Was I wrong to expect my boyfriend to buy my kids food too?

My dad would by me a donut in the morning because I was an early riser and would go with him while everyone else slept.if everyone was together he would get for everyone. I do the same. My kids if they were awake and went with me they would get something to eat on the way home,usually a candy bar.

Shouldn’t have went to the bar


Where are your children when you’re running away from your problems with your boyfriend?? So far you’ve left them twice, why didn’t you go buy them McDonald’s??


This is not about the kid… the food… or the money !! :wilted_flower:
He was looking for a Reason to leave… :cry:
Don’t try to beg him back !!! :triumph:… move forward!! :blush:


My 16 yr old son just said it best, I think. He said you are probably better off! Sometimes our children can be so wise!


The food issue you were not wrong… but leaving and going to the bar etc was the wrong part!


um… is no one actually reading this? 1) instead of making a big fuss, you could’ve got off your own ass and got your own kids food if it was that big of a deal. if the kid sat there and ate in front of yours, that’s a different story. 2) instead of running from the problem and partying with your friends, you should’ve been at home communicating with him. 3) where were YOUR children while you were out being selfish? 4) i think HE should move on from YOU. and HE is better off.

If I got into an argument with my SO and he ended up at the bar not once but twice over me buying my daughter McDonald’s, it would be over for us too. At some point you grow up and realize everything isn’t just black and white. He’s allowed to feed his kid whatever the hell it wants, you were being unbelievably immature. Plus I feel like I saw this on tiktok lmao


I take each of my 4 kids to places separately and we go get food while the others eat at home. I think the issue is the way you acted by just leaving two nights in a row over McDonald’s


Drop his Ass,you don’t want or need him it’s a package deal.

I’ve seen this tiktok :skull_and_crossbones:

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Maybe he was just spending some quality time with his son. I mean he didn’t bring the food home to eat in front of your kids did he? If so, I would b pissed. If he didn’t, what harm was it? You seem kinda jealous of his time w his son.


When kids are involved if you do for one to do for all unless they just ate it on the way home. He was in the wrong there. I get you wanting to cool off but you left twice and avoided the whole situation so now that he is leaving it’s an issue? I think there is a lot more going on in the relationship because I can’t see him packing and leaving due to this simple fight


Where were your children while you went to the bar & casino?


Your bf has moved on. You reacted horribly over something that literally shouldn’t have mattered. You need to accept that this relationship didn’t work out.


I’am making over $153 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18359 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>> https://LifeStyle257.pages.dev

Where did you leave your kids? Pissed of an go to bar then to casino :thinking::thinking::thinking:…if your kids needed food …


Girl he don’t care about you or your kids


Yeah let that motherfucker kick rocks…he’s a sucky person period!

He may not have thought about it.
Forgive him and move forward but sounds as though he’s made a decision.


If he ate it on the way home and not in front of your kids I don’t see the issue other than your acting like a child and acting out. If he bought it brought it home and ate it in front of you all without asking if your kids want some then yes you can be upset but he didn’t do that… the person who has a right to be upset here is him


Sorry but what you do for one you do for all!!! If he’s not going to treat your kids as his own then byeeee!!! Move on && find a real man…. Esp if he’s being a child && not even talking to you!


This is a hard situation yes I would be kind of upset too but at the end of the day they aren’t his kids they are yours and you guys aren’t married he shouldn’t be expected to bring food home for them too. He doesn’t see his son all the time like you do your kids so he wanted to spend time with him and do something special for him by taking him out to get food. Yes he probably should have at least offered but you shouldn’t expect it from him. Judging by his reaction to just start moving out sounds like he may have been wanting an out already. I would just move on you don’t want to be with someone who just up and leaves without even talking to you about it because you guys got into a fight.


His son was probably hungry from being gone all day, meanwhile your kids were home with food. There must be other ways in which you feel like he treats your kids differently. Sometimes my kids get different treats than the other. Not everything is equal all the time.


He goes to work one hour aways she goes to the casino and bars. I would have never moved moved you in with me in the first place


Honestly? It sounds like you both need to grow up.


He’s done. You need to just move on and help your kids transition to life without them.


He was wrong. Especially if you had already talked about this before. You’ve seen his true character, actions, and feelings now. Let him go.


I mean if he was working an hour away and had his son with him. And they stopped after work to get food. I honestly don’t see what the problem is. Did his son eat the food in the car before he got there? If you were home why wouldn’t you have already been planning dinner. I honestly don’t see the big deal. If all kids were in the car of course but that’s not the case at all. And you went to a bar one day and then the casino the next to "cool off " like yikes on your part. Where were your kids you were so worried about feeding McDonald’s? Obviously you weren’t home cooking them a meal. So based off the generic information you’ve provided. I think you’re being childish and unreasonable.


I’am making over $153 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18999 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>> https://LifeStyle263.pages.dev

Move on - he should have at least called you and asked if he could pick up some food for your children.


The fact he just up and left over that. Immature boy who’ll never truely except ur kids at his own. Move on from him.


What is it with mom’s, McDonald’s and feeding the moms other kids? Wasn’t there just a viral video of almost the exact same thing? If you had money to go to bar and casino, then while you were home with your kids you could’ve taken them to McDonald’s or somewhere.


I don’t think he’s the asshole. When you have someone out of the house all day you feed them. Now if he was out with all the kids then only fed his than that would be different. Did you say bring food home? Are they not supposed to eat while gone? That Mcdonalds food would have been bad anyways by the time he got home. Move on.

You need to move on. He was already done.


Sounds like he already wanted to break up with you, and you gave him a reason to do that, personally i think you over reacted, unless he got the food and brought him home and ate it in front of you and your kids, he was making sure his kid got fed, have you ever taken your kids for a meal out whilst his son wasn’t around, deffo made a big deal out of nothing


you were in the wrong regarding the kids meal thing but what he is doing is way worse. Him moving out without talking to you about it first and changing his status to single are both HUGE RED FLAGS . honey , sounds like there is something else going on and he is doing this as a "reason " to act like this. You say he has lived with you at your house for a year? and for him to just move out suddenly without any warning means, to me in my opinion, he already is “shacking up” with another chick. Change the locks on your doors and set his remaing items in the front yard. Boy bye!!!


Move on " he has showed his true colours :+1:


You both act juvenile! Grow up!


Screw him! Take it as a blessing. If you’re dating someone, ESPECIALLY Living with someone, they need to love and accept your children as their own


He’s a jerk who clearly didn’t want to be a family with you. You’re better off without him.


Some of this stuff has GOT to be satire

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Yikes . Run .
I wouldn’t stand for that . I ever took it either . My ex always did :poop: like that too . One day I didn’t even know he had his kids and I didn’t feel like cooking so I brought home Mary Browns chicken burger meals . I walked in through the door and put the bags down and went to washroom , he came upstairs and tried grabbing the whole bag and took it downstairs… I SNAPPED . I went down and took it . He was mad that I didn’t buy for his kids. For one I didn’t know they were there , second he did it to mine ALL THE TIME. Apparently he didn’t like when he worse the show on the other foot . I told him , you’ve got your own money . Take them to go eat , I ain’t cooking .
That same night when he dropped his kids off I packed his :poop: and told him it was done . I wasn’t going to do this back and forth crap and have treat my kids like absolute crap. My boys hated him and our kids did not get along at all . It was a dead end relationship

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That’s shit. Let him go. Your child is an extension of you, if he can’t love ALL of you, why the FCUK do you want to be with him.

Move on girl move on .it’s over.hes already moved on and so should you.Good luck :crossed_fingers:


He is not for you. If he left like that, he is not coming back. Focus on your family first, and definitely don’t run after him!

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I’d say you are wrong. Although my boyfriend treats my daughter to the things he treats his kids to not just food wise but everything, and I appreciate it so much and it’s wonderful of him to do, I completely understand that he absolutely does NOT have to and I would completely understand if he didn’t. That’s not his child point blank period!!! He is not obligated!! So to start fights/arguments with your significant other because of that, is petty. I’d leave your ass too. Get your ass over to McDonald’s and get YOUR kids McDonald’s if you don’t want them to feel left out! YOU are their mother, YOU make it happen, YOU make it better, YOU fix the situation if you feel it’s wrong. It’s YOUR job, your duty as their parent!!! Foh

If he was willing to pack and leave, there’s more to all of this than just these few issues. While you’re dating, YOUR kids are not his responsibility. While it would be nice of him, he doesn’t HAVE to buy your kids jack; espeeecially if it was on the way home and the kid finished it before they ever got home.

You expect him to have a conversation with you and talk things out yet you left twice in a row to go do your own thing?

Your relationship overall doesn’t seem good for either of you and it’s best for both of you to just move on.


No, you weren’t. You two have built a family and therefor all kids are equal. Period.

Girl let him go, breaking up over that maybe ot was just an excuse to escape for him. You did nothing wrong

I’am making over $153 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18766 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>> https://dollarsearningjob258.pages.dev/

You should move on. You and your kids are a package deal just like him and his kid. If he can’t treat your kids better and include them then he is not the man for you and your kids


I would say yes & no, He treated his son to a special treat, that is not wrong, But you made a big deal out of it, He left, so that is the deal, If it is meant to be, you might get back, but this time, take things slowly & he doesn’t have to move in with you right away, if you guys do get back together

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You were wrong for going out 2 nights in a row in the middle of a fight…leaving him to take care of all the kids
In our house if you go to work with one of us you get treats no matter who’s DNA you have :woman_shrugging:


Not his kids, not his responsibility, why do women always expect their bfs to support their kids.


Yup move on. If he doesn’t see your kids as his own he is not worth it. I have a child with my husband and 2 other girls from my prior marriage. My hubby is always including my girls. He treats them the same.


You are not wrong and he just proved he does not believe you all are family

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He should’ve bought all the kids McDonald’s. 

It seems like hes had 1 foot out the door for awhile & used this argument as his out. I’d move on.


Just move on.
Anytime I go somewhere to eat, if I have someone else’s kid with me, they will eat to, if I have to do without all of the kids get fed. He was wrong and you should just move on

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No u were not wrong
The guy is a tool

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Was he looking for an excuse to leave anyway - move on love you are worth more x


No you were not wrong ! I would contact him ever again

his petty and immature.
his family ideals are not on par with yourse.
his not in it for all the right reasons and has made it clear with his actions he doesn’t want to spend money or time on kids that are not his.
personally i would let sleeping dogs lie move forward he walked out very easily let the gRbage take its self out

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If I take one or 2 kids somewhere, I feed them lol, I don’t bring home food for the others lol. That just a special thing I do with kids who want to leave the house…I’ve never brought food back until I didn’t feel like cooking


He was out with his son and your kids weren’t with him so he didn’t get it for them


how far away was he when he got the child McDonalds maybe he wanted some time with just him nothing wrong with that, did he call you saying they were eating if so why did you not take your 3 and meet him, does your 3 and him go to McD often and his other son not so much. How big of a age is between them? So many question unsaid why did you leave your children and go to play darts? Did you leave them with him and his son? A man does not think like a woman does what does he treat your children like if good maybe you are making a big deal out of nothing so you might have to change your thinking if he treats them different then you are right get used to being alone


You’re not wrong about being upset about the food but you’re wrong for leaving and going out partying.


If he brought it home to eat, he should have bought for everyone. If they ate out, then just for them is fine.


You played chicken and lost. Deal.


I feel this might be less about you being mad he bought his own son food (which I feel like if they ate it away from home it’s not a big deal but if they are infront of the other kids he should’ve definitely bought them food too) but it probably has not to do with the fact you ducked off to the bar and then the casino 2 nights in a row instead of working things out with your partner … just my opinion


Let him go. What a jerk.


He did you a favor… He’s a creep


I mean, the entire situation doesn’t make the relationship seem like it would be a successful one. He’s allowed to take his son out, just the two of them without you making it a thing. To be honest, you made it a huge deal, so I completely understand why he would be mad when you tried to make him feel bad AND by leaving two nights in a row to party. The bond between you two doesn’t sound like a strong one with how you both decided to handle it.


Both of you are toxic af for each other. Move on.


This is definitely not about him not bringing food for your kids. He was waiting for an opportunity to leave. Women should learn to treat men the same way and leave. Why give them the chance to?


Damn girl!! Probably way more to this BUT… He ain’t coming back! Go on back to the bar find you another man

That wouldn’t bother me. He was hanging out with his kid all day. They got food together as a treat and came home :woman_shrugging:t3: I don’t see the issue. My oldest comes home from grandmas all the time with McDonald’s. I’m not gonna make them get food for the other 2 kids cause they spend time with her and took her out.


No You were not wrong and don’t let him manipulate you into thinking you was. You were wrong to run off while in the middle of a problem. Leave him alone and act like it doesn’t bother you. It’s a game these boys play.


Who had your kids when you went out twice in a row? Did you inform him you were leaving? Were you also “cooling off” the second night too?


You were splitting the bills, that implies he was helping you to buy food, shelter, comfort things for your kids anyway. His son does not have the luxury of both parents living under the same roof. His dad is his constant, and dad’s are known to have one on ones with their sons. Because of your pettiness you’ve lost a good man. If your kids were with him when he got Maccas for his son, then yeah you can be pissed, but they weren’t.


You’re not wrong & he’s acting like a literal child.

Was your kids with him ? If not then I would think it’s ok .


No I were not wrong that was very rude of him

Let’s be serious here, if a man left the house for 2 nights and blew something out of proportion and then the woman moved out we’d all be applauding her for standing up for herself and not being a doormat. It’s the same here - he’s justified.

He sees his child 8 days. You’re upset that he did something special for his child who he sees only 25% of an entire month while he lives with your children 100% of the time. I’m assuming you both do things with your kids when his son isn’t there, correct? So what’s the difference? His son went to work with him for the day - there’s nothing wrong with a treat and not reciprocating for everyone else.

And frankly the fact that you left him to basically babysit the kids 2 nights in a row is so unnecessary and disrespectful that it’s not shocking he decided to leave.


Yes move on. I don’t think he will ever treat your kids as his own

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There is not even a grey area on this subject…He was :100: in the wrong!! I’d bet all my chips he had already made the decision he was moving but was waiting for the perfect timing except now he’s flipped it back on you making you ? something you know in your heart is wrong but are second guessing if it is or isn’t. Straight up mind fuck is what he did to you. If you continue to choose to play the mind game, you will lose because he already is winning by you 2nd guessing. He walked let him keep walking!!

His son was w him an hour away on way home. Not like he came home from work w one bag of McDonald’s while everyone else was there w nothing.


It’s McDonald’s, come on. I had to realize a long time ago that being in a blended family meant that things wouldn’t always be fair for all the kids. It’s not worth getting upset over, if you want to make your relationship work. He was out with his son after work, he’s allowed to stop and get him something to eat if he wants. Same with you and your kids. I don’t see the big deal. Except maybe next time, don’t blow up and try to communicate. Not go to bars and casinos with no talking and wonder why he’s fed up?


Not at all were you wrong ! Let him go if he can’t treat your kids the same. Your kids are your first priority over any man. Stay strong and let him reach out to you with an apology and if doesn’t then let it be. Your kids deserve to be treated equally and obviously he isn’t doing that. This isn’t the first time he did this, so that shows that he don’t care about your kids or your relationship.

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His child was with him alllll day and he chose to treat him afterwards. Your children were not with him… why should he have to bring something home for them? Honestly if I were out with only one of my own children all day & felt like treating that child to something afterwards I would not feel the need to bring all of my children home the same treat. He only gets his child 8 days a month. You left him with the kids to go “cool off” at a bar and then a casino. I can’t even count the things ridiculous about this post & it’s even more irritating that if roles were reversed all of these women would be applauding you for leaving. BIG YIKES all around!


Honestly it seems he was looking for a way out and used that because he knew it’d set you off. He was probably already cheating or talking to someone new.


Regardless of who was right or wrong this has now set the bar for your relationship even if he did come back. You’re going to constantly worry that when things get tough, he will leave.


Move on! Your kids deserve better and he is a coward.


First- yes your wrong-! He took his child who he see 8 days a month with him to work and grabbed food on the way home- get over it. Second you threw a tantrum and went to that bar and left him watching YOUR kids. Then you came home didn’t speak and left him watching YOUR kids again. So he treated his kid to McDonald’s then babysat YOUR kids while you went out. Seems like he was over your tantrum.


Maybe he just wanted a moment with him and his son, he’s always with your kids. Idk


Looooooooooool at this. Youre so wrong here :joy:


I’am making over $153 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18950 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>> https://LifeStyle260.pages.dev

Let the tight ass go!

How any adult could buy one kid McDonald’s and not the others is just cruel !

Byeeeee Felicia

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Sounds like he was ready to pack his things and go before this happened. I’d be upset too if I was in your situation especially if you’ve expressed yourself before. Hugs