What age should girls start birth control?

What age is too young for birth control? A decision that my husband and I can not agree on?


Whenever she is sexually active or needs to regulate her periods.

Just my opinion, but I would say around 14ish…some may think it’s way too young but I would rather be safe then sorry or be in denial that anything is happening or not!


Depends on the reasons

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With this generation 10 tbh but I think the proper would be 15


Whenever they ask?
Unless they need it for hormonal/medical reasons before then


If they ask, they are old enough. If they are having medical issues that birth control will solve, they are old enough. If they don’t ask, but they are showing indications that they are considering sexual activity, talk to them, but they are old enough. Better to have them on birth control younger than you like than to end up with them pregnant when they are still children themselves.

Whenever they start puberty… if having heavy and irregular cycles is what I would be the most concerned about first… ie 12 or so… but I will add I learned one thing on this subject… don’t wait too long (especially rn) because my parents waited too long and it ended up being more like a punishment for having sex more than a protective measure and a regulatory med for me period.

Put the fear of God in them. Express the importance of condoms at all times and the correct way to put them on.Not to mention show them pictures of stds and let them know they can get stds during oral sex too. And that you can’t look at someone or their private parts and say they don’t have anything. And tell them its more to life then sex and babies travel see the world have goals because getting a job To buy diapers is no fun at 16 .

I’d say when they start their periods, I was on birth control to help with my periods, they were really bad as a teenager. If its for intercourse then as soon as sexually active.


I did when I started my period, I was 13 or 14 ( for hormones) granted kids are getting their periods younger I would say around end of middle school area!


Nowadays… While everyones homeschooled… I give it till 16 to 18 …


Bitrh control doesn’t involb STD. And hormonal pills may influence her metabolism and health in general. U take care of a pregnan but she may have thrombosis and the pills are a big no for that. Maybe u need to start talking to her about sex and show her with photos or videos about STD or child birth to give her more insight in this. Either way show her your support and trust.

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I wonder do some people know BC is used to regulate the cycle for hormones? Not sex :woman_facepalming:t4: whatever age is appropriate to help a young lady who suffers from hormonal and reproductive issues … some girls do have a period as young as 9


My first period was at 12 and my first cough cough “experience” wasn’t long after…. It does depend on the reasons, but I would also try to initiate a conversation about it with your daughter maybe? In my opinion, if she has started her period… it may be worth asking her about it and explaining (if for nothing else) it’s about regulating her hormones and easing her period…


None. You might as well take her to the boy house and wait outside till she done. Stupid parents


My daughter is 19 but not sexually active…so when she decides to get off her butt and gets a job or whatever then she’s not taking the pill…

I put my 15 year old on birth control less than a year after her first period. The way I see it is protecting her future.


I started at 14 due to heavy periods, acne, and cramping…it helped a TON and even helped calm me down

13 for pills and all the other birth controls you cannot get until age 14

There is no correct answer. All depends on the child and her needs and situations. Depends if you’re taking it for birth control or other health reasons. I started at 14 due to struggling with period issues from age 12. x

I’m mind blown at how many people want to put young children on synthetic hormones at such a young age… And the world wonders why cancer rates keep going up and so many more woman are having fertility issues…


whenever your child is having sex. be honest and open with your kid y’all


Unless y’all wanna be young grandparents… Tell him the birth control is happening.

Think I started on contraception when I was about 14

You just make sure u talk to your kids at a young age. Sex is introduced when they’re so young now. My Son was learning things at school. Its uncomfortable being a single Mom and having to talk to my Son about it. But he told me he feels most comfortable talking to me. If I had a girl I would hope she comes and talks to me.

I started on birth control the pill when I was 15 but nothing to do with sex was because my period, it all depends if they r having sex etc x


It’s not an across the board answer. Lots of variables would contribute to the decision.


My doc had me on Pills at 13 because of super horribly bad periods not for birth control reasons

How about you ask your kid? Instead of putting your kid on a pill that does your body no favours (I was on the pill for 8 years from 13) give them condoms and tell them the person they end up sleeping with needs to bag it up.

Have the man have a vasectomy


I have had open conversation with my children since they were 5 they could come to me with anything and I would answer honestly I told them to come to me to discuss contraception when they felt ready to gave sex and we would go and get a script they both did one at 16 and one at 17 no unwanted pregnancies or scares be open with your kids and they will come to you

I was 13. I asked for them for help in regulating my period and easing menstrual pain. I hoped it would help with acne, but I wasn’t one of the lucky ones in that department. My mother had my oldest sister at 16 and had four daughters before me. All sexually active before 18 and by that point she had accepted and understood that it was a decision she wouldn’t be a part of when that time came. She wouldn’t be there to remind me of her warnings, and she preferred to know that I would be educated and have the means to protect myself. There were a lot of conversations beforehand, and several of them included my doctor. It wasn’t even a decision based on sex, but I had no shortage of education in that department before going through with it. My mother learned for me and made a decision based on the perspective that she had gained.
I owe her a lot for that. It didn’t give me the idea that I could have care free sex. They made that perfectly clear in the clinic before ever handing the pack over. I married my first partner, and we have a beautiful little boy. My sex life was my business, and my mother understood that. I wasn’t going to involve her in the process. Instead of trying to control what she couldn’t she taught me how to take care of myself and gave me the means to do so.

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Id say 18
Teach them good morals and they will grow up to be sensible. Every action has consequences.
Doesnt mean if you are on birth control you can go hump your way through town coz you wont get pregnant…

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My grandmother asked me if I wanted to start birth control when I was I believe 13 because my acne had gotten out of control. I said yes and it helped tremendously.

Id say around 14 but its really up to you, depends on your kid

Sit down with your daughter and discuss this with her, otherwise your giving her a licence to sleep around.


All depends on what the birth control is for. If it’s for actual birth control then when they become sexually active. To know this you would need to have open communication so she will come to you when she thinks she is going to need it. If it is for medical reasons then when a doctor determines she needs it. Birth control is very helpful in alleviating the problems women have hormonally and with other gynecological issues.


If she is sexually active, then time for some form of birth control


What if I told you some young woman in their mid 20’s want to hold onto their virginity as long as possible and don’t want to become another notch on some boys belt. Therefore no need for birth control…:wink:


I’ve known girls be put on birth control as teenagers because their periods/cramps were so bad


Only if she’s sexually active then put her on birth control


Birth control at a young age can cause health problems research them all , I wouldn’t want to unnecessarily take tablets at such a young age as that age is their prime age of growth


That’s a discussion to have with your daughter not your husband :woman_shrugging: Better to communicate with her and for her to take precautions when she needs them than for you and your husband to decide when you think it’s acceptable to put her on birth control… Her body, her decision. Your just there to ensure she knows how to be safe and give her an environment where she feels she can come and talk to you about these type of things.


Logically, this is a medication that a woman will be taking, sometimes daily, for many years of her life. It would behoove women to have a parent to guide them through it. It might also be good to allow their body to get used to the medication, before they are sexually active. As well as the possibility of working out any kinks with the type of medication chosen/needing to change meds. Plus, the added benefit of just getting your child prepared for/used to being responsible for taking a daily medication, and going to gyno appointments on a regular basis. All of these are logical and responsible reasons to start your daughter on birth control before they even become sexually active.


Depends… Why is birth control being brought up?? My daughter whos now 17 is on bc as a form of hormone therapy sense she was 15…there are so many reason to use bc

It really depends on the situation but if she is active or plans to be , birth control is always good . Better safe than sorry :slightly_smiling_face: I would suggest birth control pills thou , not that thing you get inserted nope never do that . Alot of people have had issues with it getting stuck to them and having to get it surgical removed even having issues trying to remove it . I would really stick to pills at a younger age.

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My daughter was 15, was put on it to help with her period.

I would suggest 13-14 no later

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My daughter was put on birth control at 11. She started her period when she was 9 and had such bad cycles the birth control was the only thing that could get it controlled. Seeing as my daughter was already on it, she didn’t necessarily have to come to me when she thought about being active but when she thought it was a possibility she did. So we talked a little bit and together we decided to go to her woman dr to make sure she didn’t need to switch or anything. Your best bet would be to have a conversation with your daughter and see where she stands. Moms fail to realize these days that just bc their daughters are young that they aren’t suppose to have any input on certain things and that’s what puts a wedge in relationships. My daughter is almost 16 and she literally comes to me for anything and everything. I never pushed her in a certain direction or towards a certain path because she’s her own person and although I gave my opinion I listened to her and her feelings and what she thought was best for her body and we took that path. She will know sharks right for her.

In my opinion soon as they are interested in opposite sex… Kids are now having sex as early as 10 yrs old😢

I went in it around 16-17 yrs old not because of being sexually active but because my period was out of control

Why would you want to put your child on birth control? Thats like saying I know I can’t trust you.


Does your daughter have a say in this? If she has requested it, it’s time


As soon as they start bleeding. Birth control not only can help prevent pregnancy but also help regulate the menstrual cycle by making it more predictable.


This is a discussion primarily for your daughter and her doctor, and you as the consenting adult and her mother. There are all sorts of different types of birth control and many various reasons as to why she may want or need to use them. Ur husband has no place in the conversation. Its ur daughter’s body and her choice. It’s your job as mom to protect and guide her as best possible in an increasingly alarming and difficult world for women. Birth control is not a license to sleep around. It’s used to alleviate really bad periods, health conditions and a lot more than just basic birth control. But if it is for its intended purpose, rather be safe than sorry. Withholding a safeguard due to moral or religious views just ups the chances of teen pregnancy, it doesn’t stop it from happening. So that being said, respect your daughter and hear what she has to say. Make an appointment with a gynecologist or PCP and support your daughter in her choice.


Honestly it depends. I wish I had BC when I started becoming sexually active and experiencing. I started at 15 yrs old. Instead of having the support I needed all I got was a yelling match and got called a slut. So def talk with your daughter and let her know you want her to wait until she is ready. To love herself first before she becomes sexually active because then it will hurt her more than anything. Of course dads don’t ever want to accept their little girls are having sex at a young age :roll_eyes: but its that shit that girls don’t feel comfortable coming to their parents.


When she is mature and old enough to make that decision preferably when she is in a relationship until then she should enjoy being a girl


All depends some doctors put girls on birth control to help with heavy periods . This is a talk you should have with her doctor and something you decide as her parent since I’m assuming she’s still a child .

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I was put on the pill at age 16 to help with my periods. Wasn’t sexually active. Just had a horrible time

I go by the better to be safe than sorry rule . I put my daughter on the day after her 1st period started. She had just turned 12.

I understand this is a tough call for parents. Just my two cents. Not judging still your decision. This is just my perspective.

Girls are getting their periods as young as 9 or 10 years old. Maybe if we stopped calling it birth control and something else for teens we would stop assuming every girl child on birth control is having sex. First we must let go of archaic beliefs.

Second, we can’t preach your body your rules but then force them to the my body parents rules in their own households. Would you rather your daughter got it any way without your input because you punishing her for being open and honest with you. What would you be teaching about men’s opinions about female bodies?

Erm eldest is 15 doesn’t have a boyfriend isn’t active so nope not needed


When ever she decides to start having sex.


When she starts dating her first boyfriend.


When she sexually active or some I know have started as soon as they’ve had their first period :+1:

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As a preventative measure as soon as she starts menstruating. My daughter was 12

As soon as she becomes interested in sex you should go over her options with her. If she becomes interested you won’t ( & neither will she) know when she will have sex & then you as a family would have an unexpected pregnancy

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I think the topic should be brought up when she has her first period, if she decides to put it off then we’ll talk when she starts dating.


I asked my mamm at 13 if I could go on the pill because of personal reasons n she understood

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I wanted on it when I started my period for it was irregular and my mom said no. Now she’s a Grammy :rofl:

Me and my daughter talk about this all the time even though shes only 11 me and my mother didn’t do this as she was embarrassed different erea and all that but I’m hoping because we talk about it that she will tell me when shes ready

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I didn’t really have a choice. I was in 8th grade when I was put on birth control. Had my period since i was in the 5th grade, always bled really heavy, it got to the point that I became anemic and was going to need a blood transfusion. The doctor told me I should take birth control for iron. I still had heavy bleeding but was no longer anemic.

But I think it all depends on the daughter, when she starts being heavily interested in boys and when she decides to start having sex. Or after you have “the talk” with them.

That should be up to your daughter not mom and dad.


What people often fail to realize is that bc is not just birth control … it helps with the symptoms of a period . As well. I bled soo much from my period that I was put on it for that reason … so as soon as she has a couple periods then I’d discuss it with her … if she’s having a tough time with cramps and or bleeding way too heavy to the point of iron supplements being recommended then time to have that conversation. 13 years old I’d say if it were my daughter based on that medical history. Basically when she starts to notice guys is another answer

I was 15. My sister asked me if I was sexually actively and took me. So very thankful for that.

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You can start BC as soon as periods start. However, the type a young lady uses can depend on age and they type of menses she has. Under 16 is usually a pill to help manage the hormones and keep the cycle on track and even make it more tolerable for the young lady if it’s heavy or irregular


I would that depends as it can be used to regulate ur period. But ultimately its a discussion ur daughter should have with her gp with mum and dads support.


I just started my daughter. Shes 15 and has had her cycle for about 2 years. She says it has helped.

Honestly, it all depends. I was in 6th grade but the only reason I had been put on it, was to regular my period. I didn’t even know it was birth control till much later. I was on the patch.:woman_shrugging:t2:

Talk to your daughter
If she’s got a boyfriend then yes
To be honest nothing to do with you or dad it’s your daughters choice


It depends. Is it for creating a regular cycle or for actual birth control?

Maybe a conversation with your daughters doctor would be better.


Y would u ask on this site?


When she becomes sexually active


I started at 12. I started because I had heavy bleeding for 9-12 days when I had periods. On birth control I had a light period every 3 months


As soon as she starts her first period. Those hormones start raging!!!


Honestly whenever she’s ready however I would explain the risks of taking birth control very seriously to a lot of young girls getting their first birth control pills is like a fashion statement it doesn’t always mean that they’re having sex when I was I child I asked my mom about it before a boy even showed interest in me because I wanted to be “grownup” I took birth control for years before I ever had sex and winded up with serious issues and a lot of weight gain by 18 I was almost 300lbs if she still wants it after knowing the risks then I say sure but if I could go back I wouldn’t have ever started birth control and just used physical contraceptives and plan B

I got on birth control because my periods were absolutely fckin insane.
It caused me to miss so much school that I had to pay to graduate.
Getting on birth control completely stopped it all…no more cramps or bleeding for years <3
Birth control helps with more than keeping a pregnacy away

Both of our daughters, after a lot of conversations with both of them, started a few months after they started their periods. One was 13, the other was 14. Have conversations with your daughter(s), be open and honest. Pro’s and con’s. Talk with their doctor.


Each child is different and there are mang reason for birth control. I would talk to a dr.


Like 12. Do you want to be grandparents too young?


Thats totally up to her. I didn’t have any birth control until I was sixteen.


According to the US government at the age of 18 according to Facebook at the age of 14.

One’s children should at least be a legal adult b4 accepting and conforming to a teenagers ideas


I was 13. Not sexually active at all. Used it for severe periods.


I would have to say that’s up to your daughter. My oldest daughter got her period when she was 9. I personally wouldn’t advise bc at that age, unless she’s having problems.

My dr told me once they are sexually active or planning to be that was 16 for my daughter unless medical reasons

11-13 i only say inbetween these ages because my little brother is 13 and reading the messages that he exchanges with girls his age is extremely worriesome with how sexual they talk. I’m finding out that this is the age now when kids are trying to start being a sexual as possible ( regardless of how the family has raised them/has tried to delay this stuff😅)

I got my oldest daughter on a mirena best thing out last for 5 years

I never took birth control until after I had my 2nd child, I was 20 :sweat_smile:

I started my daughter at 15… only because she had horrible cramps