What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

My daughter is 13 she started at 12. Her hair is thick but blond. For me personally it’s more about her understanding there isn’t anything to be ashamed or self conscious about literally everyone has hair on their legs. In our society women prefer to shave it. Others they don’t. I don’t want her to feel like she has to, to fit in or be liked. If she does it it’s because she wants it for her own preference. That being said when I feel she is capable of using a razor she was taught how to shave. I don’t like the chemical hair recovers as most of my family has sensitive skin. As mom it’s really up to you though and your opinion is the only one that matters.

I don’t know of any rules but, when I started, it was because my underarms were uncomfortable. Unfortunately, once you start hair removal you have to continue. I’m not sure I would give a 6 year old a razor, and it seems a bit young to worry about it. There is so much emphasis but on outer looks especially for women.

Just my opinion, but hair removal is a case of health. Hair carries hidden odors. The time to shave is when the body demands it to be so whether that is age 8, 10, 12, etc. Show her how to shave.

When she does start there is a special type is paper you can use versus a razor or nair… work great for younger beginner girls I will try to find it and post a picture…

I can sympathize. Being mostly German I have always been conscious about the dark hair. I didn’t get my legs shaved until 7th grade because my sister said I couldn’t wear nylons over those legs at the church Christmas program. She shaved them for me while my folks were gone. We’ve had good laughs for years since & I’m now 76 & still have to shave. I don’t like it. Do what you think is best for your daughter. :blush:

I have dark hair, I was about 8-9 when I started with a “grooming routine”

Six is pretty young, but if she is being teased or bullied about it, help her find a safe way to remove the hair.

Shaving doesn’t make it thicker. You do what you and her are comfortable with. I would stay away from chemical removers however.

Be careful my granddaughter tried nair hair removal at 10 yrs old bad burning sensation, looked like a 2nd degree burn even small blisters.

I feel like this is totally your decision. I can totally relate to her and I was always embarrassed around the other kids in school. Looking back I think I was around ten when I did it and then totally hid it from my mum lol. Is she getting teased? The kids might say something about her NOT having hair. Kids are brutally honest right. If it’s not bothering her I’d wait a few years. If it’s really bothering her then that choice is yours.

Who is worried about it? You or her dad? There is no reason a 6 year old should be shaving. Let her grow up first.:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

Six is way too, young. I had hair like a monkey as my sister put it and I started shaving my legs at 12.

6 is way way too young. It will grow in all bristly and she will be shaving every other day

I had same deal. I bought a myself a razor in 6th grade and shaved my legs . My mom was against it. I was made fun of too

If it bothers her that much then let her get rid of it. Not worth making her self conscious.

If you can afford it get laser done. I don’t think any age is too young if its causing her angst.

We started with a electric type razor meant specifically for girls and that worked well in the preteen years

My opinion if she is concerned about check on nair to see if it has a age. If not do it don’t let other people persuade you. Do for her kids can be mean. And you do t want it to start at this young age

I wouldn’t bleach it or use nair. Just a razor and shaving cream. OR a good quality electric shaver. My daughter wore deoderant at 4 and shaving wasn’t far behind.

I don’t think age really matters as much as maturity. One kid might be more mature then another!
Use A small electric razor if you’re concerned about her using blade.

My 9 year old shaves her under arms and legs, but at 9 she’s more the size of a 13 year old

Boddy hair is nothing to be ashamed of and some celebrities have body hair as well. Maybe show her both sides and let her decide

I was 12 years old my sister used nair on my legs. I was starting middle school and we had to be in gym shorts.

If it is causing other kids to laugh at her by all means take it off, I think common sense is the answer here

I started at 11 and she is half Puerto Rican and half irish

only thing if u start shaving now they will have to keep shaving, it will grow in thicker and alot more i wouldnt let them shave right now maybe neat or something like that. it will grow in thicker and longer. it;s up to u though, im just telling u by my experience .

Ask her what she wants to do, so it is her choice

I would check with Dr on thyroid and possible precocious puberty, there may more going on inside than just what you are seeing.

Buy her tights to wear, not stockings, her legs will be hidden to others, using chemicals to remove leg hairs is harsh treatment at such a young age.

You’re the mom. If it’s bothering your daughter and you’re questioning it, then I’d say make the decision that feels right for your daughter. Just because your mom, or a mom next door disagrees doesn’t make it wrong.

She is your child. Since this isn’t a really a safety or health situation, do what you think of best and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.

Nope, help her out if you don’t want her to feel as you did. Parents don’t know all the answers, sometimes you just have to wing it. Enjoy your babies, it goes sooo fast.

Good grief wait till she at least hits 13

Take your cues from her. If she seems upset about it and wants it gone, tell her you’ll give it a try for awhile and then you can talk about it again in a month or so.

Nair can burn the skin be careful ,if you want to I would by an electric razor I believe it would be less painful an more could use it.my girl 's didn’t til they were about 12&13 with a straight razor and did a number on their legs didn’t ask for help can we say bandaid up&down the legs.

Is she is that uncomfortable with it do it now

I was little and my hair was dark, I found a razor and went for it, didn’t ask anyone just went for it, never looked back

I believe there is not a “good” age. You’re the parents, it’s up to you.

i started shaving at 11 (when i hit puberty) but if she’s really that self conscious about it id let her.

The more you shave… And the earlier…the thicker the hair will get. You will end up shaving more and more each year.

Electric razors vs regular. They have safety features built in. If it bothers her, then maybe start w/the lower leg. No one should feel self conscious, especially when it’s an easy fix.

I would say the age of 12 or 13 then start her off with a electric shaver .

got to remember when you start that the hair will get thicker and darker when it comes back in

I personally think six is too young. Just think of all the years she will have to keep up with that.

I started shaving my legs in 6th grade, I don’t remember how hairy, I actually was, but all my friends started, sooooo…

I think 6 is a bit young to shave, maybe take her to a professional salon to get her legs waxed.

Wait until she brings it up & then let her do it.

If you start which I think is fine if it is bothering your daughter but please don’t use chemicals

Wait until her first moon time. All little girls has hair on their leggs. What’s the hurry? There little girls

My daughters (3) never said anything or worried about it till middle school that was fine with me

Mine started at 9 but only did it when she felt like it

I let my girls use a neck trimmer to take the hair down to barely anything they can do it themselves it’s safer than a razor.

Something like these for the younger girls until they are old enough for a razor

Take her to the Dr. The overgrowth of hair can be a hormonal imbalance and you would be putting a chemical on a 6 year old’s legs…not

You see this is what’s wrong with our society these little girls look at all these magazines and TV and this is how your supposed to look and of course we got to keep up with them this is crazy

I think 6 is a little young to be shaving but to do it is better than being bullied which can leave a person with lifelong scars. I also think if it is something the child keeps bringing up that you may want to consider it to improve her self esteem. The more confident the child is the better. I think you all need to remember also that when we were kids we didn’t start our cycles until about 12-14, now there are young ladies that are beginning at 9-11. What the reasons are is unknown. Probably due to chemicals in our food and water, whatever the reasons are it is making our children mature at an earlier age and that means their hormones are changing even in advance of them actually being in the puberty stage. I think that with this would come additional hair growth as hormonal changes are happening in preparation for all the changes that will be coming. I think in the case of beginning the shaving experience it would be best to begin with an electric razor with the help of an adult. If you ignore the situation the girl will go to a friends house and try to do it herself with a regular razor and I don’t think you want her to try that the first time without adult supervision. If this is something that is bothering her, help her through it and make it a Mom and or Dad memory rather than a I can’t stand all the teasing and bullying anymore so I’ll just go over to my friends and shave my legs and underarms and then it will be to late for Mom or Dad to do anything about it. Make this something positive to look back on, after all it’s only hair and it will grow back and maybe she won’t even be as interested about it when it’s time to do it again.

Instead of worrying about just show her how it’s done correctly, you don’t need a doctor just show her how.

If the hair bothers your daughter, go ahead and get rid of it for her.

6 is too young to worry about that! Please don’t even mention anything like that around her (looking at you dad - NAIR? No!).
She‘s only aware of it because someone is pointing it out ……

You don’t think they won’t out grow a lot of it as they get older? Why is she even thinking about it? Who told her it was a problem?

Mine will start when it starts to bother them. I don’t really care how old they are.

When she starts noticing and says something.

6 is a little to young to young to shave

I would worry about chemical burns. And wait

Do not use creams or razor it could harm her skin. They have many good ele razors now days that do t irritate the skin

Where does it stop are they going to start getting plastic surgery at the age of six?

I was 10 and got an electric shaver

If you can just make it not a big deal do it as just something to help with tights

No it will just grow back thicker :frowning_with_open_mouth:six is so Young,why is she even thinking about it?

I was probably somewhere around 11 or 12

I let my oldest at 10 and my youngest is getting ready to turn 10 and I’ve let her start just because kids are assholes and she got to the point she would not wear shorts or capris no matter how hot because of her “hairy legs” I honestly don’t feel age should matter as long as mom and daughter are both comfortable with it. I started at 8 I begged my mom to let me and she wouldn’t so I got a razor myself and done it anyway and I completely tore my legs up so I did not want that to happen with my girls so when they started asking I let them.

When it is disturbing, then time to remove, Nair is pretty harsh though

This forum is for bored people that need involvement in other people lives to validate their existence.All bullshit.Yep!I’m retired!

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Do it! Its a horrible feeling and a simple solution!

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I don’t see a reason to wait as long as she can do it safely

Please dont let her be little as long as she can they go up soon enough

If she wants it gone help her remove it.

I say…whatever makes her feel better about herself…

When she needs to. Plain and simple.

If she still wants it gone by the time she’s 13, let her do it

You and your husband do what you think you should do. You live in the situation.

Let the child have a childhood first

6 is way to young to start this

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Oh wait until she’s at least 12

When the child asks. Nair seems like a good solution for now.

Leave it alone let her play with her doll’s :pensive:

I would say talk to her Dr.

I have this, no fear of cuts, super easy to use.

A good age is after elementary.

If it is making her self-conscious I say do it. You can do it for her. WHen she is a little older get her an electric razor. By eleven or twelve she should be able to use a razor on her own. I started in fifth grade- I didn’t really have much hair but i wanted to start so my mom let me.

Whenever it’s necessary, I would say.

wow It’s really interesting how different cultures have different practices. In my country, the Philippines, it’s considered attractive to have natural hair growth on your arms and legs…I just wish society would care less about these attributes altogether and care more about our character.

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When she has a period.

Nair is harsh…Maybe later on buy one of those shave no more …

I was 10… same with my girls.

Use Nair on her. Too young for the blade

Consult your Doctor or Dermatologist

I have very thick dark hair. I started shaving with an electric razor at age 9…but it was not really effective on the kind of hair my body puts out. I didn’t get a good shave until I started to use a regular razor and shaving cream. My mom would not have it…so I had to wait until I went away to college. Don’t do that to your daughter.

I would wait until she is 10. Do you feel she has the capacity to use a razor safely? That is the area issue. Find an alternative to.blades if you are willing to let her. Personally I would use it as a moment to teach self acceptance and love. (I do get it. I eastern European and have thick dark arm hair that I shave)

The more you shave, the more it grows.