- You definitely kinda overreacted. They stopped for food on the way home. It’s that simple. 2. You made a mistake by leaving and not talking about it to begin with. And you gave him A LOT of space so he probably assumed you were done. He’s obviously hurt and made his decision at this point in time. The only thing you can do is apologize to him about it and inform him you miss him and hope to work it out.
Honestly the only reason you’re hurt is probably because it was his son and your kids. You’re taking offense due to the blended nature of it. Had all four been yours and his you probably wouldn’t of flinched had he bought food for the one on the way home. They were hungry man. And I would like to point out when you went to the bar to blow off steam he was probably the one sitting at home caring for your kids without so much as a word from you. Not knowing what you were doing he probably thinks you went and got some strange. Who knows what he thinks because you blew up on him and then didn’t try to reconcile.
You are definitely wrong- if he wasn’t even with your kids and was just him and his kid all day!
Give your head a shake……
There’s more to him leaving then just this instance obviously……
Ya you are wrong pay for your own damn kids! They’re not his responsibility men hate that!
Take care of your own.
He has 1 kid 8 days a month and you have to ruin it ??? He deals with yours all the time and he’s splitting bills 50% for 3 kids that aren’t his?!?
You’re making it hard for the rest of us.
No you were not wrong in being upset that he didn’t buy your kids food. That’s not right. He should be treating your kids like his own as well.
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Fuck that asshole. You weren’t wrong and as sad as it is get on with moving on honey
Probably not the best idea to go to the bar and the casino the next night if things are tense at home.
My interpretation is that the problem stems from what he did but your reaction was also crap. You went out both nights and didn’t deal with it. Did he stay home with the kids while you went out or were they at their dads etc? I think yous either need to communicate or call it a day
Where were your kids when you went out 2 nights in a row? He was within the boundary if he let his son eat out unless he brought the food home & let him eat in front of your kids. You could have just gotten food for your kids instead of going out by yourself 2 nights in a row.
No you were wrong for going out twice when you knew you had issues at home
Sounds like a pretty petty reason for a break up so it must have been a shaky relationship before this day and this was his last straw. There is nothing wrong with a dad that only sees his son 8 days a month, compared to being with your kids every day, to stop after a long day at work with him to grab a bite or to spend quality time with his son without you or your kids. He’s trying to be a good dad and you should appreciate that. Also seems like your solution to a issue is to run to the bar or gamble. I think my question wouldn’t be why he left but why not
He has moved on he knew you would get mad because of what he did and he did it on purpose,let him go he is beign carcastic and manipulative
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Move on he should of brought ur kids food as well
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Did he bring it to the house and had him eating a happy meal in front of the others? It sounds like the 8 year old was hungry with an hour drive ahead of them. Now if he stopped in your town, got themselves food and ate it in front of you, I think that’s messed up. But you shouldn’t have up and left.
Sounds like he was looking for the fight as a reason to leave
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If he bough him food to bring home to eat,then he should have got the other the same. If he ate it out then you are wrong.
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Nah, let him go. Anyone who gets involved with someone who has kids need to know that the kids come first…all the kids not just his or hers. Anyone that treated my kids like that would be at the curb.
Did he stop and eat there with his son or did he bring it home? And you sound hella immature. You have zero communication skills. He is usually isn’t that into you
Too much people out here playing house and the children feeling the consequences
His son was with him and not your 3 children so why would he buy them food, unless they waited to eat it at home.
Why didn’t you just buy your kids food with the money that you spent at the bar and casino if it was really about your kids being left out … Also, since it was such a big deal that he didn’t get your kids food, I’m assuming that they were at the house when you left to go to the bar and casino and he had to watch them for two nights in a row while you went and had fun instead of talking like an adult?? Yeah, I’d have my shit packed and ready too.
I guess it depends on how stopping for food happened…if the kids ate in the car and was finished by the time he got home thats one thing. If he bought it and had the kid walk in the house and eat thats another story. Thats rude. Honestly if y’all are fighting over this its over.
Honestly he’s going to act like that towards your children and you and just leave like that just let him go it’s not worth it if if you needed space then you would have said that he wouldn’t have just packed up and left and if he wanted to work out he wouldn’t even left
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They stopped for food…his kid was probably hungry after being at work all day. You are being petty…then you want to repay him by going to the bar and casino??? Sounds like you need to grow up…he did the right thing.
He’s selfish or manipulative or both. Move on while you have the chance!
Sometimes God takes people that aren’t good for you out of your life. Don’t run after them!!!
He should have asked. If you already made dinner then ok. But that’s odd behavior. You were in a relationship, you are supposed to share things. And if he doesn’t want to buy your kids a couple of happy meals, then I think you dogged a bullet. Time to change your status and the locks.
Post a photo of what he left outside on your town Facebook group for free.
Um, wow! I’m just curious if you make note of each time you do for your kids while his son isn’t there and get him those things he missed out on when he comes over. This blows my mind that you got so mad over a “happy meal” that you had to go cool off at the bar…. He only has his son 8days/month and they were out together and he bought his lunch. He should not be made to feel bad for this. Sounds like you are one of those “my kids” “your kid” people and he was probably smart to go. My husband and I are together with 2 kids but we do things individually with them as well. I’m sure there are times you go out to lunch with only your kids! If they were all with him and he only bought for one that’d be different, but in this scenario seems as you are in the wrong.
I think you over reacted and then escalated things further by ignoring him and going out. Not for just one night but two nights in a row. Where were your kids while you were doing this? Quite frankly, I wouldn’t tolerate that behavior in my relationship either. Instead of trying to work it out you bail. I feel like people get so hung up of this kid vs that kid when they try to blend family’s and it just causes chaos. (I my self and from and have a blended family) I’ve witnessed it my whole life. Have you never talked just one of your kids somewhere doctors, dentist, school pick up and grabbed that one child you had with you a bite to eat? What’s the big deal? There is none. I know when I’ve picked up my son or daughter and had to be somewhere with one I’ve gotten them individual meals. If the kid is hungry he’s hungry. He’s done and to be honest there is quite a lot from reading this immaturity in your relationship. If you’re starting petty fights like this then going out I’m sure you’re doing it more times than not. He’s probably sick of your behavior. Sounds like you both need to move on.
He’s being petty… if he’s man enough to move in with you then be a dad to all kids and treat equally not when convenient! Let him go. Who knows what else he’s doing!
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Move on! He’s a child. You don’t need another child. Life is too short to play these childish games.
You definitely overreacted. And then you blowing him off to go out was very rude. They were on their way home from his work that was an hour away. It would have been completely useless for him to grab food for your kids it would have been cold by the time you got it.
You should be doing the happy dance
Guy buys his kid food leads to you going to the bar one day and the casino the next. INSTEAD of leaving to go buy your 3 kids McDonalds and having a good conversation with him about how you feel. Who was watching your kids while you were gone?
I’m confused… so they was an hour away and his son was hungry. So he stopped on the way to feed him and you’re mad about not bringing home cold food from McDonald’s. Also they don’t have food where they are and he probably assumed y’all have food at home.
No you weren’t wrong! If you include his son so should he include yours! Let him go. He sounds like a petty little F*ck! Btw, he is quiet, and ignoring you which is another form of emotional/ mental abuse! Your kids are depending on you to protect them from guys like this. Life is too short, find someone who is willing to be your life partner not a petty little boy! Move on!
Should have dealt with it before leaving for 2 nights in a row. If you two cant figure out how you want to feed your children, then it’s probably best to to find a partner who can. I wouldve been pissed if he kept buying my children mcdonalds or any garbage food like that honestly. And i surely wouldnt be upset if they missed out on it. This behavior sounds immature for a mother of 3. Let him go or change things. If you both cant manage something this trivial then, let it go.
If they child ate in the car what’s the big deal?? If they brought it home you should of went and got your kids something and just talk to him about it. Maybe he was trying to have a father son day parents are aloud to do that. I think you over reacted . He foes get his son that much but you have your children more so you have time to spoil them. You leaving for 2 day is an issue. I can see for a few hours but 2 days? Leave him be
Did his son eat the McDonalds in the car on the way home or did he eat it at home in front of the other kids? If he ate it in the car then you overreacted terribly, if he ate it in front of the other children Then that is not ok
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Yes, you are in the wrong. It’s ok for him to have father son time and eat McDonald’s without sharing with everyone. I have 4 kids and i take them all on dates like this, one on one. Maybe learn how to communicate with your partner instead of running off to the bar and casino when you are upset.
Sing praise and thanksgiving that he is out of your life! Now get you locks changed.
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If the food was brought home in front of the other kids i would say its wrong. But if it was eaten before hand he wasnt wrong. The kid was hungry from being at work and needed to eat. But if it was brought home then yeah he should have included all of them.
With that said, your behavior was absolutely wrong regardless. You dont take off partying for 2 days because your bf didnt act exactly the way you wanted him to. That is NOT how a mature relationship works. You acted very immature. You stay and have adult conversations and work it out. You dont run off and party. Sounds like he aint for the immaturity.
Me and my husband ate Arbys on the way home from Lowes and didn’t bring home any for our 15 year old. Maybe he will move out! Jk. Seriously grow up.
If he bought the food why he was out with his son then he didn’t need to bring your children food back sorry
Ya I think the having a issue bout him not buying your kids food isn’t what the real issue is. It was just what broke the camels back per say. Also he’ll I have had one of my kids or two with me and gotten them food on way home and not the others cause others had been eating and ones with me hadn’t. or when youngest two where not in school yet but brother was we had McDonald’s and we didn’t get their older one some. I don’t think he needed to bring your kids anything tbh.
Also to add you running off doing WHSTEVER for two days not cool. Should of stayed and talked it out and also where were your kids when you did this? Did you leave them with him to babysit them?
You’ve never had a kid and mommy date? You take one kid and not the rest. Maybe it was a father son date since he barely sees his son…?. But to me you sound like a mess, you went to the bar and then a casino? haha and you have much more kids then him. Darling go find someone else to push your problems on
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If they ate on the way home and no food was eaten in front of your kids then no don’t see the big deal its only McDonald’s
Hell no that’s ridiculous he can’t buy some kids some food he needs to go his first thought should be y’all’s kids they deserve to feel loved move on
I would say you overreacted, your bf and his son was over an hr away as you stated, if he had brought your kids food, it would have been very cold and sometimes McDonald’s isn’t good when it’s warm lol. Also in my opinion, you had an hr to have made your kids something to eat by the time your bf and his son had returned home from work.
i’m guessing there was more to why he left- and this was just the final
straw instead of communicating his expectations as a combined /mixed family
You wrote it down and still don’t see how crazy it sounds??
I have two sisters and there have been times I went somewhere with a parent and they got me fast food on the way back and not the others. And the same goes for the other two. We didn’t all always get the same things at the same time.
Let him go. Sounds like a pos childish brat anyway.
Afraid he treats your kids different so your retaliation is to leave the kids with him while you go hang with friends maybe he’s mad you ate out with your friends and didn’t buy him food… see how dumb that sounds
If he doesn’t treat your kids like they’re his, especially when cohabitating, let him go! You said it’s not this 1st time, he’s shown you how he feels about them, move on.
Yes you are over reacting. He had his child at work with him. They probably snacked all day instead of eating. As long as he didn’t bring the food in front of your kids there shouldn’t be a issue.
So you probably threw whole ass relationship away over something small
He sounds selfish an immature move on better of wif out him if he’s favouring his kid over urs y would u buy 1 child food an not the rest so they watch wat a loser
No you wasnt wrong cause he should of bought for your kids to since you do for his son. I thank if it were me i would mive on since you said this was not the first tine it has hapoened …
Move on why you wasting your time girl life is to short.
Move on. It’s not worth the headache. It’s best he leaves now then 5 years. Hea already done and gone it seems. Let him go and learn to be content on your own. Who excludes their partners children especially after a year? No partner of mine I can tell you that much.
The bigger question is where did he go? Was he planning this and found him a new apartment without your knowledge? Does he have family close by? Is some other female entertaining him? He sounds like a headache.
Let him go!!! Either your kids are his kids or you find someone else. I don’t know any individual that would leave out kids. That super f’ed in general but especially if y’all have been dating for some time.
Move on and don’t look back!
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You weren’t wrong about the food butttt why would you move someone in right in the beginning of a relationship? And then while your fighting instead of staying home and talking it out you went out 2 nights in a row, leaving him with all 4 kids. Your both immature.
He could’ve at least offered , called you . However I think it was wrong of you to just walk out on argument and go to bar then be gone next day too at casino . Just my opinion tho
You’ve dodged a bullet ! He is not invested in the family like you are. You and your kids deserve better. you got this mama !!!
What him and his son does on their own time together is non of your business. Your not married.
Let him leave. He’s a dork
Just let him go! Anyone man or woman should never buy One and not the others! You’re right to be pissed about it. Wonder what he’d do if you bought for only you and your kids and not them? He’d probably be a big ass baby about it. Cheap Bastard in my book! SELFISH! Demand he gets the rest of his shit out! Then go shoot darts!!!
He didn’t need to buy them food. His child was with him and was taken on the way home. If you wanted your kids to have some, you could’ve taken them out for it. And I’m sure you treat his kid differently without realizing. Most do because there’s a certain bond with your own vs. others. Your actions are the more alarming ones here.
There must have been bigger issues cuz why leave over a food argument? He been wanted to leave
No but if he wants too go let him go girl you and your kids deserve better…Don’t chase him replace him🤷♀️
Yes he should have offered, but why are you upset that he wouldn’t have a conversation with you, after you went out 2 nights in a row?
That time could have been crucial in mending your relationship. No matter how heated an argument gets, stay… dont go out as it gives the other person time to brew and more ammunition…
Hope you are okay x
The fact that he moved his stuff out…let him go
Move on, he left and moved out over buying kids food??? That’s immature let him go
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I’ve gotten a kid that’s with me fast food plenty of times. Their reward for going with me when I asked. I have 6 and I’ve done it for them all, and yes the others were sitting at home
If he can’t stick it out and have respect for you and your children he isn’t the right partner for you. Love means respect and consideration.
Let him stay gone. He’s never going to treat your kids the way he should.
That is his son who he only gets to see 8 days a month… that little boy deserves some one on one time with his dad without his dads partners kids around all the time. Your children are not his but they get more of him living in the same house than his own son does.
Who was looking after your kids while u went to the pub? Or to the casino? I’m guessing your partner was? Not really fair that they get to spend time with him and you don’t think his own son should be able to
You’re not wrong for feeling that way but you also have to understand they grabbed food on the way home. do you know the timing of
The matter?? Like did they grab food when they just left for an hour drive? He could have called and let you know they would get food before heading home and you guys could go get ur own. My thing is, don’t bring food/snacks etc for just one kid when there’s more kids at home. But if they were out and about it shouldn’t be a big deal. I do this with my own kids at times. If we’re out shopping and I only have one kid we may get a bite afterwards. Sounds like a communication issue between you two. It’s unfortunate it’s come down to this.
If he moved out due to that one issue it’s a one sided relationship just move on.
I don’t know how old you are but I would close the door and find a new window to open.
First of all know you’re not wrong I would never buy my kids food and not other kids that are around I don’t care whose kids they are. Secondly if he’s gonna pack his shit up and move out and be that petty sounds like he was looking for a reason to leave anyways you need to MoveOn if it’s your house you need to give him a timeline to get the rest of his stuff and if he doesn’t come get it Sell it 
He could’ve offered but he was out with his son on his time. You aren’t married he has no obligation to feed your three kids too. You being upset by it to the point of going to out 2 nights without resolving your issue is petty and he moved out you should move on.
I can’t believe how many people think he’s in the wrong…? So you guys never spend one on one time with each of your kids?
Get over it…u are in the wrong with this one and quite frankly dnt blame him for leaving…I’m sure he does for ur kids any other time wen his isn’t around…where’s the concern then? Now an example of a good time to be pissy would be if ur kids had to eat home cooked meals while their dad and his new gf go out and pick up food for themselves and their half siblings regularly without thinking of them at all. By that I mean leaving before I cook. We all live under the same roof…long story…my girls dad will do more for his sons with his gf than ours. That’s something to make a big deal about. Not him stopping to eat with his son whom he only sees 8 days a month after working his ass off and still having an hour ride to get home.
If he brought it back to the house to eat in front of the other kids, it was inconsiderate and rude. If he ate on the way home, I don’t see the issue.
No you’re not wrong to be mad at him for not buying your kids food,
What you did wrong was run away from the situation to go play darts at a bar,
Then the next night you run to the casino, Like a little child does when they get in trouble!
And another thing where was the kids?
How would you have liked it if he run to the bar, two nights in a row??
Y’all have too many kids to be playing these childish games!!
Both of y’all need to grow up and act like adults!!
And so what if he changed his status on
Fakebook, Don’t let Fakebook bother you that much!!
You’re being very childish…going to casino and bar to play darts…who was with your kids… Doesn’t matter…his son was probably very hungry…what did you do all day that left his son out of things…what did you eat?
Grow up!!!
Did he bring a big ass McDs feast back and they enjoyed it in front of your children? Cause that would prob piss me off.
But it sounds like they just grabbed some food on the way home and your being super extra about it.
He & his son only get limited time - he did nothing wrong … If the kid was at work with him all day he was most certainly hungry by the time it was time to head home … You & your kids were at home & I’m assuming you all had food to eat … No sense in making the son wait - if a kid is hungry feed them !
You on the other hand threw a wall eyed tizzy fit !! Leaving to go to the bar to play darts (Im guessing you left your kids with him at home) then going to the casino the next night (I’m guessing you left your kids with him Again) was a complete baby assed move !! I’d be livid with you & I don’t blame him for getting away from your toxicity !! I’m also guessing you threw that fit in front of the kids !! Grow tf up !!
I don’t really think it’s wrong to want him to get something for the other kids too IF they’re going to be eating in front of them, but it’s not something I would get upset over it’s not a big deal and absolutely understandable as his kid was with him and the others weren’t.
However I think you messed up going out. I understand some cool down time, but I can’t imagine going off to the bar when arguing with my partner…a walk maybe, another room…but then sort it out. It doesn’t really sound like you gave him a chance to have a conversation with you if you weren’t even around.
Sure seems like a lot of this story is being left out, there’s gotta be more that’s been going on leading up to this…I don’t believe “he just left over buying food for your kids”
It sounds like he took his son to work with him and they stopped and ate on the way home. If your kids were not with him and they did not bring food home and ate in front of your kiss I don’t think you have a right to complain.
He had dinner with his son after they were out all day, what’s the big deal? Instead of complaining and going out to a fucking bar, you could have taken YOUR kids to mcdonalds. Stop running away from problems.
He should of offered but it sounds like he was looking for a way out just because you guys argued about food that’s no reason to pack up and leave
Dude should’ve at least said hey we’re stopping for food, let me know if anyone wants anything. Also, sounds like that was the last straw for him, for him to up & leave over something so minuscule… communication is the issue (of probably many)… the ones that take the most fall are them kids… which you weren’t thinking about when you decided to go out 2 nights in a row instead of trying to make amends… doesn’t sound like it’s the first time, either. Sad. Yall best to part ways IMO
It depends, did he stop and they ate on the way home? Or did he bring the his kid food home and they ate in front of your kids? Thats the difference to me. I mean we work construction and we have 6 kids and tons of times we stop on the way home from work and grab some food, if we have one of our kids with us we buy that kid food as well, but not the ones who been home all day and could eat
Yea pretty selfish your kids wasn’t with him his was, after being out for awhile his son needed to eat you were able to feed yours at home… besides hes with yours full time and his limited time I have 3 kids and my oldest typically don’t wanna leave the house if he don’t go he don’t get food lol he knows while I’m running errands I stop to feed his siblings so he knows. Also leaving him 2 nights in a row instead of teying to discuss the matter like adults was a screw up too
I think it’s the fact that after the ‘food’ incident, you purposely went out two days in a row, leaving him alone with all four kids by himself, and you not properly communicating with him instead… By you being petty and leaving him alone over such an overly dramatic situation, you showed him your true colors. He was with his child that day, and he can buy him a meal, and only him because they were out at the time. He’s not obliged to buy the entire family food when he’s spending one on one time with his child he barely gets to see as it is.
You’re super petty going out two days in a row leaving him with all the kids. Don’t blame him for leaving your childish ass
You were not wrong for being upset, but definitely wrong for running off to the bar / casinos!!
Yeah it probably would have been cold by the time he got home.