What age did you stop co sleeping?

He can stfu shes only little once.


Mine never was allowed.


Bf shouldn’t have a say in how you want to do your parenting. They can sleep somewhere else. Your little ones only want to be that close to you for a small portion of there life and you never know what tomorrow brings so cherish these times while you have it, cherish those snuggles :sparkling_heart:


U all sleep together?


Mine never slept with me


My children had their own bed. !!
Boyfriend needs to get a another girlfriend

Get rid of the boyfriend. :joy::joy::joy: She’ll outgrow it in a year or two.


My son is 21 and still falls asleep in my bed…especially if he misses me

I never co-slept with any of my children, never felt the need and actually thought it was kinda silly, that’s how there are elementary aged kids still whining to get into bed with mom and dad.

My big daughter sleeps by herself however my 8yr old and 1 yr old sleep with me

My sons almost 7 and his dad and I both cosleep (we are divorced) lol

My 10 yr old still sleeps with me most nights and my 9 yr old still sleeps with me sometimes and yes i let them because there will come a day they will grow up gain independence and fly away. So im enjoying them as much as possible while i have them

I stopped when I delivered. Kids need their own beds.


The boyfriend will also be upset when they are sleeping in the spare room or the basement at 27. Not a horrible idea to teach them independence. I wouldn’t do it for the boyfriend as much as the 5 year old.


I never started that bad habit. My kids have always slept in their own beds.

With my niece and nephew I put them in the big kid bed. I would lay down with them until they fall asleep usually in the floor so when i get up it dont wake them up. If they wake up then i would come back in lay with them until they fall back to sleep.

I had a coworker who allowed her daughter to sleep with her, her husband didn’t like it, they had to move a mattress into the living room so she could get her daughter to sleep, with her also in the livingroon, a real marriage killer! For that reason, I never let my kids sleep with me.

Personally, unless the boyfriend is the dad, he has zero input. Boyfriends come and go. You’re a mom the rest of your life. But it is in the best interest of the child to break it as soon as you can.


Either never start or as soon as you can or they get way to attached. Doctors even tell you not to co sleep because something could happen to the child. Cps can even get involved if they get a report.


My son just turned 7 and still tries it. When my boy turned 6 I bought him his own brand new comfy mattress (bc this was his excuse for sleeping with me—not having comfy). It worked for a while. Then he was back in my bed. I just bought a new king set for me, and told him it’s all mine lol. I got him a loft bed and I haven’t had any trouble since. Good luck

Mine is 10 and still cosleeps, my birth kids slept with me until 18 years old, it was nothing for them to climb in bed with me

6 for both (boy & girl) :white_heart: It went so well for us, no regrets about co-sleeping here :white_heart:


Mine are 16 & 14 and still every once in awhile hop in the bed with me… love you babies always and first!!!


I think people are being harsh in these comments.

I don’t think it’s unfair of her boyfriend to want to have that time alone with her. I assume they both probably work, and when they come home she spends the evening tending to the kids. At bedtime, he probably wants that alone time with her.

Most couples need intimacy to remain healthy. I think it’s just a conversation the two of you will need to have. Work out a compromise, let the kids sleep with you for so many nights and then designate some nights to just the two of you.


You said bf so as in not her father?.. he is jealous of your child?.. he should fully support a healthy bond between you and your child. And if he can’t handle these tiny moments you have left at this age then he will never get the big moments to come with her. I would give him the boot he isn’t mature enough to be helping you raise your daughter.


I reassured mine they were big boys and needed sleep in their own beds. Yes from time to time I would lay down with them till they went to sleep. Also they always knew all the bedroom doors were always open and they would sometimes come in get in bed with us.

Boyfriend… not husband… ditch him


I slept in bed with my mom till I was 12…my dad always picked me up and put me to my own bed when he would go to bed since my mother an I went down first…also my son is almost four and we still lay with him to get him to sleep …they will eventually grown out of it and tell us to leave and we will miss it so…
If your bf has a problem with it tell him to stuff it.

Maybe small steps my daughter sometimes sleeps with us. We have a toddler bed in our room sometimes she still climbs in with us. It is VERY HARD to get “alone/sexy time in.”

I mean, seriously people?
“Your boyfriend wants alone time with you??? He’s awful dump him!” Is such an extreme take lol


I used to lay in my daughter’s bed with her until she feel asleep. A couple times I told her if she slept in there like a big girl she would get a surprise… After a week or so she was fine. People need to lay off the bf, he probably feels uncomfortable sleeping with a child that’s not his, that is not uncommon.

Only time I co-slept with my kids was when they were sick when they were 3 years and younger. They always slept in their own cribs and beds.

I have a friend that went thru this. She took her daughter out shopping for her own bed and hasn’t slept with her since. The girl picked out a bed that was like the top bed of bunk beds with a play area underneath it


Good luck . Mine are 10 and 8 and end up in my bed atleast 4 times a week. No matter what I do they always wake up and come in there. I Remind myself they are only little once. And some nights I give up and go to couch or another bed in house :joy:

In some cases, girls are a bit easier and will grow out of that stage soon. Maybe try putting her to bed in her own bedroom and either lay with or sit near her till she falls asleep. My mom had to do that with me and it almost instantly broke that habit. My brother on the other hand, was a bit of a struggle…

My kid climbed into bed with me whenever needed. They will grow up to be independent. You won’t get this time back. There will always be someone with an opinion. If he gets mad over you falling asleep with your little one I’d be asking where to get a new bf…

With my oldest probably around 6/7. But he would refuse to sleep in his bed he would get the couch cushions and sleep on the floor next to my bed for awhile. Then he moved to the couch lol finally around 8 he started to sleep in his bed.

My daughter slept in my bed for years, probably till age 11 and then one day it stopped by her own doing, I was worried she’s be in my bed till she’s 21 lol

My daughter is 4. She sleeps with us every 2-3days. It aggravates me at times but it’s whatever. I use to climb into my parents bed until I was 8yo. Eventually she’ll grow out of it. They are only little for a little time.

Never co slept. Bassenet or crib in my room first year.

My oldest is 8 and still sleeps with me sometimes. My 2 year old and new born sleep with me every night.

My good friend’s son slept with her until he was 10-11, she couldn’t get him out of her bed and then boom he was too cool for her

I had both of mine co-sleep with me until around 2. I understand the comfort part. What helped my daughter was letting her pick out her bedding. It was hard at first, but it gets easier. You just have to be firm about it. It may take a couple weeks for it to settle in. Trust me, I also understand the need for the privacy of your own bed. All that they’re only young once is a load of crap, we do it cause it’s convenient. Get her a cool night light or something. You won’t regret having your bed back! Lol!

Never co slept , when my baby was born he was in his bassinet then when he was bigger we moved him too his crib , kids need their own beds and space , start slowly make it like a game like “ oh you slept in your bed one night , here’s a sticker” then they’ll now it’s time and get used too things

We are supposed to stop :flushed::flushed::joy::joy: jk every now again I co-sleep with my kid…

I’m sorry, as a therapist…I don’t think co sleeping is a good idea unless special occasion (nightmare, etc) at 5? No


I have a huge problem with BFs coming in and disrupting an established family routine. If he can’t be supportive, understanding and patient, he is not worth having around. That is a HUGE red flag. My kids slept with me until around age 6 when they began to form
Friendships with other children outside the home. The day your child no longer wants to sleep close to you, you will cry. Hold on to that childhood bond as long as you can, you will miss it. As far as BFs, the best sex is with someone who is there with you not just waiting to be satisfied.

My kids never slept with us.

Are you using your child to not have alone time with him? That’s a different question in it’s self. My kids will still sleep in my bed at times and they are both boys 13 and 16. But will go to their rooms from day 1 if it warrants. I think if this is more a issue for you to need them there address that. Good luck

I never slept with my parents and my child never slept with me. If she was sick or upset, I got into her bed until she fell asleep

Never did. Just put her in her own bed.


Co sleeping with who?

Don’t get rid of the boyfriend that’s extreme and I don’t think he’s unreasonable. I’m not really sure why co sleeping is a thing. Children should be able to sleep in their own bed.


Start now in getting her into her own room create a bedtime routine and do not lay in her bed


My daughter is 17 and still climbs in bed with me. So my answer would be… As long as theyre in the housè… NEVEEEER😂

I think 5 is a good age to stop because the child will be in school soon if not already. The best way i think to start is to not let them fall asleep with you. They can crawl into bed in the morning for a bit. And reward thrm. Also once youre trying to stop thr morning crawl in,reward the child every night they dont come to your bed

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My 5 and 3 year old start in their own bed but usually end up with me but it’s just me in a big king bed by myself so I don’t mind

I never slept with mine so I can’t say much about that. But the boyfriend needs to realize its not about what he wants. Kids come first.


kick him out, your kid should always, always come first.


Never had that problem…if they needed me i went to their room until i wasn’t needed…parents need their own space


My son was 7 when he stopped sleeping in my bed and started sleeping in his room

Don’t pick ur boyfriend over ur daughter. U have had this routine with ur daughter for the past 5yrs. With that being said if YOU want ur daughter to start sleeping in her own room then maybe try laying with her in her bed until she gets used to being there. I never really co-slept with my kids (every once in awhile they would sneak in my bed when I was already asleep) but when they went from a crib to beds I would lay with them one at a time (twins) until they didn’t need me to anymore. But like I said do it because u want to not because ur bf wants u to

My daughter has slept with me since she was a baby! And NO ONE is going to tell me anything about it. She is just fine. She has always had her own room and actually at the age of 6 she started sleeping in her room by hew own choice.

We stopped by a year with the younger kids. I just couldn’t feel comfortable with it at all with my oldest. Now my kids are 16, 13 shortly and 11 and the only one I can still sleep with in my bed in my 13 year old but not anymore either as my partner moved in with us a few months the ago.

My son is 14 soon and I’ve always let him know and feel comfy with being able to come to mine n my fiancé’s bed ( my son isn’t his)
A child at no matter age should always feel safe And comfy
Yes a cpl should b able to have their alone time too.
But I don’t feel like it should bother ur bf a child always comes first
Even when I was with my sons biological father we had those fights about my son coming into bed with us. Let the child fall asleep and then move them into ur bed
Even in my 30’s if I wanted to sleep in my parents bed ( not with them of course)
There’s just something about ur parents bed that’s comfy.
Good luck hunny
Ur bf does need to understand that ur child comes first no matter what. Children aren’t a inconvenience EVER!!

Boyfriend isn’t being unreasonable. Every night at 5 is excessive.


Kids melatonin :joy: works every time


I guess you need to find a man that’s ready to be a real daddy and not waste anymore of your time or your child’s time either.


I literally lay with my 5 year old nightly until he falls asleep and will whenever he needs me to. We spend that time talking about his day and snuggling. My bf can wait. My relationship with my children will always come first. My sons psychiatrist and me have discussed this and she told me some kids need the comfort. Ill never say no to snuggles.

Those are YOUR children, so it’s YOUR choice


4 kids and never co-slept or understood why parents co-slept.


It’s so important kids sleep in their own bed unless they’re sick or occationally need comforting. I think by around 4 or 5 for sure they should be in their own bed .


Should have never started. I would be mad too if I was him. 5 is overkill for co sleeping. Buy a big kid bed and let them pick sheets and lay themselves down


These comments have me dying omg… throw away the bf?? Over wanting actual alone time at night?? Sshhiiitttt my daughter is 3 and has always slept in her own bed. I get it, its a bonding thing that some people think they need but children need their own space and so do parents.

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Had this issue with my 4 year old, and we had to put her in bed and let her cry it out with lullabies on, after ten mins she would pass out on her own

If you’re ready for her to be out of your bed then try getting a bed for her. Start by putting it in your room with you. How i got one kid out of my bed.

Me and both my boys slept in the same bed till my youngest was 6. We called ourselves the wolf pack lol eventually they just decided that sleeping with mom was embarrassing and started sleeping in their own beds. For clarification my boys are now 16 and 24 and they are both absolutely fine. I was I was single mom though, no man to share my bed with

Never started the habit. If she had a bad dream she would be soothed in her own bed until she fell back to sleep.


I watched a lot of Super Nanny when I was pregnant, and that show had me scared to co-sleep. They had kids in the bed with them that were teenagers! So I never did it. But, right now sounds good to start!!


I have co-slept since my daughter was about 3 months old. I breastfed as well. She had tubes in her ears by 7 months (4 double ear infections). I knew something else was “wrong” with her but no one would listen. Finally, the ENT did a sleep study. Sure enough she had sleep apnea. She then had her tonsils and adenoids out and we were told her adenoids were blocking 85% of her airway. She continued to co-sleep. Last week she had an emergency appendectomy. She will be 5 in August.

We have bought all new bedding, night light, etc. she still wants to co-sleep.

I say all of this because if I hadn’t co-slept and nursed, I would not have known if she was okay. Does my husband care for it her still co-sleeping, no. BUT he understands my reasons.

I also know she will not be sleeping with us forever. There will be a day that she wants to be a big girl and will transition into her own space. Right now, I am enjoying all the cuddles.

It’s going to be loud for a few days ! Put them in their bed kiss good night and leave of the child if they follows keep doing this until the child realizes he won’t win! DO NOT LAY DOWN with them and don’t coddle ! Kiss them good night and leave! Have a quiet time before heading to bed no TV NO GAMES NO PLAY read a book listen to music tell a story relax mode only! Suggest you do this on a Friday night and follow though! The boyfriend is right night time is for adults and relationships ! Relationships need Nourishment just like kids ! Hard to do with a foot in your back and kid booty in between that’s the couch the bed the love seat lol

MOTHER OF 4 and lesson learned the hard way!


The only time my kids slept with us, was after an earthquake and they were scared to be away from us.

I would have weaned off at about 4. The problem is getting the child to sleep in their own bed, alone. It will become an issue as they get older


Get rid of boyfriend


Before they turned 1


Law, bf, husband whateva, kid should be in their own bed


My children are grown now. My son is 26 and my daughter 23, they never slept in my bed. I think it’s a very hard habit to break.

But, I think its every parents right to do what is best for their situation.

MY child never slept with me

Bad habit to even start it. and even harder yet to quit. Shouldn’t have ever done it, honestly.


I co slept with my son till he was 5, but my ex husband use to work midnight. So I kept my son close to me then. I refused to do it with my second child and started sleep training very early. For my son, I think the transition went better for him than me. You just have to do it and stop it.

Around 3 yrs old was when I put my foot down. I started putting him in his own bed and I gave him a kiss and hug. Told him it was night night time and left the room. It took me a full month of putting him back in his bed because he kept coming in to my room and crawling in bed sometimes after I fell asleep. He finally only came in when he was sick or had an accident.

You could try lying down with her in her bed until she falls asleep. Ease her into being in her own room alone. In the first few weeks, you will need to be extra patient and gracious with her. My boys are 6 & 8 and still from time to time wake up in the middle of the night and jump into my bed.

And as for the boyfriend: I can understand if his concern is related to the three of you sharing a bed. He could be nervous or worried that it may be viewed as improper for him to share a bed with a 5 year old girl. On the other hand, if his issue is only selfish in nature, then I would try explaining to him why it has been important to you as a mother to co-sleep with your daughter and the steps you plan on taking to transition her into her own bed. Hopefully, he will be supportive of you and assist you in working towards that goal. If that doesn’t work, then just tell him to fuck right on off. :kissing_heart:

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try watching a super nanny episode on this! it will give you some insight and useful info too


I don’t co sleep…never have with any of mine. My bed is for me and my husband. But I would say if they are school age they need to go!

Bugga that lol 5 years old far out
Id say start transitioning into their own bed going to take a bit of work, but its going to be better for both of you

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Lol no way in Hell…don’t ever offer and it won’t become a habit.


My daughters 8 and still sleeps in my bed. I’m single so it doesn’t bother me :woman_shrugging:t2: but she’ll go to her room if I ask her to for a night

I’d do it before she starts school and brings headlice into your bed.

I’ve never been good at sharing my bed even with my partner, so we skipped the co sleeping thing. But watch some super nanny, I’m not going to lie I take a lot of advice and ideas from that show and if all else fails I just wing it till we find something that works whatever the situation may be!

my first kid was 3 and then we got him a toddler bed that we put next to our bed… once he was use to it, we put it in his own room. Let him pick out his comforter set and decorated his room how he wanted. He was on a schedule so when it was close to bed time, we read him a book or laid next to him til he fell asleep.