What age should girls start birth control?

If she is having bad periods then ask gyn to check for early pcos and endometriosis. I have PCOS. Wish I would have known in HS. I developed it early. Some develope it after having children. It sucks and do the ones that she would naturally be on for her age…like estrogen/progesterone. 13 is usually a little early. But I would let her own hormones work themselves out because it is natural for the hormonal up and downs unless it is pcos.

I was 13 due to heavy,painful periods. I wasn’t sexually active until the age of 15.


Idk I didn’t start my period till 15-16… 12 is way to young

When your child is wanting to hang out more & more with the opposite sex. You’ll get that gut feeling & just know. Sooner rather than later is definitely better.


Well it can be prescribed for acne, so 13?
Girls in my class didn’t start having sex til 15, as far as what any of them said back then.

it all depends on the why i wished i had as might of not had such bad cramps as a teenager or the 2 miscarriages 1st at 15 second at 16 but definitely talk to gp and dont make her feel like she done anything wrong


Gosh I was 18. Sexually active earlier with out my parents knowing. I’d talk to my child and see what they think. If they going to have sex, they will do it. Rather be safe than sorry

I was 11… but it was used then to regulate me. It was like 4 or 5 years later I was “active”

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I asked for it. Every kid is different. Let them ask for it.

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best when she has a boyfriend just ensure she knows it,s not permission but a precaution

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When they become sexually active.

I started birth control at 15 without my father’s consent… I will start my daughter at the same age…

Children should not be on birth control.women who become sexually active need birth control


Ok so here’s there hard things ppl don’t talk about ask you selves these questions…

1.is she boy crazy
2.is she easily talked into things
3. Can you completely trust her?
4. Could she go on this for a medical reason such as bad periods?
5. Do you want to prevent pregnancy even if you trust her not to have sex😔?

See birth control is given for so many options, I have an almost 13 year old who will end up on it for her periods. She is not boy crazy in fact she wants nothing to do with them she has no desire to date or anything she’d rather race or hunt. It’s not the point the point is there are so many we can not see being here on Facebook, that factor in on the decision to start or not start this.

Your husband probably sees it as a passport to be a hooker lol forgive the wording. Maybe help him see that there are many benefits and risks to having her on birth control

It depends on your child and what she’s like. Some kids I’d say 13, others I’d say 15 or 16.

My advice is ask a doctor, not unqualified strangers on social media.


I started birth control at 13 to help with severe periods and migraines. There are many reasons to take birth control other than being sexually active. Speak to a doctor for information first.


I was around 12. But I had other health problems that it would help benefit me from taking it I didn’t get on it because I was sexually active.

It depends entirely on the individual. Personally, if my daughter needed bc pills for severe cramps or regulating periods, I wouldn’t have a problem with it at all. And if she wanted birth control because she didn’t want to get pregnant, I’d be grateful she was being smart and felt comfortable talking with me about it. I’d rather she be safe, protected from STDs and not pregnant until she is ready to be.

I think there is no right or wrong age. If she is asking about it, it’s time.

Literally the age where you ask the question…


My daughter started at 13 due to heavy/painful/irregular periods and bad acne. Nothing to do with sexual activity at all. But I know that one day she will be and I would rather that she has safe sex than bury my head in the sand. Safe is better than sorry.

Instead just buy 50 condoms and leave them in her room.

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Being that i suffer from Endometriosis, at age 12 or 13 i was place on Birth control to help with the pain. Although I had to go through several brands before I found one that was suitable for my body. I wouldn’t recommend it. Teaching them the value big self love and respect, means sex is not an option until marriage or bat least in a long term committed relationship, being age 21+. Many will say wishful thinking. This is how I raised mine… And I’m very PROUD. Only sickos think sex is ok at a young age.

If you are asking then it’s probably time…


For theses hot azz children of today…at Birth!!


Stupid question…there is no age…differs for every child

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My stepdaughters were started at 15. If you suspect any sex might happen after menarche, better safe than sorry. I was 16.

Ask your child’s pediatrician since they would know if your child has any health issues and which one would be best.

This is a stupid question as a lot of the time it’s for health reasons not actual birth control. Whatever age they are at when it can help them.

Depends on your child’s lifestyle.


Ask the child is she needs/ wants to go on birth control


I was 16 and it was because of really bad cramps and heavy flowing

Whenever you believe and/or your child indicates their desire to be sexual with others


Your daughter needs to be in on this conversation too


It should absolutely not be YOUR decision. Your daughter should be able to say hey I feel like it’s time or hey can we start thinking about this. My cousins mom put her on it the summer before high school. She was on it till she got married (same one) and she was 26/27 when she married got off tried to have a baby and was told after seeing 3 different fertility drs the BC she was on started to early and was on so long she can’t have kids now. They have even been unable with IVF. So it very much shouldn’t be YOUR decision.

I did my daughter at 13…

when they start having sex noot to early there are many yrs they need to b on it

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16 is a good age to start unless there is a medical issue I don’t see why you would start earlier .


I started at 13. I also started having sex at 13. So it was needed. My mom made me comfortable enough to come to her and talk about it. And she didn’t judge me, she just brought me to planned Parenthood. I had the depo shot and I used birth control.


When she gets her period and its been a few months. After you see her period is heavy then i recommend it. My dad would not let me because " sex" so i suffered with bad periods for so long he finally let me at like 17


I was 15…but i should’ve been on it long before that…your daughter may need it to regulate her cycle or for cysts, mucg earlier than you’re trying to plan for…

I tried to get my daughter (13) on it last week for heavy periods and her being anemic. Her doctor refused to put her on it. She will be in 9th grade and afraid of gym class because she “gushes” everytime she moves. I feel so bad, time for a new dr!


Depends if its for to make the menstruation cycle easier for teens to have the ability to function better in every day activities such as sports etc

I had this dilemma earlier this year. My daughter is 16. She is not sexually active, but has her first long term relationship. AS FAR AS I KNOW, she has no intentions of being active. But…as a smart motivated young woman that found herself for various reasons having sex and getting pregnant at 16, I dont want to take chances. I asked if she would feel comfortable telling me and she said she wasnt sure, so I had my answer. She has the pill now, for when she decides to use it and has my permission at the gynecologist to change/get different or more. I tell her often how important it is and how special it is in a relationship to be committed, to not be used, and how much it would be to share that first experience with her life partner, someone she knows she has a commitment and lifelong expectations from. She knows its not what I want and that I really dont condone it. But I know she has a mind of her own and Im just trying to give her the tools to help her in her future.

This is a testimony that I will tell to every one to hear. I have been married four 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years until I met a post where this man DR KONE have helped someone and I decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover back home and believe me I just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, I saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why I am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. His email: com or message him

When the period starts. Birth control is a preventative measure only works if done before the deed.

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It isn’t about age. It is about the need for it. If she is having female issues or is starting to be sexually active then she needs it.

I started around 13 - 14 .but I wanted period control so that was a BIG part of it.

I started on the birth control pill at 15. My mother would not allow it so I took myself to Planned Parenthood. If your kid wants the medicine, she’s going to find a way to get it.
I needed this medicine to stop the debilitating cramping and heavy flow of blood that I experience without it. And it works very well for that purpose.
I stopped taking my pill in my 20’s and became pregnant within 2months. From my experience, infertility issues due to the birth control pill are not ‘a thing’.
My mother assumed that if I was going to be on the pill that meant I was going to start having sex. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 17. Just because a girl is on the pill doesn’t mean she’s having sex. But if she should decide that IS her purpose for taking the pill my advice would be to definitely have a talk with her about STILL having to use other protection to guard from STDs. She needs to understand that just because she’s on the pill doesn’t mean she can or should have sex without a condom.

By the age of 15, when I was in school for about a year every month I had a friend who had a baby I was 17 and my month was April to give birth!!

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Just be cautious I had two coworkers get breast cancer and am finding out breast cancer is caused from to much estrogen. Not from smoking. Birth control can cause cancer just do your research. And TALK to your daughter and drill in her head that STD’S are no joke and having a baby is a HUGE responsibility. Always make sure she has condoms with her because STDs no pill will stop that!!

When her period starts . Mine was hell on wheels so I got on at 17

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Well when you think she might be sexually active. But you’re better giving advice on condoms. I mean to go on the contraceptive pill at 13 when there’s no need is dumb. So many side effects. Not every kids is sexually active at that age. I wasn’t.


Birth control can be used for different reasons. My daughter is 15. But not sexually active. However, she needs the pill to regulate her period, as it was out of control for a while.

I got the implant not long after I turned 16

Between 13 and 15 is a safe place start. But dad really doesn’t have say as he’s not a female. It’s a conversation between mom and daughter. In my opinion men don’t have a say when it somes to the female reproduction system.


I was 13/14
I had really horrible periods with endometriosis so it depends on there young women

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I didn’t go on birth control until I was 18. I mean there wasn’t any need for it until then because I was more concerned with school and work than having sex through school so my mom made me get on it when I decided to start having sex. I wouldn’t start birth control at such a young age anyways because it’s really not good for your body, but there are other ways to avoid getting pregnant.

I am not a parent, but personally I’ve been on birth control since I was around 9. (I had to take a medication for severe acne that could cause birth defects so it was a requirement to be on birth control). Anyways, I would recommend other than for medical reasons, that birth control be started for balancing hormones when puberty sets in, and for any other reasons to start when sexually active. For those who start being sexually active young or start puberty young, I would suggest the pill bc it had the least amount of negative symptoms, and for when they’re older (late teens) an implant is definitely the way to go. I discourage the depo shot, bc of the violent mood swings and weight gain, but that’s just my personal opinion and not everyones bodies are the same so it may work for someone else…


I was 12 when I got on mine. It’s helped immensely.

I would say 15 or 16. Some parents are good at teaching their girls the facts of life, but then you have the parents that dont teach their girls much or just dont care and that’s why the grandparents take care of the kids. But then again your girl your choice.

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Sexually active=Birth control. Education in safe sex can save them from disease, not just pregnancy


End it by asking him what age he’d like to become a grandparent :woman_shrugging:

I believe when they start acting like a boy crazy fool, or showing an interest in boys…go ahead and start it. Better safe than sorry. Some are like wild horses set free, some stay demure and wait. Nowadays, it’s more like keeping up with the crowd. Virginity is not taught by most mothers now, as something precious to hold onto until the one who deserves it comes along. So rather than a baby with a baby…birth control.

Some girls need to start as soon as they start getting their menstrual for medical reasons. But I feel earliest is best . Better safe than sorry


When they feel they are going to be sexually active


Talk to your Doctor… preferably at age 18

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My daughter is about to be 12 and she is going on b.c. I discussed it with her pediatrician and she said 12. My daughter gets really bad cramps and discomfort during her periods and has had them for 2 years already, she also has difficulty controlling herself when she is hormonal, so we are hoping it will help her with cramping and extreme mood swings. She will start in the beginning of august!


I started at 14 or 15 just due to horrible periods. It didn’t change my opinion about having sex before I was ready and was still a few years later before I lost my virginity. In my opinion being informed early is a good thing and a precaution. My dad wasn’t a fan of me starting that early either. I don’t think there’s a set age of being too young. Whenever she is comfortable and you are comfortable. Men don’t get it lol

I was a freshman in high school when I started the pill, but I wanted it sooner to help with my periods since it was very irregular. And I mean one month it’s be heavy the next month it’s be light, sometimes I would even go a couple months without😬

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It all depends… Some people like 9 year olds just to regulate their period, (hopefully they don’t get it that early but some do) some because of underlying medical issues. some teenagers just strictly due to sexual activity… If she has a clinic in a high scholl that’ll give it to her she can have it without you even knowing. So talk to your daughter about it. Its a case by case situation tbh.

Soon as they start f****

Dose it not depends on your child it self, if you have a good relationship with your daughter and talk to her about things im sure she will come up to you when she is reddy to talk the step. But you need to to talk to her

I would say as early as necessary for their body. 12 seems to be a pretty fair age for them to be ready to start it for menstrual regulation and easing menstrual symptoms. I think I started birth control somewhere between 12-14 years old I honestly don’t remember the exact age. I had unbelievably heavy and painful periods from the get go and birth control was the only thing that made it somewhat manageable. It had nothing to do with me being sexually active until I was in my older teen years. If it is solely for the purpose of being sexually active I feel that it’s incredibly important that the parents be sure their daughter and any child are well educated on what they’re doing and the consequences of their actions that they may not be prepared to handle at their age. In that regard 16 or when the parents feels necessary if their child is sexually active.

My girls are never going to get it. That shit is poison, it messes up their bodies in the long run. Synthetic hormones are no good for developing teens even grown women. This is just my opinion from the research I’ve done.


If you think they should be on, if they ask to be on it, if it’s for mood control, or to actually prevent pregnancy all good reasons to get on birth control

As soon as they sexually active. If they too young sexually active they should be on it they not a baby no more. If it’s for a medical reason then it’s pretty much clear also

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I put my daughter on it when she was 13. She was having issues and her Dr and I agreed the pill would most likely help. It did…

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All the idiots in the comments thinking sex only equals bc :roll_eyes: its used for other reasons as well. Educate yourselves


15 16 my daughter will be 16. I’d rather try to prevent it and talk it about the risk, stds, etc… unless it’s medical reasons

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My daughter had to start it at 13 because of ovarian cysts. I feel like it helped her acne and overall mood as well.

I got on it when I was 13 because I have PCOS. When I got in it my dad told me just because I was ok the pill, didn’t mean I could go around having sex. I was on it for 19 years and it helped me out so much. My sister on the other had started it later and had a lot of problems with it. Everyone’s body is different m, it’s up to parents, the child and their doctor to find what’s best for her.

Freshman year so 14/15

If it is medical than as soon as the problem presents itself with the girl’s cycle. If for non-medical, I think as soon as your child will be veering towards being sexually active.

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When they start their period (if they have bad symptoms) or once they start dating.


Synthetic hormones are being used in most birth control methods today. These aren’t good for anyone’s body… Do your research and you’ll see.

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My daughter was 10 when her period started and by 11 she had to go on B.C. because she would bleed for up to 20 day’s and was almost admitted a few time’s for a blood transfusion so her doctor put her on them.

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When she becomes sexually active or if medically necessary (severe cramps), cysts, etc.

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I have a 14 year old and 10 year old. The periods are really rough for her. We will be doing it for that reason. Not because she dates boys. I agree with other comments. Momma and daughter conversation. Dads think it’s an advertisement to let them have sex. That is not the case at all.


I got put on the pill at 13 just cuz I had heavy periods that would cause migraines. But that was my mothers decision. I just went along with it. It didnt help.

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My daughter and I were both 9 because our periods started and were so unpredictable and heavy with severe cramping and the pill helped both of us. But didn’t stop me from getting pregnant. I have 4 kids three which were created during birth control

Whats.this got to do with fingernails

My daughter has been on it since she was 14 because of painful monthly’s but i guess if they are asking than it’s time. It’s a difficult issue for sure

I think 12 or 13. In this crazy world child molesters and rapes I just think why bring a unwanted pregnancy in this world

My parents had me on birth control when I was 11/12 and they made sure that I took it every, single day until I was 18

When they start their period. It helps to regulate them also

14 and up… If she’s crazy about boys… And it’s best to start at 14 in case of rapes

I was 13 when I got on birth control bc the cramps and bleeding were so bad. Birth control is still tabu for some bc when they think of it, sexually active comes to mind… which isn’t the case for all.

I would say if you are having periods then you are old enough for BC… However, with that said be aware of the health challenges that may come of you (or you daughter) take birth control for too long… I would be teaching your daughter about the importance condoms and safe sex as well but encourage her to wait until she is older


As soon as they start their menstruation. I did when I was younger and it made me feel like my body was able to deal with both of them