What age did you stop letting your child dress up when going out in public?

If they give you dirty looks for keeping her safe you gonna stop? Who cares what other people think. The sooner she learns that the more comfortable she’ll be with herself

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Let her, my son is 4 and loves wearing his spiderman costume. The only times I wouldnt let him were for special events like family parties, or when he went to daycare.
But other than that I didnt care.

Do what makes you and your baby happy and forget everyone else! Sounds like you baby has a great imagination! Theyre only little once so soak it in and have all the fun that you can in those few years! Your a great mama and your making your baby very happy by encouraging her! Goodluck mama :kissing_heart:


No you should dress up with her instead of caving to people’s dirty looks. Put whiskers on your face and be the parent that shows their daughter that they will be supported no matter how the world looks at them

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If my 15 year old told me he wanted to dress up like a cheetah today, guess what we doing in my house? Breaking the costumes fabric, face paint and, prosthetics. He’s dressing up as a cheetah.

Age is totally irrelevant. Hell if I at 32 want to dress up and go about my day it is what is happening. The best thing you can do is encourage her to not care what they think

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There are grown adults who love doing cosplay. Some even do it professionally. Let your little one be herself and don’t let judgemental strangers have room in your life.


My son is 4.5yrs old he enjoys wearing princess dresses make up (lipstick and nail varnish) children’s dress up heels flowery sun hats all whilst pushing a doll in a buggy!
If we’re just going for a walk nipping to the shop or going to see family I let him wear what he wants, he is a child and deserves a happy childhood, let your daughter have that especially in these difficult times never mind what other people say or do, let your daughter be happy :blush:

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No you shouldn’t stop encouraging it. That’s absolutely disgraceful people staring they need to get a life! You enjoy dress up with your daughter :blush:

Nope I think it’s great that she wants to dress up! Keep encouraging her innocence and creativity and f**k the haters! :heart:


I say let them be who they want! My son is four and he wanted to go to Walmart as a ninja Pokémon trainer. We let him and he was so happy. He was being completely silly but it was the most fun Walmart trip he’s ever had.

Since when are they paying your bills? Or caring for your kiddo. F THEM keep dressing her up momma and encourage imagination they are only young once.

Let her do what makes her happy and don’t worry about the judgemental people that are out there. When they give you those looks, just smile and wave. Your babies are only little once so why not make the most of it! You’re making memories with her and it’s so sweet!


Does it matter what people think? Do they pay your bills, provide the clothes or food for your girl, or do anything for you? Nope. Let your daughter be happy and don’t worry about what total strangers think. They don’t matter.

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I dont care what my kids wear day today. Dress appropriately for church, family events and school. Otherwise, they need to do what they do.

Idc if she’s 13 let kids be kids, people will judge about something regardless.

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Let her enjoy it! My 4 yr old son loves having his fingernails and toenails painted. It makes him happy. We don’t care what anyone else thinks :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Let them dress up who cares. You can’t make everyone happy but you can make your kid happy, and the adults who will smile when seeing your cute kid dressed up!

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Only young once? We’re only ALIVE once. Teach her to have the confidence to express herself no matter what anyone else says :blush:


let her tell you. my 11 year old still does occasionally. this world is hard enough dont dim her sparkle

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My boys are 8 and 10 and they still dress up!!! (Military and armour type stuff)
Ignore all those sour pusses! If i saw a cutelittle girl dressed up id give her and her mum a big smile

Screw other people. If it makes you smile do it :heart: its something that will make you smile when you remember it later in life :heart:

Never, my children’s joy and independence is much more important than what others think. I definitely had times when they couldn’t, but I never crushed their spirit.

I would still let her, gotta show her not to care what others think

Oh love don’t worry about the haters. If your kiddo is not causing any harm to others or herself … And she’s appropriately dressed (I mean, no bootie hanging out or chest showing type of stuff)… Then do what makes you all happy. There is too much hate and negativity and stress right now to focus on others and their faces. Lol

my kid is 5 looks, 7 and she can dress up until she is 100. I tell her not to give 2 cents what others think.

Kids will b kids let them enjoy their childhood as long as they r happy. Dont worry abt wat people think. I cant stand people giving dirty looks at mums. Its none of their business.

Kid out grow things when they are ready. So just let her be

Don’t worry what others think. Let her be a child and be imaginative.

My 7 year old still dresses up to go out sometimes. Let her be a kid IDC what other people think

If they’re comfy and happy I’ll let them dress however they want. Some days you feel like being a dinosaur! Anyone says something stupid I literally rawr ir growl at them. Usually ends any conversation before anything gets started. :100: percent support my kids

Let her imagination go, she will grow out of the dress up stage and keep her imagination.

Who care what others think. You are her parent you decide what you want her to do. Let her be little as long as she wants to be

Let her be a kid as long as you can. They grow up waaaay too fast as it is. People can bite

My 2 year old insists on wearing his bike helmet and odd shoes everywhere. Just gotta embrace and laugh with them :woman_facepalming::rofl:

Don’t let other people’s opinion of the way you let your child do things be the reason you stop doing it. Do it only if you want to not because of the looks you get

Let them be small and have fun. Plenty of time for the real world to depress them later on in life

16, 9 and 5. All dress as they see fit. Let your kids be them. Burn the world

Why are other people’s looks & opinions so important to you, that you’re wanting to dull your child’s sparkle?

Keep doing great mom :heartpulse: I let mine do it as long as they want.


Screw the naysayers they’re only little for a tiny bit of time.


Let her be a kid and have fun! Who cares what others think!

People like to judge, let her do it if she loves it.

Even if she was 5 let her be happy she’s a kid. Who cares what people say.

Don’t let others ruin the memories you are creating with your little one! I think it’s awesome! :heart::heart::heart:

Put some on your face too n smile at them when they glare

Sounds fun keep it up

Let them be who they are they have plenty of tome to adult

Who tf are they to judge a child? Seriously

Why would anybody give a little kid dirty looks? What the hell is wrong with THEM?!!! I’d think it’s adorable when I see a kid dressed up. Gosh people suck.

Fuck those people give them the finger when she isn’t looking

This is at the bus stop for his siblings. He wears what he’s feeling that day and I would look someone in the face and smile while I ask them how tf it affects them

I’m heartbroken people were so rude & ignorant to you & your sweet girl! I literally cannot fathom how anyone didn’t find it adorable. First priority is your happy girl. Doesn’t matter if she is actually 5 or looks 5. (or 6, or 7, or 8 for that matter!!) She is beautiful, creative, & imaginative. There is nothing wrong with that!! I’ve happily let (& encouraged) my kids to express themselves, including dressing up in public if they wanted to!! Between my kids & grandkids, I’ve taken more Power Rangers, Princesses, SpiderMan’s, Hulks, ballerinas, etc. shopping than you could imagine!! (Not to mention, that after 30+ years of kids & grandkids I pick my battles wisely) It’s not like she’s wearing anything risqué or inappropriate!! I would allow her to keep expressing herself & ignore the haters. Sending hugs :hugs:

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When they wanted too, as long as they are happy who cares if they are 12 rocking a pikachu costume (true story my daughter has done this :joy:)

My kids tell ppl my house is where Normal goes to die

My daughter is 4, i let her dress herself everyday. She says “mommy, colors don’t matter.” I know one day she’ll be a teenager and every hair will be in place and everything will match. For now, i encourage whatever she chooses and i always say good choice and she feels good about it. But when there is a special occasion, i give her a heads up, she’ll more than likely pick a cute dress :smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face: hope this helps!

Why would you care what anyone thinks?
I remember being 6 and wearing a pastel dress when I went to run errands with my mother once. We waited in a long line to pay the electric bill and some young women, had to be in their 20’s, laughed while pointing at me and one asked the other if it was Easter. I had no idea what season it was, I just knew it was a simple dress with pretty flowers. I was SIX and grown women were mocking me. You know what my mother’s reaction was? She told me that I was an idiot and looked stupid and that she was tired of me wearing stupid fucking dresses all the damn time. That I needed to grow up and not embarrass her. I’m 36 and I can picture that moment like it was yesterday.
Let your child wear whatever they want to wear.
And if someone laughs at them, rip them apart.

F*ck society! It’s very apparent what they’re doing keeps them miserable! I plan to be young and fun til my last breath! Let that child be happy! Nothing matters more than parental support - next time dress like a cheetah, too!

Fuck the looks give them snarky ass looks back let the kids embrace themselves and stop worrying about what others think 💁🏻‍♀- I say this knowing the anxiety I have out in public with mine


Wow :woman_facepalming:t2: who gives a shit?? Let her do it and don’t worry about ppl. My kid is 8 and he goes with me to the store dressed as Michael Myers.

My. Son is 5. He found a costume of a gladiator at the dollar store today. He’s been Maxumising the whole block since 4pm

Who cares what those judgemental people think :thinking:

Do your own thing and be happy

My daughter is 3.5 and does the same thing. When we go shopping I let her pick out the clothes she likes to. Some days she may wants to dress up as princesses or wonder women other days she just wanting to wear clothes that don’t match but the smile on her face is worth it because you can see how happy she is. The other day she wanted colored hair so I went out and got spray so she could have pink and purple hair. My mom encouraged me when I was young with dressing up or just expressing myself how I wanted and couldn’t be happier about it. My children will be able to do the same

Don’t teach her to be ashamed of how she expresses herself. Society will beat that into her later. Let her be oblivious now. Let her enjoy her innocence and sense of wonder. My ASD 11 year old is currently obsessed with Disney’s Aladdin. If I could find a costume that fit, she’d go out in it every day. She doesn’t often let social shame bother her (sometimes thats a legit problem, but usually I admire it). If she wants to be Jasmine, I’m all for it. By this time next year, or the year after, I think the middle schoolers will wear her down. I just hope they don’t crush her spirit in the process. Encourage it while you can. The world will take care of it when she gets older, and you’ll miss this part of her.

My daughter is 6 and still dresses up. I never want to stop her from being young and enjoying life.

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Who cares what other people think as long as your daughter is happy and healthy and having fun

Please don’t stop! You’ve got it right, they’re only young once. Let them judge! It’s a refelection of their own limitations!

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:unamused::unamused::unamused: My daughter is 10… She’s also 5"4 …guess what she still dresses up occasionally maybe not dresses now but wigs etc. She’s a brilliant kid. Screw what someone else thinks does it make your daughter happy? She also plays with barbies and has a baby doll that she sleeps with. Don’t make kids grow up too soon.

Is this a joke? SHE’S FIVE. Let the kid have a childhood, and maybe dont worry so much about the “dirty looks.”

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I found that they grow out of it themselves and you will miss it when they do x

If we are going to a special occasion then I don’t let them wear dress up outfits but if we are just going to the park , a friends or shopping then they can go as a princess or iron man if they wish!

Oh and the people giving a child dirty looks - tell them to piss off :fu:t2:


My 14 year old and her best friend went out and bought some wigs and then we went shopping. Some people looked at her weird but she doesn’t care and I encourage that! Let them be!

My youngest is 7, she loves to dress up as Elena is Avalor or whatever other dress up clothes she has. She doesn’t wear them to school, but she wears them everywhere else. She is intelligent, creative, witty, logical and has an amazing imagination. Don’t allow other people to determine how you parent. Your child is showing her personality, don’t stifle that. :smiling_face:

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First off. An active imagination is a sign of intelligence not immaturity so please encourage her to play pretend. My son who is 4.5 pretends to be a cat or a dog. People give me weird looks because occasionally he will fo so in public and ill play along by scratching his ear saying whose a good boy. To which he bust out laughing. Usually his laughter will instantly change their judgemental looks to ones of approval. But! Their opinion does not matter to me because my son is happy and healthy. That is what matters to me!!! <3

My daughter wore a dinosaur costume including the hat for a long grocery run at 6 in the middle of summer and she just wore a medieval costume out in public a few days ago too. Clothes are one of the very few ways kids can express themselves and it’s one thing they feel like they have control over. There is no harm in letting them have this win, you need to save your energy for the bigger arguments and let the little things go

My 14 year old will sometimes wear her giraffe onesie to school or just out when we go shopping. It doesn’t bother me or her.


My daughter is 6 and if she wants to wear one of her Princess dresses to Walmart then she does… she is happy and feels beautiful. Other opinions do not really matter. I assume she will just stop asking whenever she no longer wants to, and whenever that is will be fine with her dad and I


My son is 16 weeks but if at the age of 3.5 he wants to go out dressed as a princess with fairy wings he can. If he wants to at 5 he can.
I used to go out in my dads shirts, a pair of tracksuit pants with a ribbon in my hair. Children aren’t meant to be mature and make rational choices of clothes. If people give her bad looks they are miserables c u next Tuesdays… maybe offer them some whiskers


Let her live. People will judge no matter what you do

My daughter is 8 nearly 9, if she wants to come shopping dressed up as Elsa from frozen why not! :two_hearts:

Hey I’m lucky if I can get my 5 yr old to put pants on he rarely has shoes so who cares if he wants to go shopping dressed as costume

My god she is only 3. Let her dress up. What are you teaching her by letting other peoples opinions or looks bother you or stop you from living life? Screw those people.

Why would you stop doing something your child loves. My daughter use to go out in tutu’s. It was so funny. I never changed what she put on. And as far as the stares the more the better. It says what type of mother you are. One that lets their child be them self. And not what you want them to be.

You dress her up in anything she wants and ignore the dang looks, they don’t have to live with the decisions you make and it t doesn’t affect their lives. You and little are happy that’s all that matters

I say let her do it as long as she wants, one day she’ll just stop wanting to And it will be gone for ever

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Fuck what everyone else think. Let her live her live. There will always be people in this world that don’t like something you do or how you do things. I say let her dress up as long as she wants!!

When my kid is 40 and wants to dress up to go out to the shops they can. It’s just fun to dress up sometimes.

My daughter is 10 and I still do it to her. Let them have their imagination. I would rather my daughter be young at heart then try and act like a shitty little teenager with attitude.

Ignore dirty looks she is your child not theirs its none of their business x you are only a child once let her be one x

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F. Other people and their shitty opinions! I do have a rule though about not to school but mostly cuz I don’t want anything ruined on their black recycled tire playground lol

Ask yourself these qusstions: is it hurting anyone? Do you really care what strangers think? Does it make your child happy?

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My kids are 6 and 4… i let them go out in their costumes… i believe its letting them discover who they are!

Screw everyone who gives you dirty looks. It’s beautiful to let a child play dress up and it encourages their imagination!

Let her express herself. She maybe just hanging to a sense of freedom her whole life and not suppress her personality to blend in.

Filthy looks, smile sweetly at them while inside recognising that they must have miserable lives if a child enjoying life is an issue to them (also, muttering c**t silently can be very therapeutic)

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Idc if she is 3 or 5! If she wants to be a cheetah let her be one. If you get a dirty look ignore it, throw it right back, or growl like a cheetah :crazy_face: she is living her BEST LIFE!!! :heart_eyes: you rock mama!

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As long as it is in good taste whats the problem? They are only children for a short time. If thats what she wants to do then let her do it!!! Your doing a great job momma! Bet you kid is so smart and happy and will grow to be strong and happy because her mom supports her!!

Yall both be cheetahs!

Stopping her would staunch her creativity and imagination.


Do your thing mama . They are young once. I love seeing lil ones dress up even at 10 yes of age.

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Let her be her. She’s 3… and even if she was 5, or 7… or 10! Its not hurting anyone and if they’re really giving dirty looks they need to get over themselves and their feelings really! :heart:


My daughter is 3 and I still let her dress herself :rofl::rofl: