What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

Do what’s right for your daughter and family. Don’t make her suffer embarrassment if it can be avoided.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow::angry:I don’t think hair removal for a 6,7,8,9 or 10 year old is necessary

The people saying 6 is “definitely too young”…Based on what? If she knows how to do it herself, there’s nothing wrong with it.

I can’t stand the idea that removing hair makes girls more attractive to boys. That’s ridiculous.

Let them shave when they’re ready. Period. It doesn’t make them grow up any faster, but it does make them more comfortable in their own skin.

I chose for myself when I was twelve. Same for piercing my ears. I did it myself. Mom always said it did no good to tell me what to do because I would do what I wanted anyway. Still true to this day.

Time has surely changed these days when it comes to girls. They are maturing way faster than ever before and becoming young ladies too early in life. With that being said, my granddaughter whom I have custody over started shaving her underarms last year at the age of 10 only because of body order. I started with Nair because I thought a razor was a bit much for even a ten-year-old. Now, of course, she wants to start doing her legs which I have told her to wait at least another year, and let’s see it process. I’m sure that will be the time to even start that. I was 16 back in the day when I started. But today, times are very different!

I’m Native and Mexican we can get really hairy lol My mom let me nair my legs in like 4/5 grade I did the same for my girls . I explained to them are ppl are just hairy but not to be embarrassed about it . It was normal n natural. Even my boys got issues for having thick eyes brows . I’ve got 12 kids and 5 are girls . Some are hairier lol. But my daughter who is 7 is way to young to ruin her skin . I’d wait for a few more years

She is 6…let her be a child Why so much importance on looks

The trick is to make her feel empowered that she’s beautiful no matter what but if it makes her feel good and helps her avoid bullying, have a conversation about the various methods of hair removal. I would probably have her wear a max while using Nair because that stuff is very strong and gives me a headache even when I use it as an adult.

Why do you even ask. I doubt there are laws about it. Only parental consent.

Summer of FRESHMAN YEAR of High School…less scars

6 is way to to young, tell her it’s not important just yet…

When it is needed!!!

Way to young. About 12 or so

Today would work :grin::heart::heart::heart:

She’s still a little girl

I started at sixteen.

6 is to young
Maybe 13

Please do not use Nair on a child…

Now if it bothering your daughter .

Do whatever keeps her feeling strong and happy

Lots of chemicals in Nair

6to youñg I w0uld say 10

Nair is toxic. I would give her an electric razed.

Let them be children

Nair is too harsh dont use that

You do whats best for your child


Watch the nair on the sensitive skin.

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