What age can kids trick or treat?

Yes, you’re wrong. I took my babies trick or treating because I too like the tricks and treats :woman_shrugging:t2:


I dressed my babies up and made the rounds to family’s house for fun. We didn’t collect candy, just dressed up and admired the cuteness. We also reverse trick-or-treated. I dressed them up and took candy to other people.


Mm, personally, I wouldn’t unless I had other kids that were older, but it’s also cold at that time where I’m from, and especially with a one month old, it’s hard. But ultimately, it’s up to the mother of the baby and the people passing out candy if they want to hand it to her or not. I don’t really see why it bothers you, I don’t know many people that run out of candy on Halloween anymore.

Need to at least be walking and LOOKING like they’re gonna eat the candy even if mom or dad takes it, at least they’re having fun, which is what really matters :heart:

If you knock on my door on holloween your getting candy babies, grownups doesn’t matter to me.


I would love to see a baby trick or treating with their parents. How cute.

My son’s 3 and I’m not planning on taking him trick or treating this year and haven’t the last 3. I don’t feed him candy and I don’t want the candy. We dress up and go hang out with other friends/family who don’t want to go trick or treating.

Your never to young or to old to trick or treat . Dress up go trick or treating. One of my favorite time of year . Halloween

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My kids have always gone. Twins born in August, one born in September and one born in June. They usually didn’t actually get candy their first year, but they got their costume and went. It was their “first” so I wanted the memories. We always trick-or-treat in a big group with most/all of the kids in the family. So even though at that age they weren’t actually getting candy, we still dressed up and went. Now if she doesn’t have any older kids that are going, or she isn’t going with a group of parents/kids, I’d say no. If she wants candy, she can go to Wal-Mart and buy it. There are other activities that she can take a baby to for their first Halloween.

I took my newborn and ate her candy :joy:

Newborn and 1st year are like the freebie passes for the parents to indulge in the treats. Let her get her candy! She’s about to break her cooter or her abdomen for this… lol


My favorite holiday is Halloween so dress that baby up and make your rounds. Who cares about the candy. Don’t be a dud.

it literally doesn’t affect your life in any way lol why do you care​:woozy_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Honestly, not your kid, not your business. If she wants to dress up her baby and take it trick or treating she should. At least to family and friends for fun.


How about MYOB??? Let her raise her own child and you worry about you…


Mine your own :sob: newborn costumes are the CUTEST.


Oh Lord🙄. You’re one of them “fun” moms.


Any age who cares have fun.

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Yes your wrong. She’s excited and you shouldn’t ruin that with your opinion


My son was born Oct 12th, and I took him out trick or treating. What does it hurt. :woman_shrugging:t2:


We dressed my daughter up in a costume, at 9 days old, when her older brother(3 yrs) went trick or treating.


I had my daughter three weeks before Halloween in 2018. And I took her out. Dressed her as a pumpkin. Put her in my sling and covered her with a blanket so no one could touch her.


If she’s a new mom . She’s excited let her have fun . It’s her child .


Not your baby not your business.

Imagine being that much of a debbie downer :grimacing:


Why do you even care😑

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I don’t agree lol. I’ll give ANYONE candy. I actually like to have extra things to give out for babies (individual packs of Gerber Puffs) and another alternative for those with food allergies or struggle with sensory that don’t have candy (like bubbles, stickers, etc). Don’t be a Halloween Scrooge. Let your sister enjoy her babies first Halloween💛


My kid is a July baby and no we didn’t trick or treat her first Halloween but we definitely did for her second one. Instead we want to my aunts house and passed out candy

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Who cares? She wants to enjoy a fun event (Halloween) with her newborn. The baby doesn’t need to eat the candy. It obviously won’t be able to but that doesn’t mean she can’t dress up with her bubba and go out with others and their kids. She can eat the candy herself.

Don’t try ruin it for her. She’ll be a new mum and she wants to experience it with her child. Let her do what she wants to do. It’s not hurting anyone

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She can still dress him up! And take him out whether the little one can eat candy or not. But 2 is a good age to trick or treat.

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It’s w.e. age she wants to.

100% wrong
Mind your business
There are no age limits for trick or treating :joy:
Hell one year I was pregnant and craving candy and went trick or treating for myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You are wrong. It’s the dressing up part and first Halloween costume. They don’t get candy. Parents get a chance to show off.


My oldest son was almost 3 months and I took him trick or treating it was more about showing him to people and the cute costume not the candy

I still haven’t taken mine there 1and3 but if she wants to that’s her choice. I don’t see nothing wrong with it. She making memories

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I’m 24 and will be out trick or treating with my friends kiddos this year :smiling_face_with_tear: there’s no age requirement haha

Just ignore it if you don’t like it :woman_shrugging:

You’re wrong. Let her have fun with her new baby. Do t ruin it for her. I would give anyone candy. Newborns through teens. Halloween is supposed to be fun for kids and parents!!!


Nothing wrong with it alot of mom’s do it. I did it.

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I live in a neighborhood that has tons of trick or treaters and plenty of babies come. I LOVE it…. It’s about the memories!!! I’ll give teens candy too… at least they aren’t out toilet papering lol


Eh, you only get to dress them adorably a few yrs before they assert their personality and want to be a pr of pants or a dino with a burger king crown or some such crazy thing lol let the parents go out. If anyone deserves some extra sugar, def parents of a newborn do! I never minded giving out candy to adults of lil ones. It is more about being excited to take out their kiddo! Maybe they just want to take part and hang out with other friends who have older kiddos!

I took my babies around when they were tiny, they got dressed in a cute little outfit and got fresh air.

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She will have a one month old. Let the woman have some candy


She wants to get baby a cute coatume and show him or her off. Nothing wrong with that. She can eat the candy :slight_smile:


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Always took mine!
My youngest was born August 17th last year and dressed up and went trick or treating!!


I took all my babies out trick or treating when they were tiny. . just stop being a Karen and mind your own :joy:

its literally not about the candy lmao its about dressing up and having fun, as a parent i love it, she has fun and i get lil munchies after she goes to bed lol and no i dont eat all of it

You’re not wrong or right. It’s not your kid.

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LoL…I have taken my kiddo since birth

U dont do it to get candy
Jusy dress up be cute and social

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U need to ask urself this, why are u so bother about it, if she wants to take her ba y out then sadly its not ur business, just let her enjoy making memories with her child xx


People do it for the photo ops. It’s not that serious. She’s not hurting anyone.


Yes you’re wrong. They can go trick or treating. I absolutely loved seeing little babies. My son was born 10/28. He was in nicu until the evening of Halloween but I was gonna take him trick or treating. We had a whole family costume planned and everything.


Yes, you’re wrong. Let your sister have fun and enjoy her first Halloween as a mom.


Baby’s first Halloween costume is a great memory maker! No reason not to dress them up cute and have fun.

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My son was two months old his first Halloween and yes I took him trick-or-treating dressing him up and walking with family and friends was half the fun . And after we got home I passed the candy he got back out to the kids that trick or treating my house it was a win win :rofl:

You take your babies whenever you want. I’ve done it every year since having my kids. There’s no restrictions. Let people have fun geeze

There’s probably other world problems to be concerned with and not trying to spoil something fun for someone else excited about with their baby :woman_shrugging:

Its not to early. Its fun for the parents to dress up the littleones and take them. Its more for memories for mom and dad at that age.


It doesn’t hurt anyone or anything to let it go if she wants to take her baby trick or treating why does it matter?

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Let her do what she wants, her baby her choice

I mean its none of your buisness really. That being said i dont get why someone would take such a small baby trick or treating. Especially with germs and whatnot. I cannget dressing up. Taking photos and whatnot but not trick or treating. To each thier own though.

I just hope yall live in a warm state :woozy_face:

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I took my son out when he was 9 months . I had him in cute fuzzy elephant’s costume I ordered online. Only gave him the lollipops and I ate the rest or gave to cousin who was with us .

There is plenty candy for everyone,if Mom wants to spend $$ on a fit for her baby & walk miles for sum milkyways & some awww ur babies so cute moments,let her. Support her! It will be fun :heart:

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i’d say only to the age of 12 years / starting at the age of 6 months old.