My kids are 7&8. I strongly believe in letting them choose for themselves within reason. If they want to dress up in public I let them. We see young girls their ages dress like they belong on street corners & boys with their pants hanging so low you can see their @sses. A princess dress, super hero costume or animal outfit is much more appropriate than what those parents allow. They’re only innocent so little of their lives. Let them hold on to it as long as they’re comfortable. Don’t let the states get to me. The parent of the 8 yo who’s showing off her crouch don’t care about the looks. Why should you?
My daughter is 8 and wears her princess costumes all year round in public, I don’t care if people stare, she’s my kid not theirs
The first pics I got done with the kids with the Easter Bunny my daughter wore her gloves
I am 24 and wear weird stuff out … i don’t wear costumes just unique clothing… i love to be different … let your little one be creative and wear what ever she wants for however long she wants … ignore the looks … let her be her
My 21 year old still has fun… especially at comic con.
Let her sparkle mama! They need to know how to stand out in a crowd. Different is the new normal so let that girl dress up!!
Anyone who’s going to give a child a dirty look is in the wrong. That’s awful! Let your child be a child, happy and carefree. Anyone giving a dirty look, I’d look right back at them!
Mines 14 and goes out as anime characters when not at school. Let them be kids when they have their free time. Whats the harm as long as they know what responsibility means at older ages. Id rather kids dress up than any other peer pressured idea.
My children never lived a fairy tale life,. They are all smart and need to help your child mature properly.
Never stop encouraging it! Let her imagination go wild! They are only little for a little while and eventually she will stop on her own. Ignore anyone who disagrees. Anyone with a child would understand. You don’t want to hurt your daughters feelings for a strangers opinion.
Iam a parent of 30yrs, these poor kids are CONSTANTLY being pushed to grow up too soon, its NORMAL and perfectly healthy for little children to play dress up, My eldest son wanted to be GI Joe, and ALWAYS wanted to wear his GI Joe get up, we Encouraged him to, He is now an E7 for the United states Army stationed in El Paso TX, If that baby wants to be a Princess ,Cheetah, Unicorn by God LET HER!
How is this even a legit question. What ppl think is more important your kids happiness? Yes at certain times have to dress appropriately but i say screw em’ ! They’re only kids once
I have not let my girls dress up to go out in public. Only at home, normal clothes for public. I get too nervous some sicko will target them.
No way!! Don’t stop. Keep her imagination play and spirit alive for as long as possible, she will grow out of it in her own time. Who cares what other people think, seriously. Haters gon hate.
My son wore his Spider-Man costume everywhere until he was about 6! Let them be kids while they want to be!!
Who cares if people give dirty looks you’re encouraging your child to become their own person, she will grow out of it. And if by 5-6 she doesn’t then encourage costumes 1 time a week when going out
My son’s 9 and sometimes he’s a ninja. I’m picking my battles. Ppl need to mind their own business
I have a 13 y/o, 5 y/o, 3 y/o… I pretty much let them dress however they want, that their dad and I feel is appropriate (ie. No booty hanging out, no low cut, stuff like that). Otherwise if my 13 year old wanted to wear a cape idc. My 5 year old loves her unicorn head bands and capes.
Let her enjoy this, please don’t take it away from her just because some people don’t like it, they don’t put food on the table, the only opinion that counts is yours and only yours!
Let her be her, if that kinda person wanna stare ask if they have a problem cause clearly that child isnt theirs an she has a imagination.
Im a nofilter person. So it might not be as nice.
People always got some too smerk or say… i dont tolerate bs
My 9 year old wears his pajamas that are power Rangers, Chewbacca, astronaut.
I bet she was adorable! She is lucky to have you for a Mother
My 5 year old goes out in the vamprina costume all the time. Her princess dress… calls me “service” cuz we “playing a game” on our way to walmart. And asking me “service? When did m castle change to a place called walmart?”
after every Halloween we go and get hella costumes for cheap so she can be what ever the fuk she wants to threw out the year. I buy in one size up so they fit her. Hell no I won’t take it away from her. People can look dirty at me all the want to… my kid will bark at them
My 20 year old wore her Monster Inc(Sully) onesie/jammies to the store the other day. I don’t think anyone should ever feel too old to be silly.
So you want to stop your daughter form self expression and happiness because YOURE worried what other people think?
Selfish much…?
If it makes her happy, if it makes you happy , it doesnt matter what others think!, she will outgrow it soon enough and won’t want to do it anymore, let her be her!
Who cares what other people think? Do what makes you and your kid happy!
Like you said she is young once. Let her play dress up. My granddaughter is 8 and some if her clothing choices can be unusual to say the least but guess what? She is comfortable and that is all that matters. She gets looks but she is proud of her choices and could care less.
Those looks are exactly why you should encourage it. You do you, teach your daughter to love and embrace everyone, not hate and judge the unknown and different.
I would dress like Cheetah right along with her.
Keep going mom let her tell you when to stop.
Focus on what makes her happy and not what strangers think about it
Sport some whiskers right along with her, and hiss at the people giving you dirty looks. Seriously though, everyone seems to have a problem with everything anymore. Let her be little mama. This cruel world makes them grow up way too fast.
I’m 32 and I go to the store in an animal onsie if I don’t feel like changing. They’re just clothes.
Listen. My kids wear what they want. If they’re comfortable and happy, mommy has their back. I’m little and scary and I dare someone say something to upset my boys.
Now obviously, special occasions they dress properly, but if we are running around doing errands or adventuring, it’s fair game.
My son is 4 and big for his age. He still loves his cape
Girl I’m 28 and I wear my unicorn onesie in public. Never let boring people dull her shine!
She’s still a baby she has her whole life to be told what to wear and not to wear especially once she starts school let her be a kid.
Ignore the world, let you cold be herself. They are only children once and for such a short time. She’s not hurting anyone or anything by expressing herself with her creative outfits!
Oh-don’t give those dirty looks a second thought! You are making some wonderful memories for your kids! I’d do the outfits as long as she was aboard. Sooner or later her peer group will give her a push to grow out of it.
My oldest is 7. She doesn’t necessarily wear dress up clothes out, but she does create her own outfits! And is so proud of herself. Your daughter is learning to express herself and gaining confidence. She doesnt notice the looks. And even if she does, it’s a great opportunity to build her confidence and reinforce that it doesn’t matter what other people think. She’s happy and not hurting anyone. That’s all that matters
A girls gotta be what girl wants to be
Let her be herself!! Cheetah on Cheetah baby
rock it girl, for as long as she wants! Screw the looks she gets
That’s for each parent to decide. It’s no one’s place to tell you or your child. Personally in my house we let our kids express themselves. My 11 year old likes to dress like Billie eilish, it’s still dress up to me. Let them be themselves
Literally will let my children dress up for as long as they want as long as it wasn’t a nice setting for an event or something!
Let her enjoy it!
As a cashier, the dressed up ones are always cute! And as a mom, to hell with everyone else!
Mine dressed up till about 4 then they just stopped on there own. My oldest is now 18 a hard worker and a very strong smart young man.
Children need to be children you have to let them dream or else they will just become a cookie cutter civilian. Let them love their childhood so they can grow up and be like I remember my mommy taking me to the store in my batman suit
There is no age limit that’s part of the problem with society believing there are certain ages for things as long as she’s happy go for it hell I would do it with her if I was asked and I’m 65 you go young lady party on.
I let my near 7 year old boy dress up as Elsa and if he still wants to at 10 I’ll allow it. Who cares. I see transformers everywhere of all ages, don’t understand why anyone would care.
Oooh fuck those people let ya girl dress up i think its awesome. Plus its close to halloween so why the hell not dress up!! Id keep letting her do it as long as she likes
Let her do it!! Who cares about other people’s looks. Chances are they are only jealous cause she looks better than them!
No let her imagination run free and teach her that others thoughts of her does matter for her to do what makes her happy only!
My kid is almost 8, he still likes to role play in different characters. So long as it’s relatively appropriate he can go places dressed up
Instead of encouraging her not to because of what others think, I would encourage her to be herself, and say hell with everyone else and what they think! Teach her to be confident and let her enjoy her young years. One day she’ll grow out of it, and you’ll find yourself looking back on it and wishing she were that age again. It won’t matter in x years. She nor you should care about anyone’s “dirty looks”
Let her be her own person. Let people give dirty looks. If someone has the nerve say something, simply say: your life must be really full if you have time to nitpick a child. Hold your head high, be a proud momma & walk away. If it really bothers you buy her those cute headbands with different ears. My girls (6 &7) love them & wears them all the time.
Please please please don’t take that away from her because other adults have a problem with it and it’s exactly that they are problem don’t allow them to make it yours or your daughters. Soon enough those days will be gone stretch them out as long as you possibly can
A child’s imagination is priceless and being encouraging with her way of expressing her personality by dressing up when she wants to is such a fun thing. Let her decide when she wants to stop. As she gets older she will grow out of it. Plus it’s not hurting anyone. If she wants to feel like a princess for a day let her and if she feels like being Batman why not. The innocence is precious and cherish it. Who cares what anyone else thinks.
Im happy if my toddler puts pants on
Let her be what ever her little heart desires. And so what if you get dirty looks. You are being a good mommy and letting her be who she wants to be at that moment. Support her be creative with her. If that makes any sense. Shes only 3 once. Why grow up now.
People r rude and should mind their own business dear! Better than her be out wanting to do other things. Let her do it as long as she wants.
My five year old is big for her age and she is a character every day! Today she is fancy Nancy, yesterday she was Anna from frozen and two days ago she was Everest from paw patrol. On the days that she doesn’t dress up she still wears a tiara complete with jewelry and sometimes messy lipstick! Screw what everyone else thinks😁
Here’s a question for you. Did it get her out the door with zero meltdowns? Did she feel awesome? If so, it’s a parenting win and screw those who disagree.
Let that child be a child for as long as possible no matter if she looks older than she is. My daughter is 4 and looks about 5-6 I absolutely let her dress up( she doesn’t really like to but when she does I do it) she brings her toys and stuff
Don’t ever Dull her personality down for the sake of Karen’s judgmental looks.
No sure why you would get dirty looks, nobody knows how to have fun anymore!
Let her be a kid and have fun who cares if she looks older.
If anyone gives you a dirty look for your child being a child, throat punch them. My kids can wear what they want at any age. Except belly shirts and ass showing shorts hahaha
omg hell no! do whatever u want. i even dress up with my son if he wants. i was wearing a dinosaur hat and we roared every so often while out. lol.
i think ignore everyone whos negative. they obviously have a shitty life to hate on such a weirdly awesome thing as a kid dressing up.
Let her be herself. I can’t believe anyone would give you dirty looks over that.
Like you said you only young once, let her be her and enjoy herself f*** what others think if someone gives you a dirty look give them one or say HELLO they’d be so embarrassed and soon look away x
I’d dress up too and soak up them dirty looks
The are only little once let her live a child’s life having fun and dressing up. Don’t worry about what other people thing.
Whats wrong with that? Even if she dose look 5 that is not too old to dress up anyway bless her. X
Do it until they don’t want to do it anymore!
Oh I still dressed up at 19 until I became a parent and had to be boring!
Let her dress up until she’s bored of it. We only ever had one chance to be children. How amazing for a memory for her to be able to say “my mum let me dress up whenever I wanted it was so fun” when she’s older. Ignore the dirty looks. They’re not worth yours or her time. Have fun little lady!
Why should there be an age limit as long as she’s progressing well in the other areas of her life as well? It’s an expression of her creativity and imagination and shouldn’t be squashed in my opinion. Plus, she’s 3.5 years old and probably living her best life As long as she’s happy, ignore anyone else’s views x
Don’t stop them …let them be creative and expressive!
One day she’s going to have to go to work and she won’t be able to dress up… until let her be whoever or whatever she wants. People judge while they secretly wish they had the balls to do the same. So what what anyone else thinks. Is ur kid happy? Let them be happy as long as they can
Keep encouraging your littles to be little! We wear costumes year round. We wear capes to the park because we much fun on the swings. We wear silly socks. We make paper neck ties. We make paper plate tiaras. I dont care what people think as long as they keep it to themselves. When I have to explain negative or derogatory comments to 11 5 and 3 year olds. I have them cover their precious ears so mommy can say super ugly things to small minded people. And I say it very loud. My kids imagination play is pure. It is a freedom from rules and criticism. Kids have very little "control " an outfit choice can be great for self esteem.
I’d still let mine dress up if they want, 16, 15, 11 and 3. And you better believe I’d say something if they got dirty looks. Kids these days are being forced to mature too soon, let them have fun and pretend while they can. I know some people get a smile from seeing them. Brighten someone’s day!
Maybe just be careful with the type of costumes maybe, sometimes the cat costumes get a bit iffy and are either tight or are hard to tell what kind (sometimes not always). Otherwise as long as theyre appropriate costums it doesnt matter
As long as they are respectful who cares. Its candy and they’re kids even if they are teens. Last I remember teens like candy too
Don’t you stop letting her dress up mama! Haters going to hate. I love how you let her use her imagination
Let her be herself she is still so little, who cares what other ppl think, those years don’t last forever hun
I think its noone’s business!!! If she wants to dress up, let her
She’s your child you do what makes your happy amd works for you who cares what others think.
Who cares? Let her enjoy herself, screw other people. Literally zero harm in her having fun dressing up.
Let her be a kid , give the haters a smile n say ain’t she so cute
Teach her to let her freak flag fly! We need to stop teaching girls that they need to dress to please others.
Also, who the heck wants to be just like everyone else?
They are only little for such a short time…let her dress up in innocence
I say you are a good parent.
Sadly we have no kids yet but we are hoping to adopt I can’t wait to celebrate Halloween and Christmas Easter etc with them.
I let my son until he grew out of it.
F ppl. Let ur kid be a kid.
Who cares what others think!!
My girl just turned 6 and LOVES dressing up she often goes out as a princess or cow girl
Who’s happiness matters more? Your daughters or the strangers?
This is my son, he is 4. That is his homemade cape. I will make him that homemade cape every single day he asks me to, because one day he’s going to stop asking… and when he does I will miss it.
My kids have always warn normal clothes to stores. Dress up all want at home. But not the stores.
Let her be a kid! Dress up every day of the year! Those people are strangers (that obv have a stick up their a**) that you will probably never see again. Screw them, your child’s happiness should come before a bunch of strangers.
Keep encouraging her imagination, it’s vital to learning. My 6 y.o. daughter still dresses up and wears dress up in public. Heck occasionally my 9 y.o. son will too. Those who give dirty looks have lost the magic of childhood. Honestly if you consider the average lifespan and the fact that we only have our babies for 18 years it’s such a short period of time so let them be little.
My son is almost 7, as soon as he gets home from school, his uniform comes off and his spiderman costume goes on, I still take him to the shops wearing it, as long as they are happy don’t worry about what other people think xxx