We are struggling to parent our teen who is also a parent

Forget school (for now). It’s an added stress for no reason (for now). Need to get your daughter out of the house, find new hobbies, new people, maybe other mums in same predicament. This has potential to change her mindset.


It is called tough love she made the choice to get pregnant . Now the time for her to be parent.and him to if she does not like your rules then she needs to go live with boyfriend and grow up


It’s hard I know but let her make mistakes she will learn the hard way

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Change the wifi password.


I was this child. I can’t tell you the tears my mother cried. I just KNEW my boyfriend was right and my parents just wanted to be mean and controlling. I remember my father begging me with tears running down his cheeks to please not follow my boyfriend’s path… I sure wish I’d just listened My parents. My heart is with you so much. She is just fifteen. You can ban her from seeing him unless it is about their child. This sounds awful and mean but definitely would’ve saved my family from so much pain and struggles… You need to do what is best for your child. That may end with her hating you for it. But at the same time, you don’t want to break up a set of parents. Oofta. I am sorry. Truly. Please atleast check into getting her on the chins (child in need of supervision) program. This isn’t just a teen being free, this is a teen who NEEDS to stop being a teen and parent her child. Once again, I have been her and I do not believe she truly understands what she is doing or affecting…


Honestly baby having a baby. Maybe trying to get guardianship of baby (until she is ready and capable of being a mother. Make sure she is involved in everything) and try to get daughter into counseling and such. Maybe support groups for young mothers and fathers? Be their for her, try to have a sit down with them and talk it out set boundaries. Maybe family counseling too. Have courts involved so he is ordered child support also. Try to take things away until baby is all every night . (Bathed,fed,bonding and such) teach her how to be a mother while you are with her every step of the way. My heart goes out to you.


Children having children. She is still a child and still wants to live her teen years. Not sure what you were all expecting ?:woman_shrugging: good luck with it all though

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First off that boy would not be welcome in my home regardless if his baby lives there if he wants visits with baby plan something out of your home as for her I would have heart to heart start by asking her what she wants for her child and ask how she thinks she can give that and tell her to prove everyone wrong and do whats best for her baby. I disagree with pulling out of school just because she is pregnant she should have continued at regular school

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Look up Brittain Academy in high point nc and call them she can test out and get her diploma so she at least has that.

Not sure how any of this makes his parents not decent?
YOUR child had sex too so are you indecent?
Honestly there isn’t much you can do, you can’t force her to obey, you can’t force her to do school, and you can’t force her to support herself or her child yet
The real victim here is that poor baby
You can try filing for guardianship of the baby and let your daughter continue making her own mistakes

Put her out
Tough love is needed
She needs to get off her butt and grow up

I’d make strict rules and if she didn’t abide by them she’s find her own place to live
Tell her job or school. Or find your own place. It’s your house not hers if she cannot follow your rules she can go find her some where else. Once she has to face real life in the real world. Her attitude will change.


Primrose says throw her at mental institution …

She lives in your house. Her property is yours, even if you didn’t buy it. You can take it. I just listened to a podcast in which the police officers were talking about this very thing.


She’s still a kid. It sounds like a good ol fashion butt bustin is needed here to remind her of a few things!!! :woman_shrugging:

Sounds like she needs to go to Job Corps??

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I’d do tough love… honestly. That’s cool she has a tablet. Doesnt need to have your wifi password logged in. Change it and only you under it into the computer she uses for school. Block social apps if you feel the need she is still in your home and a child who’s now learning yo be a parent herself


I’d send her off for misbehaved children. She will go to school.

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Therapy. Don’t let him over. He can see his kid outside of your house. But she Cant go until her work is caught up. She doesn’t get any help with school/baby /anything financial. She wants to be an adult treat her as such. She wants to be a kid treat as one. Cant have both ways.


File for temp guardianship of your grandchild. Lay out the rules and put down firm boundaries. By firm you must follow thru!


Contact juvenile authorities.

Easy fix dont pay her phone bill …and turn off wifi … Now …unpopular opinion but …have her choose …GED …or diploma …no ifs ands or buts …let her choose if she thinks sheez grown …after tht and baby is a bit older …she might bs motivates to get a job to pay her phone …repeat (might)…this is any 16yr old honestly …but it cant be forever …she needs to grow up now since she wanna act grown :tipping_hand_woman:


In my state, once you have a child you are emancipated. I would have her test for her GED. See if she passes then she at least has that. Ask questions about the future. What does she want for her and her child? How is she going to support her and her child? Is there a career she is interested in? There is a lot of programs for single moms under 25. She could basically be anything she wants to be. But she is not going to be what you want her to be. She has to feel like she’s in control of the situation. I would start by changing the conversation, and if that doesn’t work the wifi password.

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What are HIS parents doing? Clearly they have no control over their son. Have you tried getting her into therapy? Parenting classes? She needs to try to be a good role model for her child. I’m sorry I really don’t know what to say. I have 3 grown kids (raised them by myself) and I’ve never had this issue.

Honestly coming from a teen mom and later at 16 my daughter a teen mom as well. U cant force her to be a mom as u cant force him . That baby would have a better chance with a family through adoption. I know it sounds really bad but what happens later on? Only one suffering is gonna be that poor baby. Id let her be on her own if she thinks its easier. Its not giving up on ur child , its letting her see first hand what the real world is about. But either way the baby deserves so much better. U can take all of it away and shes still gonna fight to keep putting him number 1 till she chooses for her self. And the more u crack ur whip the more hell an heartache ur gonna go through. I was lucky my daughter is a outstanding mother but i had to let her make her own choices and mistakes as we did growing up. Guys now days are dead beats , not all of them but 60% just knocks girls up and deny the child or their facebook dads but in real life they dont help with anything. Its sad , these babies being born into this world without stability and theres so many families that cant have babies but would adore a child they adopt as their own. These kids thinks its a game but its hell , its us grandparents having to raise babies after we already raised ours. So Honestly if what ur explaining was my situation , i would do just as i suggested. Its about pertecting these babies .

Been there hun all I can say is try to get court order for him to stay away xx

First question
Why would you allow your daughter and him be left unsupervised at that age
Second question Why punish her now by taking away her electronic devices
And forcing her to home school
There is no reason she can’t go to school just because she is pregnant
Many girls do attend school up until they are close to going into labor
It sounds like you are trying to control her
If she is old enough to have unprotected sex and get pregnant she is old enough to accept the consiquences
At least the father is involved in his child’s life and you should be grateful for that
As for pot and vaping she could of said no at anytime
Teens especially are influenced by their peers
There is no way of stopping that
So what if she doesn’t graduate with her class
She can always go back to school at a later stage
She will eventually grow up and will realize her child and her responsibilities has to come first
Best piece of advice would be to give them a few boxes of condoms and a conversation on safe sex

Your house your rules or she can move out and make it on you her own. Pay her own bills, work, finish school and raise her baby! That is how it would be in my house anyway


I had my daughter at 15 and my nana made me learn the hard way but now that I’m older I appreciate her so much for making me the mother I am today


I got pregnant at 17 and gave birth at 18. I was a Junior when I got pregnant gave birth in November going to an alternative school where I was able to bring my daughter with me learn how to be a parent and still graduate with my diploma. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA and a 6 month old babygirl lol. I live in Florida in the Orlando area the program I went to was called the Beta Program for Girls. Not sure where you are at but check your town and check with school there may be options for her that are better then her being at home all day

she may be a parent but she is a child. send her to military school to get her some structure while you take care of your grandchild. don’t give her a choice.


She lives in ur house… your rules… she was grown enough to get pregnant than she should be acting grown for her responsibilities…at the end you are doing it for her own good …she will see that when she is older


Get DCP involved the will put a parenting plan in place

I’d emancipate her. She wants to be grown, let her be grown. If she starts failing at being a parent, petition for soul custody especially since she is a minor.


I think she should probably take a break from school tbh. The pressure of caring for a baby plus going to school is too much. It is. Some people could probably handle it but she’s just little herself. I seems like she’s being pulled in a bunch of different directions all while trying to develop mentally and physically. Again she is still so young. Maybe meet in the middle. Make a deal, you don’t need to do school but you need to become a full time mommy and take care of your body too(no smoking no vaping) if you’re going to stay here. Wait till the baby is school age and they can both go to school. There are so many options for education. 4 years will fly by and she can start fresh.


Your putting a lot of blame on the boy…he got her pregnant, he got her smoking weed, he got her vaping…its time to realize she is equally responsible for her situation…if she has no way of supporting herself or taking care of the child…go to family court get custody of the kid and kick your daughter out have her get a dose of real life


Take the child and raise it yourself, make her be an adult and get a job and put her way if she chooses not to finish school than she can move out. :woman_shrugging:


Just tell her if she can’t take care of herself or her priorities ( her child ) then you’ll go after for her child and she can go elsewhere since she wants to make influenced adult decisions. If she’s 16 I doubt you’ll see any judge giving him or her the baby with no means of support.


Turn off the wifi. File for custody the baby throw her out until she wants to listen.



-your kid is literally doing all of that at once. Stop taking her shit and actually hear her about what she truly wants. Tell her what you need, ask and listen to what she needs, and figure it out from there.

I can’t imagine having a child so young, I remember having one at 25. Feeling overwhelmed with trying to work and be a wife. Trying to handle a baby, school as a teenager. She is still emotionally, socially and developing herself.
I’d don’t know kind of relationship you two have had over the years but it sounds like it’s time for a good soul cleansing talk.
You both sit down a tea/coffee or whatever and just talk as calmly as possible. Give and take, it’s a conversation. You are her Mom and Grandma. You still parent and it’s your house. However, if your also expecting to be Mom and be the grown adult then what exactly are you expecting? She probably has so much to say and is to exhausted too.
As to the boyfriend, it’s your house. If the punk-a** can’t respect your home then he can’t come inside. Respect = respect. The baby has made him family now for life, sooner that relationship heals the better it will be for the baby.


See if you can adopt her baby as your own and then get her emancipated. If she wants to be her own boss then she can pay her own bills and put her own roof over her head. Tough love isn’t easy but it sounds like it’s what she needs right now. You might also consult a counselor for your own emotional support and consult a lawyer about where you stand since you are the support of the baby.


She is old enough to make her own choices if she wants to smoke weed and do drugs no 1 can make her do these things and u cant make her do anything at all that she dont want to do a father who is still around even tho wen he wants is betta than no father at all and just let her focus on being a mum wth out schooling and wen it comes to parenting her child her boyfriend is correct in saying its not ur choice how they should parent unless bub is being neglected u can give advice but can not make them parent how u would nd think should be

Ok so she is now needing to be an adult , make her pay her way or tell her to leave , if she can’t parent the baby properly maybe you could , unfortunately you allowed her to be an adult when u let her have a boyfriend and go to his house little to late to try enforce her to do kid shit now

Keep going hard mumma! Your doing your job and you’ll never forgive yourself if you were any other way. Keep being firm and don’t back down. She will thank you one day believe me. I was an absolute horrid teenager in the same situation. 10 years later, I thank my mother everyday for the way she was with me (just as you are being with your daughter) she will resent you, but not forever :heart: Goodluck X

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She’s trying to escape the hard parts while being a young mother. She’s trying to live the rest of her “childhood” so either get her back in gear or let her go. She may still be in postpartum mentally at the same time her hormones are still changing because she’s not fully grown. Ask her real questions but do not judge her. Figure out a way to have her come to you when she’s stressed or trying to run from her life. Since she’s a mother now your role as hers is shifted. Be the “friend” she needs. Someone to help with emotional support and working through stress in healthy ways. It doesn’t have to be cut throat but if you don’t want to then just let her go.


I’m a teen mom. I was 17 when I had my son I am now 23. My children’s dad was a felon at 17 and I was so wrapped up into him instead of my son that my mom kicked me out and kept my son. I lived on the streets with my kids dad for 2 months then I came home because I missed my baby so bad it was killing me. I had an entirely different outlook after that. I got a job, got my ged, my own car, and my own place within months after. My kids dad was a narcissist and a disgusting person as well as a drug addict so he almost trained my mind to think He was important. Sometimes tough love is what you need. Just a thought. If she really wants to be a mom she will come back. It’s instincts… if not then baby is better off with you.


Put your foot down as a parent and MAKE her do her schoolwork. Take her phone and don’t give it back, regardless of who bought it. Stop being a pussy and realize you’re her parent, not her friend.

You are a good mom and you’re doing great. Later she will thank you. I wish my mom would have cared this much… :heart:

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Take full custody of your grandchild.


I would have her back in school. Baby in daycare while mom is in school. Parts of her brain are still developing so she literally cant act like an adult.

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The people saying take full custody of the child are psycho. It is her baby not her mums!
Maybe talk to her instead of trying to take control over everything.


If you pay for your wifi signal you have every right to block her from using that except at school hours and most cable companies will help you set up your parental controls


Tell her if she doesnt want to go to school and follow your rules then pack up and head out?? Because all you are doing is enabling her now and she knows it. She wont ever do better if you dont force her to grow up.


She can go move with his family


Enroll het back in school, and/ or kick her out until she starts doing her work

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She is lashing out because he can do what he wants and seems like he’s pushing her to do the same. So I would get counceling involved for her before cps comes knocking. Yes u can take her things away she is underage❣️ it’s called tough love

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My sister was a teen mum (15-16 at time of my niece being born) my mother shoved her into she’s responsible for everything now and lived on her own at 16. If she won’t follow your rules tell maybe tell her she has to move out with her baby and let her go. She’s a mom now and also needs a break once and awhile also. But maybe yous would do better if she wasn’t there. Expecting her to full time mommy and not be able to do what she may is difficult. She chose to have the baby and her choice now she wants to be an adult, treat her like one, she is no longer a child, she’s a mum, understand her instead of controlling her


Your house, your rules.


This sounds likes she trying to regain control of some aspect of her life. Not only is she a new mom at such a young age but you also removed her from school and her friends. You removed her from anything she has ever know. I understand the thinking it would be easier and more efficient for her to stay home and do online and care for the baby. Easier is not always better. I think everyone needs to sit down and have a grown conversation. Have you stayed home and worked from home while also caring for a baby/one years old let alone at that age?


You make her do every little thing for that baby by herself. Do not help unless the baby is in clear distress or harm. Your daughter needs to learn responsibility and respect. She lives under your and your husband’s roof you make the rules and you can take anything she owns away if she wants to act like little girl. Take it all away, don’t let the bf come over anymore unless it’s to spend time with his baby. At the end of the day everything is your and your husbands decision. I had a friend who needed to kicked out of her parents to learn what responsibilities are and now she’s an amazing mother and works her ass off to support her and her son.

Well you could tell her that if she doesn’t want to finish high school that she has to get her GED and get a job and take care of her own child and that you will only babysit if she’s working. Getting a job might help her become more responsible if she realizes she can have her own money. Hopefully she realizes the path she’s falling down soon.

But yeah not everyone can do online classes, especially at that age. Maybe see if she wants to go back to school?

Take her phone, smash that tablet, tell baby daddy to kick rocks if he doesn’t want to be a positive influence in your daughter & grandchild’s lives. When he acts responsibly, he can see his kid. Under supervision. Get her setup for her GED. Tell her the baby is 100% her responsibility. Get a job. Shape up or ship out. Tough love.


can’t you send her to live with the boyfriends family??


Make promises, not threats. Tell her she has 1 month to get her act together, pull her grades up or you’ll turn her phone off, block her from the internet, etc. If that doesn’t work tell her she needs to find another place to live. Give her options to make the right decisions but if she doesn’t do these things then FOLLOW THROUGH on your promises. Do what you have to do to keep that baby safe…


I just want you to know right now after I left my husband as a 22-year-old and two girls by myself I struggled hard. I moved 4 hours away I had a great job I had insurance but I had nobody to help me with my children no daycare nothing. I did things I shouldn’t have been doing. And my mom came and told me that she was going to take my daughters for 2 weeks so I could clean myself up and get myself seen. I checked myself into the psych ward and while I was in the psych ward my mother had actually wrote an affidavit stating things that were not true. Stating things about the father that he needed to be the one to have the babies just so that the girls would be around her. Anyway because of her I don’t have primary custody of my kids anymore and I will never forgive her for it. I know I was depressed and I know I wasn’t in a good State of mind. But a mother is supposed to be there to help not call you a lost cause and throw you away. She didn’t even literally give me the chance to prove that I was okay. My mom is a piece of s*** mom she always has been and I’m not thinking that’s you in this case but of all of the things my mom has ever done that thing her trying to take my children away I will never forgive her for I don’t talk to her to this day still even during family get togethers. So please if there is any other way don’t legally try to take that baby. I understand the whole buying it thing but no take away the tablet just because he buys her a gun does that mean you’re going to allow her to keep it in your home.? I know it’s not the same difference but it’s still the same she has to respect you and follow your rules under your roof. Don’t threaten to kick her out either because that’s not going to do anything. Take away the tablet if the boyfriend is upset about it give it back to the boyfriend. If he gives it back to her you take it right back away and you put it up. Don’t allow it in your house. I agree that she is not an adult so she cannot act like an adult. It sucks but you’re just going to have to put your foot down and make her do certain things if she doesn’t lock her butt in the room with just her homework take away her goods take away the nice things. Show her what it would be like if she doesn’t try for herself in school or work she won’t have anything. If it really is getting as bad as it sounds I would be keeping constant supervision on that baby though. You can tell her she’s welcome to leave your house but I would not tell her to get out. Tell her your rules and stick to them. Gosh Mama I’m so sorry I can’t even imagine. She will be grateful I promise just hold on just a little bit longer

She is an adult now !! Your right to parent is long passed now that she is a mother !!


Stop blaming the father for everything!


Esh some of these comments :grimacing:
First things first, homeschooling is not working out, send her back to school or help her get her GED. I was homeschooled after the 7th grade, was a good kid, A+ student but absolutely hated homeschooling, there isn’t any kind of help or accountability. Was told I wasn’t going back to school so I quit after finishing the 8th grade, went and got my GED and signed up for college, I scored college level on all my testing but had to take a highschool level math class so I wasn’t dumb, just not motivated enough as a kid to keep up with my own schooling as most kids won’t be.
Stop trying to parent her at this point and help her set up a plan to get through school and figure out her next move, trying to set rules and distance her from the father will only lead to resentment and acting out. Give her some freedom but have a set schedule, kids do better with structure, I repeat, GET HER BACK IN SCHOOL.
Your chance to parent her was before she got pregnant, kids make dumb decisions, she should have been on birth control as soon as she had a boyfriend (or the age of 14) :roll_eyes:. Hope that has been taken care of now.
She might need therapy to help with postpartum, make sure she is getting a break from school and being a mother, even grown mothers need a break, treat her like a human who has been dropped a large responsibility at too young an age and understand she has a learning curve but will get there


You guys are crazy… 1. This is a kid having a kid… and she needs to learn to be an adult since she wanted to be one. I had 2 babies by 18 and let me tell you… my mom.was not having any of this garbage … she was no babysitter… school yes work yes…
but then it was home for me… I had to take care of them BOTH
as a mom I would teach them the same don’t come here with a baby and expect a party. This is not a celebration… and thank God my kids are in their 20s and I HAVE 0 GRANDCHILDREN… idk why this world has gone so soft. I doubt at her age and behavior she is a capable mom so … yes I would def retain temp custody and if she can’t get it together she has to go… you can’t raise a baby in that environment. And a baby is not a doll its a person. As a gramma it is your responsibility to make sure that baby is well taken care of and safe.

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Kick her ass out some lessons are learned on the streets. When Shea living in a shit hole with her baby she’ll be crying to come back! She’ll change her tune or she won’t. If you keep pushing it may just push her further away.

Here’s the thing. It sounds like she has made her choice. Her choices are she doesn’t wish to complete school or at least take it seriously and she doesn’t wish to respect your home and your desires for her. Let her know she no longer has a place there since she has her own ideas on her and the baby’s future. Tell her to go out into the world and figure it out the hard way, which isn’t what you wanted for her, but the time to quit enabling her has come. She has squandered an opportunity to do better. Sadly, this is the time to quit enabling her and research how to legally have her emancipated to release you from legal action. I’d also remind her she is setting a very disturbing trend to experience the exact same when her child grows up. Most people want the best for their children, but she is sadly not most people. I’m so sorry it is rough, but I can tell you my children did not resent my tough rules. My daughter into her 3rd year of college thanked me for being hard on her when she realized how many of her classmates were living couch to couch with no direction in life. Love her enough to let her experience the outcome of her choices.

your16 year old is a mother now if she wants to be with this boy full time then cut the cord and let her go. If she balks then you need to be stricter and lay down the rules first of all the boyfriend needs to move back home. Your daughter needs to put school and her child first. If she balks at this then perhaps you and your husband need to move yourselves.

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I feel your pain to the very last word. Not only do I understand what your going through. But I to am living that exact life. And am currently in a criminal court case. And for them legal reasons cant go into details. However feel free to dm me and ill tell you about a shit show. Best advice I can give right now tho? Would be to act and do what you can now. Before she’s 25 with more kids. In the same boat. With a different baby daddy…

Tell her that vaping /smoking anything around baby is unhealthy 4 baby & not healthy 4 anyone. If child protective services learns about weed, it could cost custody of their child as well :slightly_frowning_face: She will need either a GED or high school diploma 4 a job- plus to set a good example 4 the child .

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I got pregnant when I was 17. I grew up and excepted responsibility for my son. Not fussing but parents please please don’t assume your child won’t have sex. Parents say all the time, my child won’t do that, bulls**t! If you have a daughter put her on birth control please. Don’t assume that you have the best relationship with your child and they will come talk to you. This is what happens. I know!

I graduated on time. I have a great job. I have a master’s degree in Psychology. My son will be 21 this year! In college for heating and air! :heart:

She’s living your house so it’s your rules. You’re paying for everything so your rules again. Make her go to school!! Take everything, make her life hell since yours has been turned upside down.

Talk with someone (a lawyer) and make the parents or the boy pay child support. Parents can be held responsible if the child under age. Go to court and get things in writing.

Good luck! Prayers!

have you heard of a group called Tough Love?? You need to know your rights.

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She’s under the age of 18 and as long as she lives in your house you have every right to make decisions for her! You are not her friend you are the parents!!! Kid’s need consistency & consciences!!!


Praying for you and your family :pray::pray::pray:

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If he’s not contributing gtfo
Restraining orders and get them apart your daughter will understand later


Not your problem. You also can’t keep blaming the boyfriend for her decisions. She has a child of her own and needs to step up. Stop babying her she needs to become a mum. And yes your wrong for taking her things whether you paid for them or not.

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