let me cut my hair short, not shaved. It was around 1 inch long. I loved it short but hated that I had some length. After turning 18 I shaved it completely bald. I loved it.
Maybe look into a few cheap wigs Incase your daughter wants hair one day but not for good.
Like just to dress up or something like that.
If it was a boy no one would say shit, but because it’s a girl everyone loses their fucking mind! It’s just hair! And girls don’t have to have hair to their asses to be pretty or cute, or a girl. I’m glad you let her do what made her happy!
You did the right thing for her. They’re not responsible for her happiness. It’s just hair. There are more important things to teach children than to care about how they look or what others think. Glad she knows what makes her happy and I’m proud of you for knowing how to foster that happiness
Would I let my 9 year old do that, no. But she’s your child, so your family needs to let you choose what acceptable or not for her.
I think the most important thing is ppl are forgetting how happy she is being able to choose the hair she wants!
My sister let my niece do it and she was so happy! There is nothing wrong for letting a child shave their head. If you’re ok with it, screw your family for being so judgmental.