At what age did you stop letting your littles dress up while going out? My daughter is 3.5 and loves to play dress-up, and I encourage it; you’re only young once, and I think it’s bloody adorable. But she’s also really tall and looks like a five-year-old. Today when we were out, she wanted to be a cheetah, so I gave her whiskers, and we set out for our day. I got a ton of dirty looks, and I’m wondering if maybe I should stop encouraging it and keep it as something we only do at home?
Continue letting her be a kid and have fun! Can’t imagine why anyone would be giving you dirty looks. Their problem not yours.
I’d let her do it as long as she wanted. There are times where appropriate attire are required but if that’s not the case let her be the little free spirit that she is.
They are only little once! Good job mamma❤
My kids can do as they please. If it’s modest I don’t have an issue
There’s nothing wrong w it. Let them stare, all that matters is ur child is happy.
Let them look. Wonder how their kids turned out? I’d let her continue and keep encouraging her creativity.
My daughter is 13 now and I haven’t stopped lol
Did she notice people looking at her? Was she enjoying herself?
Seems like you’re more worried about peoples conception of you as a parent rather than your little just enjoying herself. Let her dress up. She will grow out of it eventually! You might consider buying an animal print scarf to match her next time she wants to walk out dressed up like an animal.
Continue letting her be a kid! My daughter is 5 & when we went to see frozen 2 in theaters she dressed up like Elsa. Big poofy blue dress, tiara & braid.
The ones giving you dirty looks are the ones with the problem not you. Let your little one be a kid & let her dress up how she wants.
My son use to wear costumes all the time. Home. Store. Restaurant. I could care less. He wasn’t naked so that was a win. Lol. He is 10yrs now. Did it till he was about 8yrs. He stopped on his own
Let her enjoy being a kid. That’s whats wrong in today’s world . Kid’s are forced and encouraged to grow up and they miss out on all the fun stuff. I say those ppl and continue doing what you have been for your baby:heart:
When she wants to stop. Screw what strangers think, why care?
Everyone judges about everything! Live your life forget about what anyone else thinks!!!
I’d let her do it as long as she wants, who cares what others think?
Let her do it as long as she wants. She’s a kid. My kid the other day wore half a Halloween costume to school, they’re in grade 1 and have no intention of stopping. It’s their style.
Eh, don’t pay attention to what people think about you. You do whatever you would like with your child. (I think it’s adorable and makes you an A+ mother.)
I let mine dress up for as long as they are comfortable doing it and even after I encourage them to decide what to wear daily
Let her be in costume any time she wants as long as she is appropriately dressed! You will always have someone judging you! Ignore them!
Let her be a kid. My daughter at age four went out all winter I. Her frog costume.
Don’t ever stop feeding your childs imagination
That’s so cute! Don’t stop! Who cares what people think. If it makes her happy and you happy, continue!
Let her do it for as long as she wants. There is plenty of time to grow up later! And as for those who give you dirty looks, just ignore them and love your child even more!
My daughter has colored hair i get so many bad looks i tell my daughter just to smile your daughter is happy and that’s all that matters
Definitely don’t stop , kids are growing up far to quick these days and I think sometimes people forget to let kids be kids , my daughter is four in November and I still let her dress up even when we go out , I let her jump around in the mud and everything lol u should see the looks I get when we are out because my girl is usually caked in mud lol but I don’t care as long as she is happy then so am I xx
Girl fuck those people if it makes your heart sing and her heart sing let her do it! Mom of 4
I’m 38 and still like to dressup. Let her dress up and help her grow her self-confidence.
Let her be unique. She will be more open minded and less of a follower. She’ll grow confidence too. Let that baby make people smile. Id love to see that at the grocery store
My daughter loves to wear her tutus and dress up clothes…I’ve done wacky tacky/mix & match day with her and I really don’t care who looks because they’re not contributing to her development or our household
I don’t understand people sometimes. Life is so stressful right now. Dressing up is fun and light hearted. Believe when they don’t feel comfortable anymore they will stop doing it
Why does it matter what other people think? If that baby wants to be a cheetah let her be a dang cheetah!!!
I’m 36 and would go out dress as a cheetah, life is too short to worry what people think, Keep smiling and let her be what ever she wants to be. Xx
It’s nobody’s business how you parent. People’s social conditioning should never hinder your child from experiencing childhood. Let her have fun, let her be little and don’t let anyone steal that innocent love of life, self and play!
Don’t. Ever. Stop!!!
You let that baby do whatever she wants ! Ppl can mind their own
Mine is 8. IDGAF. As long as it’s seasonably appropriate, as in not wearing a snow suit in July or shorts in December, I don’t care.
Never make her stop. My daughter is almost 8 and still loves dress up & I’ll still let her go out dressed in that days favorite costume. They’re only kids once.
Don’t let others suffocate her sense of wonder and creativity. Help her learn to march to the beat of her own drum.
Ummm… wait, we are supposed to stop that? I’m 35 and I “dress up” almost every day for work lol… well I wear a fun head band or something everyday and then on Fridays I wear tutus and such…
You are her mother, everybody always judges everybody for everything. The world needs a little more beautiful things and children need to be encouraged to be themselves and should never be embarrassed of who they are or how they want to dress. Please do not let others make you feel embarrassed or like you should make her stop being herself!
Don’t kill her little kid vibe just because some fuck tards gave you dirty looks.
I always let them dress however they want until they don’t want to anymore. Heck my 9 yr old still loves dressing up idk I’m not embarrassed I love it you can only be a kid once.
girls just wanna have fun id let her she will grow and chabge you let her be a kid your gonna miss it one day
Don’t stop! A child’s imagination is so important!
When she quit wanting to…
As the mom of a teenage girl - I don’t regret my decision to let her be a little girl for as long as she wanted. People told her she was too old for dolls when she was 9. I told her that she should love her babies for as long as she wanted. She’s 17 now and absolutely amazing - She is going away to college in one year and I’m so so so glad she got to be a little girl for as long as she wanted because she is going to be an adult for the rest of her life.
Let her dress up and use that imagination for as long as SHE wants.
She just lost interest when she turned 5
My daughter is 6 and sometimes does that. Screw what people think
My nephew is 7 and still dresses up when he goes out. I absolutely love it. Your only young once dont let other people ruin her fun. Maybe if their mom would of let them they wouldn’t be looking down on a child for being a child
As a 34 year old who still goes out in a Jack Skelington onesie… Let that baby dress up!
Return the dirty looks
The people giving dirty looks can piss off.
Let your baby live her best life. People are jealous. Their opinions don’t pay your bills.
Please don’t stop her. Encourage her not to give a shit what others think!!!
No, let her be a kid. This is a phase and she’ll eventually stop doing it. They’re only little for a short while. Let her dress up if she wants to. Edit to add: and don’t give a second thought to what anyone else thinks about it.
Embrace her imagination . Let her express herself . There’s always gonna be someone that will rain on your parade , ignore them !
Is she happy? Are you happy? Don’t worry what others think!
They are only young so long so let them be little
My son likes nail polish and make up so he wears it
He’s happy and it’s not offensive if they care clearly they have issues there is far worse to be worrying about especially now
But that shouldn’t be one
I never stopped them. My girls are 11 and 12 and if they want to go out in face paint, a littlw makup or a fun outfit, have at it.
I’ve always reminded them that there is always going to be those close minded people that judge you but you’re going to be judged regardless so live for yourself and do what makes you happy.
She’s only going to be a child once…let her be.
I wouldnt quit. Fuck those people. Plus its a life lesson. Especially when you walk to your own beat there will always be haters. Just means you can help encourage and build up self confidence. Not everyone will like it but fuck em. If she enjoys it who else matters
Having a daughter that loves dress up i would continue to encourage it! My daughter is 5 and goes to daycare and she picks out her clothes and she wears what she picks, unless of course it’s too short or something then I encourage shorts under or shirts under certain dresses. Her teachers are 100% ok with her clothes that she picks. My daughter is happy and not hurting anyone! Ppl can stare, my daughter will wear what she likes to wear and i will support her!
Shes harley Quinn here, her new favorite dress!
My daughter is 10. If she wants to play “dress up” we both do it! At least she’s off the electronics and we’re spending quality time together! Plus, why is there a supposed age limit!? Screw the dirty looks…I dress up for my daughter to have fun and be a kid, not to be acceptable in societies eyes!
My sister had a lady stop her outside the grocery store yesterday to tell her she was an awful mother for having her 1 yr old out in public in pajamas… People are gonna think, look, say, and judge no matter what you do, so let her do it if it makes her happy and isn’t harming her!
I find it absolutely adorable when kids dress up and go out in public and give the parents props for doing so. My niece is 5 and she’s mostly given it up, breaks my heart.
I let my 10 year old wear this to the store and other places.
I am going to be 30 in 3 days and wore my cow onesie all day yesterday.
Let her dress how she wants.
My son will be 7 and loves to be silly and wear costumes. He’s obsessed with police and everything military but sometimes he gets on a Batman kick. I’ve taken him shopping at random times throughout the year in costume. One day in the middle of the year, maybe June or July he decided he wanted to go to the grocery store dressed as Batman. I used it to my advantage and told him that since he was a super hero he needed to be on his best behavior and it worked I say keep encouraging her. Kids are growing up way too fast these days.
If you and your little girl want to have fun together do it. A lot of those people looking at you are most likely very jealous that you are having so much fun together.
Let your kids be kids. Adulting is hard.
NEVER STOP IT !!! NEVER!! Allow her to be whoever and whatever she wants for as long as she wants
Do not let idiots ruin her child hood! You’d think she was wearing make up and a mini skirt. This world is turning miserable.
My eldest is 6 and still loves wearing her dress ups out
Let her be her. My daughter is 10. I have plenty of pictures of her in her unique outfits. From tutus to mis match patterns to funky hats to tiaras. She even wears cat ears and cool head pieces. It’s her creativity and I don’t want to squash it.
I’m 35 and I still dress up when I want.
My 9 year old dressed like Thor last year and went into the store with his friend. They are kids! Let them be kids and let them be themselves. As long as they aren’t half naked let them live!
Maybe, next time she wants to dress up. You should too! If anyone says anything, cheetah growl at them, bark, sing, do whatever your “character” would. You might just enjoy yourself and your daughter will think you’re a hero
I think it’s great!Fuck their dirty looks!
Let them enjoy having fun an don’t worry about what others think they are only young once
Never! I’m going to let the world be magic for them for as long as I can!
Screw anyone who gives you dirty looks. Your child, your decision!
Let her dress up! She is expressing herself!
If she wants to dress up, let her. Its good for her imagination
Never. Let your kid be a kid. Dirty lookers can be ate by the cheetah
What??? Dirty looks?! People seriously need to mind their own damn business and let kids be kids!!!
As long as their dress up play is age appropriate, there is no age limit
As long as they like. My girl is 7 and always wears weird stuff as long as the kid is comfortable in it idc
Are you sure it was dirty look? Hm… even 5 or 6 years old dressed up out in public i would just think they are cute!!
Let her do whatever her little heart desires! You don’t get childhood back! Who cares what other people think
No way!!! Let that little girl SHINE!!!
Ignore the dirty looks; the problem is with them, not you!
Who cares what others think?
Imagine being such a drag that you give dirty looks when you see a delightful child because you have a stick up your butt.
There isn’t anything wrong with it. Let her have fun with it! It doesn’t matter how old she is or if she “looks” older.
Let them be little. My 6 year old lives in sleepers the only time her wears “real” clothes is to school. The moment he walks in the door there is a trail of clothes and he is in a sleeper
If she is happy that is what matters, you sound like a parent that will have a well adjusted child as years go by. Enjoy & indulge that’s what kids are for😍
Let her be her. She can dress up forever!
Let her enjoy it, don’t let her having fun be ruined by a stranger she won’t ever see again.
My kids or 7&8 and I let them dress themselves still. They have slowly outgrown the costume phase themselves. Forget the dirty looks she isn’t hurting anyone! You can only be a kid once
Well my youngest is 8yo and still does it. (tho much less than she used to unless it is what she calls a “special occasion” like a holiday)
They can all go ahead and glare at me all they want…she is happy and that makes me happy. The only time I don’t let her do it is for places like school (where it is actually against the dress code except for certain events/days) or an event like someone’s wedding where it would be totally inappropriate.
As long as she wants.