Were you told you were going to have a big baby?

I had a scan 3 days before giving birth and they said she was going to be a 9lbs she was 6lbs 8oz so there not always right

I was told 12 lb plus and that the only safe way to deliver was via c section…3rd large baby no previous issues I refused and home birthed a lovely 9lb 11 chunky money with no issues or problems as I told them I would but bloody hell was I ever hounded by doctors and consultants borderline abuse if you ask me I know my own body and what it can do naff off mate

I am so glad you asked this question! At my 36 week apt they measured her to currently be 7lbs 4 ounces…the Dr said he wanted another ultrasound to check her weight in 2-3 weeks…i have been so worried they will try and make me have a csection. I really do not want to if I can help it!

I was told my daughter was 7lbs 11 oz at an ultrasound due to complications we were following at 35 weeks. I was told she would be around 10/11 lbs at birth but I was already having a scheduled c-secttion so no issue there. I had her that night (12 hours later) and she was 7lbs 13oz so pretty accurate for me.

I was told my baby would be big 8/9 lbs and very long. Dr said we should deliver c-section. The baby weighed 11.6 lbs and was almost 24 inches long. He wasn’t able to go into the birth canal and had breathing problems and had to go the NICU for a few days. He’s 11 and perfectly healthy ever since never sick.


I was told I was measuring big and that he would be big and they did a couple of measuring ultrasounds because they were worried he would be over 9lbs. I was induced on my due date and when my doctor broke my water she immediately claimed that I had an extremely oversized bag of water and he was born at just over 7lbs. I asked the nurse to check again after everything they put me through they were so concerned.

I had a 36 week ultrasound and my middle son weighed 7lbs 1oz I wasnt told I was having a big baby but I figured he would weigh more then my oldest which weighed 8lbs 4.2 oz. And I was right he came out 8lbs 9.2oz and both of them I got induced a week early and I was pretty happy since a week longer and he probably would have weighed about 9lbs… my lighest was 7lbs 13.7oz I’m also about 34 weeks and 4days and at my ultrasound at 24 weeks I was almost 2 weeks ahead of my due date because of how big my lil one is also didn’t say he would be big but by now I except him to be about as much as my older two If not more

8 pounds is not a big baby. My daughter was 8lbs 5ozs, born 1 day early. My son was 10lbs 4oz at 39 weeks. They estimated his weight to be over 11 lbs though.

I was able to deliver my 8lb daughter, but needed a c-section for my 10lb son because he wouldn’t drop.


8lbs isnt even a big baby. Besides most of the time drs are off by like 1 or 2lbs anyways.
I push out my 7lb 8oz baby no issues.
Our bodies are meant to do this.

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Wouldn’t say 8lb is particularly big baby, im short and petite build and my son was 8lb 10oz and daughter 8lb 5oz. Had them both naturally with no issues. Growth scans and birth estimations are notoriously inaccurate so dont worry

I was told my boy would be 9lbs and he was 9lbs 9oz at 39 weeks :see_no_evil::joy: he was a natural delivery and all went fine, I’ve also heard of people being told baby would be big and it was smaller, so hard to know

They were pretty spot on with both of mine. Both my boys were around 9 lbs. But I’ve heard those are notoriously inaccurate lol. Mine just happened to be right

My first was 6 lbs 6 ounces!

My second 9 lbs 10 ounces!

My second was estimated at 10 lbs 4 ounces at my last ultrasound so measured pretty close BUT ultrasound weights can be off by up to two lbs less or more! Babies grow so individually at the end. A lot can change!

My doctor doesn’t even say anything about the fetus’s potential weight. She says it’s really hard to be accurate and it can just cause worry, so there’s really no point unless baby is measuring WAY ahead or behind.

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My girl was said to weigh 7-8lbs and came out 9lbs almost 10. They even said I’d have a natural birth and it turned into an Emrgency C-section. Anything can happen. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a pound or so off either way one of my son’s they said he was showing almost 7 to mid 7s and came out 5lbs15oz…my daughter was showing 3lbs3oz came out 4lbs13…so can always go by a pound give or take

Was told my son would be close to 9 lbs and he wasn’t even 7lbs born a week overdue!

We were estimated to have a 10lb baby and she ended up being 12lbs. She weighed over 7lbs at the 34 week ultrasound. No gestational diabetes, just a big girl! :purple_heart:

My first daughter was supposed to be almost 7 pounds according to the doc and she came out 5.14 my second was 6.8 and belly was only 2 cm bigger :woman_shrugging:t2: sometimes doc predictions are off

3 babies, 1 weighed 8lbs 9oz at 38 weeks, 1 weighed 11lbs 3oz at 36 weeks, 1 weighed 9lbs 7oz at 39 weeks. I knew they would be big but my middle one was eye watering and they wanted to send me home to wait because they didn’t think he would be that big :woman_facepalming:

I was told my boy would be about 9lbs and he was 9lbs 2oz :scream_cat: my first was only 7lbs 6oz so I was a little worried but it was ok just hard to move around towards the end carrying all that weight. Good luck with you labour xx

I was told I was going to have an 8lb baby or at least close to 8lbs, got a ultrasound at 36 weeks and his measurements showed he was going to be between 7-7.5… he was born on 9/13 and weighed 5lb 15oz :woman_facepalming:

I was told my little one wouldnt be much bigger than my first born she weighed 6.9, he ended up weighing 9.3 :flushed:

Told mine was weight 8 lbs 1 month before birth. She came 10 days early and weighed 7 lbs even. Perfect size is 6 to 8. My son same and he was 7 lbs 10 oz. He came 10 days early as well.

Dr told me my third child would be 9-10 pounds and he came out a little over 7 pounds. He even went past my due date

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I went from my daughter who was 6lbs 3oz to my son who was 8lbs 5oz…it was a jump but in all honesty he was an easier birth :woman_shrugging:

I was induced at 38 weeks with my son because they said if I went to term he would probably be 11 pounds. He was 8 pounds at birth

I was told my daughter would be 8 1/2 - 9 lbs and she was 7 lbs even. I was told my son would bigger also but he was 7lbs 6 oz.

I was told if I didnt have a c-section at 38 weeks my baby would be nearly 13lbs at full term. Born at 38 weeks… 8lbs :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I had to have my baby early at 36 weeks and he was already 8 pounds!! It was crazy. He was measuring to be a normal sized guy until the end

My doc told me my son should be between 7 and 8 lbs and he was 9.57 :woman_shrugging:

I had an ultrasound the day my baby was born… she projected 8lbs 3oz and she was born at 7lbs 10oz

I was told my baby would be over 9lbs…she ended up being 7lbs 3oz

Yes and my 3rd was 8.11 and im 26 weeks now with my 4th my doctor thinks she will be 9 or more lbs

I was told my daughter was going to be 8-9lbs and she turned out to be 6lbs even and in premie clothes I had her at 38weeks exactly

I was told my son was going to be almost 10 he was only 7’8

They told me mine was going to be a big baby, at least 8 pounds but she was 6.6 at 39 weeks. All 3 we’re 6 pounds

I was told to expect a 9+ pound baby. She was 7 lbs 5 oz exactly

My daughter was 6 weeks early and was 7lbs even. My son was 3 weeks and was 8lbs 13oz. Diabetics have big babies so.

Yup I was told my daughter would be 9 lbs she came out 7 lbs

They said my son would be 10 or 11 lbs!
Wanted to induce…only induced 2 days before my dd and he came out 8lbs 2oz

8lbs isn’t much bigger than 7lbs. I’ve had both and it wasn’t a big difference (in labor, delivery, everything else)

My daughter was supposed to be a 9 lbs baby but came out 7lbs and 1/2 ounce.

My daughter was told the baby would be abbot 9 pounds. Baby was born at 7.6.

My Dr said expect things to be off by up to 500 grams in either direction. I wouldn’t worry.

I was told mine would be 8+lbs and he came out at barely 6lbs

I was told my baby would weigh 8 pound he was 5 pound x

My first was estimated at 8lbs-9lbs. He was 8lbs 15oz. My second was estimated at 8lbs possibly 9. He was 8lbs 4oz.

Yes and I ended up having a tiny one x

My “big baby” was delivered at 38w4d at 6lb10oz

I was told big baby for anything over 7-8pound

8 lbs is not a big baby :thinking:🤦

8 lb is not big 6 and 7 I considered smaller 8 is average

My son weighed 10 lb 7 oz. I was told that he would be about 8 lb his sister was 18 months older and she weighed 7 lb 4 oz

My daughter was 9lbs10oz
My son 12lbs 1oz
Twins 6lbs 11oz and 5lbs 10oz
Son 9lbs 12oz
All full term!

I had 3 big babies 1 premie. Mine were…
8# 10oz 21.5in
8# 13oz 21.5in
5# 4oz 18in (8 weeks premature)
9# 3oz 23.5in

My last one I swear was going to be twins. I was huge and couldn’t breath. Doc said no he’s not a twin, just one big baby!

We are due date twins!

Mine was 9.5 pounds at birth

Dont go by their measurements. They are not accurate.

I had a 10 lbs baby. No problem

I was told my son was estimating over 10lbs🤦‍♀️ He came out weighing 7lbs 6oz (and that was at 41 weeks) Thank goodness the doctor was wrong about his weight.

8lb isn’t a big baby :woman_shrugging:t3: It’s actually pretty average

I had the opposite problem, induced 2 weeks early due to my blood pressure, the ultrasound 2 days before estimated her right at 7lbs. She weighed 9lbs :flushed: estimates can be off, like up to 2lbs each way off. Try not to stress too much.

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My babies were as follows…10lb 8oz, 9lb 9oz, 8lb 11oz…all were thriving healthy babies, loved dearly…

I was told my baby was going to be well over 8 pounds and she was only 6.

My boy was born at barely 39 weeks. He was 9lbs 15oz 23inches long. They had him pegged at almost 11 lbs. I had maybe one stitch. Your body can do this👍

I was told my first would be 9/10 lbs he was born 5ibs and second would be 10/11 he was born 6.14

Drs kept scaring me telling me he was going to be huge I was terrified he was 8lbs
So bigger but not huge.

My first was 6 days late weighed 9lbs 5oz my 2nd was 3 weeks 4 days early and weighed 10lbs 5oz

Never told I would have a big baby but my kids weight went up with each delivery. First was 5lbs .08 oz. Second 6lbs 4 oz. Third 6lbs 9 oz.

Both of children were born big. My first want supposed to eight more then 6lbs 5oz that’s with me having an emergency ultrasound a week before I had her ( dr said I was measuring 3 months small, wanted to double check) she ended up weighing 9 lbs even and was 21 inches long, 10 days past her dd.

Your doctor will do what they see for is best for both you and the baby! Try not to stress it to much.

My second one my doctor told me the same thing as you and that if they didn’t induce me working the next two weeks I would need a c section ( I was ok with) my water broke naturally about 4 days later. She came out at 8 lbs 9 oz. 19 in long. She was born at 38 weeks .I even lost 22 pounds while pregnant with her lol. ( I did not have diabetes or any other health problem)

My 32 week preemie was 4 12 at birth 9lb 2 on his due date. His brother tried to come at 31 weeks measuring 5lbs on ultrasound and was 8lb5oz at birth 2 weeks early.

They’re almost never right. My boys were both going to be “huge” and one was 6 lbs and one was 7 lbs 11 Oz. They said my daughter was over 7 lbs and she was 6 11

I was told my boy was “big”…he was 7lbs 6oz. 19in.
I was also told my girl was small…and she was 9lbs 14oz… 21in

Sooooo ya lol

At 32 weeks my little guy was 6 lbs. he was born at 39 weeks at 8lbs 4oz.

My cousin had a 12 pound baby naturally. 8lbs is not big, its average.

I had been told all my pregnancy my baby was the average size. Then at 38 weeks the doc was concerned he was a big baby. Had me go get the size scan and she confirmed she also thought he was around a 10lb baby so they said best route was a c section even though i didnt want one. Im sooooo glad i followed thier advice because my boy came out at 10lbs 2oz. He is now 7 months and is 25lbs. :woman_facepalming:

Nothing is for sure. They try and be as accurate as possible. Mistakes happen. But generally they are fairly correct so id listen to them.

Yep, he measured big. They said around 8.5 lbs. He was almost 10. Born naturally.

I was told I’d have a small baby, under 7lbs… I told them that my family only has big babies… they told me it didn’t work that way… he was 8lbs 11oz

Sometimes they are wrong they thought my baby was going to be around 10 pounds my last ultrasound he was 8 pounds 4.5 ounces

They said both my boys would be about 9 lbs neither of them where even 6 lbs . My daughter they said would be small , and she came out a little over 6lbs

At 38 weeks I was told my son was 9lbs so I elected to have a csection at 39 weeks and he was 8lbs. My other 2 kids were almost spot on with the ultrasound. I carried a lot of extra fluid with my son

I was told my baby was going to be 10-11 lbs, by my due date, and she was 8.6 at birth, 2 weeks late.

The doctor told me my baby was weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces at 37 weeks and he was born 40 weeks weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces.

My doctor said i was having a big baby and the ultrasound people said im having a big baby and regular people who saw me thought i was having twins turns out my little boy was 6lbs 9oz lol…

I was told at my 40 week check up that I had a huge baby about 9p. He was born 3 days later and weight was 6p 9oz

Dr. Told me I was going to have a big baby. She weighed 3lb 10oz .

I was told my daughter would be 10lbs… she was 7.0