What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

I think waxing is best, shaving and Nair will make hair just grow thicker over time. Better to get use to it early on.

I was 10 mainly because we started swimming in P.E.

lo que la haga FELIZ!!!ā€™

I definitely asked my mom specifically in middle school. The best thing you can do for her confidence is to let her decide if, when, and how she wants to make changes to her look(within reason). If i had been prompted by my mother to remove my leg hair, it would have devastated me at the time.

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Take your daughter to a salon that does laser hair removal and discuss it with them.
The cost is not much more expensive than waxing,and itā€™s permanent

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I think she is to young to use nair. T donā€™t think the chemicals will be good for hor skin. Who is it bothering more you or her?

When my daughter was in middle school I allowed her to nair her legs not shave them. Being so body conciuos at such a young age is a little concerning. Iā€™d just watch that. Once her body starts changing if you see obsessive behavior nip it before it becomes a problem.


Being so body conscious at 6 is very young so maybe ask her why she feels she needs to do thay most 6 year olds wouldnā€™t even understand about shaving legs, my daughter was 11 as she started secondary school, so was abit more aware of things.

Iā€™m native and Mexican on my moms side I started shaving and hair removal at 12, my niece I showed her at 10 with the razor that has the lotion/shave cream around it

I was 10 when I started shaving my legs but I didnā€™t tell my mom lol. I think ur lil girl should wait.

You wanna put nair on a 6 yr old? Gtfoh


My little one is 9 and we have just started using hair removal cream

I think 6 is a bit youngā€¦ I think I was about 12/13 when I first started with nairā€¦

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Just do whatā€™s right for your child, anyone elseā€™s opinions donā€™t matter. I ā€œstartedā€ in like 5th-6th grade when everyone else did but I only did it a couple times. I didnā€™t really start doing it till high school and even then it was not often, still is not often hahah.

My 6 yrd old girl who is also half Mexican, half American (a bunch of Irish, Norwegian, Scottish, etc.) Is also asking about when she can shave. I was about 10 when I SNUCK and shaved. I want to allow her to because she does have thick dark hair, however, I think 6 is too young. Iā€™d say around 10 at the earliest? To each their own, but that is my opinion.

6 is too soon too soon. Let the child be a child. Let her know all of them that they are beautiful and they are still too small to do anything of that sort. When sheā€™s 8 or 9 u let her worry about her image and not that much. Shes 6 why is she worried about hair on her legs or any part of her body. Sheesh the mental growth for her has to match and you being a mom of three should already know and u derstand 6 is too soon. She ainā€™t ready to deal with the world yet. Or the hair that comes after shaving.

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A girl should be comfortable with her body hair. Itā€™s natural I didnā€™t start shaving my legs till I was 16 but I would recommend hair removal cream if anything

I was 12 and I had been mentioning it to my mother for a minute but it came down to we had a wedding to go to and my stepdad bought the wrong size/color nylons so she allowed me to shave that day. I donā€™t think I shouldā€™ve been allowed to any earlier than that really. I just wanted to be grown like some other girls got to be (who continued to be grown too early/fast in other ways) and show off for boys. Glad she made me wait as long as she could.

I think itā€™s up to you. If you feel it will help her have more confidenceā€¦ or itā€™s something really bothering her and your okay with itā€¦ do it. I learned with my first kidā€¦ not to worry about other peopleā€™s preconceived nonsenseā€¦ haha Iā€™m grown, I get to be the boss now! :sunglasses:


I think I was 8/9 and used an electric razor, my hair is really dark and thick so I shaving quite young, I used to have a family friend pluck my eyebrows every few weeks from the age of about 10 aswell

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Do what you want and is best for your daughter. Every individual and family is differentā€¦fuck the haters. Haters are just small narrow minded twats that arenā€™t worth shit and Usually are ones that arenā€™t or havenā€™t been in the position anyway. Do what you think she needs + wants. No harm done anyway. Her hair or no hair is irrelevant to anyoneā€™s lives. Some girls bodies mature alot faster, so much earlier maintenance is needed and thatā€™s ok bcuz personal self care + health is much more important than what a Karen on FB thinksšŸ˜Š

When they ask. Not before. Let her set her own beauty standards.


They can buff the hair away w/o irritating the skin. They can do it their self no worries at all. The small one use on the face. Safe & effective.

Maybe try to help her body confidence as she is. At 6 years old she shouldnā€™t be wanting to shave or change herself. Itā€™s more likely that others are putting this idea in her head that the way she is isnā€™t perfect, and thatā€™s a dangerous idea to be putting in a 6 year old head. Iā€™m a mum of 3 girls oldest 19 and youngest 11 and as a mum this would upset me that she felt inadequate at such a young age

Wait until leg hair even matters because at 6 sheā€™s still only a bubba really leave her to be a child we all grow up to quick


Iā€™ve just started helping my daughter shave her legs, she is 10 & was self conscious about them. If the kids not worried about it then I wouldnā€™t worry, dicuss with her about shaving & do it whens sheā€™s ready

Mabey just try to educate her that body hair is normal and natural and pretty, the same as the hair on her head, sheā€™s a young child, allow her to be one before concerning herself with body hair removal when she hadnā€™t even begun to grow hair in ā€œadult placesā€ because if she starts removing it the poor baby is going to think that leg hair is a problem that needs to be taken care of, sheā€™ll be in for a shock when it starts appearing in other places and would end up overwhelmed (just my opinion) xx

Oh hon. We have the south American blood too, we know what your talking about.
Hairs on our toes fingers chin back lol and thatā€™s the females.
The whiter side of our family get it worse hahahaha.
Thereā€™s nothing wrong with teaching your child about grooming and hygiene at a young age, especially your daughter.
Those who donā€™t have our heritage will not understand.

My mum made me wait till I was 13 but I let my daughter decide when she was ready and started in December last year (as thats the start of our summer in New Zealand) she turnt 12 in Jan, I think 6 is a lil young but if its really upsetting her could she wear long socks or stockings ?

Up to her hair . If itā€™s really bad and visible why not . Otherwise I start to show my kids around 11-12y old .

I had a very bad reaction to nair my mom hot me an electric razor so I didnt cut myself and slowly transitioned using a regular razor and shaving cream. I was also 5th grade going into 6th.

I got out my dads shavers, electric and was able to trim my leg hair around 8, I was so hairy they use to laugh at me ā€¦ now who at 50 still has gorgeous hairā€¦ yep :smiling_face:

My mom made feel really bad me about my body hair from a really young age and it was really damaging to the way I saw myself

I was around 14/15 before I started shaving xxx


I understand your worry with it being thicker and darker but dont let her thinks its an issue until she really feels like its an issue. Try wait til 8 at least and if necessary, n this may go against popular opinion, use it on her but say its for moisturising not hair removing! :speak_no_evil::woman_shrugging:

I was 12 when I wanted to shave but my mom made me wait till high school, I was 13. I think it was fair to wait till high school. At the end of the day its up to you and what you think is best. Maybe its an idea for you to stop shaving for a while to show her leg hair is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. There are many adult woman who donā€™t remove any hair from their bodies! Hair is so natural and we shouldnā€™t feel embarrassed by it.
Its also possible that somewhere she is being teased, if you know that then addressing those problems and helping find solutions to dealing with mean people is definitely the better way to go. We donā€™t change for people. We show them we donā€™t care what they say! To teach her this from a young age will be so empowering :hugs:

The sooner you start removing hair the quicker and more course it grows. Better to wait till sheā€™s older


If its making her unhappy Iā€™d deal with it. What harm will it do? All these women saying what age they started is irrelevant as it obviously didnā€™t bother them enough. You do what it takes to give your daughter confidence. Six is young I agree but donā€™t let it affect her mentally as its better to help her than maybe risk people bullying her if its very bad. Your the mum you make the decision xx


Itā€™s up to you as the parent to decide when to let your daughter remove her body hair. My mom made me wait until I was 12 or 13 and that caused me to be SEVERELY bullied in gym class. ā€¦ā€¦ The only thing i personally suggest is to explain to your daughter that there is absolutely nothing wrong or dirty about having body hair. Body hair is natural. Explain to her that while removing the hair is an option, it is ALSO ok to leave it as it is. :heart:

I would take her to the doctors. Maybe a hormonal change. She is really to young to shave already


Let her decide since its her body tell her either choice is fine

Sheā€™s mentioned it so give her some options , nair , shave and wax let her know the pros & cons of each and also let her know that she doesnā€™t have to do anything at all And see what she wants to do

My daughter is almost 3 and she is a hairy little monster :joy::rofl:. We are Italian so she will probably have a full mustache by 6 :joy::joy:. I will definitely be helping her out when sheā€™s older because I know how cruel kids can be.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

I wouldnā€™t shave her legs or allow her to until she is older, but if its bothering her that much, go ahead and use some Nair.:slightly_smiling_face: Itā€™s nobodyā€™s business but yā€™alls. :slightly_smiling_face:


My dad was very old school and it would bother me soooo bad he allow me until I turned 15 :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

I wouldnā€™t use nair on a kid that young because it is so harsh on the skin but other then that, it can be done whenever it becomes something the girl wants.


if she notices and itā€™s bugging her i would say whenever she mentions it herself

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Maybe a hair trimmer so that it helps her feel better but isnt shaving all of the way down


I donā€™t think it appropriate at such a young age because first, their hormones arenā€™t even there yet and will get worse when it comes to their teen years. Secondly, every friend I know that started doing this early has worse body issues than my friends and myself who didnā€™t. Somewhere in their psyche, they thought they 'Werenā€™t beautiful unless they were shaved, hair dyed, ears pierced,etc". I would wait atleast til 10-11 before puberty and then see what THEY say. Right now is too young to be discussing a body issue when it isnā€™t an issues. They should be embracing being a young girl who is who she is. Because I can tell you this, if a bully is going to pick on them, it wonā€™t matter if they are hairless or not. A bully always finds a way, so donā€™t please other people, embrace yourself and show the world what you have to offer.

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One thing to remember is that depending on the method of removal it will come back in thicker and darkerā€¦ I personally was around 11 when I started shaving. Though I was given the choice make up or shavingā€¦ Since I was made fun of for being hairy I chose shavingā€¦ but it made little difference the kids always found something else to poke fun at. Just let her know that itā€™s her body and ok to accept herself just the way she is


i was like 11 when i started

Hair removal like nare is pretty harsh chemically. Not sure id use it on a 6 year old. But if itā€™s really bothering her, set her up with a shaving kit.


I raised 4 daughters and let them at age 12 to 13 start shaving.


I wouldnā€™t use a chemical lotion like Nair. Younger kids skin tend to be very sensitiveā€¦ but my daughters are Puerto Rican so their leg hair was very dark and thick and they too were self conscious about wearing shorts . I dont remember what age they were but I got them a personal trimmer so thereā€™s no way they could cut themselves and it dont let the hair get course like Shaving with a razor . I want to say it was around 8 or 10 years old maybe :woman_shrugging: but if itā€™s bothering her or causing her to feel bad about herself I donā€™t see a reason to let her suffer. Thereā€™s no benefit to having leg hair :woman_shrugging:

I have an 11 year old who Iā€™ve tried to teach to shave safely but sheā€™s not wanting to shave. Sheā€™s repping the hairy legs and arm pits :see_no_evil:. I do see her as still a baby at 11 aswell so am fine with her not shaving but Iā€™m ready for when ever she does feel ready .

Umm sheā€™s way too littleā€¦ explain to her why hair in our body is important, she may not understand it much but she will eventually learn that thereā€™s an age for everything, at 6 years old she needs to be not concerned with hair on her legs. Nair might even break her skin since sheā€™s so tender and small. Thereā€™s an age for everything and in my opinion she is way young, if she was 12 or 13 I could kinda understand but not at 6, no way! Whatā€™s next? She wants a boyfriend at 7? Itā€™s up to us to ensure our kids safety and for them to not want to grow so fast. Plus men might look at her different if she shavesā€¦ men are pervs.

I was 13 and my father had a hair raising fit when he heard Iā€™d started shaving!
Sheā€™s so young, personally Iā€™d wait until sheā€™s about 13

6 in my opinion is wayyy to young to start shaving , plucking , or removing any kinda hair , I feel like if youā€™d start at this young and even encourage doing so it could make her have problems with her image as she starts to get older , I mean she will prob be the only one shaving at that age let her have a bit of leg hairs sheā€™s just little ā€¦

I used nair for hair removal from the age of six and now I canā€™t use hair removal gels because I get chemical burns the chemical burns didnā€™t start until I had been using it for about 3 years I started using razors at 12 if waxing is not something she finds painful thatā€™s pretty much the only other optionā€¦ Personally I would explain to her itā€™s a natural thing and that itā€™s there to protect her skin right now

Why is a 6 year old worries about this? I say no to shaving. Let her be a child.


Depends on maturity of the child and their own comfort levelā€¦i gave my girls option at 11, pushed for under arm shavinf as soo. As hair showed up, but left legs as a choice

Get her an inexpensive electric razor and show her how to use it. 6 is pretty young but if she is self-conscious maybe that will give her some self-confidence.


Tell her it will grow back thicker ! Say you will be like a monkey if you shave it . Thatā€™s what my mom always use to say to me lol I joined cheerleading in grade 5-6 thatā€™s when I took a razor and sat down and done it myself ā€¦ but at 6? Enjoy being a girl ā€¦ not a teen yet , she should not be concerned over her body at this age I wouldnā€™t think ? I know I wasnā€™t !!

When she starts developing more 5-6 grade

My granddaughter is almost 9 and not yetā€¦im not sure why a 6 yr old would be self conscious of natural hair on her legsā€¦big responsibility to keep doingā€¦ moat 6 yrs old hv to told to batheā€¦They ate Childrenā€¦allow them to beā€¦
We allow our children to grow up way too fastā€¦

Donā€™t let them shave til they start their cycle.


If it is bothering her now, help her out to get rid of it. I remember, as a young girl, noticing the very hairy legs on an otherwise attractive girl. Kids have it hard enough. Donā€™t make her carry this burden throughout her childhood.


It will come back in thicker and darker donā€™t forget! And nair Is very harsh on skin so wouldnā€™t even think about using it on a child so young. Iā€™d be waiting until she is a teenager or at least until she has started her cycle.


Like when they are a tweenager

4th grade for me personally

Bout 11 or going into middle schoolā€¦


My daughter was also six when she first asked about shaving her legs. I just told her she was too young. She brought it up just a few times over the next couple of years. Each time I spoke with her about it and she was ok. I let her shave at 12 just before 7th grade. She survived. Kids have to learn to be resilient. She will feel embarrassed or pressured during all phases of her life. Help her learn how to persevere. Itā€™s not torture. Itā€™s life lessons.

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Also remember, when she shaves she will have stubble. Dark stubble. She will have to keep up on the shaving on a regular basis. Iā€™m not opposed either way just make sure she has all the pros and cons before you go ahead with it. Luckily my daughter is very blonde so the shaving question never really came up, I taught my son at age 14

I think I was around 11 too 13 when I started shaving

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No! Shes a little girl, she shouldnt even be thinking about this, she be playing and being a kid, be a parent, if your little girl is worried about this its come from you, bad mom, talk about body shaming, if you have issues dont put them on the child


I think thatā€™s too young for those chemicalsā€¦ But gosh ā€¦6 is so little.


I think this is such a personal choice. When it bothers herā€¦when kids pick funā€¦thats when you shave. I wouldnt do nare at age 6. I wont use it at age 36 lol but if shes getting teased or its REALLLLLLY making her down on her self i would shave her legs. Id do it. I wouldnt give a 6 year old a razer but id help make sure she felt good about herself. They grow up too fast. At 6 she shouldnt even be worried about leg hair. But the way our world is and school now a days they seem forced to grow up too quick. Talk to her mama. Make sure she knows she absolutely beautiful in her own skin just how she is. :heart:


If itā€™s bothering her help her out and teach her how to shave or take her to have them wax.

I believe itā€™s 12 in California but maybe different in others.

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Why would you make her wait if it makes her slef conscious? Itā€™s not like a tattoo.


l was 17 when l started shaving my arm pits and legs.

My period was early at 11 and I asked to shave then. I didnā€™t like body hair :confused:

Not at 6. How old were you ? I was 13

Shaving will make the hair grow in faster. But waxing will gradually make it grow in more sparsely.


I think if sheā€™s asked then let her yes 6 is young but itā€™s just body hair her body hair may I add is it going to affect her long term you removing her body hair with removal cream no I donā€™t think so so just do what u thinks best n donā€™t listen to what other people say some children are a lot more grown up then others xx

If the child is raising it as an issue then itā€™s an issue now.
I would help her get rid of it.


Donā€™t put Nair on a 6 year old :woman_facepalming: Nair is painful enough for an adult . I wouldnā€™t worry at that age . Iā€™m Italian and oh boy does the hair grow . I could shave or wax and within 2 hours itā€™s already coming back . Just tell her itā€™s natural and that sheā€™s beautiful as is . Iā€™d say between ages 10 and 12 but thatā€™s my opinion.

6th gradeā€¦ middle school


6 is too young, she shouldnā€™t even be worried about thatā€¦


I feel 12 is a good age. If she insist get some wax strips and you will find that after the first couple of strips she will want to wait. Waxing is good as the hair gets sparser the more you wax. You do get use to the pain.

Start at whatever age she starts expressing it bothers her or someone is making fun of her. Children can be cruel and there is absolutely NO reason to add to that if we as parents can help it.

Around puberty I think I was about 11.

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I was around 8-9 years old when I started shaving my legs. I felt bothered by my leg hair for a while before that and finally asked my mom if we could fix it.

My daughter was 12 when I showed her how to shave and I was the same age when my sisters taught me. I guess itā€™s when you feel they can do it. Your her mom, youā€™ll know when itā€™s the right time

I would explain to her that because of her ā€œgenesā€ it maybe more noticeable however it is not a big deal to worry about at this age. She is young and beautiful as she is but once she gets older and her body actually starts to change then you both can revisit the subject. As a parent (and my opinion)I believe it is important to remind our kids that it is not necessary to grow up to quick.

If she is mentioning it herself then definitely give her the option! Have a chat with her about why she feels the way she does, ensuring you reinforce there is no shame about leg hair and her body is her choice and if she would still like to go ahead with shaving her legs then support her! Maybe get a electric trimmer with a guard so there is no chance of any cuts/abrasions or if you feel Nair is better, opt for the sensitive one and possibly stay below the knee. I remember being in the same position as a young child and canā€™t imagine having being forced to carry such confidence issues into my teens!

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My daughter stopped wearing shorts until I agreed to let her nair, I believe she was 8/9 yrs old. We do the in shower sensitive gel. Sheā€™s 11 now and Iā€™m still not comfortable with her using a razor just yet.

I was made to wait til I was 12 and I have very dark, thick hair. I had terribly hairy arms that I got made fun of most of my life for, and leg hair. I was always told ā€œiTā€™lL cOmE bAcK tHiCkEr AnD dArKeR!!!Ā”Ā”!!Ā”!Ā”!ā€ and was soooo scared to shave my arms because of this, and I would CONSTANTLY wear hoodies and jeans to school. If she is bringing it up now, and she feels bad about it I would show her how to safely manage it and take care of it. I didnā€™t shave my arms until I was 18, and man do I regret not doing it when I wanted to. Shaving my legs used to happen DAILY when I was younger, and now that Iā€™ve gotten older and pregnant I really only have been shaving my legs once a weekā€‹:rofl::rofl: When youā€™re that young tho, everything is hard and making your children wait because weā€™re uncomfortable isnā€™t fair to them. Itā€™s our jobs to make our children happy and comfortable, and itā€™s not up to anyone else! As long as sheā€™s safe and made to feel like she is heard and loved is what mattersā€‹:heart:

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If she is being bullied ect for it ā€¦yes use nair sensitive formula but donā€™t shave as will just grow back thicker ā€¦if itā€™s her choice itā€™s a yes from me ā€¦safe removal of excess hair is better than being bullied or singled out ā€¦