Didn’t have that problem. Never allowed it. They have their own bed for a reason. This is my alone time lol
My daughter is about to be 11 has her own bed room everything but still ends up in my bed by the morning lol it’s never going to stop lol
I stopped the day my kids were born
Be consistent!! It took a week to a month to break my at the time 1 year old of it but it took one night to mess it up. Dont lay beside them when putting them to sleep sit nearby. Be firm about no getting up for whatever excuse they use and if they get in your bed throughout the night put them back in theirs. Again be firm be consistent and good luck
Try a toddler mattress in the floor in your bedroom, or even move her bed into your room…I have the same issue with our 3 year old…so I’m comments…but our 7 year old son will come into our room if he has a bad dream, or if it’s storming…and he’ll sleep at the end of our bed on the floor…but honestly I feel like boys are just easier with everything…our 3 year old daughter will only sleep with us or her brother…and even when she falls asleep with bubba she usually ends up in bed with us… But my son always had his own toddler bed in my room when he was little, so he was comfortable with his bed, I just had to work him into his own room…my daughter has to be snuggled…it’s a struggle…
I have 2 daughters and 1 son and they all stopped at age 5 or 6.
Around 4 I stopped my son sleeping in my bed . it’s hard work coz he constantly kept gettin up & wantin in my bed but I just kept puttin him bk in2 his own bed & U do want 2 give in sometimes & let them jump in beside U but they aren’t gona learn that way…
Kids come first I know that and I don’t even have kids
Who is the parent, children need to be taught right from wrong early has possible, no wonder kids grow up with no discipline. OOX
Screw him. Kids need you more than he needs sex. Tell him to get a magazine and go in the closet
Mine is 4 but refused to go to his bed I gave up!!
So you want another single parent to bring up a child, even if the man is not the father, what if it is same sex relationship. Children need to learn early has possible. OOX
F*** him. Your kids come first and you will never get this time back with them. He may be gone in 6 months. Choose wisely.
Mine is 8 and still sleeps with me from time to time.
My daughter was about 7 when I remarried , she slept with me from the time her father and I divorced , I knew it had to stop I told her that her step father slept naked , it stopped she never came to my bed again lol
My daughter is 8 and still sleeps with me. We just both sleep better that way.
I was in an abusive relationship which caused my daughter to co sleep with me from a year and a half to 3 years old cuz she was scared if sleeping alone cuz of him and now I’m in a new relationship now and she feels safe and sleeps in her own room and own bed perfectly fine… sometimes u gotta figure out how to make her feel safe and than she will sleep by herself
Mine is almost 6 and still snuggles with us a couple of nights a week.
I would say it’s completely up to the parents how long a child co-sleep and if your boyfriend is not okay with it that’s completely okay and you also need to respect that and start getting her in her own bedroom because one thing I will tell you the longer she co-sleep the harder it will be to get her in her own bed mark my words! The best thing to do in the sleep time technique where are you always lay the child to bed in their own bed never in yours and make sure she’s awake when you place her in her own bed and then she won’t knowingly come out and the first time she comes out you walk her back very nicely and say it’s time for bed sweetheart and then the second time she comes out you say it’s time for bed and then any other time after that you just take her by the hand nicely walk her back in and place her in bed without saying a word it might take quite some time because she is five and she’s used to sleeping with you but it will work if you stick to it and be consistent
Mine never slept with us, always in their own bed
Kids need to eventually learn to sleep in their own bed. My oldest now 16, was a little over a year when he slept in his own bed. It was definitely a struggle to get him to the point he wouldn’t get out. Make their bed, THEIR bed. Stuffed animals, favorite blanket, etc. give them a reason to want to sleep in their own bed.
I never let my kids sleep in bed with me, so it never became an issue. But from friends and family who have, they say you have to stick to whatever you try and have more willpower then the child. Good luck
I never let my kids sleep with me,my mom told me if you let your kids in your bed you will never get them out.
Been there. I suggest you do whatever you can do to stop it now. Or you will have a 11 or 12 year old still wanting to sleep with you and expect you to go to bed with her too. I basically had to put my foot down and let him sleep on the couch with TV on (because I did go to bed at the same time to get him used to it). That may not work for you, but try to think of different options that will make it easier for her. Night light, TV, music, what ever helps calm her to get her in her own room. She will not like it, she will cry and throw a fit. But you have to put your foot down now. Mine now sleeps in his own room with no problems. Best of luck
Fuck that! My daughter is 8 months and she doesn’t and won’t ever sleep in my bed
My daughter learned to sleep on her own pretty early. My husband would put her in our bed then say “don’t roll over on baby” leaving me 6 inches of a king size mattress, I didn’t put up with it long.
mines have never sleep with me…
My 1st daughter was 7, my 2nd daughter sleeps on the couch refuses her bed she is 4 and my 1 year old stays asleep all night in her room
I’m 41, just slept with my momma when I went back home a few weeks ago🤷🏾♀️
At almost 8 years old. Lol
Tell him to go to the couch
Never. Maybe they’ll stop sleeping with me when I die I guess only time will tell
My children never slept with us
Ouch, I never had the children sleep in no other then their own bed. I would lay down with them, but in their own bed.
I still co sleep with my 8 year old daughter
My boys all want to sleep with dad still 9,11,13.
My kids never slept in our bed.
Tell him to sleep in his car. They are only little once.
Swear people are delusional to think it’s okay for a child to be in the same bed as a couple from the start. That is the reason why they have bassinets , cribs, toddler beds, day beds , twin size beds , and full size beds. Child protective services actually can and will step in if they catch wind that a person is in a romantic relationship and still allowing a child to sleep in the bed with them. Especially after the age of 3
Ummmm, my son FINALLY started sleeping in his own bed at 8 and my daughter is 5 and still ends up in bed with me. So…
Funny thing is, she NEVER co slept. She slept in bassinet, crib, toddler bed and now twin bed but she usually ends up in bed with me since she could get out of the twin bed. My son co slept from 6months on because he could not sleep without touching me… he is on the spectrum with ADHD and it was a BATTLE with him to even fall asleep.
My 16 year old still sleeps in my bed and given the chance my 27 yr old would too. Lol however I don’t have a bf/so at the moment. I guess if I did we would be sleeping at his house then I coslept with both of mine but they would also sleep on their own. Only issue now is shortage of bedrooms.
Baby comes first, boyfriend can find the door if its that big of an issue
My child slept in my bed with me up til she was 7. My aunt got her a princess bed with Harry Potter bedding and she decided her bed was better than mine. She has always had her own bed but she was scared of it. So my aunt helped me remedy the problem. It has a canopy so she has glow in the dark star canopy curtains. Not everyone has an aunt who is willing or able to do this. So until your child is ready, ignore the chatter of your boyfriend.
Stop?! I never began…… all my kids slept in their own crib since the day they came out the hospital…. Not even for naps I would lay them next to me. I would lay them in my chest and they would fall asleep after bottle feeding but never slept in bed w me….
I don’t disagree with it, it’s just not my thing….
To answer your question, try laying down w her in her bed first. Let her fall asleep then go to your room. She most likely will wake up and go to your bed but that’s when you walk her back to her bed….
Lissen… my youngest son is about to be 13 and still asks to sleep in my bed. It NEVER ends. So there’s that
I just did this week. He turns 6 months and I thought hed put up a fight but he goes down awake and soothes himself to sleep no problem. Im the one that misses it. Lol but I grab him in morning and we lay around for an hour
My daughter never slept with me and my husband. This guy sounds like a loser though
Stuff him. She may need you to feel safe. Don’t push her out she’s still so young. She will move on when’s she’s ready. Probably a bed on the floor then her room. Kids deal with split ups hard. Then a boy friend. She doesn’t want to loose you too
This is situational. If she needs you then that is priority.
If mine made an issue, he’s out… Lol…
I never let my son co-sleep. But I would say if it is causing an issue in your relationship it’s time to move her to her own bed.
My daughter was in her cot in own room, straight from when brought her home from hospital
She started on her tenth birthday. When she stops is up to you and the child.
Big deal ! Spend some time with her. She may need u !! Dony worry she will grow up then u wont have to be bothered
I have my youngest who is 8 still with me.
30 just kidding
Never let mine sleep with me so never had that problem… They had their own beds and rooms to sleep in…
My daughter never slept with me but she had her son sleeping with her until he almost fell off the bed. She put him in his crib and slept on the floor next to his crib for a week until he was used to it
Okaayyy, sounds like you boyfriend just wants some extra time with you.
But I had stop because it was too much in my back. I started with naps, then just forges see to full nights every night.
Now he’ll fall asleep with one of us and we go lay him down.
Throw the whole dude out
Ew. All the “high and mighty” moms that are scolding you for co-sleeping.
I embraced every moment having my child next to me while we slept. I was more comfortable knowing he was there with me and he felt the same. We finally stopped co-sleeping at around 2 or 3 I believe… it was definitely a change, but we just made him as comfortable as he could be. We hung a tv in his room so he could watch tv while in bed so he could get use to it and then he just started falling asleep with tv on and I’d turn it off after. Slept through the night by himself since.
Please do whatever is comfortable with you! Every kid is different and takes changes like this at their own pace.
Good luck!
My son is 2 and still sleeping with me, and I don’t mind it cause I know the baby cuddles won’t last forever. Yea I want our son to sleep in his bed sometimes but we enjoy his cuddles
2 of my kiddies loved their own beds by 2 & 3ish
Not to say they don’t come back in every now and then during the night.
The youngest is 9mnths and currently cosleeps with me and dad if it’s cold.
My eldest is still coming into bed with us at 10 especially if he’s not feeling comfortable or had a bad dream.
They all always sleep soundly in our bed. When were having alone time we take them back to their own beds when they fall asleep which only takes a fraction of a time than when in their own bed.
Apart from that were not fussed.
I seen a meme a while back that asked along the lines of if I liked sleeping alone? Then I shouldn’t expect them to like it either. I thought, so true!
I lay down with my son who’s 3. His dad moves him if I happen to fall asleep too. Cherish this. It won’t last forever
I told my girls “the day you start school, is the day you start sleeping in your own bed” it took a few nights, but it worked. They are now 8 & 6, it was great having my bed back for alittle while. Now we have our 2 yr old in our bed🤦♀️
I got my 4 year old daughter on one side and my month old son on the other. If I get a boy friend he’s gon have to get an attachment by him self to bed or just make him a pillow fort on the floor next to us. My babies always come first. And are welcome to sleep with me as long as they want to. A boyfriend is replaceable, but that memory your kids have of you isn’t, and neither is the time and energy you put into your kids comfort and happiness. My kids sleep with me because it’s a comfort to them and to me, and one day they won’t ever sleep with me again and that’s when a boyfriend can keep me company. But I created these little tiny people and want to make them the most comfortable and content in their lives <3
I always let my kiddos figure it out. Some of them needed longer, some less. But I always said As long as we can all get some sleep I don’t care where we sleep. Worked for us.
Right from.day one I still don’t know how women can out newborns in bed with them but thats there own choice I was so afraid of killing them. But I got plenty of rest they sleep so good from the start
Ditch the bf… mine is 7 and still sleeps with me, when she is ready she has a room waiting for her with a bed just like mine but after my split with her dad she got real clingy, she is now not cuddling as much so I think she is getting closer to being okay to sleep alone but its her choice and I communicate that clearly to her. Personally I wish she would sleep in her own room my back hurts from her knees cause she sleeps all crazy… i say ditch the bf cause if he cares about you then he cares about your kids too and if your not ready he should respect that and it doesn’t sound like he does.
I’ve had my kids in there own bed. From baby on even if I had to have in my room for certain length time in there own bed . But in our room was a crib otherwise there own room still own room I’ve had in my room if there was police close by for some reason otherwise nope
My kids never slept with us. As infants they had cribs and toddlers they moved up to toddler beds and then twin beds from there. I don’t believe in allowing children to sleep with you. It’s too difficult to get them to use a bed on their own then. I know because my daughter is struggling with two of her daughters still sleeping with her.
My daughter is 7&my son is 5 I still sit in their room until they’re asleep… It works for us, it’s quiet calm time spent together to unwind and catch up about their days.
You need to figure out if you have an issue with it too. Also why does he want it to stop? If it’s to spend more time with you… You could set a quiet alarm to remind you to get back up or tell the grown adult that he can suck it up and wait for you.
You do what is comfortable for you and your child. It’s not up to the boyfriend. Ask your daughter how she feels. She may be ready to have her own space.
Never coslept but she slept in our room til she was 7 in her own bed
I love all the people saying their kids never slept with them
Welllllll this post isn’t for you then is it? Because she was asking for advice from parents who do co-sleep…
aaaaand that wouldn’t be y’all, would it?
Depends on when she is ready. But get her a bed big enough for you to lay down with her and let her pick her sheets and comforter. Lay down with her till she falls asleep. If you fall asleep to he can come wake you up in her room!
I think the real question is, do you want to stop co sleeping? If so, do it. If not, don’t let you boyfriend ruin your precious time with your little one, you’ll miss it.
When my daughter was 5 mo old
Put her in her own bed plain and simple and tell her ass to stay there and not get up unless she has to use the bathroom or it’s an emergency. Does she go other places like school or a friend or relatives house and have other adults sleeping with her? There are no tips and tricks just be the parent and put your foot down.
My son is six and a half - he starts off in his bed, but is usually in mine when I wake up. The kid’s a ninja, I never hear him lol
Get rid of stupid boyfriend your duty is to your child
My daughter is 6 and still has to fall asleep beside me . Once she’s in a deep sleep I either leave her with me or I move her if my bf comes over
But I never encouraged co sleeping it just sort of happened . Once she was able to climb out of her crib and come into my room I would wake up and find her beside me. And since she was taken and then placed back into my care that was the only way I could get her to sleep was to lay down beside her and half the time I fall asleep with her . Do what’s best for you and your family
My son is 5 years old and still climbs into mine and my husband’s bed during the night… but he starts off in his bed then some mornings I’ll wake up to him beside us
My first son slept by me until 5 years old and then moved him to his own bed. Then the 2nd one šlept by me until 8 years old!! He is in his own bed now and doesn’t want to sleep by me at all… My advise would be to lay by her until she falls asleep in her own bed ( she sleeps early.,and at a set time anyway) then maybe pack some teddies or pillows by her. And maybe a dim light. (let her choose a cute lamp for “her own big girl room”)
Safe Sleep and Baby Care – Evidence Based Support
My daughter was 9 and my son was 5 when they officially stopped sleeping in bed with me. They are 12 and 7 now and would gladly still if I allowed it
No matter the age I think it takes time. Not something that can be changed over night. My son slept with me until about 1 and a half then get got a cool big boy bed w paw patrol (his favorite at the time) bedsheets. It took some time. Some nights I would wake up and he would be on my floor next to my bed lol but by the time he was 3/4 he was completely in his own bed. And of course I couldn’t forget a cool nightlight. All the little things helped make him comfortable so it was easier to transition. Again it took time and on his own he made the decision he would be a big boy and can sleep on his own.
My 5 year old sometimes still sneaks in, he’s the only one out of my 5 that ever did that. I figure he will stop when’s he’s ready. My husband never even notices he curls up in such a small little ball
My son who just turned 11 still sleeps in my bed but its also just me and my children so I say who cares where he sleeps as long as he is sleeping. But I do agree with your boy friend she is 5 time for her own bed so you guys can have your time.
I dont sleep well so it’d never work… I also love my own space in bed.
My first baby co-slept with me (just us) until around 2 then in a bed in my room. He never had a problem going to his own bed in own room when we moved. My 2nd baby slept well in his bedside bassinet and transitioned well to crib in his room. I would never ever survive if they had to sleep with me too! I love them but…
Well it’s not your boyfriend’s choice or business where your child sleeps so the first step would be to have him move out of the house. Next step would be to let your child sleep in your bed until they are ready to sleep in their own.
My son was 10ish and my older at daughter 11. The only reason she left was i got remarried. BUT he worked nights. On the nights he was gone i had her and my bonus daughter. My youngest was 10. All 3 will climb into bed with me at a moments notice if they want and they are 31,23,12. And at 49 i climb in with my mom.
I have no advice just support! I have a 9yr old and 3yr old and I sleep with both of them while my bed remains vacant. I try to just lay with them and move to my own bed, but most nights I’m asleep with them. And when I do move to my own bed, chances are that one or both of them gets up at some point and I end up back in there.
I would suggest going slow. Maybe set up a sleeping mat in the floor of their room and sleep next to her for a week or so. The next week, do the same but place them in their bed once they’re out. Once they’re used to that, transition from just kissing them goodnight and letting them put themselves to sleep. There might be times that they wake up and you’ll have to let her cry for a bit before going in there, but she’ll eventually learn to sleep in her own bed. Good luck mama!
My son is about to be 10 and still sleeps on a bed in my room and I’m not kicking him out anytime soon
Lol my daughter is 11 and is almost my height I’m 5"9 and still refuses to sleep alone
sorry never we had 3 all preemies but that was 57-years ago
My son turned 7 today and we co sleep… but he’s able to sleep in his own room no problem
The ladies telling her to get RID of her Man is DISGUSTING! If he LIVES there and PAYS THE DAMN BILLS he has every right to feel the bed He shares with his woman should be A KID FREE ZONE! Furthermore NO CHILD should be co sleeping with a NON BIOLOGICAL Parent PERIOD!