We are struggling to parent our teen who is also a parent

She made her choice and now has adult responsibilites. I would treat her as an adult, if she doesn’t want to do her school work then it is time to get a job and make her pay her way and buy what the baby needs and care for her child. Tough love is the only way. Once she sees how hard it is to care for herself and child with a low paying job, she may just change her view on schooling. She will also be more appreciative of all the help she has with the child. However before any change can happen there needs to be some self accountability. Just by reading this post it seems like there is a lot of blaming others for her decisions. Going through life blaming others for everything will limit a person in many aspects…and a lot more than one may realize… I’d definitely start with everyone involved in this situation owning up to their own decisions and mistakes. Keep that mindset moving forward, you may be surprised how many things will change for the better with a little self accountability at play.


Though love…“The you think you’re grown love”…well then your on your own!!! Just to show her look he’s not going to be there for you like we (your parents) are!! And don’t give her nothing…now the baby of course not be th re for the baby but her show her that tough love!!! You can do it!!!

I’m sure this has been said somewhere…

Password lock your WiFi. You can unlock it for school work, but then lock it back up. As far as the tablet, if it runs off your wifi, then you can block her use without taking it. Block the data on her phone as well to where it’s just a normal phone, not able to do online things.


Therapy. Not tough love. Do not abandon your child in their darkest times. She had a baby at 14 for christ sake. Dad hasnt been there? Lots of childhood trauma im hearing. Please take her to therapy.


Call dcs and let them handle it all teenagers if course knows more than we do ha ha


Change the internet password. That stops most electronics. Get her back in school and send baby to day care.


You may want to check the laws for your state because in some states, once your underage child has a child, they are legally considered an adult.

That being said, if she wants to continue to live in your home, she should follow your rules. If she wants to be grown, she needs to get a job and a place of her own. Regardless, you are not going to win the parent vs boyfriend battle. She will eventually understand you have her best interest at heart, but it might be 20 years from now.


She’s an adult now in a sense. She has a baby. Let her pay rent and not finish school. She needs to get a babysitter. If you are paying for everything and she is living rent free you are enabling this behaviour. Maybe once she has to actually get a job she may decide on her own she rather finish school.


Doesn’t matter who bought the tablet or anything at all, if she’s underage and under your roof, you can take anything away from your child. :woman_shrugging:t3:


On line school is not for everyone. Some kids like it some don’t they have so many different options for online school. She might do better in person contact the school district and see what they can offer her. Sometimes the community college have programs for single teen moms.

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I think you should start trying to see things with her instead of just how you want them. No shes not grown, but she did make grown decisions. I wouldn’t take her stuff because it isn’t going to do anything positive for either of you. Talk to her and see what’s going on. Just ask her why she isn’t focused in school like she use to and let her open up about it. After, you should try talking to her about a Ged or going ahead and seeing about daycare or childcare and her getting a job. Yes she is your child, but you need to be figuring out if she needs to be treated as a child or as a adult. If she wants to be treated as a adult. She might also be needing help transitioning so early also. She likely has no idea what she is doing and i bet if you tried to be there she might change her toon


U people sounds $):&;$… she had a baby. U can’t take anything away from her. If u care about your grandchild take videos of her getting high are her kid and get custody. Then kick your daughter out.


Am I the only one who has an issue with “he had gotten her pregnant”?
I can’t get past that red flag…seems like you think none of this is her responsibility.


Take custody of the baby and tell mom to go live with her boyfriend just let her know she is welcome to come back if she follows the house rules and get back in school


In some states YOU are responsible for that grandbaby until your daughter turns 18, you are also still responsible for your daughter also. Like I said, in some states, you need to check within the state you live in


You are not in the wrong. Bottom line is that your daughter is still a child. How can a child raise a child ? She needs your help whether she will admit it or not


M y oh my, yall really blaming her mother? She trusted the other parents would do the right thing, the only thing she did wrong was trust the wrong people and for her being 16 and yall saying you really going to have your 16 year old pay… yes yes she should because 16 year old thought she was big bad and grown. At 14 you want to open your legs like an adult and got pregnant as a result, time to put on your big girl panties. What I want to know is did you talk to her about her options,abortion adoption etc. Did you want her to keep the baby because its your grand baby and convinced her to keep or did you talk and suggest the other alternatives? Furthermore did you ever have the talk with her, birds bees safe sex condoms etc because if not I can see why you would atleast be a little at fault. And yes school does teach sex ed but not very well and it’s a parents responsibility to make sure their kids know what up to the best of your ability. Either way baby is here now and your daughter needs to grow up and get her shit together.

No you are not in the wrong at all. She is YOUR daughter, she still lives in your house and she is still a minor. Teen mom or not that does not make her an adult and allow her to do whatever she wants. Start taking things away even if she does get mad. Tell her she is not to be dating her boyfriend anymore. He can come over to see the baby and that’s it no more going over to his house. She is acting like an entitled little brat and she needs to get her act together she is a mother now and she needs to start acting like one, and that starts with finishing school with good grades.


You child obviously has some mental health issues going on that you haven’t gotten her help for.

Ppd, depression, anxiety, and more can all come from being a new mother, let alone whatever else she had going on. Pregnant at 14 literally can scream ADHD so yeah, there is something going on there. Plus she’s at the place in life where hormones and shit can really mess the brain up, let alone pregnancy and after birth hormones.

You want her to act like an adult, then a kid, then an adult so yeah, huge issues . You are all over the map with your parenting as well, and there is huge inconstanties there.

She’s 16- get with a psychiatrist, and figure it out. Something you should of already done

I would reach out to his parents and try to get a line of communication going. Is she taking care of the baby or are you more so? She needs to understand the importance of this and that she has to start thinking about her child’s future. I was pregnant in high school with my daughter, I had her 2 months after finishing my senior year. In her defense it is very hard to raise a child or take care of your baby in your family home with someone constantly questioning you, but I wasn’t involved in any of that stuff or slacking off as a parent. Since she’s been born she has been my driving force and number one priority.

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I’m sorry to say this but nobody can force your daughter to vape or smoke weed …that’s her decision…my parents use to tell me that if I didn’t study and if I didn’t go to school it was my decision but to not clap back when my life was not the way I wanted it to be because I had no high school diploma …they told me this because its true …at the end of the day it was my life . Onother thing is u keep pushing her away from the boy she will only grow closer to him …maybe u should let her live with them …she’s come running back to mom when she sees how easy she has it at home send her with the child to her boyfriend home and no baby sitting either you will see that she will start to act right because she will be by herself and over whelmed I hope this works


To emancipate she needs to show viable means of support for her and her child, and since you dont have the control you are hoping for and she seems bent on pissing away her future choices by listening to “Wormtongue” (boyfriend), you should haul her to the welfare office and let her get a preview of her future life of luxury on public assistance

Um…HE is causing all your child’s poor choices? She is a participant in all of it. You even said HE got her pregnant - as if she isn’t responsible for any of her actions. Treat her like an adult and a mother if your want her to act like one. Otherwise she will continue to male immature choices. And she might anyway, but that’s really is her choice. You are not responsible for the decisions she is making - neither is the boyfriend. Accountability is important - try teaching her that.


He is not making her do any of this. Stop blaming him. HE didn’t get her pregnant, they had sex and got pregnant. HE doesn’t get her to smoke pot, they smoke pot.

I think you need to ring social services if she’s not goimg to listen to you sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind she may learn then since u said she’s not caring for her baby so I would say thays the best option as she’s clearly not going to listen to you and u have tried your best so time to step back and get professionals involved

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She wants to act grown then treat her as such…and him as well… Shes living there…she pays rent…oh and utilities…baby needs Huggies she best have money or child support…shes hungry…hope shes got money left for food…make sure the baby is taken care of if needed. Let her see what its like to grown. She pays her phone bill…if she wants internet the she pays for monthly/weekly password. She pays for everything. She will appreciate what you do for her after a big old helping of what life is really like…


Old enough to open her legs then wanna play big girl games by having a baby yet doesn’t wanna listen to you where she’s disrespectimg you and your home, pack her bags and say bye bye


Get rid of him. Problem solved

Dude. A little late for forcing the rules down her throat lmao. You need to find a balance bc you’re pushing her away rn. Ps one year olds make me wanna smoke too.


Your the parents until she is 18 I don’t care who bought what

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She’s still your responsibility, and so is that baby, until she’s 18. So you can take w.e she has even if you didn’t buy it, and you can demand the boyfriend not come around and can report his parents for not being responsible of him. Tough love :woman_shrugging: but sometimes it is needed.

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How old was he when he got her pregnant…14 is statutory rape…time to file charges against him…get him out of her life so she can grow up.

Kick her out. Get emergency custody of her child.

She’s in your home and has to follow your rules just the simple fact of her smoking weed is absolutely not okay she’s 16 I would definitely talk to the boys parents and come to a agreement of what needs to be done with him butting in on your child’s life she needs to graduate trust me they ask you for a diploma everywhere now to get a good paying job show her money responsibility give her an allowance for doing schoolwork and make her pay for the child’s stuff with that money so she can see it’s not as easy as she thinks explain to her with love that it’s for her own good good luck mamma

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This whole post is ridiculous, I mean why does a 14 year old need a boyfriend/girlfriend? And no matter how much u trust the parent, you cannot trust a kid, id have never let my daughter be with him and go to his house…I may be old school but that’s what’s wrong with society today, too many coddlers…I understand it’s too late on her part but parents, do better, and put your foot down ,no matter the situation


She is now an adult in my eyes having a child is a women there for she needs to learn responsibilities make her get a job and pay bills and learn what it is to be a parent. If you keep babying her and treating her like a child she will never learn and her child will be the one to hurt throughout life


Password lock the WiFi. Only unlock it for her to do school work. Have a conversation with you and ask her if she wants to go to in person school or online, but she has to get her diploma. Family counseling for all of you (you, her, your husband, the baby’s father, and his parents), so you can all get on the same page and figure out a plan that works for all of you. Sounds like you are completely blaming the boyfriend for your daughters choices, stop that. They are both equally responsible for getting pregnant and everything afterwards.


Your daughter is acting out because since she feels she has a child now she no longer is. To me it sounds like you’re allowing all this to continue by not honestly doing anything about it but complaining. Why would you want her at home for school instead of at school. Forcing her to find care for her daughter. If she needs anything for her child then she should be required to have a job. If she can’t follow any of your rules then tell her since she is an adult she needs to find a new place to live. If she is doing all these things around her child then why haven’t cps been called? It sounds like you blame the boyfriend more than you do her. Also does she even have a job? You can’t expect her to act like an adult when you still treat her like a child. If you want to show her responsibility tough love is it. Your only responsibility at this point is your grand daughter in my opinion. Her safety is now priority.


Id start with holding her accountable for HER choices. Influence is just that. She only controls HER. You will never control her choices, but you can start by explaining CONSEQUENCES if said choices she is making…
Provide basics until she comes around & she may mess up heavily being hard headed, just be there when she is ready to stabilize. At this point she thinks she is grown…


Your daughter is responsible for her own choices in life. She chose to climb into bed with him. She wants to make adult decisions, then she needs to be treated. Start with making her arrange for baby care and get a job and school. Scare her with CAS and ask if she wants the baby taken away because that’s what is going to happen if she doesn’t get her s h I t together.


You might wanna take this to the courts, you can hold them both accountable and do what’s best for your grandchild.


1st and foremost… you have a child that’s living in YOUR house. That child lives under your rules regardless if they have a child in not, that boyfriend has no right to tell u how to patent your daughter, he can come for visitation period then gone! You are a parent first! You got this


Tell her to leqve if she can’t listen to your rules in YOUR house. She wants to act like an adult make it a reality


I made my daughter get a job at 16 because she was not going to school.
I took her to work and picked her up.
After she was making money she got rid of her looser boyfriend.
She did do her online GED.
She moved out at 18 with a very nice guy.
They got married.

I suggested her to buy a house and not rent. Wella. They became homeowners!

She gave birth to my 2 Grandchildren!

They are such a blessing to me. Sincerely!

Make her get a job. I just Googled jobs for 16 year old’s.

Please, do not charge her any money from what she is making?
She will dislike you for it.


I so remember the my way or the highway when I got pregnant. There is a difference in parenting and controlling. Throughout this entire vent mom has blamed everyone but herself for this young pregnancy! Where were you? She is your daughter and you need blame to sooth your feelings! Your responsibility and you let her out with a boy unprotected! What? You expected hormones to change over time…to seek out permission first? Your the mom and if you insist on blame…it’s yours! You left her unprotected! She was a stupid hormonal 14 year old girl! The signs were obviously there, he was her Boyfriend! Well if your tired of rhe blame game so am I… your only solution from this fb person is to HELP her grow not control what you’ve already lost. Teach BUT stand Back…mouth shut and watch. This is her responsibility that has been left to her to figure out. You can only teach her how to mother at this point. Home schooling…really? A young mother…not gonna happen. If you seriously want her to get that education watch your grandchild and put your child back in school! You seem to be using homeschooling as a control feature so if education is your goal put her back in school and monitor those grades. Let her know her after school life is mommy time. Then you step back and make her mother. Also do not deny her the childs father! That’s gonna get you nothing but rebellion. Let them parent and figure it out together with their child.
The alternative? She takes her child and leaves! 17 and a mother, will put the legality on her side. as long as she has a home and bed for her child. That is the route I chose at 17…to go and stay with his parents.
I am sorry you are goung through this but birth control is a very important time in growing up. It prevents pregnancy and if your still not sharing this with your minor child, you will have grandbaby number 2. Ps. Shots prevent forgetfulness with pills. Good luck grandma


This is a hard one. It sounds a little like you might be alienating her yourself and thats why she is listening to the boyfriend so much. Will she sit down and have a conversation with you? We all want whats best for our children but sometimes we have to let them make the mistakes in order for them to grow! Goodluck mumma, i think you are going to need it


File for emergency custody of your grandchild and throw her out. She can live with her boyfriend if he’s so great.


It is almost impossible to do school work while pregnant there is so much exhaustion and aches and much less with a lil baby at home with all baby get into. It doesn’t even matter if she’s a teen it’s difficult to manage at any age for a women. That is set up to failure.
She needs to do a community college with a gateway program where she can finish her HS diploma and work on her AA at the same time.
Needs daycare and change WiFi password.

I am cringing at over half these comments. From someone who has been in a very similar situation I would love to offer advice and one on one conversation with her and even for you to talk to me or my mom if you wish. But I am telling you 95% of the comments I read are either rude, horrible advice or a combination of.

Please if you see this OP message me. I truly want to help I have been there and I really think I could possibly get through to her and help give you perspective. Hindsight is 20/20 and I have learned a lot since I had my oldest and could really help both of you❤

The biggest red flag I saw were the comments telling you to keep the bf away, that is absolutely horrible advice whether anyone likes it or not he has legal rights to his child and keeping him from the baby could have serious legal repercussions! Also it will just make your daughter push away and rebel more!

I personally found a hybrid of in school and online to be helpful. It kept me among my peers so I didn’t feel isolated but allowed me to be home and caring for my daughter as much as I could. (My dad was retired so that was a big help that may not be an option for you guys)

I do agree that you need to find a balanace of respecting that she is an adult and needs to be responsible for her own actions and still being a mom because she is still just a kid herself. It is a very fine line to walk but the best way is to try to guide her in the right direction. Demanding will only cause her to rebel, you have to show her theright path but you cant force her. Try a serious heart to heart about the path shes headed down and its consequences. Make her be fully responsible for herself and her child by not enabling her but also be supportive, if she is doing things right and making progress offer help but if she isnt step back and let her really feel the weight of her decisions.

Just like anything in life, she has to want to do better herself or you arent going to get anywhere.

Good luck mama and please feel free to reach out to me❤

I don’t think you are wrong for taking the electronics from her. She is still a minor living under your roof. Your the parent, your house , your rules. I am all for tough love…maybe she has it too easy.


I think if she believes she’s an adult maybe give her the harsh realities of being an adult :thinking:


Don’t alienate your daughter. In the long run, it will cause permanent damage. Say she get’s her sh*t together… all the stuff you are trying to do to her now she’ll remember and will eventually keep that grandchild from you. You may not want to hear it, but it’s true.

Pregnancy is a hardship all in its own and taking care of a baby while also still being young herself… is also exhausting. She’s still young so of course she’s going to “rebel” against you for her boyfriend, she doesn’t know any better except “I LOVE HIM!” I rebelled hard for my boyfriend (now husband) while living under my mother’s roof to the point I couldn’t take the controlling behavior anymore and moved in with him. We didn’t speak to each for a good while. Got pregnant at 19 and she alienated me more and made me feel horrible about myself. Didn’t speak some more. Then she finally came around and was understanding and very supportive. I wish she would have been more supportive in the beginning because I really needed my mom’s support then.

Help when you can, guide her when you can. Support her when you can.
She needs you now more than ever.

Don’t take her electronics… also, you didn’t buy them so technically their not yours anyways… ??

Don’t let her slack on being a parent but also don’t be too harsh on her. She’s still learning. Have some understanding.

There are other options for school but all you can do is guide her in the right direction.
Don’t push her away.


Hahahahaha. HE had gotten her pregnant??? Really? Pretty sure it takes two tango, sister.


You can get the authorizes involved. Also the education dept.

Get a F.I.N.S. (families in need of services) petition on her thru the family court system. Contact the juvenile officer to start this process. She will have to answer to a judge for her behavior and the judge will punish her how the judge sees fit. She will have to answer for not doing her school work etc.

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Let her take her GED.


These comments :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: this is why kids today are the way they are. It’s YOUR HOUSE. Anything in YOUR HOUSE is borrowed until they leave. She’s still a child with a child, most the time it makes them grow up, but in this case it seems she hasn’t.


You need to make sure that she knows that it is your house. And even though she’s a mom what you say goes and if she doesn’t like it then she needs to go take care of her family elsewhere. I’m twenty-six now I have a 5 year old and at 1 year old and I was a stubborn teen as well and sometimes they need tough love. She’s lucky that you let her stay there, my parents always said if I got pregnant under their roof I’ll get kicked out pretty much (not that I think they meant it)
Good luck

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I’m so sorry! :slightly_frowning_face: praying for you all in this situation.

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She wanted to play house at an early age, not get an education and act disrespectful then I think its time for her to move out and figure it out herself. I had my son as a teenager as well and I moved out and figured out how to raise my child myself. If she refuses to take school serious then she needs to go get a job so she can support her baby. If you are helping her buy things the baby needs then I would stop providing and tell her its time she grows up and figures out how to get what her child needs like food, diapers and clothes. She needs some responsibility. If she wants things like a cell phone she can pay for the bill herself, she is a parent now and needs to figure things out on her own for herself and her child.


She needs counseling. Limit visits to the weekends if possible. Limit toys, other media till after quality work is done.
Can you get custody or temporary guardianship

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She needs to get her GED. Personally I don’t think you are out of line in taking the electronics but I would not do that. It’s going to make your daughter resent you. This “boy friend” isn’t up blame tho for her pregnancy, vapeing, or her smoking weed. She’s doing those things because SHE wants to. My daughter goes to a tiny school in Texas and a vast majority of the kids there are doing these things. Kids that come from good homes, are respectful, do their school work, some are involved in church. It is sad. But you are going to have to learn to pick and choose your battles with your daughter. Maybe instead of focusing on all these things she’s doing that you know or wrong or wish she wouldn’t do, maybe try instead to build a relationship with her and drop all that from the conversation. Maybe build her up on how proud you are of her for the things she does do for her baby or in general. Depression is real and even teenagers are looking for an escape as well as acceptance. There is so much worse your daughter could be doing and when you take one thing away teenagers will find something else to occupy their time … maybe something worse. I feel there is a lot of confusion going on because on one hand she’s had a baby so you want her to grow up and be responsible and make adult decisions but on the other hand she’s a child and you are taking away her communication to her friends and boy friend who in her eyes do accept her.


Some may say I’m crazy but try dr.Phil if nothing else is working🤷🏻‍♀️he’s helped a lot of parents that have had issues with their children like this

You should gain custody of that baby now before she takes off with your grandchild and her being 16 she can leave and you won’t be able to do anything to stop her!


Alot of this advice is garbage and down right abusive. She’s a child. Get her help. She needs support and counseling.


Mum you are between a rock and a hard place…this child of yours is taking advantage of you and her father

I know this is hard but can you send her to stay with him and his parents. Perhaps that will teach her appreciate how much you do? And how important Education is?

It looks like the other side won’t be rosy.


I was 17 and pregnant. I had to go to an outreach and get an education. But I graduated at 38weeks and I think an in class experience was what I needed I can’t imagine trying to do it virtually. Maybe offer to assist with watching the grand baby IF she agrees to take school seriously.


Maybe school is a lot of just having had a baby. I would let her focus on being a mom, get that mentally straight and then loop back to school. I got my GED at 22 – and still got my AA later.


You pay for the wifi turn it off.


Move house. Far away.


Take her stuff ban the bf unless he’s willing to stick by the rules and tell your daughter perhaps she should of considered all her options before getting pregnant. I feel for u mama. Goodluck


I would start looking into a way to limit WiFi to only school (extreme parental restrictions). Turn off the cell phone (she’s not paying for it) install security cameras so you can see who is entering your home and only allow him to visit when you are present in the home and only in common areas. When she shows that she’s responsible and the :bulb: comes on then you can begin to ease some restrictions and treat her with more respect. In my world you get what you give. If she’s not amenable to your new house rules she is free to make other living arrangements and support herself and her child. It’s called tough love for a reason but the sooner she figures out that the world is not gonna give her :poop: and no one owes her a damned thing the better off her life is going to be. She has a child. It’s no longer about her. Time to grow up. Don’t enable her or you become part of the problem not part of the solution. Good luck.

She’s still under your roof , your rules , as far as taking away stuff goes & if she dosent take care of her baby I would be getting temporary custody until she gets it it together.


Have you tried having a discussion on what are her thoughts goals and plans. And come up to an agreement at meeting the middle with clear consequences? Honestly would seek counseling therapy between you and her. Everyone is different. Therefore not everyone adapts to work or attend school virtually full time. Expectations ground rules and boundaries need to be established firmly for your household. There are so many options with school and also education has no time limits. Society has built this ideal timeframe of when to do this and that and accomplish this and that but it is not a one size fits all.

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Call DCFS on her ass and make them instill in her that he’s a danger to her and losing her baby because of her lack of education and lack of ability to care for her child without a job or a diploma. Go for guardianship and let her leave with said ba baby dad. I mean if he isn’t involved in the babies life then why would she want anything to do with him anyway? Doesn’t sound very motherly to me.

Change your WiFi password and only let her use your computer for school work.


Sounds like it’s about time you+your husband need to start being the PARENT …and NOT let your daughter+her Loser bf be parenting yinz ANYMORE.


It sounds like she and her boyfriend are running your house. I would set some boundaries and if she doesn’t follow them then she would not have internet or see the boyfriend.


She is a child… you are the parent and she lives in your home.

Change the WiFi password and don’t let her have it.


Maybe if she was enrolled in school and around friends, she wouldn’t rely on her boyfriend for social interaction. There are organizations that help young mothers with childcare if necessary. Getting a part time job on the weekends wouldn’t hurt either. You have to remember that although she’s a mother, she’s still a teenager. She needs an outlet and a routine. Eventually she will see for herself that he’s probably not who she wants to be with. Again, they are still young and acting like typical teenagers. Trying to stop communication between the two of them will only draw them closer together. You may not like him or his influence on her, but they share a child, so he’s going to be in the picture for a long time.


Good Luck, People are rather rude in their comments. I d stop commenting on face book. Do you have anyone that may talk to her/ PRIEST .RABBI, CLERGY? teacher

Shes a minor, and lives in your house. Regardless of what age she became a mother- she is still a minor. If she wont hand over her devices, take the chargers. Change your wifi password, or take the router with you when you leave.
I would continue to allow the boyfriend to come over instead of her going there, because at least you know your house is stable and you can at least semi keep an eye on whats going on. This way he is continuing to be involved with the baby. Life is hard, and people make mistakes… but we also have to learn from them.


She is a minor. You are the parent. Send her away somewhere to learn respect.

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Tell her if she can’t abide by your rules then she has to go. She will change her mind quickly or quickly after leaving. She will see how much help she has at home and how much you really care for her and have her best interest.


I’d honestly file for full custody of mom and the baby, take the electronics completely OUT of the house (don’t just hide them cuz she WILL find it) and install a home security system with cameras so you can check in and make sure she is doing school work and not playing around on tic Tok. It looks like these teenagers are parenting y’all. You really should Put her back in school so she can meet other people because if he is the only person she has to vent to, she is never going to get rid of him.


Take the tablet away! Who cares if her immature boyfriend paid for it or not. You’re the parent NOT him!


Nothing about this situation is fair 2 u n I’m sorry 4 your heartache. As parents we want nothing but the very best 4 our children. We try our hardest as parents. It’s what we do. I have no legitimate advice because I have never been in your shoes n would probably b looking around wondering what the right answer is, just like u right now. But I will pray 4 u, and your daughter, and the boyfriend, and your grandchild, and the rest of your family. Life really throws us some curve balls sometimes.

I am also a teen mum, had my son when I was 17,
While I was living with my mother it was her house her rules baby or no baby, if I didn’t like it I had to move out,
Feel free to message me.


Why do we blame the boyfriend or girlfriend
Mother of 5 here
When are kids know what is wrong or right and they do it anyways
Did he hold gun to her head
She has choices she chooses do wrong stop blaming the other person


Turn wifi off to start with


Invite the boyfriend to your home you and the husband sit them down and have a serious talk about being adults. They don’t change and be responsible put her out file for custody of the baby and let her learn the hard way. Supporting their bad choices will only lead to more bad choices. Either the bf man’s up and takes responsibility or they take a walk. Make sure you have custody of the baby first before letting her go her own way.


I wouldn’t be trying shit, do it. Do it all in a cutthroat manner and shut it down, if she can’t live that way she can leave and she will quickly see how much she needs you. Tough love is hard on us too but it’s necessary to help them see the reality. I’d be calling his family and asking when they can all move in with them, let them see what your dealing with, let them have a try at it.

Oh momma my heart aches for you. My advice is to pray continually and seek counseling possibly through a church. Is an open adoption a possibility?

I recommend

  • making her get a part time job just to start
    -she will then use the money from this job for child care while she’s in PUBLIC SCHOOL if the dad doesn’t want to watch the baby or she can save this money for an apartment ( keeping her home will make her want to talk to him more)
  • everyone is going to butt heads but try to have a family meeting with your husband, daughter, his parents, and the dad about who will watch the child and when.
    -i personally don’t think taking away electronics is a good thing for teenagers but it’s your wifi so change the password
  • maybe family counseling, your baby is unfortunately not a baby anymore is in a very difficult stage in her life, it too late for I’m the parent do what I say.

You can take the tablet it’s under your roof using your electric WiFi etc…just because he bought it it doesn’t matter. Get her enrolled back into normal school help her with childcare while she’s at school. She is a child having a child she needs boundaries and taking care of too. Also she’s underage hw can be done for rape.

Does the boyfriend pay child support on his baby or do his parents pay support? Take away all electronics take the router when you leave the house & put her back in school so she can see what she is missing out on by not being at school. Once she goes back to school they will start fighting because he won’t have the influence on her like he does now.


Maybe you could show her what life is like for someone who is a drug addict. Without a job, without a house, without a career path. Or you could start being a productive adult of society with a bright future.

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Kick her out :woman_shrugging: she has had a child. That counts for emancipation. She thinks she has it all figured out…then she has it all figured out.

There comes a time…when you have to let them fall flat on their face. The rules should be you and my grandchild can live under my roof and abide by the rules until you are out of my house OR you and I can go to the court and get the paperwork started for you to be emancipated. Tell her at which point she will no longer be living under your roof and if you have to take the proper outlets to get her evicted you will do that also. At which point you tell her there will be no help from you. Tell her you aren’t getting a truancy charge just because she wants to be lazy :tipping_hand_woman:

She wants to play games? You better knock this one out of the park.


change the wifi password and only put it on her laptop and make it to where she can only use it during school hours? you can block websites and stuff too, so she can only access the websites she uses for school work.


Well, first of all letting your 14 year old alone with her older boyfriend was your own fault. But I’d be telling her she can get childcare and a job and get her disrespectful ass in her own house with her shitty baby daddy.
But that’s just me🤷🏻‍♀️