It’s completely okay to ask for a break but planning it would be best and how you ask is a big factor. But if you are just trying to shove him out of your lives, totally completely wrong!!
Everyone is saying shes horrible for saying not the weekend literally they could pick any other day to have him over?? Thats so funny yall are really attacking her for that when there are so many things that they can do, not to mention SHE is the one taking care of HIS child, yikes. I would say get rid of him anyways you dont need to watch after your children and his if he cant even switch a day that YOU would be watching him. Though fathers day weekend is a little wack but fr balancing kids and normal life its not that hard to switch a day of the week or skip one, and if its is, PICK A DIFFERENT DAY. If he really cared he would go out of his way to have his son a different day of the week so the couple could spend a day together
Did some of you not read what she wrote??? He works Saturdays and she ends up watching the child!
Yep, you were wrong
Yes you are wrong… I know you don’t get it because you don’t have kids but they are priority babe, even before you.
Maybe he isn’t the man for you girl.
Theres two sides to every story in this aspect but the fact that you threw it out there that you take care of his kid like its a burden makes you a shitty person … i assume you want him to treat your kids as his own . So you should treat his kid as your own . Why not tell your ex to take your kids the day of the week that your boyfriend is off and have a date night… the moment you birthed your kids you gave up almost all if not completely all of your freedom
I have two daughters with my husband and he has a son from before we got together and I’m currently 8 months pregnant. So we have 3 soon to be 4 kids. My husband works 12 hour shifts even weekends. So I totally understand wanting a break and a date night. But there could have been a better way to ask/bring it up. I’d have maybe let him know you’re wanting some time with him and asked if you both could work together to plan a date night soon. That way he didn’t feel like you were forcing him to choose as well as letting him know in advance so he didn’t feel rushed to “pick”. To him it could have sounded like you wanted him to decide between spending time with you or his kid since it was kind of sprung on him. His kid is your kid, and sometimes as much as we want a break we just don’t get them. Maybe instead you could have an in home date night when the kids go to bed. I know it’s not the same but my husband and I have done that plenty. When they go to bed you bring out the favorite snacks and pop some popcorn and watch a movie, or like we do sometimes we both play video games together since we both like to game. It’s all about approach a lot of the time with guys, especially those who have kids that they love and care for
Maybe not for a whole weekend but like one day of the weekend and not an every weekend thing, if he only gets his kid on weekends that’s really not fair. What gets me is that you asked him not to take his kid on the weekend of Father’s Day. Think of how that would make the son feel. I know my daughter would be so sad if she couldn’t spend either Mother or Father’s Day with either of us.
Put the shoe on the other foot…what if he asked you to not have your kids?? He only gets him a few days in the week and you want him to give up his time?
I would have left too I wouldn’t have stayed as soon as my child was denied to live where I do this all could have been fixed and managed until you two could accommodate having enough room for all kids no one gets left out selfish on your part
It was selfish. How would you feel if the tables were turned? I feel bad for his son.
You’re wrong. If you need a break. Ask him to take the kids somewhere else for the day. Or you go somewhere else for the day. Let him cook and clean. Better yet- hide in your room for the day. Tell them daddy’s in charge for the day of cooking and cleaning.
If you need a break and he knew that was all you were asking for then he’s disgusting for walking out on you and acusing you of making him chose between you and his son. I mean your pregnant working a full time job. He walked out on his pregnant girlfriend!! He’s a drama king pig!! Let’s strap a 20 pound brick around his stomach and make him work, take care of house and kids, and get dinner too.
Do not ever ask a parent to choose between you and their child. How would you feel? How do you think that little child would feel, not seeing their daddy?
Sounds like y’all shouldn’t be having another if having your children part time is such an issue. He wants to see his child and your being selfish. You need to check yourself! Make plans for a date night when you don’t have the kids or when someone can watch them for a few hours. Treat his child like you would your own. Plenty of parents out here that have their children FULL TIME!!!
#parentlife no time to yourself is the top thing everyone tells ya about having kids🤷♀️
Girl go join a step parent support group we all feel this way .
You said how when they’re there you clean cook and etc. For them… That’s a BIG red flag and it’s damn good he left. Bc that is something you should not be mentioning at all as you’re supposed to be a step mother figure to them and do those things without question. That’s crazy.
What if your ex husband did that to your kids? Chose his girlfriend over them? 1 day or not kids come first! GOOD that your boyfriend got his priorities right and chose his kid. Girl just delete this
You both are wrong, him for expecting you to watch his child, and you for asking him not to have his child
First, not his wife, not step-siblings. Next, maybe he should offer to help more when his son is there.
And they’ll be more supportive you are not wrong you are a human and deserve yo be considered yo
I think you should draw more boundaries if you feel like you’re the one taking care of him the majority of the time. Maybe go about it different. Instead of asking him not to see his kid ask if you guys can work out a schedule that fits better for everyone.
You don’t have room for an extra kid lol but you’re pregnant… send your bf this way.
Honestly your not wrong I don’t know where this whole y’all having a baby together so now your responsible nfor each others added kids comes from. Y’all not married and if he is getting his child this weekend he needs to be able to care for him. It’s really ignorant to get your kid for a visit then leave them with your girlfriend fathers day or not be a father or don’t. There is nothing wrong with wanting some quality time together and if he is going to be childish leave that on him. You have a whole baby coming into the world that he needs to share just as much consideration for.
You were COMPLETELY wrong how tf do you not have the space for 5 kids when you are literally fucking pregnant right now!? How!!! You’re selfish you don’t EVER ask a man to NOT get his son especially if it’s the ONLY time he gets to see them. That is fucked up. How would you feel if your ex husband told you he wasn’t gonna take the kids for a weekend because he’s gonna spend that weekend with his gf. How tf would you feel!? You’re ridiculous I’m sorry! But that selfish and straight out ridiculous
I would not ask my so to not get his son when he already only sees him on the weekends. Rude af. Stop having kids if u ain’t trying to have 5 in the house js
If his only days off are the weekends then yes you are in the wrong.
It’s fine to plan a trip and skip a weekend but to ask him not to take the child on his only days off would be a no go for me if I were him.
I wouldn’t stay with anyone who told me not to have my kid(s) around.
I don’t even have to read the whole excuse thing but the answer is absolutly, 100% a damn guarantee you are a selfish selfish person. I would leave also! You clearly do not care about his son like your own. You should do him a favor so he doesn’t miss any more time with his son and leave.
Soz girl but that was not the best move, I understand where you are comming from BUT in that situation if u wanted time for u n him. Ask family to come over n watch thr kids for a couple of hours or hire a babysitter ? If he had said that to you I don’t think u would have taken it well … id apologise to him and try to work out ways to have that quality time but have all the kids together. Its not his sons fault u want alone time , thats his dad at the end of the day n the only time he gets to see him from wat i understand from ur post
Yes you are wrong! I’m sorry but I agree with him. It wasn’t right of you to ask that of him. That’s his time with his son and if you’re going to be with someone who has kids then why is it a big deal you look after the kid like cook and clean? Hell its just one day out of the week. He’s just a kid so it shouldn’t be a big deal you watch over him. I just don’t understand that. I understand you want time alone with him but taking a day away from his son literally just one day out of the week away from him just to do that isn’t right. You both can make plans and make another day work. If I were you I would apologize for asking that of him because that’s not right. If you really care for him you should understand kids always come first and see it from his side! How would that make you feel if someone didn’t want your child around just because they wanted time with you. I know that wouldn’t fly by me. Also for you to say there is no room for his son wow that’s just messed up. Make room for him and think of your boyfriend if it makes the child happy and your boyfriend and the mother is okay with it, it shouldn’t be an issue. Suck it up or don’t date someone who has a kid. Good luck to you, your gonna need it
You have a really good guy he didn’t choose you over his son …you have two more months that an excuse
I think it was uncalled for and short notice. A better way to ask probably would have been by asking
“Hey, can we talk to his mom about getting him Sunday NEXT WEEKEND as we can have Saturday kid free?” Give it a week or 2 in advance. I understand wanting a break, I definitely don’t blame you there. BUT you should be looking at his son like your own and open to him living with you. I’m on his side with this one. My kids come first. Before any relationship
First off, his son is JUST as much a part of your “family” as your children. You should not have 1. Gotten involved with a man that had a son if you knew you “didn’t have room” for another child, 2. Started a family with that same man by bringing another child into this world knowing you didn’t want 5 kids in your house. Doesn’t matter if it’s your house or not. By you asking that of him definitely is making him choose between his son and you. What if he asked you to send your kids off? How would that make you feel? I feel like him and his son deserve way better than you. When you become a step parent, you take on the responsibilities and duties of a real mom because you are MOM when biological mom is not around. You don’t make that kid feel any less. 100% shame on you.
Fathers day weekend though was the week you thought you should ask him to give up a visit? I’ve watched men fight tooth n nail to get one day a week visitations…and I’ve watched women fuck with them if they dont show up or try to reschedule visits…how is his relationship with the exs? If shes a bitch and he had to fight her for that one day a week you could be asking him to jeopardize his court order and have her withholding his kid from him again. Idk man …like I said before…normal families dont get breaks from their kids pregnant or not
Yes. Absolutely. I would have left too.
How dare u your disrespectful for even stating it! Just because u dont have ur kids dosent mean he shouldn’t have his! His mum deserves a break. What u gonna do whe your baby arrives? Decide u dont want HIS son around u are YOUR children…?? Na your wrong.
He’s right. You knew he had a kid, and his visitation schedule.
I think it’s time to get a hysterectomy. You clearly can’t handle having any other children. He has one kid, ONE. You’ve gotten used to the fact youre able to hand off your children to the bio father at certain times. Time to yourself? You’re a fricken mother. There is NO time. You’re completely out of line.
You can tell by this post how many gullable ass naive females there really are don’t let nobody force tou to do nothing 4 months is hardly enough time tour not step mommy and tour not mommy they are crazy to just be dropping in on tryna play mommy to there boyfriends kids. Sad
Should have tried a different approach to try figure out time together not on a day that your boyfriend gets to see his son especially when he doesn’t get alot of time with him. I can see why he’s upset and you have a incredible guy who really loves his kids. Apologize and don’t ruin it because guys like that are hard to come by I mean if you didn’t ruin it already.
I don’t think you’re wrong. I wouldn’t he shouldn’t come over that weekend, but maybe see if you can spend a few hours together before you get his son?
Kids come first my dear
If its his day to have him he shouldnt have to chose between you and his son. You are in the wrong here. If you want a day off together then both of you can take a vacation day from work when you wont have the kids. I would have left you too.
He was looking for a reason to bolt and took the first one you gave him.
Eh… no you weren’t wrong to ask him for a kid free weekend.
It’s the way you worded it that made all these women clutch their pearls.
How would you feel if he asked you not to take your kids?
And if you didnt have room for 5 kids, you probably should have stopped after your 3 and his 1.
He don’t get much time with his son it sounds like. Maybe you should have chose to ask your ex husband to take the kids a day early or a time when you can have your time with tour bf instead of him choosing to give a day up with his son.
I would have been upset too. You need a few hours to yourself or alone with him? Get a babysitter or ask him to step up. You don’t have room for 5 kids? Why would you enter a relationship without being willing to accept his child if he needed or wanted to stay. It sounds a little selfish to have enough room for your children but not his.
I would have left too. And I wouldn’t be back.
So what if he works and you end up watching the child, when you’re a step parent you should treat the child as your own, and if dad’s at work and moms not, mom should watch them! In this case step mom, but you get what I mean. But man, doesn’t sound like a very nice step mom… Talkin about how they wanna live with you but you don’t have room for them. Smh. Big red flags. Guy best keep trucking bc you need a man with no kids darling!
Might be better to just make plans where your not available to take care of his son.
Omfg she asked for ONE DAY. Not every fucking weekend. You all are awful
Ok…so theres definitely some toxicity going on but it’s not him.
First; how would you feel? You have children. You’re pregnant. If your child wanted to live with you and he said no?
Then if you only got to see your child(ren) four to five days out of a month and he told you not to have them there?
You would feel angry. You would feel hurt. And you would see it as him trying to force you to choose.
Yes. When your involvement is limited to four to five days a month you dont not take your kid those days. When someone asks you to then they dont really care about your child and they are asking you to choose.
I understand you feeling overwhelmed with being pregnant and taking care of a child you dont know well. I understand wanting some time with your partner alone before the baby.
But you asked the wrong way. You asked in a way that honestly forced him to choose.
A better solution would have been a babysitter a few hours in evening after hes already gone to sleep.
A better solution is to find a way spend time together in the evenings.
If he only gets his son on the weekend then yes you are wrong for asking him not too. If you don’t want to be the kids “step mom” then dont be with him. His child is just as much yours like the other kids. But also that day could be HER break.
Wow. Petty and selfish. Girl get a grip! MAKE ROOM. It’s not about you! And you’re pregnant what are you gonna do when you want alone time with him and baby is here?
Take your time to rest with or without him who cares he has somewhere to go why let him back too much he is so dramatic a burden you dont need
No you weren’t wrong and if he’s that way let him keep on walking you need to find out where he’s going to
Pretty sure u would be mad if ur ex husband chose his new girlfriend over ur son SHE decided they wasnt having him because theres NO ROOM. but your having a new baby?
Oh good lord… Yes you’re wrong
Kids always come first. I do everything for my step son and at times it would be frustrating but I would never tell my husband not to take his son Especially since he only gets him Friday through Monday. That’s pretty selfish of you. If we wanna do together we have my mom or my mother-in-law come down to watch the kids, but at the end of the day when we come home at least his son is here so he can see him and tuck him in at night
Ask to switch weekends with your kid’s. Find a way to have a sitter 1 night a month or something to have a night out. I’m sure he doesn’t get much time with him. So I wouldn’t have asked him not to get him.
I would have packed my shit &left you too.! His son is now one of your kids make the space for him!
If you need private time maybe you should quit getting pregnant. You know what causes it I guess.
Isn’t this weekend Father’s Day ? So you didn’t want him to have his son on Father’s Day so the other mother has a break ?
Wow, you are very brave to be pregnant after 3 kids yours and one from your SO. I think thousand times to have the second kid or not.
So only 4 days a month are your 3 kids away. That means he is there for your 3 kids all the time. Does he get that magic button to just send them off or hey can you please not have your kids come home from school I’m tired working.
Some of us are married and can’t just tell our kids not to come over
Selfish much!!! Wow some people.
I’m pretty sure she wasn’t asking him to not get his son, she was asking to not get him on the weekends that she doesn’t have her kids 🤦
you’re being selfish, that’s his son and as a mom you should appreciate that he wants to be in his life. imagine if he was asking you to not have your kids or another female was asking him to not take his children to spend time alone, that’s a big hell no
Yes, it’s wrong. I would do the same thing if I was in he’s shoes.
With all those kids you don’t get a day off…
Personally, I wouldn’t have been okay with that either. He gets one day a week (from the sounds of your post) with his child. Him and his child deserve to have that day together. That’s not very much time together. And I can tell you, the size of your house is irrelevant. You knew he had a child when you met him. We have a 3 bedroom house that’s 1500square feet, it’s tiny. However we have 6 children and I’m pregnant with our 7th. You have to make things work. We own our house and have a few years until it’s paid off. So we are making things work until then when we can buy a bigger house. 3 kids in each room and the baby will be in our room. So we literally will have 3 people in each bedroom until our house is paid off. We even went to the extent of turning our garage into a giant play room for our kids so in their rooms it’s just triple bunk beds and their dressers and clothes. No toys. Toys are only in the playroom and outside. You have to make things work when kids are involved. You can’t just get rid of one or write them off to make things easier or more convenient. If you want time with just your bf then you need to plan a date night ahead of time and a sitter for the kids.
Im assuming you knew he took his son on the weekends when he moved in. Yes you are SO wrong. This is the only time he sees his son and your asking him not to? Pregnant or not wtf is wrong with you? So incredibly selfish. Id leave ur ass if i were him
Are you serious!!! I wouldve said buh bye to you!! Hes a father 1st and always… wow you sound absolutely horrible!!!
Bye! I’d do the same. You already told him you don’t want his son there cuz you denied him living with you. Now you don’t want him to take his kid one day out of the week cuz you want alone time? Nope. Gtfo. I’d walk too.
Sad that you would not want him to be apart of your family, it’s even sadder that your pregnant with another child
You have every right to have a day just for the both of you. Adult time. Evey other weekend I drop off the kids with my mom just so we can have a lazy weekend. He should have been mature enough to listen to your reasoning instead of walking out
Yes youre wrong … 1st you KNEW he had a child… 2nd he gets his kid ONE DAY A WEEK… Your kids are there m-f and every other weekend. … How would you feel if tables were turned and he said no hes already got 4 kids living there so your kid cant come live with you… And to top it off he dont want you getting your kid for the 1 day a week youre allowed to see him??? I give him major props for stepping up being a man and putting HIS CHILD FIRST LIKE A PARENTS SUPPOSED TO… Youre Ignorant Entitled and Sorry… You dont deserve a good man like him
You don’t have a right to ask him that. Sorry. Get a sitter. My so and I am having a baby in two months. If you can’t look at his kid like he’s your own then. You shouldn’t be together. Married couples don’t get breaks. We don’t have breaks and he’s awesome about it. I would be horrified and leave if he said I had to send my girls somewhere else instead of getting a sitter. I’m sorry you stepped over the line. Being overwhelmed is understandable but you could also send your kids away when he doesn’t have his. That is all
This whole “your kid” “my kids” “our kid” is fucking disgusting; full stop. Y’all are a family now, that means all the kids are both of your kids. Grow up.
Good for him.
Some of us have 6 kids and work 75+ hrs a wk… smdh ask him to not take his son I’m upset and it’s not my child
Yes, 100% wrong and your heart knows that or else you would have tried to justify it so many different ways. If you really wanted a kid free night, then you say can we plan a date night? And not plan it during his short visits.
You are doing this to him on father’s day weekend. Yeah I’d be pissed too! Better rethink that decision. Let him have his son this weekend. Seriously. Grow up.
While not exactly the best request to ask someone NOT to take their child…perhaps the best approach would have been to ask HOW we could get a day off together…maybe you swap time with someone during the the week so there is no issue with his kid…be prepared to have 4 kods alone cause he could say…sorry i cant take my kid!
Good for him. No one comes before my son.
I understand you want a break but maybe you should’ve asked him in advance so he could’ve planned and thought about it. And you also have to consider the child’s feelings as well. When you get with someone their kids become yours too.
Ouch. The worst part is that baby wanting to be a part of y’alls lives and live with y’all and you act like that’s not okay while you have several other children. To boot, you’re asking your SO not to see his child bc of something you want? I wouldn’t stay with someone who didnt want my child around, either. If you need time for yourself, plan it out. Find a baby sitter or something. Asking someone not to see their child is just wrong.
I’m honestly speechless I’m so glad he packed his stuff and left… that right there is the type of man you want you chose to be with someone who has a child you fully accept that package I really dont know what else to say
Yes you are wrong to ask that of him… You aren’t wrong for wanting time with him but you took on his child when u entered the relationship . if u can’t accept his son it’s time to walk . as a parent I would be very upset being asked that … I think u need to take a step back and reevaluate the relationship and what u really want. Maybe take a day off to have time alone or ask your ex to keep your kids an extra day . I get where I are coming from but way wrong way to approach or ask for time alone with him.
So he deals with your kids 11 or 12 days/nights in a row…and you wanna bitch about 1 night with his? You found enough alone time to get pregnant. When you have kids…alone time isnt a thing. So you just going to push his son out when the baby gets here? Not enough room? Smh
He’s a father before a boyfriend
So he sees his son one a week, and you want him to instead give that time up for you, who he sees every day? And you dont want him to have fathers day with his kid? Sorry but i wouldnt choose you over my kid either… my kid is my priority, should be yours and his too.
I agree with the boyfriend and honestly am glad he stuck up for his child. To ask him to not have his child visit is selfish. When you become a parent “days off” are in the past.
I understand it was just bad timing or you worded it wrong.
It’s Father’s Day weekend
Hire a sitter If you want a night out
I think that you should have approached this differently. If he works Saturdays, maybe a friendly suggestion would have been to see if he can work with the child’s mother to switch to Sundays so he could spend more time with his son. Regardless though, you knew he had a child going into the relationship and certainly before you got pregnant. His little boy is more important than a date night. Sounds like you need to hire a baby sitter for your kids on a Friday night and you both go out then to get some time together.
i do get where your coming from being pregnant and having 3 kids of your own…but hes done right by walking out thats his son and if weekends are the only time hes gets to spend with him he wouldnt give them up and was right to get mad! instead of him not seeying his son at the weekend ask your childrens father to take the kids over night or 2 nights to give you a chance to rest.