What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

Puberty definitely, the longer you leave it the better! I understand your worry but the hair will of course over time grow back thicker and course! My auntie started to young and when she hasn’t shaved it looks like she has hairy tights on and she has to shave more and more often. And waxing is one of the most painful things I’ve ever endured :joy: I could only manage the one leg :leg:, so I really wouldn’t be doing that to any child x tell her she is beautiful just the way she is :+1:

Her self esteem is wh a ts important. Do whats best for you and her. X


I wouldn’t use chemicals … maybe one of those little electric hair removers if anything? I personally feel it’s too young period, but if she’s self conscious about it and you absolutely can’t talk her into loving it the way it is… I think a little electric hair remover would be the best kid friendly thing to do


I started shaving at 12, I never shaved above my knee. I can tell a difference in my skin and of course the hair. Below the knee it grow fast and has gotten thicker and courser over the years that would be my only reason against shaving. Maybe get a consult with hair removal? I think it’s a little painful though idk.

Your husband mentioned it. You remembered being self conscious about it. No where does it say your daughter is worried about it. Who is the hair removal for?

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I have a 9 yr old. Her dad is half white half African American, I’m puertorican she started growing a lot of hair as of recently especially in her armpits. I didn’t wait and I’m teaching her how to shave. She does it with out help ( my 15 yr old and I) and with supervision.

1- every child is different
2- there’s no age limit for this things to happen
3- if it bothers her, help her.
4- teach with positivity and acknowledging she’s beautiful anyway she is and it’s not a problem to be hairy and it’s not why your helping her. But your helping her to make her feel more comfortable.

Waaaaaaayyy to young

Those of you saying it shouldn’t be an issue, she is too young… well obviously it is already an issue for her for whatever reason and the way she feels about herself is far more important than what age we think she should be worrying about it. Do what is best for your baby and how she feels about herself :heart:


I think you should wait till she actually hits puberty. I wasnt allowed to shave till i was 12. My daughter is 11 and sneaks to shave her legs and I still dont allow it.

I was the same way when I was young! Don’t wax her. It would hurt! I hate it so I’d never suggest it to a child. Nair is full of chemicals that can be harsh on the skin. I get burns from it when I try to use it following suggested times. If she’s upset about it talk to her. Explain how you can help and go from there. If she wants you to help her, help shave her legs once every 2 weeks. When she’s a bit older let her decide if she wants to try something different :heart: that’s what my mom did! She helped me start shaving at age 11

As soon as it’s a problem for her.


I was the same and my mum just kept telling me to ignore the comments and I was beautiful, so when I was about 7 or 8 I was in the bath and decided to use my mums razor to shave. Came out full of cuts, mum was very upset and as much as we think someone might be too young, it’s better to be a parent that helps and guides them to prevent them doing it alone and in a wrong way

Instead of her being near blades or chemicals there are little pad things called smooth away, that way she won’t be at risk of chemical burns(like I did) or cutting herself on a razor, one reason or another the hair is causing an issue and coming from someone who got bullied throughout school for dark hair from a young age, it’s your dission what you wish for your baby!


Do whatever you feel is best :slight_smile: if she’s worried about it then go for it! X

My daughter is nearly 11 and has started secondary school and she’s been mentioning the hairs on her legs since she was in year 6 as they are really dark hair. I haven’t done anything about it yet as I wasn’t sure what to use on her. She’s Samantha she doesn’t want them waxed. What should I use one her? x

I don’t shave my legs anymore ! I wasn’t created to please others
I am a fucking human being
I should not be subjected to being hairless like a pubescent child.
Whatever age they want. It’s 100% up to them. 6 14 30 doesn’t matter as long as it’s for THEM

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Get an electric razor that men usually use with the 3 round circles. That should be fine for her to use without cutting herself.

Don’t shave it it will be stubbly, altho abit painful I’d say wax strips. Hair removal cream is quite harsh and can burn

I’d maybe ask a beautician what products may suit, there maybe something, but I think anything like shaving and with lots of chemicals in may not be ok on her skin


It’s all about the hair follicles. Waxing would be the best method although this comes with a little pain. The plus side however, it lasts way longer and the more you do it the less hair grows back overtime x

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Call me crazy but yes yes yes start as soon as she is bothered. I would shave at anybodys house for years as a kid caz I wasn’t allowed at home.


with already having darker hair, If she can wait i would suggest it. It will appear darker. 6 is on the younger side and she may decide shes bored with it fast. I say this as someone who also has darker leg and arm hair. I was able to start shaving my legs up to my knees when I was 13, my mom was weird about it. I didnt start shaving my arms until I was 16, due to the years of teasing I endured. You do what you feel is right for your child, just remember if its because shes being teased make sure shes mature enough to keep up with it. If it comes in darker and she stops shaving it may increase the teasing.

10 is reasonable. 6 is far too young!

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If its affecting her then its time, i would contact a professional though as regards how to do it as shes very young xx


My youngest is the same . And I have managed to leave it untill 11 just about . But I think do what she feels comfortable with

I would Wait till she starts having a problem with it. I wouldn’t Do it just because ur husband has asked or because u was self conscious. I would wait till she comes to you about it. 6 Is Very Young to Care about it.


My daughter who is 9 started hiding her legs with long socks and tights at school because of the hairs on her legs. I’d asked her if she would feel better if we gave shaving a go she said yes she feels much more confident about her legs now x

Shes only 6 years old :flushed::scream: she’s too young.


At 6 it is easy to explain it the same as you explain everything else to a 6 year old when changes happen…it means your getting a bigger girl, this is what happens to your body, it happens to everyone, work on building her confidence around her body and the changes that happen, it is natural and perfectly normal, bless her…we need to build our children up to feel comfortable in their skin and not to just act on what others think :heart:


Please do not listen to people telling you she’s too young, she’s not.
She should start removing it, otherwise she is going to be bullied by some stupid people


My hair is naturally dark black/brown and I tend to grow hair Thick and fast I never noticed my legs were an issue until I was 12ish by then I could make an informed decision about what I wanted to do. Let her enjoy being a little girl a bit more before societies beauty standards become a part of her life

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I have 2 daughter’s they started shaving when they started hiigh school 6 is far to young


6 is way too young😮I would say when they start high school


Talk to your daughter and see how she feels about removal. Take her to speak to a beauty therapist. They would be able to make suggestions. She might not be as bothered as you think when she knows the options. Potential bleaching might be a suggestion from a therapist until he is a bit older to remove them. A bit of homework for you to find out, but then you can make an informed decision. :+1:


6!? Shes still a baby. Not at all you should be helping her embrace and feel confident in her own skin and be proud of her heritage and what makes her how she is. If my daughter was shaving anywhere before 13 I would hit the roof.

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16 was when I allowed my girls

She is only like that because you as parents are prolly talking about it in front of her and it’s making her aware of it. My daughter’s NEVER brought up their hair on the legs at that age. Like that never crossed their minds. I believe this is all you on who really wants them babies legs shaved at the young age.

I waited until my daughter was 11/12 although she is blonde and has light hair, but everyone is different!! What about an electric lady shaver? I started mine on that as it had less risk of cuts etc.

Do what makes the child happy


I say whatever suits her and you both as her parents.
If it’s upsetting her and you have tried self esteem building tactics etc. But honestly kids are not resilient n they shouldn’t be taught to shrug off bullying. If she feels taunted and bullied let her choose. And support her continuously :slightly_smiling_face:

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Do it if she already feels self conscious about it…This works better than Nair and doesn’t stink…Get mens shaving powder, I purchased this at Walmart, mix with water to make a paste put it on her legs after a few minutes wipe off, legs will be smoother than ever

Honestly if she feels uncomfortable please take it off messes with self esteem and bullying I’d say fix it I mean she can always tell you when she doesn’t want to do it .

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I was 12 before my mum let me even consider shaving and it was awful going to school and getting bullied. I think if it is bothering her and you and dad are ok with it then go head. Don’t make her suffer. (Other kids can be cruel ) and trust me that can stick with her for the rest of her life x

I find this a hard one I hit puberty at that age and can make you feel different I started hair removal around then but was very difficult has it made my skin very sore but I still feel it’s to you but felt it was needed

You should wait until she’s atleast in double digits.
Her skin isn’t strong enough to handle a razor, and she would probably end up with chemical burns from Nair because she has baby skin, and waxing pffft you would rip her skin apart.

If her hair is long enough you could cut it, maybe use an electric razor with the head guard on it


Seems way too young to me but hey she’s your Daughter. My eldest Daughter is 8 and hasn’t asked to shave hers and she has real dark hair like me. I guess every child is different. If she was one of my Daughters though i would be telling her ‘you don’t need to worry about that till 12/13’. Do what you think is right by you and her. I seriously doubt she will be getting picked on at 6 for hairy legs.

In my opinion middle school age 11- 14 is a seems more age appropriate. That’s when children typically get curious about shaving and stuff.

disagree with you on that point…Yara Amr. 6 yrs old is too young. every time u remove hair it will come back thicker and possbilly quicker


My daughter has mentioned this since starting high school she’s 11 xx

I raised two daughters, I did not allow them to shave legs until they had their periods which was 7th grade for both of them. However, when they began getting underarm hair I did let them shave the “pits only”…

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Ultimately it is your decision there is no right or wrong answer it’s just people’s opinions but personally I think 6 is too young as once you start you have to continue children her age are still in their innocence and don’t care about these things although I understand you said she is self conscious maybe just explain to her that body hair is normal everyone has it and when she starts puberty around 10? It would be best to see how she feels about it then xx

Idk about razors ay that age but I personally like to use a mens close shave electric razor on in between days. Maybe get a good one of those first.


Discuss it with your daughter. If she wants it removed then I’d say remove it. Who cares if other people on here think she’s too young. It’s up to you, her dad, and your daughter.


Start NOW if she is concerned about it being there, remove it. It’s hard enough for kids today without some a-hole in her class notice and start calling her Gorilla legs or something.


It a parental decision. I actually told her father I would be making there decisions.
My daughter, age 10. I got her an electronic razor. She was too lazy to use it (yes she’s lazy I taught her).
I agreed to shave her legs once a month for her (because I didn’t want her to cut up her legs herself).

I was a hairy little girl so I could empathize.
Since she’s so young a compromise may be in order such as only shaving in the summer when she wears shirts/shorts.

By age 10 she’ll probably need her eyebrow waxed as well by 12 her uppernn by lip.
Just remember kids are cruel.

Improve her self confidence and start now


I think around 7th grade… 11-12

If it’s bothering her or she’s getting bugged at school. Take it off . My mom used an electric razor on me when I was young. Nair might be a little dangerous

You say she mentioned the hair on her legs, but nothing more than that. You said her father asked if you should start to do Nair on them. He simply asked a question due to her asking about the hair on her legs. If she is upset about it or someone is making fun of her then I would look into having the hair removed. I would think about what would be best to use for a child that young before doing it. You may want to consult her pediatrician. If she was just curious about the hair growing on her legs then I would wait until she is older.


Maybe try teaching her that hair is normal and natural and is supposed to grow there… Everybody has it and its nothing to be ashamed of. There is so need to remove it other than buying into beauty standards of society. Her skin is still so soft and sensitive at that age and surely its too young to put a sharp razor to it? And you deciding to remove it for her will only perpetuate the idea that she should be ashamed of it and hide the fact that she has hair on her body… Please dont give a young girl another reason to feel self conscious


I was 10 and so was my daughter. But I would think the need to remove leg hair would differ for each person, is it bothering her, or was she just asking questions. If you are concerned with the affect of Nair, I would just speak with her doctor to make sure she isn’t too young and to make sure she wouldn’t have any adverse affects.

Each child is different I would wait till she came to u asking about it as it mustn’t bother her atm.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

I definitely think it’s appropriate at age 6. Maybe 12.


Nair is really harsh on skin. I’d get an electric shaver.


If it were my daughter and it truly bothered her, I’d help her no matter the age.


Only do it if they ask for it. Otherwise this is how body issues start happening.


I wasn’t allow to shave until like after I moved out :woman_facepalming:t3:my daughter is 8 and also has some fuzzy legs i think once she ask all think about it but until then I’m not gonna stress thinking like 13

Putting chemicals like maid on her isn’t the answer.

Definitely wouldn’t think of it before puberty… 6 is way too young imho.
I also start by teaching my daughters (i have two 9 yr olds) that they don’t ever have to remove hair on their bodies, if they don’t want to. It is not mandatory or necessary, and simply a cosmetic choice some people make, and some do not. Body hair also does have its benefits. :heart:


I wouldn’t do it at 6
12 and up I would say. That being said, I don’t have a child who is self conscious of her body hair. So it’s easy for me to say what I wouldn’t do.
Do what’s most comfortable for you guys :slightly_smiling_face: you know best

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I wouldn’t do it at 6
12 and up I would say. That being said, I don’t have a child who is self conscious of her body hair. So it’s easy for me to say what I wouldn’t do.
Do what’s most comfortable for you guys :slightly_smiling_face: you know best

I has to wait till i got my period. I think i was around 11…

I would not use nair on her! My daughter asked around 10 but she her leg hair was blonde and very thin.

I didn’t start until middle school. You really ought to wait for her to bring it up because you don’t want to make her feel self-conscious about something that literally everybody has.


I used to be self conscious about the hair on my body when I was younger because my parents made me believe that hair on girls is unnatural and gross.
I started shaving when I was 8-9 years old.

I would maybe have a conversation with her and tell her it’s natural for hair and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
I personally think 6 is a bit young, but if it’s making them self conscious about themselves go ahead and do it, because at the end of the day you want your child to be happy and love themselves.


Just explain to her its natural and how god made us and the hair is there to protect the skin. Thats what i told my 6 year old


I love that this is asked. As a girl growing up with this issue, I wish I had this type of support. My arms and legs have scars from trying to sneak and do it myself at 7. My mom said I had to wait until 16. :weary:


Nair is harsh on skin. Might be too much for a kid since their skin is delicate. For sure use an electric shaver for women. Doesn’t hurt at all!

However, I think 6 is super young. I wouldn’t make a huge deal out of it. Body hair is normal. If you start making it a big deal she’s going to get self conscious about it.

Alot of women are letting their body hair grow out. It’s great!

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The only reason people are self conscious is because we make them feel that way. End the stigma in your home!

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Ask her pediatrician…

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I’m native and I’m not hairy

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This witch just asked to Nair a baby. This page is :wastebasket:


I wasn’t allowed until I got my 1st period (around 11ish)

I think when she asks then it is time

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My daughter is 10. She has blonde hair on her legs but it’s very noticeable. Kids at school started commenting on her hairy legs. She asked me if she could shave them. This was when she was 9. So, the first time I shaved her legs for her, the next time she wanted to do it herself so I supervised her, and since then she’s been doing it on her own. If she wouldn’t have asked me, I wouldn’t have had her start shaving so young, but since she brought it up and people were bringing it to her attention, I felt that it was the right time for her to start.


I was 11 when my mom taught me how to shave my legs (because I asked). Teach your daughter that body hair is natural and she has nothing to be ashamed of :heart:


My daughter started shaving her armpits and legs at 8

You do what you think will make her more comfortable with her body. Some kids have more hair at a younger age, so it’s ok to remove it if they want to.
I personally think waxing is best if she can handle it because you won’t have to do it as often as shaving. But you do what best suits you

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You seriously want to nair / shave a SIX YEAR OLD!? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I would wait until at least 10

6 is way too young imo,we girls in my family started after we got our periods.
I know some that never shaved there’s.What ever makes them comfortable.I think.

I think 6 is pretty young to start shaving….considering she will have to do it for the rest of her life I would wait a bit longer….and I definitely wouldn’t use Nair on a child…it’s too harsh for a child’s skin. Maybe ask your pediatrician for ideas on how to address her feelings on the hair….I mean I had a tiny bit of hair on my arms that bothered me growing up but I didn’t shave them….I just learned to deal with my insecurity and got over it….as an adult I realize it wasn’t even hardly any hair but it just felt that way to me at the time….we all will have insecurities about body issues….it’s part of life…if she starts shaving she will just find something else to focus on after the hair….just teach her that we are all different and we all have things we don’t care for but we live with :two_hearts:.

I’m half Korean half white (Hungarian, Native American, European). Growing up I was a tomboy and had hair on my legs. Much more than my sister. My mom is Korean and we washed with these more so when we started getting more hair. After a while the hairs started getting finer and lighter in color. I didn’t start shaving till I was in the Navy (19 years old) but that was only if I wore shorts or a skirt. Still scrub with these to this day and through my adult life maybe shaved only 10 times a year. Now that I’m 41 I don’t shave my legs at all (last shave was in 2018). You can barely see or feel the hair and they are sparse. My mom growing up scrubbed her legs with these and has never shaved her legs and she has no hair on them. Just a thought. Oh and they are amazing for exfoliation.


Im letting my daughter come to me when she decides. We’ve discussed it already as she’s mentioned her body hair. She is 9 now dark skinned Puerto Rican 50% and French Canadian mostly other 50%. She asked me to pluck her slight unibrow recently so we do that when she asks. And more recently she asked to start shaving her armpits, so we did! She’s already began puberty (not period yet) and hair is popping up all over. My mother never let me and I ended up doing it in secret and I remember being picked on and it made me super self conscious. And kids were awful! I never want her to feel that way. But I do make sure she understands how beautiful she is and that what other people think doesn’t matter! I don’t think there’s a “right age” but rather a “right time” good luck do what you feel is right when you feel it’s right!

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I agree with Carelette. Ask your pediatrician. Overall I truly believe 6 is too young to worry about shaving and body hair! Most start around when they hit puberty.

Let her be a kid. At 6 you should be telling her she’s beautiful and that hair is beautiful. I didn’t start shaving till I was 16 and now I’m 29 and dont hardly shave unless it’s an outing or something.


Anyone else concerned that the husband is concerned about his daughters’ hairy legs?

Also I don’t remember being 5/6 and being concerned about hair I see only 3 reasons as to why

  1. Overheard mom/aunt talking about their own legs and is copying them

  2. Some adult/teen told her hair on legs is bad

  3. Learned from TV

Idk if anyone else thinks that’s sketchy.


6 is way to young to be going through anything like that. Don’t body shame and shut that down now. Take my advice from a mom of 8 with 4 of them being girls. Wait until a bit older like 12-13 when they are more responsible and coming of age.

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I figure u do it when u feel there ready my youngest daughter started at 8 she felt self conscious about it so we bought her a electric razor and that’s what she used each of my older 2 both started going into the 6th grade they were around 10-11 but my youngest started showing hair alot earlier than my older 2 I think it’s anyone’s preference for there own children

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