What age do people typically start taking their kids trick or treating? my sister is about to give birth in september and was talking about halloween costumes and taking baby trick or treating…and i feel like this is way too young…save the candy for the babies who can actually eat it…am i wrong?
Her baby, her choice. It’s not hurting anyone, let her parent as she chooses.
If she wants to put her baby in a costume and walk it around with the other trick or treaters, let her do just that. Without your judgement. Sheesh. People need their own business to mind.
I went while pregnant, mamas need sugar to get through sometimes
Her baby, her choice. Mind your own.
I brought my son when he was 3 months old…
Sure hope you don’t have kids with that mentality
Well I guess it depends of you are the kinda peros who sucks rhe fun our of everything or not.
We took my baby and ate the candy.
She can do whatever she wants with HER child. Stop judging her.
If she wants to dress her kid up and take it out let her….
My son was born Oct 5 and we took him in a stroller that year dressed as a mouse from Cinderella he got some candy my oldest got a ton but it was about the dressing up and experience! There isn’t a candy shortage good grief… MYOB and let her do what she wants
It’s not your kid so yes you are in the wrong for even questioning her choice with her child
I’m with everyone else, what’s the big deal? It isn’t hurting anyone, not even you. Let it rest.
As soon as you want. Took my 1st trick or treating when she was 2 months. My other kids all went as babies too since we always had older kids going too🤷♀️
I took mine at 2 months. Whenever mom feels it’s appropriate.
What issues do you have with your sister to be so judgmental towards her? Jeez.
Uhm I eat the candy. Duh.
Any age.
Typically when someone sees a baby they won’t give as much candy anyways, or give infants like suckers so the parents let then lick on them. They give the older kids who can actually eat it, more. But definitely, if she’s comfortable, more power to her.
Mind your own business
I took all of mine with in the first year if thier life. My 3rd son was born in the end of September and I took him when he was a baby, my older 2 are January babies, and my youngest girl is a July baby and I took her the first October. Nothing wrong with it.
My two were born in September and went out in October. It’s about the experience and the fun. Our world is hard enough why can’t we have fun while we can
There isn’t going to be some crazy candy shortage for the other kids just because she takes her 1mo out trick or treating.
any age you want them to… so what if baby is getting sweets they can’t eat, her mum will eat them. there’s no reason why she shouldn’t. i went while pregnant, i gave birth the following week, my costume was a zombie baby ripping it’s way out of my stomach😂 always wanted to do that.
My kid was 2 months. I’ve trick or treated every year, even when people said I was ‘too old’… Even when I was pregnant, baby went trick or treating. We attached a pail to its outstretched hand. And people have never turned down my infant or my in womb baby.
Mine was only like 2 months old and we went. I also didn’t take candy from every house but we went with friends.
I made my first’s first Halloween- he was a carrot.
Oh yes you are wrong, thats HER baby not yours, let her have her own traditions. I really dislike nosey a$$ family members
Kinda the point of having kids is doing this fun stuff with them. Why does is bother you so bad? Afraid there won’t be any candy left for you?
There’s gunna be enough candy for everyone it’s about tradition and being included. Even as a baby
Yes, you are completely wrong! It’s HER CHILD! She can do whatever she wants! It’s her baby’s first Halloween….why would you even have an issue with this??? It’s not hurting anyone or taking candy from anyone else! Stay in your lane!
Any age…let the parent shave their fun and enjoy their baby’s first Halloween!
My oldest was 4 months old her first Halloween and We took her.
We only had trick or treater for 2 years when we move here. I gave the little baby a sucker. Now people have stuff for the kids with allergies. So maybe there will be a stuffed animal.
I think it’s her business and nobody else’s. Mind your business
Oh my goodness it’s fun for the parents and lord knows we like to show off our babies and eat candy Too. Lighten up😍
I took my 9 month old at the time. It’s so fun to dress them up and the memory
My child was 6 months old when I dressed them up
Take that baby trick or treating you hard ass
I’m not sure why you’re so judgemental towards your sister. You must be very very important. Who knew your sister couldn’t celebrate a holiday tradition with her child without considering your input.
Parents need free candy too
My oldest is 3 and never really been treat or treating. I bought her a customer every year and last year I just went to the store bought her a some candy and snack and called it a night … you can’t really trust one these days…
Oh no how terrible
My middle had just gotten out of the nicu the day before. We dressed him up and took him to a couple houses. We kept our distance and didn’t stay out long. Fresh air is good for everyone
This will be my twins first year going I’m super excited already looking at costumes obviously they want eat candy they will be around 11 months my 3 year old is super excited this year I think around the age of 2/3 is when they start even knowing what it is and the older kids are always excited …I think there is 1000s of other things to worry about then your sister taking her child treat or treating we have all kinds of events here that’s just not all trick or treating for Halloween… bouncy houses Halloween contests face painting hayrides food etc alot of dress up for all kids ages even baby’s
Why do you care so much?
Whenever the parents feels like it…I love halloween so both of my kids started the year they were born. One was born in April other was born in September. And they both love halloween and anything scary. And I also believe Trick or treating has no age limit either if a teenager wants to go Trick or treating let them better then them going out doing legal stuff and drinking and what not. I don’t care if a 70 year old couple come to my door dressed up you best believe I’m giving them candy. My only rule is you gotta have some sort of costume on…even if it is a pillow case as a cape
We took our daughter when she was 2 months old. Only a few houses, but it was fun for us. Our neighbors loved it.
My oldest went trick-or-treating at 5 days old it was more about the experience of getting to take him and everyone saying how cute he was.
I took my oldest with his first year. He wore a skeleton fleece pajama outfit and his dad and I painted our faces as skulls. We got a few “I knew who this candy is really for” with a wink, and one “normally I’d say no, but the effort you put into your faces earns you some (candy)”.
My oldest was born in September and the year he was born I definitely wasn’t up for trick-or-treating…too exhausted! But I did go with a friend and her toddler (who is my son’s 1/2 sister) to a local Halloween event at the YMCA for lil kids…there wasn’t much candy but there was a loud play area, arts & crafts area, movie area, face painting, etc.
My 1st child was born 8-23rd & I took him trick or treating that year. It’s exciting being a new parent. You wanna dress your baby up & show it off. It’s fun!
We took our 2 month old twins trick or treating, and split the candy between us
At that young age the candy is for the mama and daddy. Yes babies are adorbs in costumes. Let mama get her well deserved candy
My daughter was born on October 22nd. At 9 days old, we dressed her up as an Angel. I was taking her older brother trick or treating so I dressed her up for fun. Didn’t get any candy cause everyone knew she couldn’t eat it. She made $70!! Lol
My first was like 3 but her sister is due beginning of October so she’ll only be a couple weeks not your kid not your issue
I usually have a few mini packs of white chocolate buttons for the littles. Keep some whatsits too. If they’re too young or mum doesn’t want them to have a little sugar…mom can eat them or the older kids.
No harm in including them in tradition
Why are you being such a downer for? It’s all for fun! And if your sister wants some candy, so what?
Thats going to be their first Holliday together. Let them celebrate it how they want to. It will make great memories. Take lots of pictures
My kids that popped out before Halloween 4 and 2 months. Money well spent for the reactions we received on their costumes all that matters
It’s something fun to do….I don’t care if the baby is a new born or 20yrs old, If you knock on my door your getting some candy (If I’m not out with my kids!)
My oldest was 5 months
My middle was 6 months
My youngest was less then a month old adjusted preemie.
We went, they all had a blast.
Take them whenever us parents benefit from it anyway I’m about to have my second any day now and I’ll definitely be dressing him up for Halloween!
Why is it your business?
I took both my new babies out trick or treating. It’s fun and a nice walk. Hope they give new mama a couple pieces of candy! I only had one rude comment about the baby not being able to eat any. I went with friends and their kids and only took candy from a few houses. Just wanted the fun experience I waited so long for.
I don’t care if a grown ass adult comes to my door in costume by themselves. They’re getting candy. Being a baby, they get double. I took all my babies trick or treating
uhhm. i would not take a month old out. my youngest was 4 months and i took her with my older 2 lol she had a basket n everything lol but i also had no choice. i didn have anyone to watch her. so she went in her seat in the stroller n away we went
You sound like so much fun. Girl. Let them have fun! Make sure the baby is covered and safe that’s all. Let them enjoy!
My grandson was 6 months old on his first Halloween his mother dressed him up like a dragon and we took him to a trunk or treat and then back to the house we went to eat Halloween candy and watch Halloween movies he was absolutely too young and will not remember any of it without being shown a picture but that really wasn’t the point it was about it being his first Halloween and she wanted to create a moment for her and her sons first Halloween. So if your sister wants to dress her newborn up in Halloween costume and take pictures and take the baby to a couple of houses and get herself some candy I don’t see any harm in it life’s too short to worry about what other people and parents think
I took my baby when he was only4 months. I was breastfeeding so he did get the candy in a way
Girl bye.
I put my daughter in a costume and stayed home. But it would’ve been just as cute to take photos and have a good laugh going trick or treating with a tiny human.
Let people enjoy shit.
Day 1. Teach them young to accept candy from strangers.
I took my newborn trick or treating and ill have 3 month old in October and she will be going trick or treating with me and my 4 year old and 1.5 year old
Let her take her baby it’s her choice. It’s more of a bonding experience and essentially more for her than baby lol
You only get 10 until they go off on their own. I think you should mind your business
When my oldest was 9 months old we walked around, but didn’t actually trick or treat. When my youngest was 1 month old we went trick or treating, but my oldest was almost 2 at the time
I took my almost 5 month old trick or treating with my neice. I didn’t want her to miss her first Halloween out. Most people didn’t care. I had one lady tell me no candy because it was for me and not her. I opened a lolly pop and put it in my infants mouth and walked away
to each their own. If she wants to take her baby. Let her.
I took my son while he was a baby. Until he was 4 years old he didnt like candy besides some chocolate and still would only eat one or two and not want anymore. Halloween was my favorite because all that candy was for me lol when my son turned 5 is when the real trick or treating started. He made me go house to house from 5pm to midnight! Omg i was so tired. And then i had to actually limit him in candy to 3 pieces a day after dinner or he would go crazy. I miss the good old days lol
I think my boys were about 4 the first time
I’ve taken my kids as babies too and I eat baby’s candy
Walk with the baby show of Ina Halloween onecie or baby costume
I think Halloween is for anybody who wants to enjoy it. Why does it matter what age they are?
Alot of people don’t actually trick or treat with an infant. It’s just fun to dress them up and baby costumes are the best
I had 2 of 5 born in September. Took them out too. They got candy and we ate it. Her baby, her choice.
Let her do what she wants! The candy is obviously not for the baby I still eat my kids candy
My first was a year, second was 4 months and bc of the pandemic my two youngest ones haven’t been
We took our 1 year old trick or treating. BUT… it was to friends & neighbors. Just a couple of houses
No age limit. I take mine as soon as I can. Hey we all like candy
When my 20yo was 8 months old,we took him out to friends and family.I think its adorable to see babies dressed up.
Don’t ruin your sister getting out of the house
No offense but my daughter was born oct 23 and took her out for Halloween
Greedy much? Let her live and mind your own.
You are never too old or too young to trick 'r treat. I’d stay in your lane. She clearly feels different… you don’t have to be there.
Mine was born Sept 11. Bet your ass I had her out there. I couldn’t wait. I wasn’t so much on the candy because I had three nephews and a niece to give it to. I think people should mind their own.
It’s Halloween who cares! I’ll give a full grown ass adult candy no questions. Let people have fun, there’s plenty of candy to go around.
As early as a few days old
My baby was two weeks old when I took my toddler out to trick or treat, we bundled her good and kept away from people as much as possible.
Mind your own buisness
I took my son when he was 6 months old. He couldn’t eat the candy but we dressed him up and just went to a few houses for the experience. I probably ate the candy but it wasn’t much.