What advice would you give a nervous new mom about to give birth?

Get some rest before baby comes. Rest and hydrate

It’s not going to be perfect. but that moment you hold the child makes it all worth it. and pack snacks for after baby is born I was starving

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If you have a favorite fuzzy blanket then take it with you to the hospital. After the baby is born it’ll be nice to cuddle under with your newborn. Take a few snacks and your phone charger. I actually bought an extra to have it already packed in my go bag. Hair bands to pull hair back. Extra sets of clothes for baby. My last child went through 5 sets of clothes before I got him home. The hospital provided a couple of onesies after he soiled everything I brought


I recently had my 3rd about 3 weeks ago. Dont wait to long before going to the hospital once labor starts I waited since my water hadn’t broke. Hot showers work wonders with contractions so does swaying back and forth. My labor was only 3 hours long from start to finish. The ring of fire is no joke. I went all natural. Take the epidural or meds in your i.v. deep breathing

Remember to do dep breathe focus on your spouse tell body muscles relaxation techniques

I would say just calm down because your body will naturally help you get the baby out it’s an amazing experience and you don’t know what could happen.i was very very scared too and my body ended up needing an emergency c sec.but ive learned every woman is different even with every baby one woman can have a natural labor then c sec.one mom could just have the baby so easy in 20 mins.So sleep and relax is my advise because you and baby and body will work together being scared a normal.

Im pregnant with my 4th and actually excited for labor and delivery. I wish I knew back 15 years ago when I birthed my first what I knew now

It is scary and I feel the spiritual part of birth is taken from us in the hospital.
Trust your body. My last babe was my smoothest as far as emotional and psychological preparation and readiness goes. The nurses kept telling me to let my body do the work. Listen to your uterus and breathe through it. Do not hold your breath and panic. Breath is everything. It really is. The more you tense up and try to stop the contractions from worsening the more you panic. There is no stopping the progression of labor. So breathe mamma
 breathe through it and listen to your body.
It is scary, I understand soo much.
What your body is doing is truly a miracle and the ending is soo beautiful and rewarding.
Congratulations and good luck!


Take your time. You’ll understand your babies noises & movements in the first 2 weeks to a month. Everything will be okay Momma :heart:

Labor isn’t as bad as some think :grin: And as soon as you see your baby, you forget about any pain you had! I had 3. All normal delivery. All natural normal delivery with my last 2 son’s! No medication at all. The worst of it was the contractions. You’ll do just fine​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Keep your eye on the end result. You will experience pain, don’t be ashamed to get an epidural. I was induced and couldnt get through the pain after 42 hours of labor. I got it and was able to relax so my body could keep working. When I held my baby boy in my arms I instantly said ok, I will do that all again bc he is absolutely worth it! You got this mama!

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Get the epidural as soon as you can. It takes a while to get there. So if you wait until your in agonizing pain, it could be too late or you’ll be that way longer than expected. Make time after the baby is born for just you baby and daddy. I had like 14 people and didnt have any time to bond when he was first born. If you feel like you have to poop real bad even after you poop, it might be labor.


Push with your booty, not your coochieđŸ’Ș

Don’t freak out about the epidural. Yes it hurts but if u stay calm and don’t freak out it hurts so much less and if you end up something like PPD do not be ashamed of it or try to hide it its not something to feel bad about its completely normal for some people :blush: I took snacks when I got induced this last time. Take multiple outfits for the baby because we all know its hard to figure out exactly what they’ll wear home and anything open in the drawers they throw away so take it home.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help. You aren’t in this alone :blush:

Delivery is the easiest part of motherhood

There have been other billions of mums who have done it, including me. So take the plunge and enjoy the ride

Get the epidural and go with the flow. Try to remember even tho it’s a scary day, it’s the best day of your life.

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Eat before you get to the hospital is probably my biggest tip lol, and the epidural but have trust your body knows what to do

I see all of these women saying to get the epidural. If you feel like you should get one then get one. I gave birth 4 times with no epidurals for any of them. Just do what you feel is best. Also, you will read and hear that your baby should eat every 2-3 hours. The best advice I can give is if baby is sleeping, let baby sleep. They will wake up when they are hungry. You are going to need your rest too.

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That the baby is gonna come out one way or the other and you will be strong enough to do it

Get an epidural and enjoy the birth of your child!

It will be the ABSOLUTELY THE GREATEST EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE !!! Get an epidural, the contractions are worth every single bit of uncomfort once you hold your precious baby. Congratulations on getting ready to become a Mommy. Also breathe it does help. :pregnant_woman::baby_bottle::hospital::heart:

I was at work when I went.in labor with my first child

Don’t be too nervous about the episiotomy. It’s not bad like your mind tells you it is

Remember what you are getting for your labor

be prepared before hand with everything you need in a bag .hint be ready early
I went into labor a month early

When I pregnant I did worry some about how my birth experience would be. But honestly I was so ready to have her i didn’t feel any fear when it was time to have her. Just stay as calm as u can. It helped me alot to stay relaxed. I went through alot but I got through it so well with staying calm.

Trust your body! And stay positive! You can do it and believe in yourself. You’ll be fine :heart:

Don’t worry! My first child was 9 years ago, went into labor on my own and ended up getting an epidural because I didn’t prepare myself mentally for the pain of deep labor. Couldn’t feel anything besides pressure when pushing but they had to use forceps and cut me to get her out. Labored for 27 hours total, pushed for 30 min. Healing after was a nightmare.
I just had my second child, they induced me but I chose to do it all natural this time around after prepping myself to do it, even though I’ve always heard inducing makes the pain worse. I labored 20 hours with him. I was able to push through the pain by breathing, squeezing onto the bedrail, and visualizing him in my arms, in his father’s arms, watching him grow. Only took me 5 pushes because I was able to feel exactly what my body was telling me to do. The instant he was out, my pain was gone. Best high point of my life. The healing process was amazing. Just a weak body because contractions are such a full body workout but the baby is worth it!

Good luck!

Labor isn’t forever. Meaning it may be painful for a minute but it will be over eventually. You got this!


It is scary. The whole time. But when you hear that baby cry for the first time
nothing else matters. So, enjoy the last self absorbed moment you will ever have.

Try to remember your plan is just that, a plan. Do not freak yourself out if the plan changes mid-way through. If the pain becomes too much, take it 5 seconds at a time, count to 5 in your head. It will help you make it through the rough parts. Also if they tell you that a C-section becomes necessary- Do not fight it, don’t feel badly for not getting the vaginal delivery, they only want the safest delivery possible for you and baby. Lots of deep breaths and for God sake pack your favorite pillow and a comfy nighty to change into after you have your bebe!!

Good luck mommas, it’ll be okay💗


Girl I was the same but I was sooooo ready to get him out of there lol!!! I felt zip after the epidural and even after needing an emergency c section I welcomed it!! Just wanted to get him out of there. Think of all the things you can do again after not being preggo and once you hold your baby it’s allllll worth it !!!

Ask for medication the minute you feel you cannot take it anymore. I asked for it when it was a tad too late.
Good luck mummy.
Whatever happens - emergency c section , induction, tears
Everything will resolve itself dw :heart::kissing_heart:

Just give in to your body, trust that it knows what to do. Your body is made to do this.
Relax as much as possible & think positively.
Speak up for yourself, If you are thinking something different to what the doctors & midwifes are saying speak up. You know your body better than anyone else.
Don’t allow anyone to railroad you, you have a choice you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
Listen to the doctors & midwifes recommendations consider all options, if they are saying one way ask if there is another option before making your own decisions.
Enjoy it. It is one hell of a ride.

I have gone through it 4 times & would gladly go through it again but don’t think I would survive the baby stage again. Honestly birth is way easier than the first 3 months with baby.
Good luck

You don’t need all the crap.

Some onside.
Some footed sleepers.
Few good blankets for swaddling.
10 bottles.

Remember on their back with nothing else, alone in their crib.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

And it’s ok to walk away from a safe crying baby if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

It’s like when you reach the top of the biggest hill on a roller coaster. There ain’t no turning back now, either enjoy the ride or close your eyes tight and scream your head off til it’s over.

Your baby is more durable than you think so as long as you’re careful you’ll be fine

Just breathe and remember you have a beautiful baby waiting to meet you! Just do what the nurses say and don’t hesitate to ask questions!

This is the easy part of parenting
 you got this

Don’t forget to breathe. In thru you nose out thru your mouth.

Honestly I have 7 kids (6 were natural birth) and I hated labor I would crap myself everytime but the midwife I had for my 5th told me to “keep my mouth closed during contractions and not scream out in pain because it will make you stress out more and the pain will be much worse” I thought surely not how on earth could that make things any easier but honestly that labor and the last ones were 10 times better just by gritting my teeth

I’ve had two successful pregnancies/ births. My first it took 18 min to push and my second it was 9 minutes. Labor was very fast in my experience. I got the epidural and didn’t feel a thing. Everyone is different, but your body literally knows what to do, so just breathe and try to relax as much as you can.

You are a strong mama jamma! Women are built to handle this and many more! You can do it mama

Have faith in yourself , as a mother of 6 I know how scary the thought of birth and a new born is but giving birth and motherhood is the most beautiful experience any woman can ever have good luck x

Lavender drops on your pillow.

It’s gonna happen no matter what. No two birth experiences are the same.