What age did you stop co sleeping?

Your boyfriend shouldn’t be sleeping in bed with your child in the first place!!


Put a chair in her room temporarily and stop laying on the bed with her. Put her in bed and you read her stories from the chair. Calming the house down about an hour before bed always made a big difference with my boys. Quiet time for a bit before bedtime . Its hard for kids to relax right after running and playing right before bed. You have to be very routine committed and after a few days it should be understood. How ever much time it took my boys to 'stay in bed ’ after their actual 'bedtime ’ was how much earlier they had to go to bed the next night. Couple times they had to go pretty early but they sure learned quick because I stuck to it religiously.

He has no say in this if he’s not the Bio dad. And He’s your BOYFRIEND. Tell him to go home to HIS bed until he makes you a wife… I learned this the hard way.


I never wanted that to be a problem, so they have been in their own beds since birth. Other than taking naps or comforting them during a rough night, they love their own beds.


My oldest got out of my bed at 13year old my 2nd one she’s 7 and still in my bed. And her bed is across from mine. :joy:

Mmm around 3 she stopped sleeping with me. She does occasionally come crawl in bed with us and we don’t mind. But shes 6 now and still doesn’t sleep thru the night so it’s difficult

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Mine never did co-sleepung but my youngest 2 (out of 4) would come cuddle around 6:30am until time to get up. Started around age 5 and stopped by age 7.

She’s your daughter I’d give him the boot :boot:


Bribery :laughing: My son is 5 and I bribed him with a toy he wanted if he slept in his room 5 nights in a row and all night. It took him 2 weeks to do it, but nonetheless he’s now sleeping in his own room. :grin: #honestmotherhood

Tell him to get over it
My daughter was like 9 I think
My son…off and on hes 4

My oldest, I moved out of my room to the spare bedroom & slowly moved his stuff to his “new” room🤣 he was 4 yrs old
my 2nd was around 2 years old & started sleeping in a toddler bed in his own room. My 5 month old so far has only slept in her crib & I’m hoping it stays that way.

My oldest 3 stopped when they were 4. My baby now is 1 and she’s still sleeping with us. I am working on getting her back into her own bed so me and my significant other can have time together.

My children never slept with me unless they were sick. They had their own beds and slept in them. I don’t know any tips except to make her room special and just for her and put her in it every single night until she gets used to it. However, she is only a little girl just the same so it might take awhile. Your boyfriend could be a bit easier on you, they are only little once!!! Good luck dear.

I never co slept with my kids in my bed. If they needed me I would go to their beds, once they were asleep I would go to mine, if they woke again I would go back to theirs. It only took a short time before they didn’t wake up through the night. It worked with all 3 of mine.

I slept in the same bed as my mom every chance I could. I’m 43 and co-slept with her as often as I could until she passed in December. P.S. it’s not weird, I just loved my mother and now miss her every day. I’d give anything to have her steal my husband’s side of the bed again ( he never minded that she did that.)

We never started it. She was in her crib, and by 2 yrs old, into her own bed with no problems


My son decided on his own at about 3 1/2 that he was ready. Mind you he is 17 and still sleeps with the lights on.

2 months ago & I miss my babygirl some nights (5 yr old) but she loves her space

My first born around 4.5, my second 4.5, my third 3.5, my 4th and 5th barely ever bedshared.

Slept with my mom until I moved out and will leave my bed to snuggle with my daughter In hers. To me it’s bonding :heart::heart:

Place a bed next to yours for her to sleep in, once she is asleep place her in it and she gets use to that, start laying her in the bed next to u in her own bed to fall asleep; as she adjust to that move the bed away from yours still in the same room, but not next to you, finally as she adjust to that move the bed to her own room.


Mine is almost 5. A few months ago I started laying with her in her bed till she falls asleep then I go get mine. She normally makes her way to my bed around 3am tho :woman_shrugging:

I really dont blame the guy. If you live together I’d imagine he feels there is literally no personal space and this suggests to me not much for intimacy either. 5 yrs old is more than old enough to be in their own bed.


I’m sorry but I wouldn’t want a boyfriend sleeping in the bed with my daughter. I’d say either she starts sleeping in her bed or you send the boyfriend home ,other bed .

My Children never slept in our bed. If they fell asleep snuggling they were taken to their own bed.

My daughter is 5 also in she still sleep’s in my bed but i Don’t have a man so its not a problem. Try putting her a toddler bed in ur room maybe that will help

Your children will always be with you. Men come and go


Co slept a lot in the younger years. She’s 13 now and still climbs in bed with me whenever she wants to. It’s usually just a few times a week for a short time but I love every second of it. This won’t last for long. :broken_heart:


Maybe lay down in her bed few minutes read n tell her goodnight?


If it’s just you and the child at home I dont see an issue but at 5 if the boyfriend lives with you no she needs to be in her own bed.


My kids are 27 24 & 23, they slept in my room in a bassinet for first 2 months then into their own rooms. If they were sick or had bad dream they would occasionally sleep in bed with us.

It is strange to sleep with your adult children

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If your daughter does not learn to sleep alone they will end up always having a man in there bed when they are grown and that can lead to the wrong men


Different for everyone but id say around 1 yr. Transition slowly. I used to put my kids in their crib at first then ehen they woke up id put them on bed. Did that for awhile then when they woke up id pit tyem in the crib after but the second wake up put them in w me. Etc. Babies came out of us and its jolting to be cold snd hear loud noises and bright lights. They need our smell, heat znd heart beat.

First getting mad doesn’t solve anything! :neutral_face: my husband and I just transitioned our 6 year old to her bed. Step one was letting her pick out accessories for her room/ comforter: sheets etc. then we talked about it every night for 2 weeks. Lastly my husband purchased a baby monitor and told her he’d be watching her so there’s nothing to be scared about. She’s been in her bed for 1 week- granted I lay with her til she falls asleep… tbt I fall asleep as well. :heart: my husband comes in and wakes me up- instead of getting mad.

Mine always slept in their beds ages 23 & 5 now but I’ll occasionally take a nap with my 5yr old in my bed.

My son has always had his own bed, moved from his crib to a twin bed at 9 months.

Never slept with my parents. Always had my own room and bed. You reap what you sow.

When she falls asleep put her in her own bed or try reading her a story in her own bed until she falls asleep with night light.or a tv might interest her in her own bed

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By two boys never slept in our bed. They went from baby bed to a twin bed.


I still do naps with my 6 yr old daughter. But she sleeps in her own bed. Slept with my husband and I for a little while. Other than need for time alone with my husband, she also took up all the bed between us and neither of us almost ever got any sleep lol and froze our butts off in the winter cause she always kicked the covers off. Lol
At the end of the day its up to you to do whatever you feel is best.

Introduce him to the door :door:


Well cosleeping is dangerous and she’s too big to be in your bed anyways! Sounds like it’s more a codependency and you need to be ready yourself to put your foot down and have her sleep in her own bed. I’d be hella mad if I was him too, just saying!


I have 3 and my kids never slept with my husband and I

Both my eldest never slept in my bed.my son always loved his bed and when I was breast feeding my daughter her dad would put her back if I ever fell asleep whilst feeding…my daughter went through a stage of.wanting to be in my bed around 5/6 after me.and her dad split up.i allowed this for a few months but it had to stop.so I found A good routine of bath,supper(of she eats before bed) story and bedtime cuddles plus make it clear what time is her bedtime and that she will be sleeping in her big girl bed throughout the day sets the expectations and it’s not a surprise… she did get upset for a few days but shes.now back to sleeping in her own bed and loving it… My mum also got her new fleece bed cover and PJ’s so she loves her bed and being snuggled up… I suspect the transition won’t be as easy of she’s always slept in your bed .but if YOU are ready then just stick to the new routine…hope this helps x

My kids never slept in my bed. They all went from bassinet to crib to their very own twin. I had C-sections so the bassinet was used and put right up against my side of the bed until I healed, then the baby was put into their crib in their own room. :heart:

:dart:Boyfriend not husband. Put your child before him. Always.

I still co sleep with my child until they are asleep and they are older than yours.

Nothing wrong with making them feel safe that they can fall asleep beside you

If he is getting mad ditch him at your earliest conveiance…


I see your boyfriend’s point totally I’m afraid , there’s no you and him time , must be very frustrating , if he treats your child well all day and brings them up you can understand he also wants time with you , I would tell your daughter she’s a big girl now , if will be a few days of crying but she will be fine


My child stopped co at 5 and because my boyfriend started to sleep over. But not for her to feel rejected. I make her room nice, she chooses her decorations her bed, curtains. Makes her feel happy about it.
I tucked her in bed always by 7.30 or 8pm. We cuddled read books and let her fall asleep. She knows my friend waiting to talk to me after and too late to go he had to sleep over.
If she restless wake up I go in bed with her she fall asleep.
Now she’s used to being in her room. she’s 8 years old and me in mine single now. We broke up for other reasons

My daughter is 3 every night she sleeps with me and every night when she falls asleep I place her in her own room my boyfriend has no issues with it understand it’s a bond and her safe place she is at the age that monster live under the bed and in the closet I always tell her there isn’t but my bed makes her feel safe I won’t make her feel any different

Yall kill me with the whole leave him shit. No, at a certain age like 5 your child should be in their own bed. There can’t be any intimacy if a child as in the bed all the time. My sons used to sleep with me as soon as I started to see someone and we moved in together my sons slept in his own room, in his own bed. Its okay if they come in there sometimes but a child needs their own bed.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: my 7 and 8 (almost 9) year old still sleep on my bedroom floor lol

5 as soon as he started school

Throw out the boyfriend lol


Tell your bf that being a parent is hard as it is and he doesnt need to make it more difficult.


Mines 5 and still sleeps with me

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Still sleep with my soon to be 4yr.old

My child is 5 and still sleeps with me or in his bed in my room.

how u and your bf being intimate if you sleep with your child every night? Nonsense! :roll_eyes: Just stay single


They only stay little for so long once it’s done it’s done so cherish it while u can and tell him to suck it up lol


Cosleeping family here. My oldest slept with me until she was ready to not. It wasn’t til she was 7 or 8. Now my youngest sleep with me and they will until they are ready. When my oldest was young, I tried to get her to sleep in her own bed to make my romantic life easier and it just wasn’t worth it. I had romantic nights when she stayed the night with grandparents etc. Or when I didn’t fall asleep and could come out of the bedroom. :woman_shrugging:t3: Time is fleeting. That oldest is now 11 going on 20 and id give anything for that time back, and none of those boyfriends lasted anyways.

When she’s ready you’ll know. It’s not really up to him, she’s you’re daughter. :purple_heart:


Tell your bf to sleep in his own bed :woman_shrugging:


My 13 year sleeps with me once every 6 to 9 months and my 9 year old will fall asleep with me if he having trouble sleeping but he wake up in his own bed. Otherwise I randomly go sleep with them in one of their beds

My little girl who is 6 did up until March when I got a bed she loved and she picked out.

Okay. I co slept with my kids freaking forever it seemed. My youngest stopped about 3rd grade, but sometimes in the middle of the night would snuggle in.
That youngest would’ve been 33 this month. He died a week before Christmas last year. And I’m telling you now, I am so glad, so comforted, I never fussed about it.

My 15 yr old is a boy so by 8 that was done. My daughter is 9 and still climbs in bed wit me

My son never slept with me. As a baby, he preferred the crib instead of a bassinet so he slept by himself, in his own room, right from the start.

Don’t rush it you’ll miss these cherished times. When she’s ready you’ll know.


I never let my kids sleep with me. take a nap with me during the day? sure. The occasional nightmare? yes indeed. but for official bedtime they had their bed and I never let that circus get started so didnt have to worry about stopping it.

My daughter falls asleep in my bed I wait for awhile then put her in her bed

My oldest was 12 lol youngest sometimes sleeps with us but usually chooses his bed

Start a new routine, bath, book, bed. Stay with her until shes asleep and then QUIETLY leave the room! If she stays in bed all night reward her, if she gets up take her back to her bed and read to her some more.

I’ve been doing this with my 2 year old, and my almost 8 year old. The 8 year old reads herself to sleep now!

My kid is 3, so sleeps with me and I fall asleep with him around 8 as well… bf can sleep on the couch if he doesn’t like it.

Try making her bed more fun a tent or nice lights around the room. I take all my kids out the bed at 2. I can understand how it could get annoying and I get you don’t mind her in the bed but it can cause issues in a relationship and 5 is a bit old. So I’d try getting her to go to her own bed and explain to her why. My other question is you said bf is he her father or no?

Is bf dad if not the child should not be in bed with you period I feel what the bf is going through I am a step father and when I first came into the relationship my significant other had a six year old that liked to play the I’m scared card I understood that sometimes it’s a must but as step dad I did not feel comfortable with being in bed with her especially as she got older

I can’t remember the ages I think 5 but we transitioned from my bed to a bed beside me bed to their bed in their own rooms. They are now 11 7 and 9 and they have been in their own rooms for a while. And they don’t get up in the middle of the night and end up in my bed. Of anything my youngest will end up in his brothers bed by morning. Every kid is different tho. :woman_shrugging:t4:

My son stopped crawling into my bed on his 7th birthday.

My son was 3.5. I slept in his bed with him since birth. Had to stop after my second son was born

Not being judgey just curious how do you have any personal time if your child sleeps in the same bed?
Try starting the bedtime routine about 30 minutes earlier and in your childs own room. Lay down with them still, they still get that comfort as do you, but set a timer on your phone for 20 minutes. After that 20, kid stays in their bed, you sleep in your bed with your boyfriend.
If child gets up, put them back to bed. Stick with it. It will stick.


Maybe I’m old school, but my kids never slept with me unless they had a nightmare then we’d let them climb in bed with us

Tell your boyfriend to stay in a boyfriend lane. :rofl:


My kids never slept with me.

Mine never slept with me


My kids never went to bed with me, on occasion one or the other would hop in during the night if they were having trouble sleeping. But never all night. Then answer to the question would be maybe 4 or 5.

They always slept in their own bed. I didn’t think it was safe for them to sleep in my bed. I love far too much…

My older 2 kids were about 8/9 when they stopped sleeping in my bed my youngest was 8 they started sleeping in there bed by there self’s

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My son is almost 8 and he’s back and forth in my bed but it progress sometimes he wins and sometimes I win. Your boyfriend however needs to back off it’s just putting more stress on you and your daughter that’s not needed.

Kids don’t like sleeping alone

I don’t like sleeping alone

My partner doesn’t like sleeping alone.

So we all sleep together. Tell him he’s more emotionally mature so he should have no issue sleeping by himself :woman_shrugging:t2:. Kids come before adult men who act like kids


Who’s the child? Him or your real kid? As long as he’s not being avoided what is he jealous of?


Boys 2 and 3, they sleep in their own beds mostly but if they wake up in the middle of the night they come to me. Put kid in their bed and sleep on the floor in their room so they feel safer being there.

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My daughter is almost 8 and still sleeps with me I’m single and she’s my life

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Have fun giving your kids dependency issues


My younger two r almost 13 n almost 10 n they still occasionally sleep with me in bed. But that’s probably y I’m still single!!!

Make a really huge deal out of her big girl bed, add little cheapish stuff like they have little bed toppers with different designs like a pop up tent for the bed pretty much that has princesses or whatever on them, or have her pick out things to move into her big girl room, like where everything should go and get her super involved. Then it’s her space, she is comfortable and will only beg half the time to still sleep with you lol.

It’s extremely hard to break a child out of!!! I suggest a reward if they sleep in their own room… after so many stickers ex: a few more minutes of playing etc
Waking up and putting them in their bed is an idea.


Who more important your child or your boyfriend? Mom is a safe haven

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My kids have never slept with me unless they were sick.

Your job is to raise a child that can be independent and self sooth. 18 years goes by fast. They get their own life and if you put no effort in your personal relationship prepare to be alone. The day they left my body they slept in their own crib/ bassinet/ bed.