What age did you stop co sleeping?

2 of my kids were in their own beds by age 2 my 3rd Co- slept with me till he was 10 my youngest now 5 still co sleeps with me …not a big issue …if your boyfriend doesn’t like it its his issue forget him move on your daughter needs you

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Our 7 year old still comes in our bed most nights and our 3 year old does too.

You just do you, I wont ask what other mums do or did, everyone is differen’t

My daughter will be 10 next month, she still sleeps with me :roll_eyes::heart::flushed::woman_shrugging:t2::weary:

Try making her room & bed as cute & cozy as possible. Some kids find their parents beds and rooms more comfy especially when there’s isn’t all that great. If her room is more appealing and decorated with her favorite character she may be more interested in sleeping in her own room. I’m a mother of 4 boys ages 6 to19 and none co-slept, out of my room altogether by 6 months.

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Never have and never will unless she’s really sick or scared at night . She will not sleep in our bed but on our floor. She’s been in her crib since she was 1 month old .

:sob:I’d never want my babies to sleep away from meeeeeee ( 4year old and 2 month old girls)

We co slept until she was 3.5. I bought a bunch of shopkins and every night she got to pick one to sleep with. (we had to find them many times in the bed). If she came into our bed that night, she wouldn’t get one the next night. Yes, it’s definitely a bribe, but it worked!

At 2 I made their rooms cool and started moving them over. We still did sleep overs in mom’s bed but I totally get your boyfriend not wanting to sleep next to a child so old. May be have him only come a few days a week and let her sleep their when he’s gone.

My 3 year old and 10 year old still find their way in my bed sometimes. Your bf needs to stfu. One day those babies won’t want to sleep next to you. Appreciate every moment. Life goes by too fast (they both have their own rooms)

If you only want to move your daughter into her own bed for your boyfriends sake, please don’t. It won’t benefit you, and it certainly won’t benefit her. It could lead to a lot of issues further down the road.