Immediately . People love when babies come to the door. They know the candy is going to mom and dad but they don’t care
they get to see an adorable baby in a costume
Are You kidding ?! it’s not your kid so you shouldn’t worry about it I say get in the spirit of Halloween and take the baby trick-or-treating don’t forget to take lots of pictures and eat some candy!!!
At our house, as long as they have some sort of costume, we give candy. Or even if its a group older teens and a couple dont have a costume, I still give candy. Some may not have $$ for a costume. Id rather kids and their parents/young adults etc be trick or treating than out doing God knows what.
There is no reason you can’t dress them up and go out. Both my kids were almost 3months old for their first Halloween and I took them
My son was born in September and we took him trick or treating it’s the 1st Halloween
My son was 7 days old guess what he did? Trick or treated for his parents
Yes, you’re wrong. Let her have fun and enjoy her new baby.
That’s wayyyy to young… I would never take a baby trick or treating unless they could walk independently… That’s just using ur baby to get urself candy…
Im not a Halloweener.
What’s it to you ??? My boys where born in January and may and they went trick or treating the same year, don’t worry the candies didn’t go to waste hahaha this mama ate them
I had a two DAY old that went for his first trick or treat (although the other kids did end up with his candy lol)
My infants usually had a costume and came out trick or treating but 3 out of the 4 had siblings lol. I didn’t take candy for the baby.
My 1st had a costume but no trick or treating.
Either way, to each his own so I dont stress what others do with their own.
I’ve been every year with my daughter and she’s 10 now. We usually have other kids we go with. We didn’t go up to every door, but we dis get some candy for us adults. Nothing wrong with that imo!
From birth to death. We hand out treats for every age. From new borns to grandparents, we want everyone to trick or treat!!! And it’s not your baby so STFU.
Worry about your own family let her do what makes her happy
She just wants to dress her new baby up. Who cares lol.
That’s the logic of teenagers could get their own candy they shouldn’t go they’re too old. Teenagers could being a lot of shit on Halloween, let them trick or treat lol.
I’m worried it’ll be too cold and your sister will be disappointed, but other than that she’s only going to have so many Halloweens where baby will wear what she picks. Let her have fun.
You should be a lamp for Halloween so you can learn to lighten up…
My son was born oct 22,2020 we bought him a Halloween costume but we stayed home. Last year we bought him a costume an took him out but we only took candy people made me take lol which was a lot. Apparently parents need candy too lol. Can’t wait to go this year!!
took my kids trick or treating from the year they were born
my son was born October 29, came home the 31… I put him in a bumble bee costume and in a stroller and went trick or treating with his toddler sister. Does he remember it ? of course not but I do and I have the pictures and I got the candy😂
Any age is fine I love seeing the babies of all ages dresses up
My son was two days shy of turning 1 when he went for his 1st Halloween
If she wants to take her out that’s her decision maybe she is going with other people with older kids
Yes you are absolutely wrong , first because you should mind your own business, she can take her baby to trick or treating if she wants , is a fun day and we ( moms) have so much fun dressing our babies in costume, and she is not to take millions of candies so the other kids will be good
I think it’s more to be able to show off babies costume and such. Not in a bad way. But new parents are excited
Jeez there is no rules when it comes to trick or treating mind your own business!
Some of y’all acting like you dont go through your older kids candy. . Saying she’d be using the baby for candy. … yall do it with ya older kids
ASAP iv taken a few month old baby granted there always a bunch of other kids big family we usually go together baby can’t eat candy of course so you get it and everyone loves seeing a little baby dressed up so it’s still a lot of fun
Taking babies trick or treating is the best!! What could make someone happier than a baby in a costume!! Do you have any idea the joy that brings to us baby lovers!!? Don’t be a party pooper and why is it any concern of yours?
Newborn-adult my daughter was 14 days old the first time we took her
If it makes her happy why not
Who cares its gets the new mommas out walking and enjoying their new baby!! Things like this help Post partum!! Let her have her moment!! They make infant Halloween costumes that are super warm for a reason!
Well with my first baby I took him out for his second Halloween cuz he was walking already he was 14 months old. With my second I took her out for her first Halloween (she was 2 months old) just because I was taking my oldest old. Then with my third I also took her out for her first Halloween just because I was taking my older two out. All my kids though didn’t actually go trick or treating until their second Halloween when they were walking.
When they can eat candy and if they have siblings going.
Umm mom needs candy too js. I took my daughter when she was only 5 months and we had such a blast and all the older couples just melted over her cute costume.
Its Not your child… my daughters been doing halloween since 10months old nothing wrong with dressing your child up.
Mine went for the first time last year at 18months ish but she got to go up & down 1 street and that was that.
No teach em now it’ll probably help baby sleep anyway all the fresh air.
Yes your definitely wrong you should mind your own business and let her be a mom. Thats her kid and there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking her baby trick or treating
My youngest was born in September. I wanted to take him TorTing. But my uncle made me feel bad. STFU & let her parent her child how she wants. Unless it’s dangerous, abusive your opinion doesn’t matter. Get used to that now. Being an aunt doesn’t give you the right to make decisions for her child or try to influence her to parent your way.
No age limit on trick-or-treating. New mothers do the first holidays with their child. As long as weather permits…meaning to cold or raining…I think she’ll enjoy it
Why does it matter to you?
Great question! Never to young or to old. Get that candy, you might enjoy it the first years.
At that age they are in the stroller, take them! then wait for age 2 or 3 when they don’t want to get into the costume and make a Tantrum and you end up not going.
It’s a parental choice on what age is appropriate for trick or treating. I took both of mine when they were babies.
It cute seeing babies going out with mom n dad to trick or treat. I did it with my daughter yrs ago when she was a baby. She was almost a yr old as she had to wait for next Halloween.
When my kids were that little, it was more like to visit neighbors. I didn’t collect candy.
Ohhh baby’s first Halloween, I hope they find great costumes, no matter when the baby is delivered. Not even up to you, not your kid.
As young as their parents take them
I took my daughter out the day we got out of the hospital which happened to be Halloween. It was just to the local grocery store that was doing a little trick or treat thing, my mom works there so we were more showing her off than anything lol
Let mama dress that baby up and be a proud mama
I mean it’s not really your business A lot of people just like to dress their babies up. And most like seeing them dressed up. It’s fun. Babies first Halloween. I see 0 harm in it.
we took my son and he was a month a half old. And we took my youngest and she was 2 months
I took my son trick or treating whenever he was only 2 weeks old seems like you are fun at birthday parties that for sure
My first grandbaby is due the 28th of October. I asked my daughter if I could bring a costume up for him when he arrives lol. I think it’s whenever moms comfortable w it. I had my son in September n I took him out but that was almost 20yrs ago and noncovid life.
I take mind however old they are on halloween.i have 6m old twins and they will be dressing up come Halloween and trick or treating with the rest of their siblings… even when I just had 1 kid I took her with family as a family event. Babies don’t eat the candy I just split it between other kids. They hardly even get that much anyway but it’s not about the candy anyways
lady live a little! If she has other little ones to run with( nieces nephews friends kids) let her dress her baby up and go have fun. Now with covid and all that mess I wouldn’t personally but hey, I would gladly hand little momma a pice of candy to enjoy while I smile and waive at the baby. Live a little I think part of society issues is we put an age limit on fun things for FaR too long. I say let the 16 yr old dress like Naruto and come get candy like everyone else
Babies obviously don’t get candy but you can still bring them out…my daughter started going when she was 2 and didn’t really get candy until she was 4
But really, it’s not your child so it’s not really your business when they do things
i would take the baby. i was born in November but my sister was five when i was born had i been early i would have been right there with her as i was every year until she stopped trick or treating
Don’t you have real problems to spend your energy on? My son spent his first Halloween in the NICU and still wore a costume. She’s excited. Leave her alone and mind your own business.
I think it’s more about her wanting to dress her beautiful baby up In a cute costume and showing off her pride &joy than the candy, obviously.
I guess you were born with all the audacity and the family.
You’ve got too much time in your hands. I’m certain there’s an organization you can volunteer with. So many other things happening in the world to focus on. What your sister does with her babyshouldn’t tool the list of things too stress about.
I’ve always dressed mine up. But until they can walk and hold their bag I would say they don’t need to “trick or treat” per say. But by all means dress up and have fun.
I would have posted anonymously too:joy:
My son was a month old when we took him trick or treating for the first time. Dress the baby up and let mommy and daddy eat the candy
I had a September baby. I dressed him as a pumpkin ( a hand me down from my nephew also born in September). He answered the door with me as I gave out candy.
She can do what she wants. My girl was 9mo and walking when I first took her and she ate the candy. Her sister 6mo. Leave her alone and let her do a she wants.
‘Save the candy for the babies who can actually eat it.’ How many babies do you know out there eating candy?? Lol Get a lifeeee
How bout minding ur buisness. There are kids in the world with real problems. Kids dealing with trauma, abuse, no home. Why do you even feel like u need an opinion about a child that IS NOT YOURS. If mom wants to dress kid up, not ur kid not ur buisness. I dressed mine up. NO they can’t eat the candy but who cares get over it… I would tell my sister to go to hell if she came to me about something like this. Get a hobby
She’s excited and it non of ya business.
First you should not take a newborn baby out in the cold Dumb idea
I see why you think it’s silly but it’s for the experience! I say never wait to do anything, life is too short! Does she have other kids? Plus, she can eat all the candy lol
Whenever. The adult eats the candy and you get to show off baby in costume.
My children were 9mths, 8mths, 2mths, 9mths and 4 mths their first trick or treat. You aren’t wrong if that’s what you choose for YOUR child.
It’s fun and cute to dress them up at any age and mom and dad can eat the candy, or if they have other children they can eat it. What’s the big deal?
My daughter was 4 months old and I walked her around the neighborhood and brought her in haunted houses lol
I took my then 6 month old. Just out in my neighborhood so the neighbors could see him and say hi. We did maybe 5 houses. I have some amazing photos. He is now 20
Yes VERY WRONG READ WHAT YOU JUST WROTE AND SAID. Man I wish I had all ur worries abt Halloween candy and Babys of all thing! Lordt help me my brain hurts. Okay I’m done…
So did I babies everyone when I started Halloween. Even had one lady get all mad , thinking I wanted the treats, I closed the door on her face in her own home and went to the next house
She’s just excited for her baby’s first Halloween, leave her be.
No you’re not wrong buy her a bag of candy…
Mine first was born in November so a year but my youngest and middle were only a few months old
Personally I love seeing the babies all dressed up too. I always give the candy to the parents and no they aren’t taking away from the kids.
My daughter was born in august and we went tricker treating with her
Omg!! not your kid not your business. Not hurting anyone. Why do you care so much?
Personally I don’t care if they are a month old or 100 years old if someone comes to my door dressed up and says “trick or treat” just wanting candy they will get candy. As far as babies go the parents can eat the candy they can’t eat. Parents deserve a treat too sometimes. I love seeing people’s creativity with the costumes babies, kids and adults. I don’t judge because I know a lot of parents put a lot of thought, time and money into some of the costumes and some people even have to take off work just to have the experience with their kiddos. Let them enjoy it. It’s one night a year.
Seriously it boggles my mind the shit I see here
My son was 2 weeks only just do Trunk or treats they r during the day so no worry for super cold
She is just excited about her new baby
Girl, worry about your damn self and let that baby dress up and get candy for parents. Damn. Y’all wanna kill EVERYONES joy
No it’s okay it’s up to her she probably thinks it’s about having fun
You’re wrong. The age you’re talking about is around 2. From there you get to about 10 until people, or the child, think they are too old. That gives a parent 8yrs to enjoy trick or treating with their child. Those 8yrs fly by. Nope. Let that mom trick or treat with her baby in peace.
I think the most important questions here is why is this any of your business and why are you being so judgemental?
I took my 2 week old son trick or treating to family.
I literally took my newborn trick or treating to show him off to the neighborhood. And collected candy.
I show you my baby, you give me candy, everyone is happy. Now my son is old enough to knock on doors. I still get the candy. Mom tax.
I took my first trick or treating when she wasn’t even old enough to walk… it’s about the experience, the photos, the togetherness, the memories, the fun…
I took my 10 month old trick or treating and she loved it
It would be cute to have a little costume for the baby, but trick or treating maybe just to show off the baby.
When ever the babies mother says is ok days, weeks, years old
She is excited and wants to enjoy parenting. We just took our son to family and friends. Not yohr business